TokenStreamRewriteEngine.cs :  » Inversion-of-Control-Dependency-Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » C# / CSharp Open Source

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C# / CSharp Open Source » Inversion of Control Dependency Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » TokenStreamRewriteEngine.cs
namespace Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr{
  /* ANTLR Translator Generator
   * Project led by Terence Parr at
   * Software rights:

  // ANTLR C# Code Generator by Micheal Jordan
  //                            Kunle Odutola       : kunle UNDERSCORE odutola AT hotmail DOT com
  //                            Anthony Oguntimehin

  using System;
  using IList     = System.Collections.IList;
  using IDictionary   = System.Collections.IDictionary;
  using ArrayList   = System.Collections.ArrayList;
  using Hashtable    = System.Collections.Hashtable;
  using IComparer    = System.Collections.IComparer;
  using StringBuilder = System.Text.StringBuilder;
  using BitSet     = antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;

  /// <summary>
  /// This token stream tracks the *entire* token stream coming from
  /// a lexer, but does not pass on the whitespace (or whatever else
  /// you want to discard) to the parser.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// <para>
  /// This class can then be asked for the ith token in the input stream.
  /// Useful for dumping out the input stream exactly after doing some
  /// augmentation or other manipulations.  Tokens are index from 0..n-1
  /// </para>
  /// <para>
  /// You can insert stuff, replace, and delete chunks.  Note that the
  /// operations are done lazily--only if you convert the buffer to a
  /// string.  This is very efficient because you are not moving data around
  /// all the time.  As the buffer of tokens is converted to strings, the
  /// toString() method(s) check to see if there is an operation at the
  /// current index.  If so, the operation is done and then normal string
  /// rendering continues on the buffer.  This is like having multiple Turing
  /// machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :)
  /// </para>
  /// <para>
  /// Since the operations are done lazily at toString-time, operations do not
  /// screw up the token index values.  That is, an insert operation at token
  /// index i does not change the index values for tokens i+1..n-1.
  /// </para>
  /// <para>
  /// Because operations never actually alter the buffer, you may always get
  /// the original token stream back without undoing anything.  Since
  /// the instructions are queued up, you can easily simulate transactions and
  /// roll back any changes if there is an error just by removing instructions.
  /// For example,
  /// </para>
  /// <example>For example:
  /// <code>
  /// TokenStreamRewriteEngine rewriteEngine = new TokenStreamRewriteEngine(lexer);
  /// JavaRecognizer           parser        = new JavaRecognizer(rewriteEngine);
  /// ...
  /// rewriteEngine.insertAfter("pass1", t, "foobar");}
  /// rewriteEngine.insertAfter("pass2", u, "start");}
  /// System.Console.Out.WriteLine(rewriteEngine.ToString("pass1"));
  /// System.Console.Out.WriteLine(rewriteEngine.ToString("pass2"));
  /// </code>
  /// </example>
  /// <para>
  /// You can also have multiple "instruction streams" and get multiple
  /// rewrites from a single pass over the input.  Just name the instruction
  /// streams and use that name again when printing the buffer.  This could be
  /// useful for generating a C file and also its header file--all from the
  /// same buffer.
  /// </para>
  /// <para>
  /// If you don't use named rewrite streams, a "default" stream is used.
  /// </para>
  /// <para>
  /// Terence Parr,
  /// University of San Francisco
  /// February 2004
  /// </para>
  /// </remarks>
  public class TokenStreamRewriteEngine : TokenStream
    public const int MIN_TOKEN_INDEX = 0;

    protected class RewriteOperation 
      protected internal int     index;
      protected internal string   text;
      protected RewriteOperation(int index, string text) 
        this.index = index;
        this.text  = text;
      /// <summary>
      /// Execute the rewrite operation by possibly adding to the buffer.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="buf">rewrite buffer</param>
      /// <returns>The index of the next token to operate on.</returns>
      public virtual int execute(StringBuilder buf) 
        return index;

    protected class InsertBeforeOp : RewriteOperation 
      public InsertBeforeOp(int index, string text) : base(index, text)
      public override int execute(StringBuilder buf) 
        return index;

    protected class ReplaceOp : RewriteOperation 
      protected int lastIndex;
      public ReplaceOp(int from, int to, string text) : base(from, text)
        lastIndex = to;
      public override int execute(StringBuilder buf) 
        if ( text != null ) 
        return lastIndex+1;

    protected class DeleteOp : ReplaceOp 
      public DeleteOp(int from, int to) : base(from, to, null)

    public const string   DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME = "default";
    public const int     PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE   = 100;

    /// <summary>
    /// Track the incoming list of tokens
    /// </summary>
    protected IList tokens;

    /// <summary>
    /// You may have multiple, named streams of rewrite operations.
    /// I'm calling these things "programs."
    /// Maps string (name) -> rewrite (List)
    /// </summary>
    protected IDictionary programs = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Map string (program name) -> Integer index
    /// </summary>
    protected IDictionary lastRewriteTokenIndexes = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// track index of tokens
    /// </summary>
    protected int index = MIN_TOKEN_INDEX;

    /// <summary>
    /// Who do we suck tokens from?
    /// </summary>
    protected TokenStream stream;

    /// <summary>
    /// Which (whitespace) token(s) to throw out
    /// </summary>
    protected BitSet discardMask = new BitSet();

    public TokenStreamRewriteEngine(TokenStream upstream) : this(upstream, 1000)

    public TokenStreamRewriteEngine(TokenStream upstream, int initialSize) 
      stream   = upstream;
      tokens   = new ArrayList(initialSize);
      programs = new Hashtable();
      programs[DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME]  = new ArrayList(PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE);
      lastRewriteTokenIndexes      = new Hashtable();

    public IToken nextToken()         // throws TokenStreamException 
      TokenWithIndex t;

      // suck tokens until end of stream or we find a non-discarded token
        t = (TokenWithIndex) stream.nextToken();
        if ( t != null ) 
          t.setIndex(index);  // what is t's index in list?
          if ( t.Type != Token.EOF_TYPE ) 
            tokens.Add(t);  // track all tokens except EOF
          index++;      // move to next position
      } while ( (t != null) && (discardMask.member(t.Type)) );

      return t;

    public void rollback(int instructionIndex) 
      rollback(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, instructionIndex);

    /// <summary>
    /// Rollback the instruction stream for a program so that
    /// the indicated instruction (via instructionIndex) is no
    /// longer in the stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// UNTESTED!
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="programName"></param>
    /// <param name="instructionIndex"></param>
    public void rollback(string programName, int instructionIndex) 
      ArrayList il = (ArrayList) programs[programName];
      if ( il != null ) 
        programs[programName] = il.GetRange(MIN_TOKEN_INDEX, (instructionIndex - MIN_TOKEN_INDEX));

    public void deleteProgram() 

    /// <summary>
    /// Reset the program so that no instructions exist
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="programName"></param>
    public void deleteProgram(string programName) 
      rollback(programName, MIN_TOKEN_INDEX);

    /// <summary>
    /// If op.index > lastRewriteTokenIndexes, just add to the end.
    /// Otherwise, do linear
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="op"></param>
    protected void addToSortedRewriteList(RewriteOperation op) 
      addToSortedRewriteList(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, op);

    protected void addToSortedRewriteList(string programName, RewriteOperation op) 
      ArrayList rewrites = (ArrayList) getProgram(programName);
      // if at or beyond last op's index, just append
      if ( op.index >= getLastRewriteTokenIndex(programName) ) 
        rewrites.Add(op); // append to list of operations
        // record the index of this operation for next time through
        setLastRewriteTokenIndex(programName, op.index);
      // not after the last one, so must insert to ordered list
      int pos = rewrites.BinarySearch(op, RewriteOperationComparer.Default);
      if (pos < 0) 
        rewrites.Insert(-pos-1, op);

    public void insertAfter(IToken t, string text) 
      insertAfter(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, t, text);

    public void insertAfter(int index, string text) 
      insertAfter(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, index, text);

    public void insertAfter(string programName, IToken t, string text) 
      insertAfter(programName,((TokenWithIndex) t).getIndex(), text); 

    public void insertAfter(string programName, int index, string text) 
      // to insert after, just insert before next index (even if past end)
      insertBefore(programName, index+1, text); 

    public void insertBefore(IToken t, string text) 
      insertBefore(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, t, text);

    public void insertBefore(int index, string text) 
      insertBefore(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, index, text);

    public void insertBefore(string programName, IToken t, string text) 
      insertBefore(programName, ((TokenWithIndex) t).getIndex(), text);

    public void insertBefore(string programName, int index, string text) 
      addToSortedRewriteList(programName, new InsertBeforeOp(index, text));

    public void replace(int index, string text) 
      replace(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, index, index, text);

    public void replace(int from, int to, string text) 
      replace(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, from, to, text);

    public void replace(IToken indexT, string text) 
      replace(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, indexT, indexT, text);

    public void replace(IToken from, IToken to, string text) 
      replace(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, from, to, text);

    public void replace(string programName, int from, int to, string text) 
      addToSortedRewriteList(new ReplaceOp(from, to, text));

    public void replace(string programName, IToken from, IToken to, string text) 
        ((TokenWithIndex) from).getIndex(),
        ((TokenWithIndex) to).getIndex(),

    public void delete(int index) 
      delete(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, index, index);

    public void delete(int from, int to) 
      delete(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, from, to);

    public void delete(IToken indexT) 
      delete(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, indexT, indexT);

    public void delete(IToken from, IToken to) 
      delete(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, from, to);

    public void delete(string programName, int from, int to) 
      replace(programName, from, to, null);

    public void delete(string programName, IToken from, IToken to) 
      replace(programName, from, to, null);

    public void discard(int ttype) 

    public TokenWithIndex getToken(int i) 
      return (TokenWithIndex) tokens[i];

    public int getTokenStreamSize() 
      return tokens.Count;

    public string ToOriginalString() 
      return ToOriginalString(MIN_TOKEN_INDEX, getTokenStreamSize()-1);

    public string ToOriginalString(int start, int end) 
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = start; (i >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX) && (i <= end) && (i < tokens.Count); i++) 
      return buf.ToString();

    public override string ToString() 
      return ToString(MIN_TOKEN_INDEX, getTokenStreamSize());

    public string ToString(string programName) 
      return ToString(programName, MIN_TOKEN_INDEX, getTokenStreamSize());

    public string ToString(int start, int end) 
      return ToString(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, start, end);

    public string ToString(string programName, int start, int end) 
      IList rewrites = (IList) programs[programName];
      if (rewrites == null) 
        return null; // invalid program
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

      // Index of first rewrite we have not done
      int rewriteOpIndex = 0;

      int tokenCursor = start;
      while ( (tokenCursor >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX) &&
        (tokenCursor <= end) &&
        (tokenCursor < tokens.Count) )
        if (rewriteOpIndex < rewrites.Count) 
          RewriteOperation op = (RewriteOperation) rewrites[rewriteOpIndex];
          while ( (tokenCursor == op.index) && (rewriteOpIndex < rewrites.Count) ) 
            Console.Out.WriteLine("execute op "+rewriteOpIndex+
                      " (type "+op.GetType().FullName+")"
                      +" at index "+op.index);
            tokenCursor = op.execute(buf);
            if (rewriteOpIndex < rewrites.Count) 
              op = (RewriteOperation) rewrites[rewriteOpIndex];
        if ( tokenCursor < end ) 
      // now see if there are operations (append) beyond last token index
      for (int opi = rewriteOpIndex; opi < rewrites.Count; opi++) 
        RewriteOperation op = (RewriteOperation) rewrites[opi];
        op.execute(buf); // must be insertions if after last token

      return buf.ToString();

    public string ToDebugString() 
      return ToDebugString(MIN_TOKEN_INDEX, getTokenStreamSize());

    public string ToDebugString(int start, int end) 
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = start; (i >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX) && (i <= end) && (i < tokens.Count); i++) 
      return buf.ToString();

    public int getLastRewriteTokenIndex() 
      return getLastRewriteTokenIndex(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME);

    protected int getLastRewriteTokenIndex(string programName) 
      object i = lastRewriteTokenIndexes[programName];
      if (i == null)
        return -1;
      return (int) i;

    protected void setLastRewriteTokenIndex(string programName, int i) 
      lastRewriteTokenIndexes[programName] = (object) i;

    protected IList getProgram(string name) 
      IList il = (IList) programs[name];
      if ( il == null ) 
        il = initializeProgram(name);
      return il;

    private IList initializeProgram(string name) 
      IList il = new ArrayList(PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE);
      programs[name] = il;
      return il;

    public class RewriteOperationComparer : IComparer
      public static readonly RewriteOperationComparer Default = new RewriteOperationComparer();
      public virtual int Compare(object o1, object o2)
        RewriteOperation rop1 = (RewriteOperation) o1;
        RewriteOperation rop2 = (RewriteOperation) o2;

        if (rop1.index < rop2.index) return -1;
        if (rop1.index > rop2.index) return 1;
        return 0;
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