Packet.cs :  » Network-Clients » SharpPrivacyLibrary » SharpPrivacy » OpenPGP » C# / CSharp Open Source

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// This file is part of the source code distribution of SharpPrivacy.
// SharpPrivacy is an Open Source OpenPGP implementation and can be 
// found at
// It is released under Gnu General Public License and can be used 
// and modified as long as the result is released under GPL too. 
// For a copy of the GPL, please go to 
// Packet.cs: 
//   This class provides static functions for handling packets, and
//  defines the basic structure of a packet. All other packets extend
//  this class.
// Author:
//  Daniel Fabian (
// Version: 0.1.0 (initial release)
// Changelog:
//  - 01.06.2003: Added this header for the first beta release.
// (C) 2003, Daniel Fabian
using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace SharpPrivacy.OpenPGP{
  /// <summary>
  /// <para>Representation of an OpenPGP Packet. All other packet
  /// types extend this class.</para>
  /// <para>The Packet class also provides a static helper function
  /// to parse packets, regardless of there type.</para>
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// Representation of an OpenPGP Packet. All other packet
  /// types extend this class.</para>
  /// <para>The Packet class also provides a static helper function
  /// to parse packets, regardless of there type.</para>
  /// </remarks>
  public class Packet : object {
    protected byte[] bHeader = new byte[2];
    protected int lLength = 0;
    protected byte[] bBody;
    protected ContentTypes ctContent;
    protected PacketFormats pfFormat;
    protected bool bIsUpdated = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Default Constructor - Initialises an empty OpenPGP
    /// Packet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public Packet() {
      this.bHeader = new byte[0];
      this.bBody = new byte[0];
      this.bIsUpdated = true;
      Format = PacketFormats.New;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the packet according to the parameters set
    /// in the packet given as parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pSource">A packet from which the parameters
    /// are copied to this packet. </param>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public Packet(Packet pSource) {
      lLength = pSource.Length;
      bBody = pSource.Body;
      ctContent = pSource.Content;
      pfFormat = pSource.Format;
      bHeader = pSource.Header;
      this.bIsUpdated = false;
    public bool IsUpdated {
      get {
        return bIsUpdated;
    /// <summary>
    /// <para>Gives the exact type of the packet. This can be one
    /// of the following:</para>
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///   <listheader>
    ///     <term>Packettypes</term>
    ///   </listheader>
    ///   <item><term> Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Signature Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> One-Pass Signature Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Secret Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Public Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Secret Subkey Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Compressed Data Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Marker Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Literal Data Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Trust Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> User ID Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Public Subkey Packet</term></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>
    /// <para>The exact type of the packet. This can be one
    /// of the following:</para>
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///   <listheader>
    ///     <term>Packettypes</term>
    ///   </listheader>
    ///   <item><term> Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Signature Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> One-Pass Signature Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Secret Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Public Key Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Secret Subkey Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Compressed Data Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Marker Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Literal Data Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Trust Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> User ID Packet</term></item>
    ///   <item><term> Public Subkey Packet</term></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </value>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public ContentTypes Content {
      get {
        return ctContent;
      set {
        this.bIsUpdated = true;
        ctContent = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Packetformat. Can be either newpacketformat or
    /// oldpacketformat
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>Packetformat. Can be either newpacketformat or
    /// oldpacketformat</value>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public PacketFormats Format {
      get {
        return pfFormat;
      set {
        this.bIsUpdated = true;
        pfFormat = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Byte array that forms the header of the OpenPGP
    /// Packet. This cannot be set directly, but you can
    /// either set the headers parameters directly (like
    /// packetformat) or you can use Packet.ParsePackets
    /// to read packets from a byte buffer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>the header of the OpenPGP
    /// Packet. This cannot be set directly, but you can
    /// either set the headers parameters directly (like
    /// packetformat) or you can use Packet.ParsePackets
    /// to read packets from a byte buffer.</value>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public byte[] Header {
      get {
        if (bIsUpdated)
        return bHeader;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the total length of the packet (header length
    /// + body length).
    /// For obvious reasons, this is readonly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>the total length of the packet (header length
    /// + body length).
    /// For obvious reasons, this is readonly.</value>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public int Length {
      get {
        return bBody.Length + bHeader.Length;
    /// <summary>
    /// Byte array that forms the body pf the OpenPGP
    /// Packet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>the body pf the OpenPGP
    /// Packet.</value>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public byte[] Body {
      get {
        if (bIsUpdated)

        return bBody;
      set {
        this.bIsUpdated = true;
        bBody = value;
        lLength = bBody.Length;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a string representation of the packet. This is
    /// a human readable formated representation that has nothing
    /// to do with OpenPGP or RFC2440
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>String representation of the packet.</returns>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public override string ToString() {
      string strReturn = "";
      strReturn += "Packet Format: " + Format.ToString() + "\r\n";
      return strReturn;
    /// <summary>
    /// Static function that makes parsing packets easy. Just give
    /// a byte representation of a set of OpenPGP packets as
    /// parameter, and the function returns an array of packets
    /// that are the parsed OpenPGP packets.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bBinaryData">A byte array containing a set
    /// of OpenPGP packets</param>
    /// <returns>Returns an array of packets</returns>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public static Packet[] ParsePackets(byte[] bBinaryData) {
      ArrayList alPackets  = new ArrayList(100);
      byte[] bTmpData = new byte[bBinaryData.Length];
      Array.Copy(bBinaryData, bTmpData, bBinaryData.Length);
      long iCurrentIndex = 0;
      while (iCurrentIndex < bBinaryData.Length) {
        Packet pTmpPacket = new Packet();
        Packet pCurrentPacket = pTmpPacket.ParsePacket(bTmpData);
        if (pCurrentPacket != null) {
          iCurrentIndex += pCurrentPacket.Length;
          if (pCurrentPacket.Content != ContentTypes.Marker) {
          bTmpData = new byte[bTmpData.Length - pCurrentPacket.Length];
          Array.Copy(bBinaryData, (int)iCurrentIndex, bTmpData, 0, bBinaryData.Length - (int)iCurrentIndex);
        //MessageBox.Show("Parsed a " + pCurrentPacket.Content.ToString() + "Packet. Current Index: " + iCurrentIndex + "/" + bBinaryData.Length);
      Packet[] pReturnPackets = new Packet[alPackets.Count];
      IEnumerator iePacketEnum = alPackets.GetEnumerator();
      int iCount = 0;
      while (iePacketEnum.MoveNext()) {
        if (iePacketEnum.Current is Packet) {
          pReturnPackets[iCount++] = (Packet)iePacketEnum.Current;
      return pReturnPackets;
    /// <summary>
    /// Static function that makes parsing packets easy. Just give
    /// a Radix64 encoded representation of a set of OpenPGP packets
    /// as parameter, and the function returns an array of packets
    /// that are the parsed OpenPGP packets.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strBase64Text">A string containing the Radix64
    /// representation of a set of OpenPGP packets</param>
    /// <returns>Returns an array of packets</returns>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public static Packet[] ParsePackets(string strBase64Text) {
      byte[] bData = Radix64.Decode(strBase64Text);
      return ParsePackets(bData);
    /// <summary>
    /// Parses a single packet out of the given binary
    /// data. Even if there are more than one packets in the byte
    /// array, only the first packet is returned.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bBinaryData">A byte array containing a set
    /// of OpenPGP packets</param>
    /// <returns>Returns an single OpenPGP packets</returns>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public virtual Packet ParsePacket(byte[] bBinaryData) {
      Packet pReturnPacket = new Packet();
      if ((bBinaryData[0] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
        pfFormat = PacketFormats.New;
      } else if ((bBinaryData[0] & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
        pfFormat = PacketFormats.Old;
      } else {
        throw(new ArgumentException("This is not a valid OpenPGP Packet"));
      if (pfFormat == PacketFormats.New) {
        int iBinaryDataPos = 2;
        ctContent = (ContentTypes)(bBinaryData[0] & 0x3F);
        lLength = bBinaryData[1];
        bBody = new byte[0];
        int iHeaderLength = 1;
        //partial body lengths
        while ((lLength > 223) && (lLength < 255)) {
          int lPartialBody = 1 << ((int)(lLength & 0x1F));
          int lOldLength = 0;
          if (bBody.Length > 0) {
            byte[] bOldBody = new byte[bBody.Length];
            bBody.CopyTo(bOldBody, 0);
            bBody = new byte[bOldBody.Length + lPartialBody];
            bOldBody.CopyTo(bBody, 0);
            lOldLength = bBody.Length;
          } else {
            bBody = new byte[lPartialBody];
          Array.Copy(bBinaryData, iBinaryDataPos, bBody, lOldLength, lPartialBody);
          lLength = bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos + lPartialBody];
          iBinaryDataPos += lPartialBody;
        } //partial bodies must end with a normal header!
        if (lLength < 192) {
          bHeader = new byte[iHeaderLength];
          if (bBody.Length == 0) {
            Array.Copy(bBinaryData, 0, bHeader, 0, 2);
            iBinaryDataPos = 1;
          byte[] bOldBody = new byte[bBody.Length];
          bBody.CopyTo(bOldBody, 0);
          bBody = new byte[bOldBody.Length + lLength];
          bOldBody.CopyTo(bBody, 0);
          Array.Copy(bBinaryData, iBinaryDataPos + 1, bBody, bBody.Length - (int)lLength, (int)lLength);
        } else if ((lLength > 191) && (lLength < 224)) {
          iHeaderLength += 2;
          bHeader = new byte[iHeaderLength];
          if (bBody.Length == 0) {
            Array.Copy(bBinaryData, 0, bHeader, 0, 3);
            iBinaryDataPos = 1;
          lLength = ((bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos++] - 192) << 8) + bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos++] + 192;
          byte[] bOldBody = new byte[bBody.Length];
          bBody.CopyTo(bOldBody, 0);
          bBody = new byte[bOldBody.Length + lLength];
          bOldBody.CopyTo(bBody, 0);
          Array.Copy(bBinaryData, iBinaryDataPos, bBody, bBody.Length - (int)lLength, (int)lLength);
        } else if (lLength == 255) {
          iHeaderLength += 5;
          bHeader = new byte[iHeaderLength];
          if (bBody.Length == 0) {
            Array.Copy(bBinaryData, 0, bHeader, 0, 6);
          lLength = (bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos++] << 24) ^ (bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos++] << 16) ^
                (bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos++] << 8) ^ bBinaryData[iBinaryDataPos++];
          byte[] bOldBody = new byte[bBody.Length];
          bBody.CopyTo(bOldBody, 0);
          bBody = new byte[bOldBody.Length + lLength];
          bOldBody.CopyTo(bBody, 0);
          Array.Copy(bBinaryData, iBinaryDataPos, bBody, bBody.Length - (int)lLength, (int)lLength);
      } else {
        ctContent = (ContentTypes)((bBinaryData[0] & 0x3C) >> 2);
        switch (bBinaryData[0] & 0x03) {
          case 0: 
            lLength = bBinaryData[1];
            bHeader = new byte[2];
          case 1:
            lLength = (bBinaryData[1] << 8) ^ (bBinaryData[2]);
            bHeader = new byte[3];
          case 2:
            lLength = (bBinaryData[1] << 16) ^ (bBinaryData[2] << 8) ^
            bHeader = new byte[4];
          case 3:
            throw new System.NotSupportedException("Packets of indetermined length are not supported due to security considerations!");
            throw new System.ApplicationException("This is not a valid Packet!");
        bBody = new byte[lLength];
        Array.Copy(bBinaryData, 0, bHeader, 0, bHeader.Length);
        Array.Copy(bBinaryData, bHeader.Length, bBody, 0, (int)lLength);
      this.bIsUpdated = false;
      switch (ctContent) {
        case ContentTypes.AsymSessionKey:
          pReturnPacket = new AsymSessionKeyPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.Compressed:
          pReturnPacket = new CompressedDataPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.LiteralData:
          pReturnPacket = new LiteralDataPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.Marker:
          pReturnPacket = new Packet(this);
          //We can savly ignore Marker packets!
          //MessageBox.Show("This is a marker packet. It is not yet supported.");
        case ContentTypes.OnePassSignature:
          pReturnPacket = new OnePassSignaturePacket(this);
          //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This is a One Pass Signature Packet. It is not yet supported");
        //Content is Public Key Packet
        case ContentTypes.PublicKey:
          pReturnPacket = new PublicKeyPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        //Content is Public Subkey Packet. Same format as Public Key Packet
        case ContentTypes.PublicSubkey:
          pReturnPacket = new PublicKeyPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.SecretKey:
          pReturnPacket = new SecretKeyPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.SecretSubkey:
          pReturnPacket = new SecretKeyPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.Signature:
          pReturnPacket = new SignaturePacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.SymEncrypted:
          pReturnPacket = new SymmetricallyEncryptedDataPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.SymSessionKey:
          pReturnPacket = new SymSessionKeyPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
        case ContentTypes.Trust:
          pReturnPacket = new Packet(this);
          // TODO - Remove the messagebox
          //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This is a Trust Packet. It is not yet supported");
        case ContentTypes.UserID:
          pReturnPacket = new UserIDPacket(this);
          pReturnPacket = pReturnPacket.ParsePacket(bBody);
          pReturnPacket = new Packet(this);
          // TODO - Remove the messagebox
          throw new Exception("Sorry, but this is a packet I don't know about!");
      pReturnPacket.bIsUpdated = false;
      return pReturnPacket;
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the content of the packet. Here it is empty,
    /// but every derived OpenPGP packet HAS to implement this
    /// function.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    protected virtual void CraftContent() {
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the header of the packet according to the
    /// parameters Format, Content and the length of the packet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    protected void CraftHeader() {
      byte[] bData = new byte[0];
      int iPos = 0;
      if (Format == PacketFormats.New) {
        if (bBody.Length < 192) {
          bData = new byte[2];
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(0xC0 ^ (byte)Content);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(bBody.Length & 0xFF);
        } else if (bBody.Length < 8384) {
          bData = new byte[3];
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(0xC0 ^ (byte)Content);
          int iLen = bBody.Length - 192;
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(((iLen >> 8) & 0xFF) + 192);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(iLen & 0xFF);
        } else {
          bData = new byte[6];
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(0xC0 ^ (byte)Content);
          bData[iPos++] = 0xFF;
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 24) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 16) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 8) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(bBody.Length & 0xFF);
      } else {
        if (bBody.Length <= 0xFF) {
          bData = new byte[2];
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(0x80 ^ (byte)((byte)Content << 2) ^ 0);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(bBody.Length & 0xFF);
        } else if (bBody.Length <= 0xFFFF) {
          bData = new byte[3];
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(0x80 ^ (byte)((byte)Content << 2) ^ 1);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 8) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(bBody.Length & 0xFF);
        } else {
          bData = new byte[5];
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(0x80 ^ (byte)((byte)Content << 2) ^ 2);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 24) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 16) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)((bBody.Length >> 8) & 0xFF);
          bData[iPos++] = (byte)(bBody.Length & 0xFF);
      bHeader = bData;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the OpenPGP encoded Packet as byte array.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The encoded OpenPGP packet</returns>
    /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
    public byte[] Generate() {
      if (IsUpdated) {
      this.bIsUpdated = false;
      long lLength = bBody.Length + bHeader.Length;
      byte[] bPacket = new byte[lLength];
      Array.Copy(bHeader, bPacket, bHeader.Length);
      Array.Copy(bBody, 0, bPacket, bHeader.Length, bBody.Length);
      return bPacket;
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