#region LGPL License
Axiom Game Engine Library
Copyright (C) 2003 Axiom Project Team
The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code
contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented
Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at http://ogre.sourceforge.net.
Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#endregion LGPL License
#region Using Directives
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.MathLib;
using Axiom.Collections;
using Axiom.Media;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Collections;
#endregion Using Directives
namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Renderable{
enum Stitch_Shift : int
North = 0,
South = 8,
West = 16,
East = 24
enum Stitch_Direction : long
North = 128L << Stitch_Shift.North,
South = 128L << Stitch_Shift.South,
West = 128L << Stitch_Shift.West,
East = 128L << Stitch_Shift.East
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for IndexBuffer.
/// </summary>
public class IndexBuffer: IDisposable
#region Fields
protected long tileSize;
protected ArrayList cache;
/// Shared array of IndexData (reuse indexes across tiles)
protected ArrayList levelIndex;
// Store the indexes for every combination
protected long numIndexes;
#endregion Fields
#region Singleton Implementation
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public IndexBuffer()
if (instance != null)
throw new ApplicationException("IndexBuffer.Constructor() called twice!");
instance = this;
tileSize = Options.Instance.TileSize + 1;
numIndexes = Options.Instance.MaxRenderLevel + 1;
//mLevelIndex.reserve (mNumIndexes);
cache = new ArrayList();
levelIndex = new ArrayList((int)numIndexes);
for ( long i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++ )
levelIndex.Add( new Map() );
private static IndexBuffer instance = null;
public static IndexBuffer Instance
return instance;
#endregion Singleton Implementation
#region IDisposable Implementation
public void Dispose()
if (instance == this)
instance = null;
#endregion IDisposable Implementation
//public IndexData GetIndex( int LOD)
/** Utility method to generate stitching indexes on the edge of a tile
@param neighbor The neighbor direction to stitch
@param hiLOD The LOD of this tile
@param loLOD The LOD of the neighbor
@param omitFirstTri Whether the first tri of the stitch (always clockwise
relative to the centre of this tile) is to be omitted because an
adjoining edge is also being stitched
@param omitLastTri Whether the last tri of the stitch (always clockwise
relative to the centre of this tile) is to be omitted because an
adjoining edge is also being stitched
@param pIdx Pointer to a pointer to the index buffer to push the results
into (this pointer will be updated)
@returns The number of indexes added
public long StitchEdge(Neighbor neighbor, long hiLOD, long loLOD, bool omitFirstTri, bool omitLastTri, IntPtr Idx, ref long pos)
Debug.Assert( loLOD > hiLOD );
Now do the stitching; we can stitch from any level to any level.
The stitch pattern is like this for each pair of vertices in the lower LOD
(excuse the poor ascii art):
lower LOD
|\ \ 3 / /|
|1\2 \ / 4/5|
higher LOD
The algorithm is, for each pair of lower LOD vertices:
1. Iterate over the higher LOD vertices, generating tris connected to the
first lower LOD vertex, up to and including 1/2 the span of the lower LOD
over the higher LOD (tris 1-2). Skip the first tri if it is on the edge
of the tile and that edge is to be stitched itself.
2. Generate a single tri for the middle using the 2 lower LOD vertices and
the middle vertex of the higher LOD (tri 3).
3. Iterate over the higher LOD vertices from 1/2 the span of the lower LOD
to the end, generating tris connected to the second lower LOD vertex
(tris 4-5). Skip the last tri if it is on the edge of a tile and that
edge is to be stitched itself.
The same algorithm works for all edges of the patch; stitching is done
clockwise so that the origin and steps used change, but the general
approach does not.
// Work out the steps ie how to increment indexes
// Step from one vertex to another in the high detail version
int step = 1 << (int)hiLOD;
// Step from one vertex to another in the low detail version
int superstep = 1 << (int)loLOD;
// Step half way between low detail steps
int halfsuperstep = superstep >> 1;
// Work out the starting points and sign of increments
// We always work the strip clockwise
int startx = 0, starty = 0, endx = 0, rowstep = 0;
bool horizontal = false;
case Neighbor.North:
startx = starty = 0;
endx = (int)this.tileSize - 1;
rowstep = step;
horizontal = true;
case Neighbor.South:
// invert x AND y direction, helps to keep same winding
startx = starty = (int)this.tileSize - 1;
endx = 0;
rowstep = -step;
step = -step;
superstep = -superstep;
halfsuperstep = -halfsuperstep;
horizontal = true;
case Neighbor.East:
startx = 0;
endx = (int)this.tileSize - 1;
starty = (int)this.tileSize - 1;
rowstep = -step;
horizontal = false;
case Neighbor.West:
startx = (int)this.tileSize - 1;
endx = 0;
starty = 0;
rowstep = step;
step = -step;
superstep = -superstep;
halfsuperstep = -halfsuperstep;
horizontal = false;
long numStitches = 0;
ushort* pIdx = (ushort *)Idx.ToPointer();
for ( int j = startx; j != endx; j += superstep )
int k;
for (k = 0; k != halfsuperstep; k += step)
int jk = j + k;
//skip the first bit of the corner?
if ( j != startx || k != 0 || !omitFirstTri )
if (horizontal)
pIdx[pos++] = index( j , starty ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( jk, starty + rowstep ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( jk + step, starty + rowstep ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty, j ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty + rowstep, jk ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty + rowstep, jk + step); numStitches++;
// Middle tri
if (horizontal)
pIdx[pos++] = index( j, starty ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( j + halfsuperstep, starty + rowstep); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( j + superstep, starty ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty, j ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty + rowstep, j + halfsuperstep ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty, j + superstep ); numStitches++;
for (k = halfsuperstep; k != superstep; k += step)
int jk = j + k;
if ( j != endx - superstep || k != superstep - step || !omitLastTri )
if (horizontal)
pIdx[pos++] = index( j + superstep, starty ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( jk, starty + rowstep ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( jk + step, starty + rowstep ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty, j + superstep ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty + rowstep, jk ); numStitches++;
pIdx[pos++] = index( starty + rowstep, jk + step ); numStitches++;
return numStitches;
/// Gets the index data for this tile based on current settings
public IndexData GetIndexData( long stitchFlags, long RenderLevel, Renderable[] neighbors)
Debug.Assert (levelIndex[ (int)RenderLevel ] != null);
IEnumerator ii = ((Axiom.Collections.Map)(levelIndex[ (int)RenderLevel ])).Find( (long)stitchFlags );
if ( ii == null)
// Create
IndexData indexData = GenerateTriListIndexes((long)stitchFlags, RenderLevel, neighbors);
((Axiom.Collections.Map)(levelIndex[ (int)RenderLevel ])).Insert((long) stitchFlags, indexData );
return indexData;
return (IndexData)ii.Current;
/// Internal method for generating triangle list terrain indexes
public IndexData GenerateTriListIndexes( long stitchFlags, long RenderLevel, Renderable[] neighbors)
long step = (1L << (int)RenderLevel);
long north = ((stitchFlags & (long)Stitch_Direction.North) != 0 ? step : 0);
long south = ((stitchFlags & (long)Stitch_Direction.South) != 0 ? step : 0);
long east = ((stitchFlags & (long)Stitch_Direction.East) != 0 ? step : 0);
long west = ((stitchFlags & (long)Stitch_Direction.West) != 0 ? step : 0);
long new_length = ( tileSize * tileSize * 6 ) / step;
IndexData indexData = new IndexData();
indexData.indexBuffer =
HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer(IndexType.Size16, (int)new_length, BufferUsage.StaticWriteOnly);
cache.Add( indexData );
/** Returns the index into the height array for the given coordinates. */
IntPtr ipIdx = indexData.indexBuffer.Lock(0,indexData.indexBuffer.Size,BufferLocking.Discard);
numIndexes = 0;
long pos = 0;
long step_offset = step * tileSize;
long height_count = north * tileSize;
ushort* pIdx = (ushort *)ipIdx.ToPointer();
for (long j = north; j < tileSize - 1 - south; j += step )
for (long i = west; i < tileSize - 1 - east; i += step )
pIdx[pos++] = (ushort) (i + height_count); numIndexes++;
pIdx[pos++] = (ushort) (i + height_count + step_offset); numIndexes++;
pIdx[pos++] = (ushort) (i + step + height_count); numIndexes++;
pIdx[pos++] = (ushort) (i + height_count + step_offset); numIndexes++;
pIdx[pos++] = (ushort) (i + step + height_count + step_offset); numIndexes++;
pIdx[pos++] = (ushort) (i + step + height_count); numIndexes++;
height_count += step_offset;
// North stitching
if ( north != 0 )
numIndexes += StitchEdge(Neighbor.North, RenderLevel, neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North].RenderLevel,
west > 0 , east > 0 , ipIdx,ref pos);
// East stitching
if ( east != 0 )
numIndexes += StitchEdge(Neighbor.East, RenderLevel, neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East].RenderLevel,
north > 0, south > 0, ipIdx,ref pos);
// South stitching
if ( south != 0 )
numIndexes += StitchEdge(Neighbor.South, RenderLevel, neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South].RenderLevel,
east > 0 , west > 0, ipIdx,ref pos);
// West stitching
if ( west != 0 )
numIndexes += StitchEdge(Neighbor.West, RenderLevel, neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West].RenderLevel,
south > 0 , north > 0, ipIdx,ref pos);
indexData.indexCount = (int)numIndexes;
indexData.indexStart = 0;
return indexData;
/** Returns the index into the height array for the given coordinates. */
protected ushort index( int x, int z )
return (ushort)(x + z * tileSize);