Token.cs :  » Network-Clients » RemoteCalendars » Semaview » Shared » ICalParser » C# / CSharp Open Source

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RemoteCalendars » Semaview » Shared » ICalParser » Token.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;

 * <copyright>
 *   ICalParser is a general purpose .Net parser for iCalendar format files (RFC 2445)
 *   Copyright (C) 2004  J. Tim Spurway
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * </copyright>

namespace Semaview.Shared.ICalParser{

    // TODO:  remove the reserved keywords from the Token Base Class - this will allow
    // generic parsing/scanning.

    // note that order is important in this enum type simple tokens are '<= Equals' and 
    // reserved words are '>= Tcalscale' - furthermore the reserved words are broken down into
    // a set of ranges that indicate similar 'types' of tokens (ie. the parser will treat the
    // objects in the range similarily) - this means that if new values are inserted into the
    // ranges, they should occur between the two tokens on each end.  For example to add a new
    // keyword to the symbolic property range, it must be lexically after 'Tcalscale' and lexically
    // before 'Tcutype', otherwise it will not be recognized by the 'isSymbolicProperty()' method.
    // note that there is convenience methods on the token class for these classifications
    // (ie. isResourceProperty() isMailtoProperty() etc)
    public enum TokenValue 
  SemiColon=0, Colon=1, Comma=2, Hyphen=3, CRLF=4, Equals=5, // simple tokens
  QuotedString=6, Value=7, Xtension=8, ID=11, Parm=12, Error=13,  // general tokens
  // reserved words  
  Tcalscale, Taction, Tclass, Ttransp, Tstart, Tpartstat, Trsvp, Trole, Tcutype,  // this range is the Symbolic Properties
  Tstandard, Tdaylight, Tvalarm, Ttrigger, // this range is the resource properties
  Tattendee, Torganizer, // this range is the 'mailto:' type properties
  Tbegin, Tend, Tvalue, TrecurrenceId,
  Tvcalendar, // this range is the BEGINEND keyword properties (up to Tvtimezone)
      Tvevent, Tvtodo, Tvjournal, Tvfreebusy, Tvtimezone,  // these are a subproperty of BEGINEND which are COMPONENTs
  Tdtstart, Tdtstamp, Tdtend, Trrule, Texdate, //  this range are the ValueProperties

    /// <summary>
    /// Represents the individual tokens returned from the scanner to the parser.  Note that the
    /// Token creation process is sensitive to the ScannerState.  This state is defined by what context
    /// the scanner currently is in - Parsing IDs, Parmeters, or values:
    ///   e.g.  the iCalendar grammar defines the following possible states
    ///   id;id=parm:value
    /// each string parsed out of the value has to be treated differently (eg. quoted strings are
    /// allowed in 'parm' but not in 'id')
    /// </summary>
    public class Token
  private string tokenText;
  private TokenValue tokenVal;
  private ScannerState state;
  private string errorMessage;

  private static Hashtable reservedWords;

  static Token()
      // static initialization for reserved words - for quick parsing
      reservedWords = new Hashtable( );
      //reservedWords[ "calscale" ] = TokenValue.Tcalscale;
      reservedWords[ "action" ] = TokenValue.Taction;
      reservedWords[ "class" ] = TokenValue.Tclass;
      reservedWords[ "transp" ] = TokenValue.Ttransp;
      reservedWords[ "start" ] = TokenValue.Tstart;
      reservedWords[ "partstat" ] = TokenValue.Tpartstat;
      reservedWords[ "rsvp" ] = TokenValue.Trsvp;
      reservedWords[ "role" ] = TokenValue.Trole;
      reservedWords[ "cutype" ] = TokenValue.Tcutype;
      reservedWords[ "standard" ] = TokenValue.Tstandard;
      reservedWords[ "daylight" ] = TokenValue.Tdaylight;
      reservedWords[ "valarm" ] = TokenValue.Tvalarm;
      reservedWords[ "trigger" ] = TokenValue.Ttrigger;
      reservedWords[ "attendee" ] = TokenValue.Tattendee;
      reservedWords[ "organizer" ] = TokenValue.Torganizer;
      reservedWords[ "begin" ] = TokenValue.Tbegin;
      reservedWords[ "end" ] = TokenValue.Tend;
      reservedWords[ "vevent" ] = TokenValue.Tvevent;
      reservedWords[ "vtodo" ] = TokenValue.Tvtodo;
      reservedWords[ "vjournal" ] = TokenValue.Tvjournal;
      reservedWords[ "vfreebusy" ] = TokenValue.Tvfreebusy;
      reservedWords[ "vtimezone" ] = TokenValue.Tvtimezone;
      reservedWords[ "vcalendar" ] = TokenValue.Tvcalendar;
      reservedWords[ "dtstart" ] = TokenValue.Tdtstart;
      reservedWords[ "dtend" ] = TokenValue.Tdtend;
      reservedWords[ "rrule" ] = TokenValue.Trrule;
      reservedWords[ "exdate" ] = TokenValue.Texdate;
      reservedWords[ "value" ] = TokenValue.Tvalue;
      reservedWords[ "dtstamp" ] = TokenValue.Tdtstamp;
      reservedWords[ "recurrence-id" ] = TokenValue.TrecurrenceId;

  public static bool isID( string str )
      return Regex.IsMatch( str, @"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*");

  public static string CapsCamelCase( string str )
      if( str.Length > 0 )
    return CamelCase( str.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpper() + str.Substring( 1 ));
    return CamelCase( str );

  public static string CamelCase( string str )
      bool upper = false;
      char[] lstr = str.ToCharArray();
      StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();

      for( int i = 0; i < lstr.Length; ++i )
    if( lstr[ i ] == '-' )
        upper = true;
        if( upper )
      buff.Append( Char.ToUpper( lstr[ i ] ));
      upper = false;
      buff.Append( lstr[ i ] );
      return buff.ToString();

  public static string ParseDateTime( string icalDate )
    if( icalDate.Length >= 15 )
        string rval = icalDate.Substring( 0, 4 ) + '-' 
      + icalDate.Substring( 4, 2 ) + '-'
      + icalDate.Substring( 6, 2 ) + 'T'
      + icalDate.Substring( 9, 2 ) + ':'
      + icalDate.Substring( 11, 2 ) + ':'
      + icalDate.Substring( 13, 2 );
        if( icalDate.EndsWith( "Z" ))
      rval += "Z";
        return rval;
    return ParseDate( icalDate );
      catch( Exception )
    return ParseDate( icalDate );  // if we can't convert it, try just the date format

  public static string ParseDate( string icalDate )
    string rval = icalDate.Substring( 0, 4 ) + '-' 
        + icalDate.Substring( 4, 2 ) + '-'
        + icalDate.Substring( 6, 2 ) + "T00:00:00";
    if( icalDate.EndsWith( "Z" ))
        rval += "Z";
    return rval;
      catch( Exception )
    //return icalDate;  // if we can't convert it - return maxdate string...
    string rval = String.Format( "{0:s}", DateTime.MaxValue );
    rval.Replace( " ", "T" );
    return rval;

  public Token( string _tokenText, ScannerState _state ) : this( _tokenText, _state, false )

  public Token( string _tokenText ) : this( _tokenText, ScannerState.ParseValue, false )

  public Token( string _tokenText, ScannerState _state, bool quoteFlag )
      state = _state;

      if( _tokenText == null )//|| _tokenText.Length == 0 )
    //tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
    //errorMessage = "Bad Token String - 0 length";
    _tokenText = "";
    switch( state )
        case ScannerState.ParseID:
      tokenText = _tokenText.ToLower();
      if( reservedWords.Contains( tokenText ))
          tokenVal = (TokenValue) reservedWords[ tokenText ];
      else if( tokenText.StartsWith( "x-" ))
          tokenVal = TokenValue.Xtension;
          tokenText = "x:" + tokenText.Substring( 2 );
      else if( isID( tokenText ))  // this check may be unnecessary by virute of the scanner....
          tokenVal = TokenValue.ID;
          tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
          errorMessage = "Illegal value for ID";
      if( isBeginEndValue() )
          tokenText = CapsCamelCase( tokenText );
          tokenText = CamelCase( tokenText );

        case ScannerState.ParseParms:
      tokenText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( _tokenText );
      if( quoteFlag )
          tokenVal = TokenValue.QuotedString;
          tokenVal = TokenValue.Parm;

        case ScannerState.ParseValue:
            //tokenText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( _tokenText );
                tokenText = _tokenText;
          tokenVal = TokenValue.Value;

        case ScannerState.ParseSimple:
      tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
      errorMessage = "Bad constructor call - ParseSimple and text...";

  public Token( TokenValue _tokenVal )
      tokenText = null;
      if( _tokenVal <= TokenValue.Equals )
    tokenVal = _tokenVal;
    tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;

  public bool isError( )
      return tokenVal == TokenValue.Error;

  public bool isSymbolicProperty( )
      return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tcalscale && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Tcutype;

  public bool isResourceProperty( )
      return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tstandard && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Ttrigger;

  public bool isMailtoProperty( )
      return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tattendee && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Torganizer;

  public bool isBeginEndValue( )
      return (tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tvcalendar && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Tvtimezone) || tokenVal == TokenValue.Tvalarm;

  public bool isComponent( )
      return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tvevent && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Tvtimezone;

  public bool isValueProperty( )
      return (tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tdtstart && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Texdate) || tokenVal == TokenValue.Ttrigger;

  public TokenValue TokenVal 
      get { return tokenVal; }

  public string TokenText
      get { return tokenText; }

  public string Error
      get{ return errorMessage; }

  public void FormatDateTime( )
      tokenText = ParseDateTime( tokenText );

//    #region csUnit Tests
//#if DEBUG
//    namespace Test
//    {
//    using csUnit;

//    public class TokenTest
//    {
//        public TokenTest( )
//        {
//        }

//        public void testToken( )
//        {
//        Token t1 = new Token( "testing" );
//        Token t2 = new Token( TokenValue.Hyphen );
//        Token t3 = new Token( "x-vendor-specific-tag", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenText == "testing" && t1.TokenVal == TokenValue.Value && !t1.isError());
//        Assert.True( t2.TokenText == null && t2.TokenVal == TokenValue.Hyphen && !t2.isError());
//        Assert.True( t3.TokenText == "x:vendorSpecificTag" && t3.TokenVal == TokenValue.Xtension && !t3.isError() );
//        }

//        public void testParseID( )
//        {
//        Token t1 = new Token( "BeGin", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Token t2 = new Token( "a123-009", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Token t3 = new Token( "x123", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Token t4 = new Token( "123", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenVal == TokenValue.Tbegin && !t1.isError());
//        Assert.True( t2.TokenText == "a123009" && t2.TokenVal == TokenValue.ID && !t2.isError());
//        Assert.True( t3.TokenText == "x123" && t3.TokenVal == TokenValue.ID && !t3.isError());
//        Assert.True( t4.isError() );
//        }

//        public void testReservedWords( )
//        {
//        Token t1 = new Token( "class", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Token t2 = new Token( "AttendeE", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Token t3 = new Token( "daylight", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Token t4 = new Token( "vtodO", ScannerState.ParseID );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenVal == TokenValue.Tclass && t1.isSymbolicProperty() && !t1.isError());
//        Assert.True( t2.TokenVal == TokenValue.Tattendee && t2.isMailtoProperty() && !t2.isError());
//        Assert.True( t3.TokenVal == TokenValue.Tdaylight && t3.isResourceProperty() && !t3.isError());
//        Assert.True( t4.TokenVal == TokenValue.Tvtodo && t4.isBeginEndValue() && !t4.isError());
//        }

//        public void testParseParms( )
//        {
//        Token t1 = new Token( "\"jklsdfjkldfs\"", ScannerState.ParseParms, true );
//        Token t2 = new Token( "a123-009", ScannerState.ParseParms );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenVal == TokenValue.QuotedString && !t1.isError());
//        Assert.True( t2.TokenText == "a123-009" && t2.TokenVal == TokenValue.Parm && !t2.isError());
//        }

//        public void testParseValue( )
//        {
//        Token t2 = new Token( "a123-009", ScannerState.ParseValue );
//        Assert.True( t2.TokenText == "a123-009" && t2.TokenVal == TokenValue.Value && !t2.isError());
//        }

//        public void testCamelCase( )
//        {
//        string val = Token.CamelCase( "stuff" );
//        Assert.True( val == "stuff" );
//        val = Token.CamelCase( "1-23" );
//        Assert.True( val == "123" );
//        val = Token.CamelCase( "x-attack" );
//        Assert.True( val == "xAttack" );
//        val = Token.CamelCase( "x-gorilla-attack" );
//        Assert.True( val == "xGorillaAttack" );
//        val = Token.CamelCase( "x-" );
//        Assert.True( val == "x" );
//        val = Token.CapsCamelCase( "x-" );
//        Assert.True( val == "X" );
//        val = Token.CapsCamelCase( "Valarm" );
//        Assert.True( val == "Valarm" );
//        val = Token.CapsCamelCase( "valarm" );
//        Assert.True( val == "Valarm" );
//        }

//        public void testHtmlEncoding( )
//        {
//        Token t1 = new Token( "this is, a value", ScannerState.ParseValue );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenVal == TokenValue.Value );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenText == "this is, a value" );
//        t1 = new Token( "&this is, <a value>", ScannerState.ParseValue );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenVal == TokenValue.Value );
//        Assert.True( t1.TokenText == "&amp;this is, &lt;a value&gt;" );
//        }
//    }
//    }
//    #endregion
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