IN2.cs :  » Network-Clients » nHapi » NHapi » Model » V251 » Segment » C# / CSharp Open Source

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nHapi » NHapi » Model » V251 » Segment » IN2.cs
using System;
using NHapi.Base;
using NHapi.Base.Parser;
using NHapi.Base.Model;
using NHapi.Model.V251.Datatype;
using NHapi.Base.Log;

namespace NHapi.Model.V251.Segment{

/// Represents an HL7 IN2 message segment. 
/// This segment has the following fields:<ol>
///<li>IN2-1: Insured's Employee ID (CX)</li>
///<li>IN2-2: Insured's Social Security Number (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-3: Insured's Employer's Name and ID (XCN)</li>
///<li>IN2-4: Employer Information Data (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-5: Mail Claim Party (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-6: Medicare Health Ins Card Number (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-7: Medicaid Case Name (XPN)</li>
///<li>IN2-8: Medicaid Case Number (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-9: Military Sponsor Name (XPN)</li>
///<li>IN2-10: Military ID Number (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-11: Dependent Of Military Recipient (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-12: Military Organization (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-13: Military Station (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-14: Military Service (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-15: Military Rank/Grade (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-16: Military Status (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-17: Military Retire Date (DT)</li>
///<li>IN2-18: Military Non-Avail Cert On File (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-19: Baby Coverage (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-20: Combine Baby Bill (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-21: Blood Deductible (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-22: Special Coverage Approval Name (XPN)</li>
///<li>IN2-23: Special Coverage Approval Title (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-24: Non-Covered Insurance Code (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-25: Payor ID (CX)</li>
///<li>IN2-26: Payor Subscriber ID (CX)</li>
///<li>IN2-27: Eligibility Source (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-28: Room Coverage Type/Amount (RMC)</li>
///<li>IN2-29: Policy Type/Amount (PTA)</li>
///<li>IN2-30: Daily Deductible (DDI)</li>
///<li>IN2-31: Living Dependency (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-32: Ambulatory Status (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-33: Citizenship (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-34: Primary Language (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-35: Living Arrangement (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-36: Publicity Code (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-37: Protection Indicator (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-38: Student Indicator (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-39: Religion (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-40: Mother's Maiden Name (XPN)</li>
///<li>IN2-41: Nationality (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-42: Ethnic Group (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-43: Marital Status (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-44: Insured's Employment Start Date (DT)</li>
///<li>IN2-45: Employment Stop Date (DT)</li>
///<li>IN2-46: Job Title (ST)</li>
///<li>IN2-47: Job Code/Class (JCC)</li>
///<li>IN2-48: Job Status (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-49: Employer Contact Person Name (XPN)</li>
///<li>IN2-50: Employer Contact Person Phone Number (XTN)</li>
///<li>IN2-51: Employer Contact Reason (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-52: Insured's Contact Person's Name (XPN)</li>
///<li>IN2-53: Insured's Contact Person Phone Number (XTN)</li>
///<li>IN2-54: Insured's Contact Person Reason (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-55: Relationship to the Patient Start Date (DT)</li>
///<li>IN2-56: Relationship to the Patient Stop Date (DT)</li>
///<li>IN2-57: Insurance Co. Contact Reason (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-58: Insurance Co Contact Phone Number (XTN)</li>
///<li>IN2-59: Policy Scope (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-60: Policy Source (IS)</li>
///<li>IN2-61: Patient Member Number (CX)</li>
///<li>IN2-62: Guarantor's Relationship to Insured (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-63: Insured's Phone Number - Home (XTN)</li>
///<li>IN2-64: Insured's Employer Phone Number (XTN)</li>
///<li>IN2-65: Military Handicapped Program (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-66: Suspend Flag (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-67: Copay Limit Flag (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-68: Stoploss Limit Flag (ID)</li>
///<li>IN2-69: Insured Organization Name and ID (XON)</li>
///<li>IN2-70: Insured Employer Organization Name and ID (XON)</li>
///<li>IN2-71: Race (CE)</li>
///<li>IN2-72: CMS Patient's Relationship to Insured (CE)</li>
/// The get...() methods return data from individual fields.  These methods 
/// do not throw exceptions and may therefore have to handle exceptions internally.  
/// If an exception is handled internally, it is logged and null is returned.  
/// This is not expected to happen - if it does happen this indicates not so much 
/// an exceptional circumstance as a bug in the code for this class.
public class IN2 : AbstractSegment  {

   * Creates a IN2 (Insurance Additional Information) segment object that belongs to the given 
   * message.  
  public IN2(IGroup parent, IModelClassFactory factory) : base(parent,factory) {
  IMessage message = Message;
    try {
       this.add(typeof(CX), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Employee ID");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 11, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Social Security Number");
       this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Employer's Name and ID");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 139}, "Employer Information Data");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 137}, "Mail Claim Party");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 15, new System.Object[]{message}, "Medicare Health Ins Card Number");
       this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Medicaid Case Name");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 15, new System.Object[]{message}, "Medicaid Case Number");
       this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Military Sponsor Name");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Military ID Number");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Dependent Of Military Recipient");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 25, new System.Object[]{message}, "Military Organization");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 25, new System.Object[]{message}, "Military Station");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 14, new System.Object[]{message, 140}, "Military Service");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 141}, "Military Rank/Grade");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message, 142}, "Military Status");
       this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Military Retire Date");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Military Non-Avail Cert On File");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Baby Coverage");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Combine Baby Bill");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message}, "Blood Deductible");
       this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Special Coverage Approval Name");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Special Coverage Approval Title");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 143}, "Non-Covered Insurance Code");
       this.add(typeof(CX), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Payor ID");
       this.add(typeof(CX), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Payor Subscriber ID");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 144}, "Eligibility Source");
       this.add(typeof(RMC), false, 0, 82, new System.Object[]{message}, "Room Coverage Type/Amount");
       this.add(typeof(PTA), false, 0, 56, new System.Object[]{message}, "Policy Type/Amount");
       this.add(typeof(DDI), false, 1, 25, new System.Object[]{message}, "Daily Deductible");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 223}, "Living Dependency");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 9}, "Ambulatory Status");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Citizenship");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Language");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 220}, "Living Arrangement");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Publicity Code");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Protection Indicator");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 231}, "Student Indicator");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Religion");
       this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Mother's Maiden Name");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Nationality");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ethnic Group");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Marital Status");
       this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Employment Start Date");
       this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Employment Stop Date");
       this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Job Title");
       this.add(typeof(JCC), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Job Code/Class");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 311}, "Job Status");
       this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Employer Contact Person Name");
       this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Employer Contact Person Phone Number");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 222}, "Employer Contact Reason");
       this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Contact Person's Name");
       this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Contact Person Phone Number");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 222}, "Insured's Contact Person Reason");
       this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Relationship to the Patient Start Date");
       this.add(typeof(DT), false, 0, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Relationship to the Patient Stop Date");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 232}, "Insurance Co. Contact Reason");
       this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insurance Co Contact Phone Number");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 312}, "Policy Scope");
       this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 313}, "Policy Source");
       this.add(typeof(CX), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Patient Member Number");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor's Relationship to Insured");
       this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Phone Number - Home");
       this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured's Employer Phone Number");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Military Handicapped Program");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Suspend Flag");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Copay Limit Flag");
       this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Stoploss Limit Flag");
       this.add(typeof(XON), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured Organization Name and ID");
       this.add(typeof(XON), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insured Employer Organization Name and ID");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Race");
       this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "CMS Patient's Relationship to Insured");
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + GetType().Name, he);

  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Employee ID(IN2-1).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CX GetInsuredSEmployeeID(int rep)
      CX ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(1, rep);
        ret = (CX)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Employee ID (IN2-1).
  public CX[] GetInsuredSEmployeeID() {
     CX[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(1);  
        ret = new CX[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CX)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Employee ID (IN2-1).
  public int InsuredSEmployeeIDRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(1);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Insured's Social Security Number(IN2-2).
  public ST InsuredSSocialSecurityNumber
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(2, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Employer's Name and ID(IN2-3).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XCN GetInsuredSEmployerSNameAndID(int rep)
      XCN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(3, rep);
        ret = (XCN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Employer's Name and ID (IN2-3).
  public XCN[] GetInsuredSEmployerSNameAndID() {
     XCN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(3);  
        ret = new XCN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XCN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Employer's Name and ID (IN2-3).
  public int InsuredSEmployerSNameAndIDRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(3);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Employer Information Data(IN2-4).
  public IS EmployerInformationData
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(4, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Mail Claim Party(IN2-5).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public IS GetMailClaimParty(int rep)
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(5, rep);
        ret = (IS)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Mail Claim Party (IN2-5).
  public IS[] GetMailClaimParty() {
     IS[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(5);  
        ret = new IS[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (IS)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Mail Claim Party (IN2-5).
  public int MailClaimPartyRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(5);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Medicare Health Ins Card Number(IN2-6).
  public ST MedicareHealthInsCardNumber
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(6, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Medicaid Case Name(IN2-7).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XPN GetMedicaidCaseName(int rep)
      XPN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(7, rep);
        ret = (XPN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Medicaid Case Name (IN2-7).
  public XPN[] GetMedicaidCaseName() {
     XPN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(7);  
        ret = new XPN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XPN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Medicaid Case Name (IN2-7).
  public int MedicaidCaseNameRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(7);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Medicaid Case Number(IN2-8).
  public ST MedicaidCaseNumber
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(8, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Military Sponsor Name(IN2-9).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XPN GetMilitarySponsorName(int rep)
      XPN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(9, rep);
        ret = (XPN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Military Sponsor Name (IN2-9).
  public XPN[] GetMilitarySponsorName() {
     XPN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(9);  
        ret = new XPN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XPN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Military Sponsor Name (IN2-9).
  public int MilitarySponsorNameRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(9);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Military ID Number(IN2-10).
  public ST MilitaryIDNumber
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(10, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Dependent Of Military Recipient(IN2-11).
  public CE DependentOfMilitaryRecipient
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(11, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Organization(IN2-12).
  public ST MilitaryOrganization
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(12, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Station(IN2-13).
  public ST MilitaryStation
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(13, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Service(IN2-14).
  public IS MilitaryService
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(14, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Rank/Grade(IN2-15).
  public IS MilitaryRankGrade
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(15, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Status(IN2-16).
  public IS MilitaryStatus
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(16, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Retire Date(IN2-17).
  public DT MilitaryRetireDate
      DT ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(17, 0);
        ret = (DT)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Military Non-Avail Cert On File(IN2-18).
  public ID MilitaryNonAvailCertOnFile
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(18, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Baby Coverage(IN2-19).
  public ID BabyCoverage
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(19, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Combine Baby Bill(IN2-20).
  public ID CombineBabyBill
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(20, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Blood Deductible(IN2-21).
  public ST BloodDeductible
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(21, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Special Coverage Approval Name(IN2-22).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XPN GetSpecialCoverageApprovalName(int rep)
      XPN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(22, rep);
        ret = (XPN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Special Coverage Approval Name (IN2-22).
  public XPN[] GetSpecialCoverageApprovalName() {
     XPN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(22);  
        ret = new XPN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XPN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Special Coverage Approval Name (IN2-22).
  public int SpecialCoverageApprovalNameRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(22);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Special Coverage Approval Title(IN2-23).
  public ST SpecialCoverageApprovalTitle
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(23, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Non-Covered Insurance Code(IN2-24).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public IS GetNonCoveredInsuranceCode(int rep)
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(24, rep);
        ret = (IS)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Non-Covered Insurance Code (IN2-24).
  public IS[] GetNonCoveredInsuranceCode() {
     IS[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(24);  
        ret = new IS[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (IS)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Non-Covered Insurance Code (IN2-24).
  public int NonCoveredInsuranceCodeRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(24);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Payor ID(IN2-25).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CX GetPayorID(int rep)
      CX ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(25, rep);
        ret = (CX)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Payor ID (IN2-25).
  public CX[] GetPayorID() {
     CX[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(25);  
        ret = new CX[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CX)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Payor ID (IN2-25).
  public int PayorIDRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(25);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Payor Subscriber ID(IN2-26).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CX GetPayorSubscriberID(int rep)
      CX ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(26, rep);
        ret = (CX)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Payor Subscriber ID (IN2-26).
  public CX[] GetPayorSubscriberID() {
     CX[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(26);  
        ret = new CX[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CX)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Payor Subscriber ID (IN2-26).
  public int PayorSubscriberIDRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(26);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Eligibility Source(IN2-27).
  public IS EligibilitySource
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(27, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Room Coverage Type/Amount(IN2-28).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public RMC GetRoomCoverageTypeAmount(int rep)
      RMC ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(28, rep);
        ret = (RMC)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Room Coverage Type/Amount (IN2-28).
  public RMC[] GetRoomCoverageTypeAmount() {
     RMC[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(28);  
        ret = new RMC[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (RMC)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Room Coverage Type/Amount (IN2-28).
  public int RoomCoverageTypeAmountRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(28);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Policy Type/Amount(IN2-29).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public PTA GetPolicyTypeAmount(int rep)
      PTA ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(29, rep);
        ret = (PTA)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Policy Type/Amount (IN2-29).
  public PTA[] GetPolicyTypeAmount() {
     PTA[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(29);  
        ret = new PTA[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (PTA)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Policy Type/Amount (IN2-29).
  public int PolicyTypeAmountRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(29);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Daily Deductible(IN2-30).
  public DDI DailyDeductible
      DDI ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(30, 0);
        ret = (DDI)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Living Dependency(IN2-31).
  public IS LivingDependency
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(31, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Ambulatory Status(IN2-32).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public IS GetAmbulatoryStatus(int rep)
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(32, rep);
        ret = (IS)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Ambulatory Status (IN2-32).
  public IS[] GetAmbulatoryStatus() {
     IS[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(32);  
        ret = new IS[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (IS)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Ambulatory Status (IN2-32).
  public int AmbulatoryStatusRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(32);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Citizenship(IN2-33).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CE GetCitizenship(int rep)
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(33, rep);
        ret = (CE)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Citizenship (IN2-33).
  public CE[] GetCitizenship() {
     CE[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(33);  
        ret = new CE[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CE)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Citizenship (IN2-33).
  public int CitizenshipRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(33);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Primary Language(IN2-34).
  public CE PrimaryLanguage
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(34, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Living Arrangement(IN2-35).
  public IS LivingArrangement
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(35, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Publicity Code(IN2-36).
  public CE PublicityCode
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(36, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Protection Indicator(IN2-37).
  public ID ProtectionIndicator
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(37, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Student Indicator(IN2-38).
  public IS StudentIndicator
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(38, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Religion(IN2-39).
  public CE Religion
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(39, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Mother's Maiden Name(IN2-40).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XPN GetMotherSMaidenName(int rep)
      XPN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(40, rep);
        ret = (XPN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Mother's Maiden Name (IN2-40).
  public XPN[] GetMotherSMaidenName() {
     XPN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(40);  
        ret = new XPN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XPN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Mother's Maiden Name (IN2-40).
  public int MotherSMaidenNameRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(40);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Nationality(IN2-41).
  public CE Nationality
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(41, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Ethnic Group(IN2-42).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CE GetEthnicGroup(int rep)
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(42, rep);
        ret = (CE)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Ethnic Group (IN2-42).
  public CE[] GetEthnicGroup() {
     CE[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(42);  
        ret = new CE[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CE)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Ethnic Group (IN2-42).
  public int EthnicGroupRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(42);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Marital Status(IN2-43).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CE GetMaritalStatus(int rep)
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(43, rep);
        ret = (CE)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Marital Status (IN2-43).
  public CE[] GetMaritalStatus() {
     CE[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(43);  
        ret = new CE[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CE)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Marital Status (IN2-43).
  public int MaritalStatusRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(43);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Insured's Employment Start Date(IN2-44).
  public DT InsuredSEmploymentStartDate
      DT ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(44, 0);
        ret = (DT)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Employment Stop Date(IN2-45).
  public DT EmploymentStopDate
      DT ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(45, 0);
        ret = (DT)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Job Title(IN2-46).
  public ST JobTitle
      ST ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(46, 0);
        ret = (ST)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Job Code/Class(IN2-47).
  public JCC JobCodeClass
      JCC ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(47, 0);
        ret = (JCC)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Job Status(IN2-48).
  public IS JobStatus
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(48, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Employer Contact Person Name(IN2-49).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XPN GetEmployerContactPersonName(int rep)
      XPN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(49, rep);
        ret = (XPN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Employer Contact Person Name (IN2-49).
  public XPN[] GetEmployerContactPersonName() {
     XPN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(49);  
        ret = new XPN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XPN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Employer Contact Person Name (IN2-49).
  public int EmployerContactPersonNameRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(49);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Employer Contact Person Phone Number(IN2-50).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XTN GetEmployerContactPersonPhoneNumber(int rep)
      XTN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(50, rep);
        ret = (XTN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Employer Contact Person Phone Number (IN2-50).
  public XTN[] GetEmployerContactPersonPhoneNumber() {
     XTN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(50);  
        ret = new XTN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XTN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Employer Contact Person Phone Number (IN2-50).
  public int EmployerContactPersonPhoneNumberRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(50);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Employer Contact Reason(IN2-51).
  public IS EmployerContactReason
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(51, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Contact Person's Name(IN2-52).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XPN GetInsuredSContactPersonSName(int rep)
      XPN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(52, rep);
        ret = (XPN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Contact Person's Name (IN2-52).
  public XPN[] GetInsuredSContactPersonSName() {
     XPN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(52);  
        ret = new XPN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XPN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Contact Person's Name (IN2-52).
  public int InsuredSContactPersonSNameRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(52);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Contact Person Phone Number(IN2-53).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XTN GetInsuredSContactPersonPhoneNumber(int rep)
      XTN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(53, rep);
        ret = (XTN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Contact Person Phone Number (IN2-53).
  public XTN[] GetInsuredSContactPersonPhoneNumber() {
     XTN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(53);  
        ret = new XTN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XTN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Contact Person Phone Number (IN2-53).
  public int InsuredSContactPersonPhoneNumberRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(53);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Contact Person Reason(IN2-54).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public IS GetInsuredSContactPersonReason(int rep)
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(54, rep);
        ret = (IS)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Contact Person Reason (IN2-54).
  public IS[] GetInsuredSContactPersonReason() {
     IS[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(54);  
        ret = new IS[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (IS)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Contact Person Reason (IN2-54).
  public int InsuredSContactPersonReasonRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(54);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Relationship to the Patient Start Date(IN2-55).
  public DT RelationshipToThePatientStartDate
      DT ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(55, 0);
        ret = (DT)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Relationship to the Patient Stop Date(IN2-56).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public DT GetRelationshipToThePatientStopDate(int rep)
      DT ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(56, rep);
        ret = (DT)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Relationship to the Patient Stop Date (IN2-56).
  public DT[] GetRelationshipToThePatientStopDate() {
     DT[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(56);  
        ret = new DT[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (DT)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Relationship to the Patient Stop Date (IN2-56).
  public int RelationshipToThePatientStopDateRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(56);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Insurance Co. Contact Reason(IN2-57).
  public IS InsuranceCoContactReason
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(57, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Insurance Co Contact Phone Number(IN2-58).
  public XTN InsuranceCoContactPhoneNumber
      XTN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(58, 0);
        ret = (XTN)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Policy Scope(IN2-59).
  public IS PolicyScope
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(59, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Policy Source(IN2-60).
  public IS PolicySource
      IS ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(60, 0);
        ret = (IS)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Patient Member Number(IN2-61).
  public CX PatientMemberNumber
      CX ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(61, 0);
        ret = (CX)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Guarantor's Relationship to Insured(IN2-62).
  public CE GuarantorSRelationshipToInsured
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(62, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Phone Number - Home(IN2-63).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XTN GetInsuredSPhoneNumberHome(int rep)
      XTN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(63, rep);
        ret = (XTN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Phone Number - Home (IN2-63).
  public XTN[] GetInsuredSPhoneNumberHome() {
     XTN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(63);  
        ret = new XTN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XTN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Phone Number - Home (IN2-63).
  public int InsuredSPhoneNumberHomeRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(63);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured's Employer Phone Number(IN2-64).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XTN GetInsuredSEmployerPhoneNumber(int rep)
      XTN ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(64, rep);
        ret = (XTN)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured's Employer Phone Number (IN2-64).
  public XTN[] GetInsuredSEmployerPhoneNumber() {
     XTN[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(64);  
        ret = new XTN[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XTN)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured's Employer Phone Number (IN2-64).
  public int InsuredSEmployerPhoneNumberRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(64);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns Military Handicapped Program(IN2-65).
  public CE MilitaryHandicappedProgram
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(65, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Suspend Flag(IN2-66).
  public ID SuspendFlag
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(66, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Copay Limit Flag(IN2-67).
  public ID CopayLimitFlag
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(67, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns Stoploss Limit Flag(IN2-68).
  public ID StoplossLimitFlag
      ID ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(68, 0);
        ret = (ID)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured Organization Name and ID(IN2-69).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XON GetInsuredOrganizationNameAndID(int rep)
      XON ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(69, rep);
        ret = (XON)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured Organization Name and ID (IN2-69).
  public XON[] GetInsuredOrganizationNameAndID() {
     XON[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(69);  
        ret = new XON[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XON)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured Organization Name and ID (IN2-69).
  public int InsuredOrganizationNameAndIDRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(69);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Insured Employer Organization Name and ID(IN2-70).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public XON GetInsuredEmployerOrganizationNameAndID(int rep)
      XON ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(70, rep);
        ret = (XON)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Insured Employer Organization Name and ID (IN2-70).
  public XON[] GetInsuredEmployerOrganizationNameAndID() {
     XON[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(70);  
        ret = new XON[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (XON)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Insured Employer Organization Name and ID (IN2-70).
  public int InsuredEmployerOrganizationNameAndIDRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(70);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns a single repetition of Race(IN2-71).
  /// throws HL7Exception if the repetition number is invalid.
  /// <param name="rep">The repetition number (this is a repeating field)</param>
  public CE GetRace(int rep)
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(71, rep);
        ret = (CE)t;
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

  /// Returns all repetitions of Race (IN2-71).
  public CE[] GetRace() {
     CE[] ret = null;
    try {
        IType[] t = this.GetField(71);  
        ret = new CE[t.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
            ret[i] = (CE)t[i];
    } catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
 return ret;

  /// Returns the total repetitions of Race (IN2-71).
  public int RaceRepetitionsUsed
    try {
  return GetTotalFieldRepetitionsUsed(71);
catch (HL7Exception he) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
} catch (System.Exception cce) {
        HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
  /// Returns CMS Patient's Relationship to Insured(IN2-72).
  public CE CMSPatientSRelationshipToInsured
      CE ret = null;
      IType t = this.GetField(72, 0);
        ret = (CE)t;
       catch (HL7Exception he) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
    } catch (System.Exception ex) {
      HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", ex);
        throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", ex);
      return ret;

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