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#region License

 * Copyright  2002-2005 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#region Imports

using System;
using System.Collections;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Spring.Util;


namespace Spring.Web.Support{
    /// <summary>
    /// Unit tests for the Result class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <author>Rick Evans</author>
    public sealed class ResultTests
        private const string ExpectedTargetPageName = "Foo.aspx";

        public void DoesItDefaultToTheDefaultResultMode()
            Result result = new Result();
            Assert.AreEqual(Result.DefaultResultMode, result.Mode, "Not defaulting to the default ResultMode.");

        public void DefaultsToTransferMode()
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, Result.DefaultResultMode,
                            "Hey! Be sure to change the documentation since you've " +
                            "obviously gone and changed the default transfer mode.");

        [ExpectedException(typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
        public void InstantiationBailsWithNullResultString()
            new Result(null);

        [ExpectedException(typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
        public void InstantiationBailsWithEmptyResultString()
            new Result(string.Empty);

        [ExpectedException(typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
        public void InstantiationBailsWithAllWhitespaceResultString()
            new Result("    \n\t   ");

        public void WithNoResultModeAndNoParameters()
            Result result = new Result(ExpectedTargetPageName);
            Assert.AreEqual(Result.DefaultResultMode, result.Mode, "Not defaulting to the default ResultMode.");
                          "No parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithWhitespacePageAndNoResultModeAndNoParameters()
            Result result = new Result("   " + ExpectedTargetPageName + "\n");
            Assert.AreEqual(Result.DefaultResultMode, result.Mode, "Not defaulting to the default ResultMode.");
                          "No parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithTransferResultModeButNoParameters()
            Result result = new Result("transfer:" + ExpectedTargetPageName);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, result.PreserveForm, "ResultMode.Transfer must result in PreserveForm being 'true'");
                          "No parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithTransferNoPreserveResultMode()
            Result result = new Result( "transfernopreserve:" + ExpectedTargetPageName );
            Assert.AreEqual( ResultMode.TransferNoPreserve,result.Mode,"Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor." );
            Assert.AreEqual( false,result.PreserveForm,"ResultMode.TransferNoPreserver must result in PreserveForm being 'false'" );

        public void WithWhitespacedRedirectResultMode()
            Result result = new Result("    redirect:" + ExpectedTargetPageName);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Redirect, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                          "No parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithRedirectResultMode()
            Result result = new Result("redirect:" + ExpectedTargetPageName);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Redirect, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                          "No parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithRedirectNoAbortResultMode()
            Result result = new Result("redirectnoabort:" + ExpectedTargetPageName);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.RedirectNoAbort, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                          "No parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

    public void WithRubbishResultMode()
      // note the incorrect spelling of the result mode prefix...
      new Result("redirct:" + ExpectedTargetPageName);

        public void WithResultModeAndEmptyParameterDelimiterOnly()
            Result result = new Result("transfer:" + ExpectedTargetPageName + "?");
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                          "No parameters were passed (just the parameter delimiter) but the " +
                          "Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithResultModeAndWhitespaceParameterDelimiterOnly()
            Result result = new Result("redirect:" + ExpectedTargetPageName + "?     ");
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Redirect, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                          "No parameters were passed (just the parameter delimiter) but the " +
                          "Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithNoResultModeAndWhitespaceParameterDelimiterOnly()
            Result result = new Result(ExpectedTargetPageName + "?     ");
            Assert.AreEqual(Result.DefaultResultMode, result.Mode, "Not defaulting to the default ResultMode.");
                          "No parameters were passed (just the parameter delimiter) but the " +
                          "Parameters property appears to be set to a non-null value anyway.");
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithNoResultModeAndOneParameter()
            const string key = "id";
            const string value = "Nina Persson";
            Result result = new Result(ExpectedTargetPageName + "?" + key + "=" + value);
            Assert.AreEqual(Result.DefaultResultMode, result.Mode, "Not defaulting to the default ResultMode.");
                             "Parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be null (incorrectly).");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Parameters.Count,
                            "Wrong number of query parameters parsed (only supplied one key-value pair).");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Parameters.Contains(key), "The 'id' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                                                           "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(value, result.Parameters[key]);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithTransferResultModeAndOneParameter()
            const string key = "id";
            const string value = "Nina Persson";
            Result result = new Result("transfer:" + ExpectedTargetPageName + "?" + key + "=" + value);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                             "Parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be null (incorrectly).");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Parameters.Count,
                            "Wrong number of query parameters parsed (only supplied one key-value pair).");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Parameters.Contains(key), "The 'id' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                                                           "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(value, result.Parameters[key]);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        [Ignore("How does one escape ampersands then?")]
        public void ParametersHavingEmbeddedCharactersThatHaveToBeEscaped()
            const string key = "id";
            const string value = "Nina Persson & The Cardigans"; // notice the use of the embedded '&'...
            Result result = new Result(ExpectedTargetPageName + "?" + key + "=" + value);
            Assert.AreEqual(Result.DefaultResultMode, result.Mode, "Not defaulting to the default ResultMode.");
                             "Parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be null (incorrectly).");
//            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Parameters.Count,
//                            "Wrong number of query parameters parsed (only supplied one key-value pair).");
//            Assert.IsTrue(result.Parameters.Contains(key), "The 'id' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
//                                                           "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
//            Assert.AreEqual(value, result.Parameters[key]);
//            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
//                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
//                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithTransferResultModeAndTwoParametersSplitUsingAmpersand()
            const string pKey1 = "id";
            const string pValue1 = "Nina Persson";
            const string pKey2 = "verdict";
            const string pValue2 = "schwing";
            Result result =
                new Result(ExpectedTargetPageName + "?" + pKey1 + "=" + pValue1 + "&" + pKey2 + "=" + pValue2);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                             "Parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be null (incorrectly).");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Parameters.Count,
                            "Wrong number of query parameters parsed (supplied two key-value pairs).");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Parameters.Contains(pKey1), "The 'id' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                                                             "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(pValue1, result.Parameters[pKey1]);
                          "The 'verdict' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                          "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(pValue2, result.Parameters[pKey2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithWhitespacedPageAndTransferResultModeAndTwoParametersUsingAmpersands()
            const string pKey1 = "id";
            const string pValue1 = "Nina Persson";
            const string pKey2 = "verdict";
            const string pValue2 = "schwing";
            Result result =
                new Result("\n" + ExpectedTargetPageName + "   ?" + pKey1 + "=" + pValue1 + "&" + pKey2 + "=" + pValue2);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                             "Parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be null (incorrectly).");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Parameters.Count,
                            "Wrong number of query parameters parsed (supplied two key-value pairs).");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Parameters.Contains(pKey1), "The 'id' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                                                             "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(pValue1, result.Parameters[pKey1]);
                          "The 'verdict' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                          "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(pValue2, result.Parameters[pKey2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void WithWhitespacedPageAndTransferResultModeAndTwoParametersUsingCommas()
            const string pKey1 = "id";
            const string pValue1 = "Nina Persson";
            const string pKey2 = "verdict";
            const string pValue2 = "schwing";
            Result result =
                new Result("\n" + ExpectedTargetPageName + "   ?" + pKey1 + "=" + pValue1 + "," + pKey2 + "=" + pValue2);
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultMode.Transfer, result.Mode, "Not extracting the correct ResultMode " +
                                                              "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
                             "Parameters were passed but the Parameters property appears to be null (incorrectly).");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Parameters.Count,
                            "Wrong number of query parameters parsed (supplied two key-value pairs).");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Parameters.Contains(pKey1), "The 'id' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                                                             "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(pValue1, result.Parameters[pKey1]);
                          "The 'verdict' parameter is not being correctly extracted " +
                          "from the result string passed into the ctor.");
            Assert.AreEqual(pValue2, result.Parameters[pKey2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedTargetPageName, result.TargetPage,
                            "The TargetPage property is not being correctly extracted " +
                            "from the result string passed into the ctor.");

        public void TargetPageMayBeRuntimeExpression()
            Result result = new Result("%{['var1']}");
            string resultUri = result.GetRedirectUri( MakeDictionary("var1", "val1") );
            Assert.AreEqual( "val1", resultUri );

        public void ParameterKeysAndValuesMayBeRuntimeExpression()
            Result result = new Result("redirect:%{['var1']}?%{['var2']}=%{['var3']}");
            string resultUri = result.GetRedirectUri( MakeDictionary("var1", "val1", "var2", "val2", "var3", "val3") );
            Assert.AreEqual( "val1?val2=val3", resultUri );

        private IDictionary MakeDictionary( params object[] args)
            AssertUtils.IsTrue(args.Length % 2 == 0);
            Hashtable ht= new Hashtable();
            for(int i=0;i<args.Length;i+=2)
                ht[args[i]] = args[i+1];
            return ht;
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