using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using SokoSolve.Common;
using SokoSolve.Core.Analysis.Solver;
using SokoSolve.Core.Analysis.Solver.SolverStaticAnalysis;
using SokoSolve.Core.Model;
using SokoSolve.Core.Model.Analysis;
using SokoSolve.Core.Model.Services;
namespace SokoSolve.Core.Analysis.Progress{
/// <summary>
/// Allow the solver to keep track of
/// </summary>
public class ProgressComponent
protected SolverProgress store;
private int storeMaxAttempts;
public ProgressComponent()
store = new SolverProgress();
StoreMaxAttempts = 5;
public List<SolverPuzzle> Items
get { return store.Items; }
public int StoreMaxAttempts
get { return storeMaxAttempts; }
if (value < 2) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Must be >= 2");
storeMaxAttempts = value;
public void Load(string fileName)
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SolverProgress));
using(var fs = File.OpenRead(fileName))
store = ser.Deserialize(fs) as SolverProgress;
public void Save(string fileName)
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SolverProgress));
using (var fs = File.CreateText(fileName))
ser.Serialize(fs, store);
public void Add(Library library)
foreach (Puzzle puzzle in library.Puzzles)
foreach (var map in puzzle.Maps)
public int Count
get { return store.Items.Count; }
public string Summary
var best = Items.Where(x => x.HasSolution).OrderByDescending(x => x.Rating).FirstOrDefault();
int total = Items.Count;
var countSolutions = Items.Count(x => x.HasSolution);
if (best == null)
return string.Format("{0}/{1} = {2}%", countSolutions, total, countSolutions*100/total);
return string.Format("{0}/{1} = {2}%, Best Solution={3} for '{4}'", countSolutions, total, countSolutions*100/total, best.Rating, best.Name);
public SolverPuzzle Add(PuzzleMap map)
string[] uniform = GenerateUniformMap(map.Map);
if (Contains(uniform)) return Get(map.Map);
SolverPuzzle nP = new SolverPuzzle();
nP.NormalisedMap = uniform;
nP.Name = string.Format("Library: {0}[{1}], Puzzle: {2}[{3}], MapID: {4}",
nP.Width = map.Map.Size.Width;
nP.Height = map.Map.Size.Height;
if (map.GetDetails().Author != null)
nP.Author = map.GetDetails().Author.Name;
nP.Email = map.GetDetails().Author.Email;
nP.Rating = (float)PuzzleAnalysis.CalcRating(map.Map);
nP.SourceURL = null;
if (map.HasSolution)
nP.BestKnownSolution = Solution.FindBest(map.Solutions).Steps;
nP.Hash = CalculateHash(nP.NormalisedMap);
return nP;
public SolverPuzzle Add(SokobanMap map)
string[] uniform = GenerateUniformMap(map);
if (Contains(uniform)) return Get(map);
SolverPuzzle nP = new SolverPuzzle();
nP.NormalisedMap = uniform;
nP.Name = "";
nP.Width = map.Size.Width;
nP.Height = map.Size.Height;
nP.Author = "";
nP.Email = "";
nP.Rating = (float)PuzzleAnalysis.CalcRating(map);
nP.SourceURL = null;
nP.Hash = CalculateHash(nP.NormalisedMap);
return nP;
static public ulong CalculateHash(string[] strings)
ulong res = 0;
foreach (var row in strings)
res += (ulong)row.GetHashCode();
return res;
public SolverPuzzle Get(SokobanMap Map)
return Get(GenerateUniformMap(Map));
/// <summary>
/// The is a key method. This updates/adds a solver attempt
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SolverPuzzle Update(SolverResult result)
SolverPuzzle record = Get(result.Map);
if (record == null)
record = Add(result.Map);
List<SolverAttempt> items = record.Attempts.Items;
SolverAttempt attempt = new SolverAttempt();
attempt.Created = DateTime.Now;
attempt.ElapsedTime = result.Info.TotalSeconds;
attempt.SolverSummary = result.Summary;
attempt.Result = result.ControllerResult;
attempt.SolverResultInfo = result.Info;
record.Attempts.TotalTime += attempt.ElapsedTime;
if (result.HasSolution)
attempt.Solution = Solution.FindBest(result.Solutions).Steps;
if (record.Attempts.Count > StoreMaxAttempts)
// Keep the best and the wost
SolverAttempt best = FindBest(items);
SolverAttempt worst = FindWorst(items);
if (items.Contains(worst)) items.Remove(worst);
if (items.Contains(attempt)) items.Remove(attempt);
while (items.Count > StoreMaxAttempts - 3)
if (attempt != best) record.Attempts.Add(best);
if (attempt != worst && worst != best) record.Attempts.Add(worst);
return record;
private SolverAttempt FindBest(List<SolverAttempt> attempts)
if (attempts == null || attempts.Count == 0) return null;
SolverAttempt best = attempts[0];
int bestSolutionLen = best.Solution == null ? -1 : best.Solution.Length;
double bestSolutionTime = best.ElapsedTime;
foreach (var attempt in attempts)
if (attempt == best) continue;
int iLen = attempt.Solution == null ? -1 : attempt.Solution.Length;
if (iLen < bestSolutionLen)
best = attempt;
bestSolutionLen = best.Solution == null ? -1 : best.Solution.Length;
bestSolutionTime = best.ElapsedTime;
if (attempt.ElapsedTime < bestSolutionTime)
best = attempt;
bestSolutionLen = iLen;
bestSolutionTime = best.ElapsedTime;
return best;
private SolverAttempt FindWorst(List<SolverAttempt> attempts)
if (attempts == null || attempts.Count == 0) return null;
SolverAttempt worst = attempts[0];
int worstLen = worst.Solution == null ? -1 : worst.Solution.Length;
double worstTime = worst.ElapsedTime;
foreach (var attempt in attempts)
if (attempt == worst) continue;
int iLen = attempt.Solution == null ? -1 : attempt.Solution.Length;
if (iLen > worstLen)
worst = attempt;
worstLen = worst.Solution == null ? -1 : worst.Solution.Length;
worstTime = worst.ElapsedTime;
if (attempt.ElapsedTime > worstTime)
worst = attempt;
worstLen = iLen;
worstTime = worst.ElapsedTime;
return worst;
private int AttemptOrderDefault(SolverAttempt lhs, SolverAttempt rhs)
if (lhs.Solution == null && rhs.Solution != null) return 1;
if (lhs.Solution != null && rhs.Solution == null) return -1;
if (lhs.Solution != null && rhs.Solution != null)
if (lhs.Solution.Length > rhs.Solution.Length) return 1;
if (lhs.Solution.Length < rhs.Solution.Length) return -1;
//TODO... ? I should be much more intelligent about all this...
// Ie. Quality of properties, etc should be preferred
return lhs.ElapsedTime.CompareTo(rhs.ElapsedTime);
protected bool Contains(string[] uniformMap)
return Get(uniformMap) != null;
protected SolverPuzzle Get(string[] uniformMap)
return store.Items.Find(x => Match(x.NormalisedMap, uniformMap));
public bool Match(string[] lhs, string[] rhs)
if (lhs.Length != rhs.Length) return false;
for(int cc=0; cc<lhs.Length; cc++)
if (lhs[cc] != rhs[cc]) return false;
return true;
public string[] GenerateUniformMap(SokobanMap map)
// TODO: Convert all unreachable floor positions to walls
return map.ToStringArray(SokobanMap.StandardEncodeChars);
/// <summary>
/// Sort the items
/// </summary>
public void Sort()
Items.Sort((x,y) => x.Rating.CompareTo(y.Rating));