pdfDocument.cs :  » PDF » SharpPDF » sharpPDF » C# / CSharp Open Source

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SharpPDF » sharpPDF » pdfDocument.cs
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;

using sharpPDF.Bookmarks;
using sharpPDF.Collections;
using sharpPDF.Elements;
using sharpPDF.Enumerators;
using sharpPDF.Exceptions;
using sharpPDF.Fonts;
using sharpPDF.PDFControls;
using sharpPDF.Tables;

namespace sharpPDF{
  /// <summary>
  /// A Class that implements a PDF document.
  /// </summary>
  public class pdfDocument : IDisposable
    private string _title;
    private string _author;
    private bool _openBookmark;
    private pdfHeader _header;
    private pdfInfo _info;
    private pdfOutlines _outlines;
    private pdfPageTree _pageTree;
    private pdfTrailer _trailer;    
    private ArrayList _pages = null;
    private pdfPageMarker _pageMarker = null;
    private pdfPersistentPage _persistentPage = null;

    internal fontHashtable _fonts = new fontHashtable();
    internal imageHashtable _images = new imageHashtable();

    /// <summary>
    /// Document's page marker
    /// </summary>
    public pdfPageMarker pageMarker
        _pageMarker = value;        

    /// <summary>
    /// Document's persistent page
    /// </summary>
    public pdfPersistentPage persistentPage
        return _persistentPage;

    /// <summary>
    /// Collection of pdf's page
    /// </summary>
    public pdfPage this[int index]
        return (pdfPage)_pages[index];

    /// <summary>
    /// Class's constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="author">Author of the document</param>
    /// <param name="title">Title of the document</param>
    public pdfDocument(string title, string author)
      _title = title;
      _author = author;
      _openBookmark = false;
      _outlines = new pdfOutlines();
      _pages = new ArrayList();
      _persistentPage = new pdfPersistentPage(this);


    /// <summary>
    /// Class's constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="author">Author of the document</param>
    /// <param name="title">Title of the document</param>
    /// <param name="openBookmark">Allow to show directly bookmarks near the document</param>
    public pdfDocument(string title, string author, bool openBookmark)
      _title = title;
      _author = author;
      _openBookmark = openBookmark;
      _outlines = new pdfOutlines();
      _pages = new ArrayList();
      _persistentPage = new pdfPersistentPage(this);

    /// <summary>
    /// Dispose Method
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()
      _header = null;
      _info = null;
      _outlines = null;
            _fonts = null;
            _pages = null;
            _pageTree = null;
            _trailer = null;
      _title = null;
      _author = null;
      _pageMarker = null;
      _persistentPage = null;

    #region Font_Mananagment    
    /// <summary>
    /// Method thata adds a Font Reference of a True Type file inside the pdfDocument
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileName">Name of the font's file</param>
    /// <param name="fontName">Font's reference name</param>
    public void addTrueTypeFont(string fileName, string fontName)
      if (!(isFontLoaded(fontName))) {
        _fonts.Add(fontName,pdfFontFactory.getFontObject(fileName, _fonts.Count + 1,  documentFontType.csTrueTypeFont));

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that loads a font inside the document
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fontName">Font's reference name</param>
    /// <param name="fontObject">pdfAbstractFont object</param>
    internal void loadFont(string fontName, pdfAbstractFont fontObject)
      _fonts.Add(fontName, fontObject);

    /// <summary>
    /// Methot that shows if a font is loaded inside the document
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fontName">Font's reference name</param>
    /// <returns>Booleand value that tells if the font is loaded</returns>
    internal bool isFontLoaded(string fontName)
      return _fonts.ContainsKey(fontName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that return the pdfAbstractFont Object Reference of a Standard Font
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fontType">Predefined Font</param>
    /// <returns>pdfAbstractFont Object</returns>
    public pdfAbstractFont getFontReference(predefinedFont fontType)
      return this.getFontReference(pdfFontFactory.getPredefinedFontName(fontType));

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that return the pdfAbstractFont Object Reference of a Font
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fontReference">Font's reference name</param>
    /// <returns>pdfAbstractFont Object</returns>
    public pdfAbstractFont getFontReference(string fontReference)
      if (!(isFontLoaded(fontReference))) {
        if (pdfFontFactory.isPredefinedFont(fontReference)) {
          _fonts.Add(fontReference, pdfFontFactory.getFontObject(fontReference, _fonts.Count + 1,  documentFontType.csPredefinedfont));  
        } else {
          throw new pdfFontNotLoadedException();
      return _fonts[fontReference];


    #region Image_Management

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that adds an Image Reference to the document
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileName">Image File Name</param>
    /// <param name="imageName">Name of the reference</param>
    public void addImageReference(string fileName, string imageName)
      if (!(isImageReferenceLoaded(imageName))) {
        _images.Add(imageName, new pdfImageReference(fileName));

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that adds an Image Reference to the document
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="imageObject">Image Object</param>
    /// <param name="imageName">Name of the reference</param>
    public void addImageReference(Image imageObject, string imageName)
      if (!(isImageReferenceLoaded(imageName))) {
        _images.Add(imageName, new pdfImageReference(imageObject));

    internal bool isImageReferenceLoaded(string imageName)
      return _images.ContainsKey(imageName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that returns an pdfImageReference object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="imageName">Image's reference name</param>
    /// <returns>pdfImageReference Object</returns>
    public pdfImageReference getImageReference(string imageName)
      if (this.isImageReferenceLoaded(imageName)) {
        return (this._images[imageName]);
      } else {
        throw new pdfImageNotLoadedException();


    /// <summary>
    /// Method that writes the PDF document on the stream
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="outStream">Output stream</param>
    public void createPDF(Stream outStream)
      BufferedStream _myBuffer;
      long _bufferLength = 0;

                //Bufferedstream's initialization 
        _myBuffer = new BufferedStream(outStream);
        //PDF's definition
        _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer , @"%PDF-1.5" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));           
        //PDF's header object
        _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, _header.getText());

        //PDF's info object
        _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, _info.getText());

        //PDF's outlines object
        _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, _outlines.getText());

        //PDF's bookmarks
        foreach(pdfBookmarkNode Node in _outlines.getBookmarks())
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, Node.getText());

        //Fonts's initialization
        foreach (pdfAbstractFont font in _fonts.Values)
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, font.getText());
          if (font is pdfTrueTypeFont) {
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).getFontDescriptorText());
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).getFontDescendantText());
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).getToUnicodeText());            
            //Font's Stream            
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).getStreamText());
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, "stream" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).subsetStream);
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, Convert.ToChar(13).ToString());
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, Convert.ToChar(10).ToString());
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, "endstream" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, "endobj" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));            
        //PDF's pagetree object
        _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, _pageTree.getText());

        //Generation of PDF's pages
        foreach(pdfPage page in _pages)
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, page.getText());

          foreach (pdfElement element in page.elements)
            _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, element.getText());            


        //PDF's Images
        foreach (pdfImageReference image in _images.Values)
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, image.getText());
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, "stream" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, image.content);
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, Convert.ToChar(13).ToString());
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, Convert.ToChar(10).ToString());
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, "endstream" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));
          _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, "endobj" + Convert.ToChar(13) + Convert.ToChar(10));

        //PDF's trailer object
        _trailer.xrefOffset = _bufferLength;
        _bufferLength += writeToBuffer(_myBuffer, _trailer.getText());
        //Buffer's flush
        _myBuffer = null;            
       } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new pdfWritingErrorException("Errore nella scrittura del PDF",ex);      

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that writes the PDF document on a file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="outputFile">String that represents the name of the output file</param>
    public void createPDF(string outputFile)
      FileStream _myFileOut;
        _myFileOut = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create);
      } catch (IOException exIO) {
        throw new pdfWritingErrorException("Errore nella scrittura del file",exIO);
      } catch (pdfWritingErrorException exPDF) {
        throw new pdfWritingErrorException("Errore nella scrittura del PDF",exPDF);

    /// <summary>
    /// Private method for the initialization of all PDF objects
    /// </summary>
    private void initializeObjects()
      //Page's counters
      int  pageIndex = 1;
      int  pageNum = _pages.Count;

      int counterID = 0;
      _header = new pdfHeader(_openBookmark);
            _header.objectIDHeader = 1;            
      _header.objectIDInfo = 2;
            _header.objectIDOutlines = 3;
      _info = new pdfInfo(_title, _author);
      _info.objectIDInfo = 2;  
      _outlines.objectIDOutlines = 3;
      counterID = 4;
      counterID = _outlines.initializeOutlines(counterID);      
      foreach(pdfAbstractFont font in _fonts.Values)
        font.objectID = counterID;
        if (font is pdfTrueTypeFont) {
          ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).descriptorObjectID = counterID;
          ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).descendantObjectID = counterID;
          ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).toUnicodeObjectID = counterID;
          ((pdfTrueTypeFont)font).streamObjectID = counterID;
            _pageTree = new pdfPageTree();
      _pageTree.objectID = counterID;
            _header.pageTreeID = counterID;
            foreach(pdfPage page in _pages)
                page.objectID = counterID;
        page.pageTreeID = _pageTree.objectID;
        //Add page's Marker
        if (_pageMarker != null) {
          page.addText(_pageMarker.getMarker(pageIndex, pageNum),_pageMarker.coordX, _pageMarker.coordY,_pageMarker.fontType, _pageMarker.fontSize, _pageMarker.fontColor);

        //Add persistent elements
        if (_persistentPage.elements.Count > 0) {

        //page's elements
                foreach (pdfElement element in page.elements)
                    element.objectID = counterID;

        //Update page's index counter
        pageIndex += 1;

      foreach (pdfImageReference image in _images.Values) {
        image.ObjectID = counterID;

      _trailer = new pdfTrailer(counterID - 1);      

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that creates a new page
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>New PDF's page</returns>
    public pdfPage addPage()
      _pages.Add(new pdfPage(this));
      return (pdfPage)_pages[_pages.Count - 1];

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that creates a new page
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="predefinedSize">The standard page's size</param>
    /// <returns>New PDF's page</returns>
    public pdfPage addPage(predefinedPageSize predefinedSize)
      _pages.Add(new pdfPage(predefinedSize, this));
      return (pdfPage)_pages[_pages.Count - 1];

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that creates a new page
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>New PDF's page</returns>
    /// <param name="height">Height of the new page</param>
    /// <param name="width">Width of the new page</param>
    public pdfPage addPage(int height, int width)
      _pages.Add(new pdfPage(height, width, this));
      return (pdfPage)_pages[_pages.Count - 1];

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that adds a bookmark to the document
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Bookmark">Bookmark object</param>
    public void addBookmark(pdfBookmarkNode Bookmark)

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that writes into the buffer a string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="myBuffer">Output Buffer</param>
    /// <param name="stringContent">String that contains the informations</param>
    /// <returns>The number of the bytes written in the Buffer</returns>
    private long writeToBuffer(BufferedStream myBuffer, string stringContent)
      ASCIIEncoding myEncoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
      byte[] arrTemp;
      try  {
        arrTemp = myEncoder.GetBytes(stringContent);          
        myBuffer.Write(arrTemp, 0, arrTemp.Length);
        return arrTemp.Length;
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new pdfBufferErrorException("Errore nella scrittura del Buffer", ex);

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that writes into the buffer a string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="myBuffer">Output Buffer</param>
    /// <param name="byteContent">A Byte array that contains the informations</param>
    /// <returns>The number of the bytes written in the Buffer</returns>
    private long writeToBuffer(BufferedStream myBuffer, byte[] byteContent)
      try  {
        myBuffer.Write(byteContent, 0, byteContent.Length);
        return byteContent.Length;
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new pdfBufferErrorException("Errore nella scrittura del Buffer", ex);
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