BitSet.cs :  » Inversion-of-Control-Dependency-Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » collections » impl » C# / CSharp Open Source

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C# / CSharp Open Source » Inversion of Control Dependency Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » collections » impl » BitSet.cs
using System;
using ArrayListSystem.Collections.ArrayList;

//using CharFormatter        = antlr.CharFormatter;

namespace Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.collections.impl{
  /*ANTLR Translator Generator
  * Project led by Terence Parr at
  * Software rights:
  * $Id:$

  // ANTLR C# Code Generator by Micheal Jordan
  //                            Kunle Odutola       : kunle UNDERSCORE odutola AT hotmail DOT com
  //                            Anthony Oguntimehin
  // With many thanks to Eric V. Smith from the ANTLR list.
  /*A BitSet to replace java.util.BitSet.
  * Primary differences are that most set operators return new sets
  * as opposed to oring and anding "in place".  Further, a number of
  * operations were added.  I cannot contain a BitSet because there
  * is no way to access the internal bits (which I need for speed)
  * and, because it is final, I cannot subclass to add functionality.
  * Consider defining set degree.  Without access to the bits, I must
  * call a method n times to test the ith bit...ack!
  * Also seems like or() from util is wrong when size of incoming set is bigger
  * than this.bits.length.
  * @author Terence Parr
  * @author <br><a href="">Pete Wells</a>

  public class BitSet : ICloneable
    protected internal const int BITS = 64; // number of bits / long
    protected internal const int NIBBLE = 4;
    protected internal const int LOG_BITS = 6; // 2^6 == 64
    /*We will often need to do a mod operator (i mod nbits).  Its
    * turns out that, for powers of two, this mod operation is
    * same as (i & (nbits-1)).  Since mod is slow, we use a
    * precomputed mod mask to do the mod instead.
    protected internal static readonly int MOD_MASK = BITS - 1;
    /*The actual data bits */
    protected internal long[] dataBits;
    /*Construct a bitset of size one word (64 bits) */
    public BitSet() : this(BITS)
    /*Construction from a static array of longs */
    public BitSet(long[] bits_)
      dataBits = bits_;
    /*Construct a bitset given the size
    * @param nbits The size of the bitset in bits
    public BitSet(int nbits)
      dataBits = new long[((nbits - 1) >> LOG_BITS) + 1];
    /*or this element into this set (grow as necessary to accommodate) */
    public virtual void  add(int el)
      int n = wordNumber(el);
      if (n >= dataBits.Length)
      dataBits[n] |= bitMask(el);
    public virtual BitSet and(BitSet a)
      BitSet s = (BitSet) this.Clone();
      return s;
    public virtual void  andInPlace(BitSet a)
      int min = (int) (Math.Min(dataBits.Length, a.dataBits.Length));
       for (int i = min - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        dataBits[i] &= a.dataBits[i];
      // clear all bits in this not present in a (if this bigger than a).
       for (int i = min; i < dataBits.Length; i++)
        dataBits[i] = 0;
    private static long bitMask(int bitNumber)
      int bitPosition = bitNumber & MOD_MASK; // bitNumber mod BITS
      return 1L << bitPosition;
    public virtual void  clear()
       for (int i = dataBits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        dataBits[i] = 0;
    public virtual void  clear(int el)
      int n = wordNumber(el);
      if (n >= dataBits.Length)
        // grow as necessary to accommodate
      dataBits[n] &= ~ bitMask(el);
    public virtual object Clone()
      BitSet s;
        s = new BitSet();
        s.dataBits = new long[dataBits.Length];
        Array.Copy(dataBits, 0, s.dataBits, 0, dataBits.Length);
      catch //(System.Exception e)
        throw new System.ApplicationException();
      return s;
    public virtual int degree()
      int deg = 0;
       for (int i = dataBits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        long word = dataBits[i];
        if (word != 0L)
           for (int bit = BITS - 1; bit >= 0; bit--)
            if ((word & (1L << bit)) != 0)
      return deg;
    override public int GetHashCode()
      return dataBits.GetHashCode();

    /*code "inherited" from java.util.BitSet */
    override public bool Equals(object obj)
      if ((obj != null) && (obj is BitSet))
        BitSet bset = (BitSet) obj;
        int n = (int) (System.Math.Min(dataBits.Length, bset.dataBits.Length));
         for (int i = n; i-- > 0; )
          if (dataBits[i] != bset.dataBits[i])
            return false;
        if (dataBits.Length > n)
           for (int i = (int) (dataBits.Length); i-- > n; )
            if (dataBits[i] != 0)
              return false;
        else if (bset.dataBits.Length > n)
           for (int i = (int) (bset.dataBits.Length); i-- > n; )
            if (bset.dataBits[i] != 0)
              return false;
        return true;
      return false;
    * Grows the set to a larger number of bits.
    * @param bit element that must fit in set
    public virtual void  growToInclude(int bit)
      int newSize = (int) (System.Math.Max(dataBits.Length << 1, numWordsToHold(bit)));
      long[] newbits = new long[newSize];
      Array.Copy(dataBits, 0, newbits, 0, dataBits.Length);
      dataBits = newbits;
    public virtual bool member(int el)
      int n = wordNumber(el);
      if (n >= dataBits.Length)
        return false;
      return (dataBits[n] & bitMask(el)) != 0;
    public virtual bool nil()
       for (int i = dataBits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (dataBits[i] != 0)
          return false;
      return true;
    public virtual BitSet not()
      BitSet s = (BitSet) this.Clone();
      return s;
    public virtual void  notInPlace()
       for (int i = dataBits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        dataBits[i] = ~ dataBits[i];
    /*complement bits in the range 0..maxBit. */
    public virtual void  notInPlace(int maxBit)
      notInPlace(0, maxBit);
    /*complement bits in the range minBit..maxBit.*/
    public virtual void  notInPlace(int minBit, int maxBit)
      // make sure that we have room for maxBit
       for (int i = minBit; i <= maxBit; i++)
        int n = wordNumber(i);
        dataBits[n] ^= bitMask(i);
    private int numWordsToHold(int el)
      return (el >> LOG_BITS) + 1;
    public static BitSet of(int el)
      BitSet s = new BitSet(el + 1);
      return s;
    /*return this | a in a new set */
    public virtual BitSet or(BitSet a)
      BitSet s = (BitSet) this.Clone();
      return s;
    public virtual void  orInPlace(BitSet a)
      // If this is smaller than a, grow this first
      if (a.dataBits.Length > dataBits.Length)
        setSize((int) (a.dataBits.Length));
      int min = (int) (System.Math.Min(dataBits.Length, a.dataBits.Length));
       for (int i = min - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        dataBits[i] |= a.dataBits[i];
    // remove this element from this set
    public virtual void  remove(int el)
      int n = wordNumber(el);
      if (n >= dataBits.Length)
      dataBits[n] &= ~ bitMask(el);
    * Sets the size of a set.
    * @param nwords how many words the new set should be
    private void  setSize(int nwords)
      long[] newbits = new long[nwords];
      int n = (int) (System.Math.Min(nwords, dataBits.Length));
      Array.Copy(dataBits, 0, newbits, 0, n);
      dataBits = newbits;
    public virtual int size()
      return dataBits.Length << LOG_BITS; // num words * bits per word
    /*return how much space is being used by the dataBits array not
    *  how many actually have member bits on.
    public virtual int lengthInLongWords()
      return dataBits.Length;
    /*Is this contained within a? */
    public virtual bool subset(BitSet a)
      if (a == null) //(a == null || !(a is BitSet))
        return false;
      return this.and(a).Equals(this);
    /*Subtract the elements of 'a' from 'this' in-place.
    * Basically, just turn off all bits of 'this' that are in 'a'.
    public virtual void  subtractInPlace(BitSet a)
      if (a == null)
        return ;
      // for all words of 'a', turn off corresponding bits of 'this'
       for (int i = 0; i < dataBits.Length && i < a.dataBits.Length; i++)
        dataBits[i] &= ~ a.dataBits[i];
    public virtual int[] toArray()
      int[] elems = new int[degree()];
      int en = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < (dataBits.Length << LOG_BITS); i++)
        if (member(i))
          elems[en++] = i;
      return elems;
    public virtual long[] toPackedArray()
      return dataBits;
    override public string ToString()
      return ToString(",");
    /*Transform a bit set into a string by formatting each element as an integer
    * @separator The string to put in between elements
    * @return A commma-separated list of values
    public virtual string ToString(string separator)
      string str = "";
       for (int i = 0; i < (dataBits.Length << LOG_BITS); i++)
        if (member(i))
          if (str.Length > 0)
            str += separator;
          str = str + i;
      return str;
    /*Create a string representation where instead of integer elements, the
    * ith element of vocabulary is displayed instead.  Vocabulary is a Vector
    * of Strings.
    * @separator The string to put in between elements
    * @return A commma-separated list of character constants.
    public virtual string ToString(string separator, ArrayList vocabulary)
      if (vocabulary == null)
        return ToString(separator);
      string str = "";
       for (int i = 0; i < (dataBits.Length << LOG_BITS); i++)
        if (member(i))
          if (str.Length > 0)
            str += separator;
          if (i >= vocabulary.Count)
            str += "<bad element " + i + ">";
          else if (vocabulary[i] == null)
            str += "<" + i + ">";
            str += (string) vocabulary[i];
      return str;
    * Dump a comma-separated list of the words making up the bit set.
    * Split each 64 bit number into two more manageable 32 bit numbers.
    * This generates a comma-separated list of C++-like unsigned long constants.
    public virtual string toStringOfHalfWords()
      string s = new string("".ToCharArray());
       for (int i = 0; i < dataBits.Length; i++)
        if (i != 0)
          s += ", ";
        long tmp = dataBits[i];
        tmp &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        s += (tmp + "UL");
        s += ", ";
        tmp = SupportClass.URShift(dataBits[i], 32);
        tmp &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        s += (tmp + "UL");
      return s;
    * Dump a comma-separated list of the words making up the bit set.
    * This generates a comma-separated list of Java-like long int constants.
    public virtual string toStringOfWords()
      string s = new string("".ToCharArray());
       for (int i = 0; i < dataBits.Length; i++)
        if (i != 0)
          s += ", ";
        s += (dataBits[i] + "L");
      return s;
    /*Print out the bit set but collapse char ranges. */
/*    public virtual string toStringWithRanges(string separator, CharFormatter formatter)
      string str = "";
      int[] elems = this.toArray();
      if (elems.Length == 0)
        return "";
      // look for ranges
      int i = 0;
      while (i < elems.Length)
        int lastInRange;
        lastInRange = 0;
         for (int j = i + 1; j < elems.Length; j++)
          if (elems[j] != elems[j - 1] + 1)
          lastInRange = j;
        // found a range
        if (str.Length > 0)
          str += separator;
        if (lastInRange - i >= 2)
          str += formatter.literalChar(elems[i]);
          str += "..";
          str += formatter.literalChar(elems[lastInRange]);
          i = lastInRange; // skip past end of range for next range
          // no range, just print current char and move on
          str += formatter.literalChar(elems[i]);
      return str;
    private static int wordNumber(int bit)
      return bit >> LOG_BITS; // bit / BITS
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