using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace SokoSolve.Console{
class ConsoleReport : ConsoleCommandBase
public ConsoleReport() : base("REPORT", "Generate an HTML report for a puzzle library", "SOLVE -lib:Library.ssx -puz:01", 2)
public override ReturnCodes Execute(ConsoleCommandController controller)
return ReturnCodes.NotImplemented;
///// <summary>
///// Perform configuration
///// </summary>
///// <param name="args"></param>
///// <returns>false if invalid</returns>
//bool BuildParams(string[] args)
// foreach (string arg in args)
// {
// string argL = arg.ToLower();
// if (argL.StartsWith("-s:"))
// {
// source = arg.Remove(0, 3);
// }
// if (argL.StartsWith("-o:"))
// {
// dirOutput = arg.Remove(0, 3);
// }
// if (argL == "-index")
// {
// buildIndex = true;
// }
// if (argL == "-createcss")
// {
// createCSS = true;
// }
// }
// if (dirOutput == null || source == null)
// {
// // Invalid
// System.Console.WriteLine("*** Invalid Parameters");
// System.Console.WriteLine("Required:");
// System.Console.WriteLine(" -s:<Source File, or Source Wildcard>");
// System.Console.WriteLine(" -o:<Output directory>");
// System.Console.WriteLine("Optional:");
// System.Console.WriteLine(" -Index -- Build an index.html file with a table of contents");
// System.Console.WriteLine(" -CreateCSS -- Create a style.css file in the output directory");
// return false;
// }
// return true;
//private string dirOutput;
//private string source;
//private bool buildIndex;
//private bool createCSS;