using System;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.SigI{
* Object Identifiers of SigI specifciation (German Signature Law
* Interoperability specification).
public sealed class SigIObjectIdentifiers
private SigIObjectIdentifiers()
public readonly static DerObjectIdentifier IdSigI = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Key purpose IDs for German SigI (Signature Interoperability
* Specification)
public readonly static DerObjectIdentifier IdSigIKP = new DerObjectIdentifier(IdSigI + ".2");
* Certificate policy IDs for German SigI (Signature Interoperability
* Specification)
public readonly static DerObjectIdentifier IdSigICP = new DerObjectIdentifier(IdSigI + ".1");
* Other Name IDs for German SigI (Signature Interoperability Specification)
public readonly static DerObjectIdentifier IdSigION = new DerObjectIdentifier(IdSigI + ".4");
* To be used for for the generation of directory service certificates.
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier IdSigIKPDirectoryService = new DerObjectIdentifier(IdSigIKP + ".1");
* ID for PersonalData
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier IdSigIONPersonalData = new DerObjectIdentifier(IdSigION + ".1");
* Certificate is conform to german signature law.
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier IdSigICPSigConform = new DerObjectIdentifier(IdSigICP + ".1");