atomfeed.cs :  » Network-Clients » RemoteCalendars » Google » GData » Client » C# / CSharp Open Source

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/* Copyright (c) 2006 Google Inc.7
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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#region Using directives


using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net;
using System.IO; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;


// <summary>Contains AtomFeed, an object to represent the atom:feed
// element.</summary> 
namespace Google.GData.Client{

    /// <summary>Base class to read gData feeds in Atom
    /// Version 1.0 changed to:
    /// AtomFeed =
    ///    element atom:feed {
    ///       atomCommonAttributes,
    ///       (atomAuthor*
    ///        atomCategory*
    ///        atomContributor*
    ///        atomGenerator?
    ///        atomIcon?
    ///        atomId
    ///        atomLink*
    ///        atomLogo?
    ///        atomRights?
    ///        atomSubtitle?
    ///        atomTitle
    ///        atomUpdated
    ///        extensionElement*),
    ///       atomEntry*
    ///    }
    ///     in addition it holds:
    ///     * opensearch:totalResults - the total number of search results available (not necessarily all present in the feed).
    ///     * opensearch:startIndex - the 1-based index of the first result.
    ///     * opensearch:itemsPerPage - the maximum number of items that appear on one page. This allows clients to generate direct links to any set of subsequent pages.
    /// In addition to these OpenSearch tags, the response also includes the following Atom and gData tags:
    ///     * atom:link rel="service.feed" type="application/atom+xml" href="..."/> - specifies the URI where the complete Atom feed can be retrieved.
    ///     * atom:link rel="service.feed" type="application/rss+xml" href="..."/> - specifies the URI where the complete RSS feed can be retrieved.
    ///     * atom:link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href="..."/> - specifies the Atom feed PostURI (where new entries can be posted).
    ///     * atom:link rel="self" type="..." href="..."/> - contains the URI of this search request. The type attribute depends on the requested format. If no data changes, issuing a GET to this URI returns the same response.
    ///     * atom:link rel="previous" type="application/atom+xml" href="..."/> - specifies the URI of the previous chunk of this query resultset, if it is chunked.
    ///     * atom:link rel="next" type="application/atom+xml" href="..."/> - specifies the URI of the next chunk of this query resultset, if it is chunked.
    ///     * gdata:processed parameter="..."/> - one of these tags is inserted for each parameter understood and processed by the service, e.g. gdata:processed parameter="author"
    /// </summary> 
    [TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(AtomSourceConverter)), DescriptionAttribute("Expand to see the options for the feed")]
    public class AtomFeed : AtomSource

        /// <summary>collection of feed entries</summary> 
        private AtomEntryCollection feedEntries; 
        /// <summary>eventhandler, when the parser creates a new feed entry-> mirrored from underlying parser</summary> 
        public event FeedParserEventHandler NewAtomEntry;
        /// <summary>eventhandler, when the parser finds a new extension element-> mirrored from underlying parser</summary> 
        public event ExtensionElementEventHandler NewExtensionElement;

        #region properties
        /// <summary>holds the total results</summary> 
        private int totalResults;
        /// <summary>holds the start-index parameter</summary> 
        private int startIndex;
        /// <summary>holds number of items per page</summary> 
        private int itemsPerPage;
        /// <summary>holds a collection of processed parameters</summary> 
        private StringCollection parameters;
        /// <summary>holds the service interface to use</summary> 
        private IService service;

        private GDataBatchFeedData batchData;

        /// <summary>default constructor</summary> 
        private AtomFeed() : base()
            Tracing.Assert(false, "privately Constructing AtomFeed - should not happen");

        /// <summary>default constructor</summary> 
        /// <param name="uriBase">the location the feed was loaded from</param>        
        /// <param name="service">the service used to create this feed</param>        
        public AtomFeed(Uri uriBase, IService service) : base()
            Tracing.TraceCall("Constructing AtomFeed");
            if (uriBase != null)
                this.ImpliedBase = new AtomUri(uriBase.AbsoluteUri);
            this.Service = service;

        /// <summary>default constructor</summary> 
        /// <param name="originalFeed">if you want to create a copy feed, for batch use, e.g</param>        
        public AtomFeed(AtomFeed originalFeed) : base()
            Tracing.TraceCall("Constructing AtomFeed");
            this.Batch = originalFeed.Batch;
            this.Post  = originalFeed.Post;
            this.Self  = originalFeed.Self; 
            this.Feed  = originalFeed.Feed;


        /// <summary>tries to determine if the two feeds derive from the same source</summary> 
        /// <param name="feedOne">the first feed</param>
        /// <param name="feedTwo">the second feed</param>
        /// <returns>true if believed to be the same source</returns>
        public static bool IsFeedIdentical(AtomFeed feedOne, AtomFeed feedTwo)
            if (feedOne == feedTwo)
                Tracing.TraceMsg("TRUE : testing for identical feeds, feedpointers equal: "); 
                return true;
            if (feedOne == null || feedTwo == null)
                Tracing.TraceMsg("FALSE : testing for identical feeds, one feed is NULL: "); 
                return false;

            if (String.Compare(feedOne.Post, feedTwo.Post)!=0)
                Tracing.TraceMsg("FALSE : testing for identical feeds: " + feedOne.Post + " vs. : "+ feedTwo.Post); 
                return false;

            if (String.Compare(feedOne.Feed, feedTwo.Feed)!=0)
                Tracing.TraceMsg("FALSE : testing for identical feeds: " + feedOne.Feed + " vs. : "+ feedTwo.Feed); 
                return false;
            Tracing.TraceMsg("TRUE : testing for identical feeds: " + feedOne.Post + " vs. : "+ feedTwo.Post); 
            return true;

        #region Property Accessors

        /// <summary>accessor method public string Post</summary> 
        /// <returns>the Uri as string to the Post Service</returns>
        public string Post
                // scan the link collection
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServicePost, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                return link == null ? null : Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, this.ImpliedBase, link.HRef.ToString());
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServicePost, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                if (link == null)
                    link = new AtomLink(AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE, BaseNameTable.ServicePost);
                link.HRef = new AtomUri(value);

        /// <summary>accessor to the batchdata for the entry</summary> 
        /// <returns> GDataBatch object </returns>
        public GDataBatchFeedData BatchData
            get {return this.batchData;}
            set {this.batchData = value;}
        // end of accessor public GDataBatch BatchData

        /// <summary>accessor method public string Batch</summary> 
        /// <returns>the Uri as string to the Batch Service</returns>
        public string Batch
                // scan the link collection
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceBatch, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                return link == null ? null : Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, this.ImpliedBase, link.HRef.ToString());
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceBatch, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                if (link == null)
                    link = new AtomLink(AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE, BaseNameTable.ServiceBatch);
                link.HRef = new AtomUri(value);

        /// <summary>returns whether or not the entry is read-only </summary> 
        public bool ReadOnly
            get {
                return this.Post == null ? true : false; 

        /// <summary>accessor method public string NextChunk</summary> 
        /// <returns>the Uri as string to the next chunk of the result</returns>
        public string NextChunk
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceNext, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                // scan the link collection
                return link == null ? null : Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, this.ImpliedBase, link.HRef.ToString());
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceNext, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                if (link == null)
                    link = new AtomLink(AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE, BaseNameTable.ServiceNext);
                link.HRef = new AtomUri(value);

        /// <summary>accessor method public string PrevChunk</summary> 
        /// <returns>the Uri as a string to the previous chunk of the result</returns>
        public string PrevChunk
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServicePrev, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                // scan the link collection
                return link == null ? null : Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, this.ImpliedBase, link.HRef.ToString());
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServicePrev, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                if (link == null)
                    link = new AtomLink(AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE, BaseNameTable.ServicePrev);
                link.HRef = new AtomUri(value);


        /// <summary>accessor method public string Feed</summary> 
        /// <returns>returns the Uri as string for the feed service </returns>
        public string Feed
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceFeed, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                // scan the link collection
                return link == null ? null : Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, this.ImpliedBase, link.HRef.ToString());
                AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceFeed, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
                if (link == null)
                    link = new AtomLink(AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE, BaseNameTable.ServiceFeed);
                link.HRef = new AtomUri(value);

        /// <summary>accessor method public string Self</summary> 
        /// <returns>returns the Uri as string for the feed with the Query Parameters </returns>

        public string Self {

          get {
            AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceSelf, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
            // scan the link collection
            return link == null ? null : Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, this.ImpliedBase, link.HRef.ToString());


          set {
            AtomLink link = this.Links.FindService(BaseNameTable.ServiceSelf, AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE);
            if (link == null) {
              link = new AtomLink(AtomLink.ATOM_TYPE, BaseNameTable.ServiceSelf);
            link.HRef = new AtomUri(value);

        /// <summary>accessor method for the gData Service to use</summary> 
        public IService Service
            get {return this.service;}
            set {this.Dirty = true;  this.service = value;}

        /// <summary>accessor method public int TotalResults</summary> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public int TotalResults
            get {return this.totalResults;}
            set {this.Dirty = true;  this.totalResults = value;}

        /// <summary>accessor method public int StartIndex</summary> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public int StartIndex
            get {return this.startIndex;}
            set {this.Dirty = true;  this.startIndex = value;}

        /// <summary>accessor method public int ItemsPerPage</summary> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public int ItemsPerPage
            get {return this.itemsPerPage;}
            set {this.Dirty = true;  this.itemsPerPage = value;}

        /// <summary>accessor method public string[] Parameters</summary> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public StringCollection Parameters
            get { 
                    if (this.parameters == null)
                        this.parameters = new StringCollection();
                    return this.parameters;


        /// <summary>accessor method public ArrayList Entries</summary> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public AtomEntryCollection Entries
                if (this.feedEntries == null)
                    this.feedEntries = new AtomEntryCollection(this);

                return this.feedEntries;


        #region Persistence overloads

        /// <summary>checks to see if we are a batch feed, if so, adds the batchNS</summary> 
        /// <param name="writer">the xmlwriter, where we want to add default namespaces to</param>
        protected override void AddOtherNamespaces(XmlWriter writer) 
            if (this.BatchData != null)

        /// <summary>checks if this is a namespace 
        /// decl that we already added</summary> 
        /// <param name="node">XmlNode to check</param>
        /// <returns>true if this node should be skipped </returns>
        protected override bool SkipNode(XmlNode node)
            if (base.SkipNode(node)==true)
                return true; 

            Tracing.TraceMsg("in skipnode for node: " + node.Name + "--" + node.Value); 
            if (this.BatchData != null)
                if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute && 
                    (node.Name.StartsWith("xmlns") == true) && 
                    return true;

            return false; 

        /// <summary>just returns the constant representing this xml element</summary> 
        public override string XmlName 
            get { return AtomParserNameTable.XmlFeedElement; }

        /// <summary>saves the inner state of the element</summary> 
        /// <param name="writer">the xmlWriter to save into </param>
        protected override void SaveInnerXml(XmlWriter writer)
            // first let the source save it self
            // now we need to save the entries

            if (this.batchData != null)

            foreach (AtomEntry entry in this.Entries)


        /// <summary>given a stream, parses it to construct the Feed object out of it</summary> 
        /// <param name="stream"> a stream representing hopefully valid XML</param>
        /// <param name="format"> indicates if the stream is Atom or Rss</param>
        public void Parse(Stream stream, AlternativeFormat format)
            Tracing.TraceCall("parsing stream -> Start:" + format.ToString());
            BaseFeedParser feedParser= null; 

            feedParser = new AtomFeedParser();

            // create a new delegate for the parser
            feedParser.NewAtomEntry += new FeedParserEventHandler(this.OnParsedNewEntry); 
            feedParser.NewExtensionElement += new ExtensionElementEventHandler(this.OnNewExtensionElement);
            feedParser.Parse(stream, this);

            Tracing.TraceInfo("Parsing stream -> Done"); 
            // done parsing

        /// <summary>Event chaining. We catch this by the baseFeedParsers, which 
        /// would not do anything with the gathered data. We pass the event up
        /// to the user; if the user doesn't discard it, we add the entry to our
        /// collection</summary> 
        /// <param name="sender"> the object which send the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">FeedParserEventArguments, holds the feed entry</param> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        protected void OnParsedNewEntry(object sender, FeedParserEventArgs e)
            // by default, if our event chain is not hooked, add it to the collection
            Tracing.TraceCall("received new item notification");
            Tracing.Assert(e != null, "e should not be null");
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 
            if (this.NewAtomEntry != null)
                Tracing.TraceMsg("\t calling event dispatcher"); 
                this.NewAtomEntry(this, e);
            // now check the return
            if (e.DiscardEntry != true)
                if (e.CreatingEntry == false)
                    if (e.Entry != null)
                        // add it to the collection
                        Tracing.TraceMsg("\t new AtomEntry found, adding to collection"); 
                        e.Entry.Service = this.Service;
                    else if (e.Feed != null)
                        // parsed a feed, set ourselves to it...
                        Tracing.TraceMsg("\t Feed parsed found, parsing is done..."); 

            if (e.DoneParsing == true)


        /// <summary>Event chaining. We catch this by the baseFeedParsers, which 
        /// would not do anything with the gathered data. We pass the event up
        /// to the user; if the user doesn't discard it, we add the entry to our
        /// collection</summary> 
        /// <param name="sender"> the object which send the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">FeedParserEventArguments, holds the feed entry</param> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        protected void OnNewExtensionElement(object sender, ExtensionElementEventArgs e)
            // by default, if our event chain is not hooked, the underlying parser will add it
            Tracing.TraceCall("received new extension element notification");
            Tracing.Assert(e != null, "e should not be null");
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 
            if (this.NewExtensionElement != null)
                Tracing.TraceMsg("\t calling event dispatcher"); 
                this.NewExtensionElement(this, e);
            // now check the return
            if (e.DiscardEntry != true)
                if (e.Base != null && e.ExtensionElement != null)
                    // add it to the collection
                    Tracing.TraceMsg("\t new AtomEntry found, adding to collection"); 

        #region overloaded for property changes, xml:base
        /// <summary>just go down the child collections</summary> 
        /// <param name="uriBase"> as currently calculated</param>
        internal override void BaseUriChanged(AtomUri uriBase)

            // now walk over the entries and forward...
            uriBase = new AtomUri(Utilities.CalculateUri(this.Base, uriBase, null));

            foreach (AtomEntry entry in this.Entries )


        #region Editing APIs
        /// <summary>uses the set service to insert a new entry. </summary> 
        /// <param name="newEntry">the atomEntry to insert into the feed</param>
        /// <returns>the entry as echoed back from the server. The entry is NOT added
        ///          to the feeds collection</returns>
        public AtomEntry Insert(AtomEntry newEntry)
            Tracing.Assert(newEntry != null, "newEntry should not be null");
            if (newEntry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newEntry"); 
            AtomEntry echoedEntry = null;
            if (newEntry.Feed == this)
                // same object, already in here. 
                throw new ArgumentException("The entry is already part of this colleciton");

            // now we need to see if this is the same feed. If not, copy
            if (newEntry.Feed == null)
            else if (AtomFeed.IsFeedIdentical(newEntry.Feed, this) == false)
                newEntry = AtomEntry.ImportFromFeed(newEntry); 
            if (this.Service != null)
                echoedEntry = Service.Insert(this, newEntry); 
            return echoedEntry;

        /// <summary>goes over all entries, and updates the ones that are dirty</summary> 
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public void Publish()
            if (this.Service != null)

                for (int i=0; i<this.Entries.Count;i++)
                    AtomEntry entry = this.Entries[i];
                    if (entry.IsDirty() == true)
                        if (entry.Id.Uri == null)
                            // new guy
                            Tracing.TraceInfo("adding new entry: " + entry.Title.Text);
                            this.Entries[i] = Service.Insert(this, entry); 
                            // update the entry
                            Tracing.TraceInfo("updating entry: " + entry.Title.Text);

        /// <summary>calls the action on this object and all children</summary> 
        /// <param name="action">an IAtomBaseAction interface to call </param>
        /// <returns>true or false, pending outcome</returns>
        public override bool WalkTree(IBaseWalkerAction action)
            if (base.WalkTree(action)==true)
                return true;
            foreach (AtomEntry entry in this.Entries )
                if (entry.WalkTree(action)==true)
                    return true;
            return false; 

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