using System;
using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw;
using Global;
using Global.GlobalClass;
using KillerInstinct.DirectX;
namespace KillerInstinct.Sprites{
public class MineClass : SpriteClass
public MineClass(string file, float x, float y)
frame.Width = 12;
frame.Height = 12;
framesCount = 1;
framesPerRow = 1;
collisionType = CollisionType.Pixel;
Init(file, CONST.COLORKEY_WHITE, x, y);
public override void Update()
public override void ReactToCollision(SpriteClass s)
if (s.GetType() == typeof(ShotClass))
// only explode when hit by certain, POWERFUL shot types
switch (((ShotClass)s).ShotType)
case ShotClass.ShotTypes.Basic:
case ShotClass.ShotTypes.L2:
case ShotClass.ShotTypes.L3:
case ShotClass.ShotTypes.L4:
else if (s.GetType() == typeof(TankClass))
// draw an explosion a little to the upper-left of the shot
global.spriteList.Add(new Sprites.ExplosionClass(CONST.BMP_EXPLOSION, posX-49, posY-49));
global.SC.Play(SoundClass.SOUND_EXPLOSION, false);
// take away some energy from tank who touched
s.Energy -= global.random(20, 30);
// stop their tank
s.speed = 0;