namespace Microsoft.Deployment.Samples.ManagedCA{
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
public class SampleCAs
public static ActionResult SampleCA1(Session session)
using (Record msgRec = new Record(0))
msgRec[0] = "Hello from SampleCA1!" +
"\r\nCLR version is v" + Environment.Version;
session.Message(InstallMessage.Info, msgRec);
session.Message(InstallMessage.User, msgRec);
session.Log("Testing summary info...");
SummaryInfo summInfo = session.Database.SummaryInfo;
session.Log("MSI PackageCode = {0}", summInfo.RevisionNumber);
session.Log("MSI ModifyDate = {0}", summInfo.LastSaveTime);
string testProp = session["SampleCATest"];
session.Log("Simple property test: [SampleCATest]={0}.", testProp);
session.Log("Testing subdirectory extraction...");
string testFilePath = "testsub\\SampleCAs.cs";
if (!File.Exists(testFilePath))
session.Log("Subdirectory extraction failed. File not found: " + testFilePath);
return ActionResult.Failure;
session.Log("Found file extracted in subdirectory.");
session.Log("Testing record stream extraction...");
string tempFile = null;
tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
using (View binView = session.Database.OpenView(
"SELECT `Binary`.`Data` FROM `Binary`, `CustomAction` " +
"WHERE `CustomAction`.`Target` = 'SampleCA1' AND " +
"`CustomAction`.`Source` = `Binary`.`Name`"))
using (Record binRec = binView.Fetch())
binRec.GetStream(1, tempFile);
session.Log("CA binary file size: {0}", new FileInfo(tempFile).Length);
string binFileVersion = Installer.GetFileVersion(tempFile);
session.Log("CA binary file version: {0}", binFileVersion);
if (tempFile != null && File.Exists(tempFile))
session.Log("Testing record stream reading...");
using (View binView2 = session.Database.OpenView("SELECT `Data` FROM `Binary` WHERE `Name` = 'TestData'"))
using (Record binRec2 = binView2.Fetch())
Stream stream = binRec2.GetStream("Data");
string testData = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8).ReadToEnd();
session.Log("Test data: " + testData);
session.Log("Listing components");
using (View compView = session.Database.OpenView(
"SELECT `Component` FROM `Component`"))
foreach (Record compRec in compView)
using (compRec)
session.Log("\t{0}", compRec["Component"]);
session.Log("Testing the ability to access an external MSI database...");
string tempDbFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
using (Database tempDb = new Database(tempDbFile, DatabaseOpenMode.CreateDirect))
// Just create an empty database.
using (Database tempDb2 = new Database(tempDbFile))
// See if we can open and query the database.
IList<string> tables = tempDb2.ExecuteStringQuery("SELECT `Name` FROM `_Tables`");
session.Log("Found " + tables.Count + " tables in the newly created database.");
return ActionResult.Success;
public static ActionResult SampleCustomAction2(Session session)
using (Record msgRec = new Record(0))
msgRec[0] = "Hello from SampleCA2!";
session.Message(InstallMessage.Info, msgRec);
session.Message(InstallMessage.User, msgRec);
return ActionResult.UserExit;