Options.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » PagingLandscape » C# / CSharp Open Source

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RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » PagingLandscape » Options.cs
#region LGPL License


Axiom Game Engine Library

Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA



#region Using Statements

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Data;

using Axiom.Core;

using Axiom.MathLib;

using Axiom.Media;


#region Versioning Information

/// File                Revision

/// ===============================================

/// OgrePagingLandScapeOptions.h      1.13

/// OgrePagingLandScapeOptions.cpp      1.16



namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape{

  /// <summary>

  /// Summary description for IPLOptions.

  /// </summary>

  public sealed class Options : IDisposable


    #region Singleton Implementation


    /// <summary>

    /// Constructor

    /// </summary>

    private Options() 


      this.Data2DFormat = "HeightField";
      this.TextureFormat = "Image";

      this.Landscape_Filename = "";
      this.Landscape_Extension = "";

      this.MatColor = new ColorEx[4];
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        this.MatColor[i] = new ColorEx();

      this.MatHeight = new float[2];
      this.MatHeight[0] = 0f;
      this.MatHeight[1] = 0f;

      this.MaxValue = 5000;
      this.MinValue = 0;

      this.PageSize = 257;
      this.TileSize = 64;
      this.World_Width = 0;
      this.World_Height = 0;

      this.Change_Factor = 1;
      this.Max_Adjacent_Pages = 1;
      this.Max_Preload_Pages = 2;
      this.Renderable_Factor = 10;

      this.Scale = new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );

      this.DistanceLOD = 4;
      this.LOD_Factor = 10;

      this.Num_Renderables = 1000;
      this.Num_Renderables_Increment = 16;
      this.Num_Tiles = 1000;
      this.Num_Tiles_Increment = 16;

      this.CameraThreshold = 5;
      this.VisibilityAngle = 50;

      this.Num_Renderables_Loading = 10;

      this.Lit = false;
      this.Colored = false;

      this.Coverage_Vertex_Color = false; 

      this.Base_Vertex_Color = false; 

      this.Vertex_Shadowed = false; 

      this.Vertex_Instant_Colored = false; 


    private static Options instance = null;

    public static Options Instance 




        if ( instance == null ) instance = new Options();

        return instance;



    #endregion Singleton Implementation

    #region IDisposable Implementation

    public void Dispose()


      if (instance == this) 


        instance = null;



    #endregion IDisposable Implementation

    #region Fields

    /// <summary>

    /// Contain option data loaded during the Load method

    /// </summary>

    private DataSet optionData;

    private DataTable table;

    private DataRow row;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Properties

    public string Data2DFormat;
    public string TextureFormat;

    public string Landscape_Filename;
    public string Landscape_Extension;

    public string Image_Filename;
    public bool ImageNameLoad;

    #region Map Tool Options
    public string Splat_Filename_0;
    public string Splat_Filename_1;
    public string Splat_Filename_2;
    public string Splat_Filename_3;

    public String OutDirectory;

    public bool Paged;
    public bool PVSMap;
    public bool BaseMap;
    public bool RGBMaps;
    public bool ColorMapSplit;
    public bool ColorMapGenerate;
    public bool LightMap;
    public bool NormalMap;
    public bool HeightMap;
    public bool AlphaMaps;
    public bool ShadowMap;
    public bool HorizonMap;
    public bool LitBaseMap;
    public bool LitColorMapSplit;
    public bool LitColorMapGenerate;
    public bool InfiniteMap;
    public bool CoverageMap;
    public bool ElevationMap;
    public bool HeightNormalMap;
    public bool AlphaSplatRGBAMaps;
    public bool AlphaSplatLightMaps;

    public float HeightMapBlurFactor;
    public string ColorMapName;

    public Vector3 Sun;
    public float    Amb;
    public float    Diff;
    public int    Blur;
    // end of MAP TOOL OPTIONS
    #endregion Map Tool Options

    public long MaxValue;            //Compression range for the TC height field
    public long MinValue;

    public long TileSize;
    public long PageSize;            //size of the page.
    public long World_Height;          //world page height, from 0 to height
    public long World_Width;          //world page width, from 0 to width

    public float Change_Factor;        //Determines the value of the change factor for loading/unloading LandScape Pages
    public long Max_Adjacent_Pages;
    public long Max_Preload_Pages;
    public float Visible_Renderables;      //Numbers of visible renderables surrounding the camera
    public float Renderable_Factor;      //Determines the distance of loading and unloading of renderables in renderable numbers

    public Vector3 Scale;

    public float DistanceLOD;          //Distance for the LOD change
    public float LOD_Factor;

    public long Num_Renderables;        //Max number of renderables to use.
    public long Num_Renderables_Increment;    //Number of renderables to add in case we run out of renderables
    public long Num_Tiles;            //Max number of tiles to use.
    public long Num_Tiles_Increment;      //Number of renderables to add in case we run out of renderables

    public float CameraThreshold;        //If the last camera position is >= the the scene is transverse again.
    public float VisibilityAngle;        //Angle to discard renderables
    public long Num_Renderables_Loading;    //Max number of renderable to load in a single Frame.
    public long MaxRenderLevel;
    public ColorEx[] MatColor; //4
    public float[] MatHeight; //2

    public bool Lit;
    public bool Colored;
    public bool Coverage_Vertex_Color;
    public bool Base_Vertex_Color;

    public bool Vertex_Shadowed;

    public bool Vertex_Instant_Colored;

    #endregion // Properties

    public void Load( string filename )


      /* Set up the options */

      //ConfigFile this;

      string val;

      //config.load( filename );

      optionData = new DataSet();


      table = optionData.Tables[0];

      row = table.Rows[0];

      this.Data2DFormat = this.getSetting( "Data2DFormat" );

      this.TextureFormat = this.getSetting( "TextureFormat" );

      val = this.getSetting( "ScaleX" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.Scale.x = float.Parse( val );


      val = this.getSetting( "ScaleY" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.Scale.y = float.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "ScaleZ" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.Scale.z = float.Parse( val );

      if ( Data2DFormat.StartsWith("HeightFieldTC") )


        this.MaxValue = long.Parse( this.getSetting( "MaxValue" )) * (long)this.Scale.y ;

        this.MinValue = long.Parse( this.getSetting( "MinValue" )) * (long)this.Scale.y;




        this.MaxValue = (long)(255 * this.Scale.y);

        this.MinValue = (long)(0 * this.Scale.y);


      this.Landscape_Filename = this.getSetting( "LandScapeFileName" );

      this.Landscape_Extension = this.getSetting( "LandScapeExtension" );

      this.Image_Filename = this.getSetting( "ImageFilename" );
      this.ImageNameLoad = (this.Image_Filename != string.Empty);

      this.Colored = ( this.getSetting( "VertexColors" ) == "yes" );

      this.Coverage_Vertex_Color = (this.getSetting( "CoverageVertexColor" ) == "yes" );
      this.Base_Vertex_Color = (this.getSetting( "BaseVertexColor" ) == "yes" );
      this.Vertex_Shadowed = (this.getSetting( "BaseVertexShadow" ) == "yes" );
      this.Vertex_Instant_Colored = (this.getSetting( "BaseVertexInstantColor" ) == "yes" );

      // Make sure If we are Shadowed then We are Instant Colored
      if (this.Vertex_Shadowed) this.Vertex_Instant_Colored = true;

      if (this.Coverage_Vertex_Color || this.Base_Vertex_Color ||
        this.Vertex_Shadowed || this.Vertex_Instant_Colored)
        this.Colored = true;

      this.Lit = ( this.getSetting( "VertexNormals" ) == "yes" );

      this.Splat_Filename_0 = this.getSetting( "SplatFilename0" );
      this.Splat_Filename_1 = this.getSetting( "SplatFilename1" );
      this.Splat_Filename_2 = this.getSetting( "SplatFilename2" );
      this.Splat_Filename_3 = this.getSetting( "SplatFilename3" );

         // TODO: Why is this commented out??? If those filenames are not present then these should be skipped (unless they are no longer needed)
//      this.MatColor[0] = getAvgColor( this.Splat_Filename_0 );

//      this.MatColor[1] = getAvgColor( this.Splat_Filename_1 );

//      this.MatColor[2] = getAvgColor( this.Splat_Filename_2 );

//      this.MatColor[3] = getAvgColor( this.Splat_Filename_3 );

      float divider = ( MaxValue - MinValue ) / 255.0f;

         // FH 06/17/2005: Got an exception when not supplying these...
         if ((val = this.getSetting( "MaterialHeight1" )) != string.Empty)
            this.MatHeight[0] = float.Parse( val );

      this.MatHeight[0] = this.MatHeight[0] * divider;

         if ((val = this.getSetting( "MaterialHeight2" )) != string.Empty)
            this.MatHeight[1] = float.Parse( val );

      this.MatHeight[1] = this.MatHeight[1] * divider;

      val = this.getSetting( "MaxNumRenderables" );
      if (val != string.Empty )  this.Num_Renderables = long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "IncrementRenderables" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) this.Num_Renderables_Increment =  long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "MaxNumTiles" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) this.Num_Tiles = long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "IncrementTiles" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) this.Num_Tiles_Increment =  long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "CameraThreshold" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.CameraThreshold = float.Parse( val );

      // To avoid the use of a square root.

      this.CameraThreshold *= this.CameraThreshold;


      val = this.getSetting( "VisibilityAngle" );

      if (val != string.Empty ) this.VisibilityAngle = float.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "NumRenderablesLoading" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.Num_Renderables_Loading = long.Parse( val );


      val = this.getSetting( "MaxAdjacentPages" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.Max_Adjacent_Pages = long.Parse( val );


      val = this.getSetting( "MaxPreloadedPages" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.Max_Preload_Pages = long.Parse( val );


      val = this.getSetting( "Height" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.World_Height = long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "Width" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.World_Width = long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "PageSize" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.PageSize = long.Parse( val );

      val = this.getSetting( "TileSize" );

      if ( val != string.Empty ) this.TileSize = long.Parse( val );


      val = this.getSetting( "MaxRenderLevel" );

      if (val != string.Empty )  this.MaxRenderLevel = long.Parse( val );
      if (this.MaxRenderLevel == 0)
        while ((long)(1 << (int)this.MaxRenderLevel) < this.TileSize)

      val = this.getSetting( "ChangeFactor" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) this.Change_Factor = float.Parse( val  ) * ( this.PageSize / 9 );

      val = this.getSetting( "VisibleRenderables" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) this.Visible_Renderables = float.Parse( val );
      // compute the actual distance as a square
      this.Renderable_Factor = this.Visible_Renderables * ( this.TileSize * this.Scale.x + this.TileSize * this.Scale.z );
      this.Renderable_Factor *= this.Renderable_Factor;

      val = this.getSetting( "DistanceLOD" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) this.DistanceLOD = float.Parse( val );
      // Compute the actual distance as a square
      this.LOD_Factor = this.DistanceLOD * ( this.TileSize * this.Scale.x + this.TileSize * this.Scale.z );
      this.LOD_Factor *= this.LOD_Factor;

      this.Paged = (this.getSetting( "Paged" ) == "yes" );

      this.OutDirectory = this.getSetting( "OutDirectory" );
      if ( OutDirectory.StartsWith( "LandScapeFileName") == true )
        this.OutDirectory = this.Landscape_Filename;

      this.PVSMap = (this.getSetting( "PVSMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.BaseMap = (this.getSetting( "BaseMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.RGBMaps = (this.getSetting( "RGBMaps" ) == "yes" );
      this.ColorMapGenerate = (this.getSetting( "ColorMapGenerate" ) == "yes" );
      this.ColorMapSplit = (this.getSetting( "ColorMapSplit" ) == "yes" );
      this.LightMap = (this.getSetting( "LightMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.NormalMap = (this.getSetting( "NormalMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.HeightMap = (this.getSetting( "HeightMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.AlphaMaps = (this.getSetting( "AlphaMaps" ) == "yes" );
      this.ShadowMap = (this.getSetting( "ShadowMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.HorizonMap = (this.getSetting( "HorizonMap" ) == "yes" );  
      this.LitBaseMap = (this.getSetting( "LitBaseMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.InfiniteMap = (this.getSetting( "InfiniteMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.CoverageMap = (this.getSetting( "CoverageMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.LitColorMapGenerate = (this.getSetting( "LitColorMapGenerate" ) == "yes" );
      this.LitColorMapSplit = (this.getSetting( "LitColorMapSplit" ) == "yes" );
      this.ElevationMap= (this.getSetting( "ElevationMap" ) == "yes" ); 
      this.HeightNormalMap = (this.getSetting( "HeightNormalMap" ) == "yes" );
      this.AlphaSplatRGBAMaps =  (this.getSetting( "AlphaSplatRGBAMaps" ) == "yes" );
      this.AlphaSplatLightMaps = (this.getSetting( "AlphaSplatLightMaps" ) == "yes" );

      this.ColorMapName  = this.getSetting( "ColorMapName" );

      val = this.getSetting( "HeightMapBlurFactor" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) HeightMapBlurFactor = float.Parse( val );

      Sun = new Vector3();
      val =this.getSetting( "SunX" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) Sun.x = float.Parse( val );
      val =this.getSetting( "SunY" ); 
      if (val != string.Empty ) Sun.y = float.Parse( val );
      val =this.getSetting( "SunZ" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) Sun.z = float.Parse( val );

      val =this.getSetting( "Ambient" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) Amb = float.Parse( val );

      val =this.getSetting( "Diffuse" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) Diff = float.Parse( val );

      val =this.getSetting( "Blur" );
      if (val != string.Empty ) Blur = int.Parse( val );

    public bool setOption( string strKey, object pValue )
      if ( strKey == "VisibleRenderables" )
        Visible_Renderables = (int)  pValue ;
        // compute the actual distance as a square
        Renderable_Factor = Visible_Renderables * ( TileSize * Scale.x + TileSize * Scale.z );
        Renderable_Factor *= Renderable_Factor;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "DistanceLOD" )
        DistanceLOD = (float) ( pValue );
        // Compute the actual distance as a square
        LOD_Factor = DistanceLOD * ( TileSize * Scale.x + TileSize * Scale.z );
        LOD_Factor *= LOD_Factor;
        return true;

      return false;


    public bool getOption( string strKey, object pDestValue )
      if ( strKey == "VisibleRenderables" )
        pDestValue = Visible_Renderables;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "DistanceLOD" )
        pDestValue = DistanceLOD;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "VisibleDistance" )
        // we need to return the square root of the distance
        pDestValue =  Math.Sqrt (Renderable_Factor);
      if ( strKey == "VisibleLOD" )
        // we need to return the square root of the distance
        pDestValue =  Math.Sqrt (LOD_Factor);
      // Some options proposed by Praetor
      if ( strKey == "Width" )
        pDestValue = World_Width;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "Height" )
        pDestValue = World_Height;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "PageSize" )
        pDestValue = PageSize;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleX" )
        pDestValue = Scale.x;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleY" )
        pDestValue = Scale.y;
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleZ" )
        pDestValue = Scale.z;
        return true;
      return false;

    public bool hasOption( string strKey )
      if ( strKey == "VisibleRenderables" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "DistanceLOD" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "VisibleDistance" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "VisibleLOD" )
        return true;
      // Some options proposed by Praetor
      if ( strKey == "Width" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "Height" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "PageSize" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleX" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleY" )
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleZ" )
        return true;
      return false;

    public bool getOptionValues( string strKey, ArrayList refValueList )
      if ( strKey == "VisibleRenderables" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "DistanceLOD" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "VisibleDistance" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "VisibleLOD" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "Width" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "Height" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "PageSize" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleX" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleY" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      if ( strKey == "ScaleZ" )
        refValueList.Add(new object());
        return true;
      return false;

    public bool getOptionKeys( ArrayList refKeys )  

      refKeys.Add( "VisibleRenderables" );
      refKeys.Add( "DistanceLOD" );
      refKeys.Add( "VisibleDistance" );
      refKeys.Add( "VisibleLOD" );
      // Some options from Praetor
      refKeys.Add( "Width" );
      refKeys.Add( "Height" );
      refKeys.Add( "PageSize" );
      refKeys.Add( "ScaleX" );
      refKeys.Add( "ScaleY" );
      refKeys.Add( "ScaleZ" );
      return true;

    private string getSetting( string setting )


      if(table.Columns[setting] != null) 


        return (string)row[setting];


      return "";


    private ColorEx getAvgColor(string tex)


    Image img = Image.FromFile(tex);

    int bpp = Image.GetNumElemBytes( img.Format );

    byte[] data = img.Data;

    int cr = 0, cg = 0, cb = 0, s = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < img.Size; i += bpp)


        cr += data[i];

        cg += data[i+1];

        cb += data[i+2];



      cr /= s;

      cg /= s;

      cb /= s;

      return new ColorEx(cr / 255.0F, cg / 255.0F, cb / 255.0F, 1);




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