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C# / CSharp Open Source » Inversion of Control Dependency Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » BaseAST.cs
using System;
using Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.collections;
using StringBuilderSystem.Text.StringBuilder;
using ISerializableSystem.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable;
using TextWriterSystem.IO.TextWriter;
using ArrayListSystem.Collections.ArrayList;
using IEnumeratorSystem.Collections.IEnumerator;

using ASTSpring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.collections.AST;

namespace Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr{
  /*ANTLR Translator Generator
  * Project led by Terence Parr at
  * Software rights:
  * $Id:$
  // ANTLR C# Code Generator by Micheal Jordan
  //                            Kunle Odutola       : kunle UNDERSCORE odutola AT hotmail DOT com
  //                            Anthony Oguntimehin
  // With many thanks to Eric V. Smith from the ANTLR list.

  * A Child-Sibling Tree.
  * A tree with PLUS at the root and with two children 3 and 4 is
  * structured as:
  *    PLUS
  *      |
  *      3 -- 4
  * and can be specified easily in LISP notation as
  * (PLUS 3 4)
  * where every '(' starts a new subtree.
  * These trees are particular useful for translators because of
  * the flexibility of the children lists.  They are also very easy
  * to walk automatically, whereas trees with specific children
  * reference fields can't easily be walked automatically.
  * This class contains the basic support for an AST.
  * Most people will create ASTs that are subclasses of
  * BaseAST or of CommonAST.
  public abstract class BaseAST : AST
    protected internal BaseAST down;
    protected internal BaseAST right;
    private static bool verboseStringConversion = false;
    private static string[] tokenNames = null;

    /*Add a node to the end of the child list for this node */
    public virtual void  addChild(AST node)
      if (node == null)
        return ;
      BaseAST t = this.down;
      if (t != null)
        while (t.right != null)
          t = t.right;
        t.right = (BaseAST) node;
        this.down = (BaseAST) node;
    private void  doWorkForFindAll(ArrayList v, AST target, bool partialMatch)
      AST sibling;
      // Start walking sibling lists, looking for matches.
       for (sibling = this; sibling != null; sibling = sibling.getNextSibling())
        if ((partialMatch && sibling.EqualsTreePartial(target)) || (!partialMatch && sibling.EqualsTree(target)))
        // regardless of match or not, check any children for matches
        if (sibling.getFirstChild() != null)
          ((BaseAST) sibling.getFirstChild()).doWorkForFindAll(v, target, partialMatch);
    public override bool Equals(object obj) 
      if (obj == null) 
        return false;             
      if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType()) 
        return false;             
      return Equals((AST)obj);       
    /*Is node t equal to this in terms of token type and text? */
    public virtual bool Equals(AST t)
      if (t == null)
        return false;

      return  (Object.Equals(this.getText(), t.getText())) && 
          (this.Type == t.Type);
    /*Is t an exact structural and equals() match of this tree.  The
    *  'this' reference is considered the start of a sibling list.
    public virtual bool EqualsList(AST t)
      AST sibling;
      // the empty tree is not a match of any non-null tree.
      if (t == null)
        return false;
      // Otherwise, start walking sibling lists.  First mismatch, return false.
       for (sibling = this; sibling != null && t != null; sibling = sibling.getNextSibling(), t = t.getNextSibling())
        // as a quick optimization, check roots first.
        if (!sibling.Equals(t))
          return false;
        // if roots match, do full list match test on children.
        if (sibling.getFirstChild() != null)
          if (!sibling.getFirstChild().EqualsList(t.getFirstChild()))
            return false;
        else if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
          return false;
      if (sibling == null && t == null)
        return true;
      // one sibling list has more than the other
      return false;
    /*Is 'sub' a subtree of this list?
    *  The siblings of the root are NOT ignored.
    public virtual bool EqualsListPartial(AST sub)
      AST sibling;
      // the empty tree is always a subset of any tree.
      if (sub == null)
        return true;
      // Otherwise, start walking sibling lists.  First mismatch, return false.
       for (sibling = this; sibling != null && sub != null; sibling = sibling.getNextSibling(), sub = sub.getNextSibling())
        // as a quick optimization, check roots first.
        if (!sibling.Equals(sub))
          return false;
        // if roots match, do partial list match test on children.
        if (sibling.getFirstChild() != null)
          if (!sibling.getFirstChild().EqualsListPartial(sub.getFirstChild()))
            return false;
      if (sibling == null && sub != null)
        // nothing left to match in this tree, but subtree has more
        return false;
      // either both are null or sibling has more, but subtree doesn't
      return true;
    /*Is tree rooted at 'this' equal to 't'?  The siblings
    *  of 'this' are ignored.
    public virtual bool EqualsTree(AST t)
      // check roots first.
      if (!this.Equals(t))
        return false;
      // if roots match, do full list match test on children.
      if (this.getFirstChild() != null)
        if (!this.getFirstChild().EqualsList(t.getFirstChild()))
          return false;
      else if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
        return false;
      return true;
    /*Is 't' a subtree of the tree rooted at 'this'?  The siblings
    *  of 'this' are ignored.
    public virtual bool EqualsTreePartial(AST sub)
      // the empty tree is always a subset of any tree.
      if (sub == null)
        return true;
      // check roots first.
      if (!this.Equals(sub))
        return false;
      // if roots match, do full list partial match test on children.
      if (this.getFirstChild() != null)
        if (!this.getFirstChild().EqualsListPartial(sub.getFirstChild()))
          return false;
      return true;
    /*Walk the tree looking for all exact subtree matches.  Return
    *  an IEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list
    *  of subtree roots found herein.
    public virtual IEnumerator findAll(AST target)
      ArrayList roots = new ArrayList(10);
      //AST sibling;
      // the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration
      if (target == null)
        return null;
      doWorkForFindAll(roots, target, false); // find all matches recursively
      return roots.GetEnumerator();
    /*Walk the tree looking for all subtrees.  Return
    *  an IEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list
    *  of subtree roots found herein.
    public virtual IEnumerator findAllPartial(AST sub)
      ArrayList roots = new ArrayList(10);
      //AST sibling;
      // the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration
      if (sub == null)
        return null;
      doWorkForFindAll(roots, sub, true); // find all matches recursively
      return roots.GetEnumerator();
    /*Get the first child of this node; null if not children */
    public virtual AST getFirstChild()
      return down;
    /*Get the next sibling in line after this one */
    public virtual AST getNextSibling()
      return right;
    /*Get the token text for this node */
    public virtual string getText()
      return "";
    /*Get the token type for this node */
    public virtual int Type
      get { return 0; }
      set { ; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Get number of children of this node; if leaf, returns 0
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Number of children</returns>
    public int getNumberOfChildren() 
      BaseAST t = this.down;
      int n = 0;
      if (t != null) 
        n = 1;
        while (t.right != null) 
          t = t.right;
      return n;

    public abstract void  initialize(int t, string txt);
    public abstract void  initialize(AST t);
    public abstract void  initialize(IToken t);
    /*Remove all children */
    public virtual void  removeChildren()
      down = null;
    public virtual void  setFirstChild(AST c)
      down = (BaseAST) c;
    public virtual void  setNextSibling(AST n)
      right = (BaseAST) n;
    /*Set the token text for this node */
    public virtual void  setText(string text)
    /*Set the token type for this node */
    public virtual void  setType(int ttype)
      this.Type = ttype;
    public static void  setVerboseStringConversion(bool verbose, string[] names)
      verboseStringConversion = verbose;
      tokenNames = names;
    override public string ToString()
      StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
      // if verbose and type name not same as text (keyword probably)
      if (verboseStringConversion && 
          (0 != String.Compare(getText(), (tokenNames[Type]), true)) &&
          (0 != String.Compare(getText(), StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tokenNames[Type], @"""", @""""), true)))
        return b.ToString();
      return getText();
    /*Print out a child-sibling tree in LISP notation */
    public virtual string ToStringList()
      AST t = this;
      string ts = "";
      if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
        ts += " (";
      ts += " " + this.ToString();
      if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
        ts += ((BaseAST) t.getFirstChild()).ToStringList();
      if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
        ts += " )";
      if (t.getNextSibling() != null)
        ts += ((BaseAST) t.getNextSibling()).ToStringList();
      return ts;
    public virtual string ToStringTree() 
      AST t = this;
      string ts = "";
      if (t.getFirstChild() != null) 
        ts += " (";
      ts += " " + this.ToString();
      if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
        ts += ((BaseAST) t.getFirstChild()).ToStringList();
      if (t.getFirstChild() != null)
        ts += " )";
      return ts;

    public virtual string ToTree()
      return ToTree(string.Empty);
    public virtual string ToTree(string prefix) 
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(prefix);
      // Replace vertical bar if there is no next sibling.
      if ( (getNextSibling() == null) )
      sb.Append( ToString() );
      sb.Append( Environment.NewLine );

      if ( getFirstChild() != null ) 
        // Replace vertical bar if there is no next sibling.
        if ( getNextSibling() == null )
          sb.Append( ((BaseAST) getFirstChild()).ToTree(prefix + "   ") );
          sb.Append( ((BaseAST) getFirstChild()).ToTree(prefix + "|  ") );

      if ( getNextSibling() != null )
        sb.Append( ((BaseAST) getNextSibling()).ToTree(prefix) );

      return sb.ToString();

    public static string decode(string text)
      char c, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
      StringBuilder n = new StringBuilder();
       for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
        c = text[i];
        if (c == '&')
          c1 = text[i + 1];
          c2 = text[i + 2];
          c3 = text[i + 3];
          c4 = text[i + 4];
          c5 = text[i + 5];
          if (c1 == 'a' && c2 == 'm' && c3 == 'p' && c4 == ';')
            i += 5;
          else if (c1 == 'l' && c2 == 't' && c3 == ';')
            i += 4;
          else if (c1 == 'g' && c2 == 't' && c3 == ';')
            i += 4;
          else if (c1 == 'q' && c2 == 'u' && c3 == 'o' && c4 == 't' && c5 == ';')
            i += 6;
          else if (c1 == 'a' && c2 == 'p' && c3 == 'o' && c4 == 's' && c5 == ';')
            i += 6;
      return n.ToString();
    public static string encode(string text)
      char c;
      StringBuilder n = new StringBuilder();
       for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
        c = text[i];
        switch (c)
          case '&': 
          case '<': 
          case '>': 
          case '"': 
          case '\'': 
      return n.ToString();
    public virtual void  xmlSerializeNode(TextWriter outWriter)
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
      buf.Append(GetType().FullName + " ");
      buf.Append("text=\"" + encode(getText()) + "\" type=\"" + Type + "\"/>");
    public virtual void  xmlSerializeRootOpen(TextWriter outWriter)
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
      buf.Append(GetType().FullName + " ");
      buf.Append("text=\"" + encode(getText()) + "\" type=\"" + Type + "\">\n");
    public virtual void  xmlSerializeRootClose(TextWriter outWriter)
      outWriter.Write("</" + GetType().FullName + ">\n");
    public virtual void  xmlSerialize(TextWriter outWriter)
      // print out this node and all siblings
       for (AST node = this; node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
        if (node.getFirstChild() == null)
          // print guts (class name, attributes)
          ((BaseAST) node).xmlSerializeNode(outWriter);
          ((BaseAST) node).xmlSerializeRootOpen(outWriter);
          // print children
          ((BaseAST) node.getFirstChild()).xmlSerialize(outWriter);
          // print end tag
          ((BaseAST) node).xmlSerializeRootClose(outWriter);

    #region Implementation of ICloneable
    [Obsolete("Deprecated since version 2.7.2. Use ASTFactory.dup() instead.", false)]
    public virtual object Clone()
      return MemberwiseClone();

    public override Int32 GetHashCode() 
      return base.GetHashCode();
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