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iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Asn1 » Asn1Set.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1{
    abstract public class Asn1Set
        : Asn1Object, IEnumerable
        private readonly ArrayList _set;

         * return an ASN1Set from the given object.
         * @param obj the object we want converted.
         * @exception ArgumentException if the object cannot be converted.
        public static Asn1Set GetInstance(
            object obj)
            if (obj == null || obj is Asn1Set)
                return (Asn1Set)obj;

      throw new ArgumentException("Unknown object in GetInstance: " + obj.GetType().FullName, "obj");

         * Return an ASN1 set from a tagged object. There is a special
         * case here, if an object appears to have been explicitly tagged on
         * reading but we were expecting it to be implicitly tagged in the
         * normal course of events it indicates that we lost the surrounding
         * set - so we need to add it back (this will happen if the tagged
         * object is a sequence that contains other sequences). If you are
         * dealing with implicitly tagged sets you really <b>should</b>
         * be using this method.
         * @param obj the tagged object.
         * @param explicitly true if the object is meant to be explicitly tagged
         *          false otherwise.
         * @exception ArgumentException if the tagged object cannot
         *          be converted.
        public static Asn1Set GetInstance(
            Asn1TaggedObject  obj,
            bool        explicitly)
      Asn1Object inner = obj.GetObject();

      if (explicitly)
                if (!obj.IsExplicit())
                    throw new ArgumentException("object implicit - explicit expected.");

        return (Asn1Set) inner;

            // constructed object which appears to be explicitly tagged
            // and it's really implicit means we have to add the
            // surrounding sequence.
            if (obj.IsExplicit())
                return new DerSet(inner);

      if (inner is Asn1Set)
                return (Asn1Set) inner;

            // in this case the parser returns a sequence, convert it
            // into a set.
      if (inner is Asn1Sequence)
        Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector();
        Asn1Sequence s = (Asn1Sequence) inner;

        foreach (Asn1Encodable ae in s)

        // TODO Should be able to construct set directly from sequence?
        return new DerSet(v, false);

      throw new ArgumentException("Unknown object in GetInstance: " + obj.GetType().FullName, "obj");

    protected internal Asn1Set(
      int capacity)
      _set = new ArrayList(capacity);

    public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
      return _set.GetEnumerator();

    [Obsolete("Use GetEnumerator() instead")]
        public IEnumerator GetObjects()
            return GetEnumerator();

         * return the object at the set position indicated by index.
         * @param index the set number (starting at zero) of the object
         * @return the object at the set position indicated by index.
    public virtual Asn1Encodable this[int index]
      get { return (Asn1Encodable) _set[index]; }

    [Obsolete("Use 'object[index]' syntax instead")]
    public Asn1Encodable GetObjectAt(
            int index)
             return this[index];

    [Obsolete("Use 'Count' property instead")]
    public int Size
      get { return Count; }

    public virtual int Count
      get { return _set.Count; }

    private class Asn1SetParserImpl
      : Asn1SetParser
      private readonly Asn1Set outer;
      private readonly int max;
      private int index;

      public Asn1SetParserImpl(
        Asn1Set outer)
        this.outer = outer;
        this.max = outer.Count;

      public IAsn1Convertible ReadObject()
        if (index == max)
          return null;

        Asn1Encodable obj = outer[index++];
        if (obj is Asn1Sequence)
          return ((Asn1Sequence)obj).Parser;

        if (obj is Asn1Set)
          return ((Asn1Set)obj).Parser;

        // NB: Asn1OctetString implements Asn1OctetStringParser directly
//        if (obj is Asn1OctetString)
//          return ((Asn1OctetString)obj).Parser;

        return obj;

      public virtual Asn1Object ToAsn1Object()
        return outer;

    public Asn1SetParser Parser
      get { return new Asn1SetParserImpl(this); }

    protected override int Asn1GetHashCode()
            int hc = Count;

      foreach (object o in this)
        hc *= 17;
        if (o != null)
          hc ^= o.GetHashCode();

      return hc;

    protected override bool Asn1Equals(
      Asn1Object asn1Object)
      Asn1Set other = asn1Object as Asn1Set;

      if (other == null)
        return false;

      if (Count != other.Count)
                return false;

      IEnumerator s1 = GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator s2 = other.GetEnumerator();

      while (s1.MoveNext() && s2.MoveNext())
//        if (!Platform.Equals(s1.Current, s2.Current))
        Asn1Object o1 = ((Asn1Encodable) s1.Current).ToAsn1Object();

        if (!o1.Equals(s2.Current))
          return false;

      return true;

         * return true if a &lt;= b (arrays are assumed padded with zeros).
        private bool LessThanOrEqual(
             byte[] a,
             byte[] b)
      int len = System.Math.Min(a.Length, b.Length);
      for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i)
        if (a[i] != b[i])
          return a[i] < b[i];
      return len == a.Length;

    protected internal void Sort()
      if (_set.Count > 1)
        bool swapped = true;
        int lastSwap = _set.Count - 1;

        while (swapped)
          int index = 0;
          int swapIndex = 0;
          byte[] a = ((Asn1Encodable) _set[0]).GetEncoded();

          swapped = false;

          while (index != lastSwap)
            byte[] b = ((Asn1Encodable) _set[index + 1]).GetEncoded();

            if (LessThanOrEqual(a, b))
              a = b;
              object o = _set[index];
              _set[index] = _set[index + 1];
              _set[index + 1] = o;

              swapped = true;
              swapIndex = index;


          lastSwap = swapIndex;

    protected internal void AddObject(
      Asn1Encodable obj)

    public override string ToString()
      return CollectionUtilities.ToString(_set);
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