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iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Math » EC » Abc » Tnaf.cs
using System;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Abc{
  * Class holding methods for point multiplication based on the window
  * τ-adic nonadjacent form (WTNAF). The algorithms are based on the
  * paper "Improved Algorithms for Arithmetic on Anomalous Binary Curves"
  * by Jerome A. Solinas. The paper first appeared in the Proceedings of
  * Crypto 1997.
  internal class Tnaf
    private static readonly BigInteger MinusOne = BigInteger.One.Negate();
    private static readonly BigInteger MinusTwo = BigInteger.Two.Negate();
    private static readonly BigInteger MinusThree = BigInteger.Three.Negate();
    private static readonly BigInteger Four = BigInteger.ValueOf(4);

    * The window width of WTNAF. The standard value of 4 is slightly less
    * than optimal for running time, but keeps space requirements for
    * precomputation low. For typical curves, a value of 5 or 6 results in
    * a better running time. When changing this value, the
    * <code>&#945;<sub>u</sub></code>'s must be computed differently, see
    * e.g. "Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography", Darrel Hankerson,
    * Alfred Menezes, Scott Vanstone, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2004,
    * p. 121-122
    public const sbyte Width = 4;

    * 2<sup>4</sup>
    public const sbyte Pow2Width = 16;

    * The <code>&#945;<sub>u</sub></code>'s for <code>a=0</code> as an array
    * of <code>ZTauElement</code>s.
    public static readonly ZTauElement[] Alpha0 =
      new ZTauElement(BigInteger.One, BigInteger.Zero), null,
      new ZTauElement(MinusThree, MinusOne), null,
      new ZTauElement(MinusOne, MinusOne), null,
      new ZTauElement(BigInteger.One, MinusOne), null

    * The <code>&#945;<sub>u</sub></code>'s for <code>a=0</code> as an array
    * of TNAFs.
    public static readonly sbyte[][] Alpha0Tnaf =
      null, new sbyte[]{1}, null, new sbyte[]{-1, 0, 1}, null, new sbyte[]{1, 0, 1}, null, new sbyte[]{-1, 0, 0, 1}

    * The <code>&#945;<sub>u</sub></code>'s for <code>a=1</code> as an array
    * of <code>ZTauElement</code>s.
    public static readonly ZTauElement[] Alpha1 =
      new ZTauElement(BigInteger.One, BigInteger.Zero), null,
      new ZTauElement(MinusThree, BigInteger.One), null,
      new ZTauElement(MinusOne, BigInteger.One), null,
      new ZTauElement(BigInteger.One, BigInteger.One), null

    * The <code>&#945;<sub>u</sub></code>'s for <code>a=1</code> as an array
    * of TNAFs.
    public static readonly sbyte[][] Alpha1Tnaf =
      null, new sbyte[]{1}, null, new sbyte[]{-1, 0, 1}, null, new sbyte[]{1, 0, 1}, null, new sbyte[]{-1, 0, 0, -1}

    * Computes the norm of an element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @param mu The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @return The norm of <code>&#955;</code>.
    public static BigInteger Norm(sbyte mu, ZTauElement lambda)
      BigInteger norm;

      // s1 = u^2
      BigInteger s1 = lambda.u.Multiply(lambda.u);

      // s2 = u * v
      BigInteger s2 = lambda.u.Multiply(lambda.v);

      // s3 = 2 * v^2
      BigInteger s3 = lambda.v.Multiply(lambda.v).ShiftLeft(1);

      if (mu == 1)
        norm = s1.Add(s2).Add(s3);
      else if (mu == -1)
        norm = s1.Subtract(s2).Add(s3);
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      return norm;

    * Computes the norm of an element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>R</b>[&#964;]</code>, where <code>&#955; = u + v&#964;</code>
    * and <code>u</code> and <code>u</code> are real numbers (elements of
    * <code><b>R</b></code>). 
    * @param mu The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param u The real part of the element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>R</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @param v The <code>&#964;</code>-adic part of the element
    * <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>R</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @return The norm of <code>&#955;</code>.
    public static SimpleBigDecimal Norm(sbyte mu, SimpleBigDecimal u, SimpleBigDecimal v)
      SimpleBigDecimal norm;

      // s1 = u^2
      SimpleBigDecimal s1 = u.Multiply(u);

      // s2 = u * v
      SimpleBigDecimal s2 = u.Multiply(v);

      // s3 = 2 * v^2
      SimpleBigDecimal s3 = v.Multiply(v).ShiftLeft(1);

      if (mu == 1)
        norm = s1.Add(s2).Add(s3);
      else if (mu == -1)
        norm = s1.Subtract(s2).Add(s3);
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      return norm;

    * Rounds an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>R</b>[&#964;]</code>
    * to an element of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>, such that their difference
    * has minimal norm. <code>&#955;</code> is given as
    * <code>&#955; = &#955;<sub>0</sub> + &#955;<sub>1</sub>&#964;</code>.
    * @param lambda0 The component <code>&#955;<sub>0</sub></code>.
    * @param lambda1 The component <code>&#955;<sub>1</sub></code>.
    * @param mu The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve. Must
    * equal 1 or -1.
    * @return The rounded element of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @throws ArgumentException if <code>lambda0</code> and
    * <code>lambda1</code> do not have same scale.
    public static ZTauElement Round(SimpleBigDecimal lambda0,
      SimpleBigDecimal lambda1, sbyte mu)
      int scale = lambda0.Scale;
      if (lambda1.Scale != scale)
        throw new ArgumentException("lambda0 and lambda1 do not have same scale");

      if (!((mu == 1) || (mu == -1)))
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      BigInteger f0 = lambda0.Round();
      BigInteger f1 = lambda1.Round();

      SimpleBigDecimal eta0 = lambda0.Subtract(f0);
      SimpleBigDecimal eta1 = lambda1.Subtract(f1);

      // eta = 2*eta0 + mu*eta1
      SimpleBigDecimal eta = eta0.Add(eta0);
      if (mu == 1)
        eta = eta.Add(eta1);
        // mu == -1
        eta = eta.Subtract(eta1);

      // check1 = eta0 - 3*mu*eta1
      // check2 = eta0 + 4*mu*eta1
      SimpleBigDecimal threeEta1 = eta1.Add(eta1).Add(eta1);
      SimpleBigDecimal fourEta1 = threeEta1.Add(eta1);
      SimpleBigDecimal check1;
      SimpleBigDecimal check2;
      if (mu == 1)
        check1 = eta0.Subtract(threeEta1);
        check2 = eta0.Add(fourEta1);
        // mu == -1
        check1 = eta0.Add(threeEta1);
        check2 = eta0.Subtract(fourEta1);

      sbyte h0 = 0;
      sbyte h1 = 0;

      // if eta >= 1
      if (eta.CompareTo(BigInteger.One) >= 0)
        if (check1.CompareTo(MinusOne) < 0)
          h1 = mu;
          h0 = 1;
        // eta < 1
        if (check2.CompareTo(BigInteger.Two) >= 0)
          h1 = mu;

      // if eta < -1
      if (eta.CompareTo(MinusOne) < 0)
        if (check1.CompareTo(BigInteger.One) >= 0)
          h1 = (sbyte)-mu;
          h0 = -1;
        // eta >= -1
        if (check2.CompareTo(MinusTwo) < 0)
          h1 = (sbyte)-mu;

      BigInteger q0 = f0.Add(BigInteger.ValueOf(h0));
      BigInteger q1 = f1.Add(BigInteger.ValueOf(h1));
      return new ZTauElement(q0, q1);

    * Approximate division by <code>n</code>. For an integer
    * <code>k</code>, the value <code>&#955; = s k / n</code> is
    * computed to <code>c</code> bits of accuracy.
    * @param k The parameter <code>k</code>.
    * @param s The curve parameter <code>s<sub>0</sub></code> or
    * <code>s<sub>1</sub></code>.
    * @param vm The Lucas Sequence element <code>V<sub>m</sub></code>.
    * @param a The parameter <code>a</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param m The bit length of the finite field
    * <code><b>F</b><sub>m</sub></code>.
    * @param c The number of bits of accuracy, i.e. the scale of the returned
    * <code>SimpleBigDecimal</code>.
    * @return The value <code>&#955; = s k / n</code> computed to
    * <code>c</code> bits of accuracy.
    public static SimpleBigDecimal ApproximateDivisionByN(BigInteger k,
      BigInteger s, BigInteger vm, sbyte a, int m, int c)
      int _k = (m + 5)/2 + c;
      BigInteger ns = k.ShiftRight(m - _k - 2 + a);

      BigInteger gs = s.Multiply(ns);

      BigInteger hs = gs.ShiftRight(m);

      BigInteger js = vm.Multiply(hs);

      BigInteger gsPlusJs = gs.Add(js);
      BigInteger ls = gsPlusJs.ShiftRight(_k-c);
      if (gsPlusJs.TestBit(_k-c-1))
        // round up
        ls = ls.Add(BigInteger.One);

      return new SimpleBigDecimal(ls, c);

    * Computes the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (non-adjacent form) of an
    * element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @param mu The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @return The <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF of <code>&#955;</code>.
    public static sbyte[] TauAdicNaf(sbyte mu, ZTauElement lambda)
      if (!((mu == 1) || (mu == -1))) 
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      BigInteger norm = Norm(mu, lambda);

      // Ceiling of log2 of the norm 
      int log2Norm = norm.BitLength;

      // If length(TNAF) > 30, then length(TNAF) < log2Norm + 3.52
      int maxLength = log2Norm > 30 ? log2Norm + 4 : 34;

      // The array holding the TNAF
      sbyte[] u = new sbyte[maxLength];
      int i = 0;

      // The actual length of the TNAF
      int length = 0;

      BigInteger r0 = lambda.u;
      BigInteger r1 = lambda.v;

      while(!((r0.Equals(BigInteger.Zero)) && (r1.Equals(BigInteger.Zero))))
        // If r0 is odd
        if (r0.TestBit(0)) 
          u[i] = (sbyte) BigInteger.Two.Subtract((r0.Subtract(r1.ShiftLeft(1))).Mod(Four)).IntValue;

          // r0 = r0 - u[i]
          if (u[i] == 1)
            r0 = r0.ClearBit(0);
            // u[i] == -1
            r0 = r0.Add(BigInteger.One);
          length = i;
          u[i] = 0;

        BigInteger t = r0;
        BigInteger s = r0.ShiftRight(1);
        if (mu == 1) 
          r0 = r1.Add(s);
          // mu == -1
          r0 = r1.Subtract(s);

        r1 = t.ShiftRight(1).Negate();


      // Reduce the TNAF array to its actual length
      sbyte[] tnaf = new sbyte[length];
      Array.Copy(u, 0, tnaf, 0, length);
      return tnaf;

    * Applies the operation <code>&#964;()</code> to an
    * <code>F2mPoint</code>. 
    * @param p The F2mPoint to which <code>&#964;()</code> is applied.
    * @return <code>&#964;(p)</code>
    public static F2mPoint Tau(F2mPoint p)
      if (p.IsInfinity)
        return p;

      ECFieldElement x = p.X;
      ECFieldElement y = p.Y;

      return new F2mPoint(p.Curve, x.Square(), y.Square(), p.IsCompressed);

    * Returns the parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param curve The elliptic curve from which to obtain <code>&#956;</code>.
    * The curve must be a Koblitz curve, i.e. <code>a</code> Equals
    * <code>0</code> or <code>1</code> and <code>b</code> Equals
    * <code>1</code>. 
    * @return <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @throws ArgumentException if the given ECCurve is not a Koblitz
    * curve.
    public static sbyte GetMu(F2mCurve curve)
      BigInteger a = curve.A.ToBigInteger();

      sbyte mu;
      if (a.SignValue == 0)
        mu = -1;
      else if (a.Equals(BigInteger.One))
        mu = 1;
        throw new ArgumentException("No Koblitz curve (ABC), TNAF multiplication not possible");
      return mu;

    * Calculates the Lucas Sequence elements <code>U<sub>k-1</sub></code> and
    * <code>U<sub>k</sub></code> or <code>V<sub>k-1</sub></code> and
    * <code>V<sub>k</sub></code>.
    * @param mu The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param k The index of the second element of the Lucas Sequence to be
    * returned.
    * @param doV If set to true, computes <code>V<sub>k-1</sub></code> and
    * <code>V<sub>k</sub></code>, otherwise <code>U<sub>k-1</sub></code> and
    * <code>U<sub>k</sub></code>.
    * @return An array with 2 elements, containing <code>U<sub>k-1</sub></code>
    * and <code>U<sub>k</sub></code> or <code>V<sub>k-1</sub></code>
    * and <code>V<sub>k</sub></code>.
    public static BigInteger[] GetLucas(sbyte mu, int k, bool doV)
      if (!(mu == 1 || mu == -1)) 
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      BigInteger u0;
      BigInteger u1;
      BigInteger u2;

      if (doV)
        u0 = BigInteger.Two;
        u1 = BigInteger.ValueOf(mu);
        u0 = BigInteger.Zero;
        u1 = BigInteger.One;

      for (int i = 1; i < k; i++)
        // u2 = mu*u1 - 2*u0;
        BigInteger s = null;
        if (mu == 1)
          s = u1;
          // mu == -1
          s = u1.Negate();
        u2 = s.Subtract(u0.ShiftLeft(1));
        u0 = u1;
        u1 = u2;
        //            System.out.println(i + ": " + u2);
        //            System.out.println();

      BigInteger[] retVal = {u0, u1};
      return retVal;

    * Computes the auxiliary value <code>t<sub>w</sub></code>. If the width is
    * 4, then for <code>mu = 1</code>, <code>t<sub>w</sub> = 6</code> and for
    * <code>mu = -1</code>, <code>t<sub>w</sub> = 10</code> 
    * @param mu The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param w The window width of the WTNAF.
    * @return the auxiliary value <code>t<sub>w</sub></code>
    public static BigInteger GetTw(sbyte mu, int w) 
      if (w == 4)
        if (mu == 1)
          return BigInteger.ValueOf(6);
          // mu == -1
          return BigInteger.ValueOf(10);
        // For w <> 4, the values must be computed
        BigInteger[] us = GetLucas(mu, w, false);
        BigInteger twoToW = BigInteger.Zero.SetBit(w);
        BigInteger u1invert = us[1].ModInverse(twoToW);
        BigInteger tw;
        tw = BigInteger.Two.Multiply(us[0]).Multiply(u1invert).Mod(twoToW);
        //System.out.println("mu = " + mu);
        //System.out.println("tw = " + tw);
        return tw;

    * Computes the auxiliary values <code>s<sub>0</sub></code> and
    * <code>s<sub>1</sub></code> used for partial modular reduction. 
    * @param curve The elliptic curve for which to compute
    * <code>s<sub>0</sub></code> and <code>s<sub>1</sub></code>.
    * @throws ArgumentException if <code>curve</code> is not a
    * Koblitz curve (Anomalous Binary Curve, ABC).
    public static BigInteger[] GetSi(F2mCurve curve)
      if (!curve.IsKoblitz)
        throw new ArgumentException("si is defined for Koblitz curves only");

      int m = curve.M;
      int a = curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;
      sbyte mu = curve.GetMu();
      int h = curve.H.IntValue;
      int index = m + 3 - a;
      BigInteger[] ui = GetLucas(mu, index, false);

      BigInteger dividend0;
      BigInteger dividend1;
      if (mu == 1)
        dividend0 = BigInteger.One.Subtract(ui[1]);
        dividend1 = BigInteger.One.Subtract(ui[0]);
      else if (mu == -1)
        dividend0 = BigInteger.One.Add(ui[1]);
        dividend1 = BigInteger.One.Add(ui[0]);
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      BigInteger[] si = new BigInteger[2];

      if (h == 2)
        si[0] = dividend0.ShiftRight(1);
        si[1] = dividend1.ShiftRight(1).Negate();
      else if (h == 4)
        si[0] = dividend0.ShiftRight(2);
        si[1] = dividend1.ShiftRight(2).Negate();
        throw new ArgumentException("h (Cofactor) must be 2 or 4");

      return si;

    * Partial modular reduction modulo
    * <code>(&#964;<sup>m</sup> - 1)/(&#964; - 1)</code>.
    * @param k The integer to be reduced.
    * @param m The bitlength of the underlying finite field.
    * @param a The parameter <code>a</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @param s The auxiliary values <code>s<sub>0</sub></code> and
    * <code>s<sub>1</sub></code>.
    * @param mu The parameter &#956; of the elliptic curve.
    * @param c The precision (number of bits of accuracy) of the partial
    * modular reduction.
    * @return <code>&#961; := k partmod (&#964;<sup>m</sup> - 1)/(&#964; - 1)</code>
    public static ZTauElement PartModReduction(BigInteger k, int m, sbyte a,
      BigInteger[] s, sbyte mu, sbyte c)
      // d0 = s[0] + mu*s[1]; mu is either 1 or -1
      BigInteger d0;
      if (mu == 1)
        d0 = s[0].Add(s[1]);
        d0 = s[0].Subtract(s[1]);

      BigInteger[] v = GetLucas(mu, m, true);
      BigInteger vm = v[1];

      SimpleBigDecimal lambda0 = ApproximateDivisionByN(
        k, s[0], vm, a, m, c);
      SimpleBigDecimal lambda1 = ApproximateDivisionByN(
        k, s[1], vm, a, m, c);

      ZTauElement q = Round(lambda0, lambda1, mu);

      // r0 = n - d0*q0 - 2*s1*q1
      BigInteger r0 = k.Subtract(d0.Multiply(q.u)).Subtract(

      // r1 = s1*q0 - s0*q1
      BigInteger r1 = s[1].Multiply(q.u).Subtract(s[0].Multiply(q.v));
      return new ZTauElement(r0, r1);

    * Multiplies a {@link F2mPoint}
    * by a <code>BigInteger</code> using the reduced <code>&#964;</code>-adic
    * NAF (RTNAF) method.
    * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
    * @param k The <code>BigInteger</code> by which to Multiply <code>p</code>.
    * @return <code>k * p</code>
    public static F2mPoint MultiplyRTnaf(F2mPoint p, BigInteger k)
      F2mCurve curve = (F2mCurve) p.Curve;
      int m = curve.M;
      sbyte a = (sbyte) curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;
      sbyte mu = curve.GetMu();
      BigInteger[] s = curve.GetSi();
      ZTauElement rho = PartModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (sbyte)10);

      return MultiplyTnaf(p, rho);

    * Multiplies a {@link F2mPoint}
    * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
    * using the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method.
    * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
    * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
    public static F2mPoint MultiplyTnaf(F2mPoint p, ZTauElement lambda)
      F2mCurve curve = (F2mCurve)p.Curve;
      sbyte mu = curve.GetMu();
      sbyte[] u = TauAdicNaf(mu, lambda);

      F2mPoint q = MultiplyFromTnaf(p, u);

      return q;

    * Multiplies a {@link F2mPoint}
    * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
    * using the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method, given the TNAF
    * of <code>&#955;</code>.
    * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
    * @param u The the TNAF of <code>&#955;</code>..
    * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
    public static F2mPoint MultiplyFromTnaf(F2mPoint p, sbyte[] u)
      F2mCurve curve = (F2mCurve)p.Curve;
      F2mPoint q = (F2mPoint) curve.Infinity;
      for (int i = u.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        q = Tau(q);
        if (u[i] == 1)
          q = (F2mPoint)q.AddSimple(p);
        else if (u[i] == -1)
          q = (F2mPoint)q.SubtractSimple(p);
      return q;

    * Computes the <code>[&#964;]</code>-adic window NAF of an element
    * <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
    * @param mu The parameter &#956; of the elliptic curve.
    * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
    * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code> of which to compute the
    * <code>[&#964;]</code>-adic NAF.
    * @param width The window width of the resulting WNAF.
    * @param pow2w 2<sup>width</sup>.
    * @param tw The auxiliary value <code>t<sub>w</sub></code>.
    * @param alpha The <code>&#945;<sub>u</sub></code>'s for the window width.
    * @return The <code>[&#964;]</code>-adic window NAF of
    * <code>&#955;</code>.
    public static sbyte[] TauAdicWNaf(sbyte mu, ZTauElement lambda,
      sbyte width, BigInteger pow2w, BigInteger tw, ZTauElement[] alpha)
      if (!((mu == 1) || (mu == -1))) 
        throw new ArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1");

      BigInteger norm = Norm(mu, lambda);

      // Ceiling of log2 of the norm 
      int log2Norm = norm.BitLength;

      // If length(TNAF) > 30, then length(TNAF) < log2Norm + 3.52
      int maxLength = log2Norm > 30 ? log2Norm + 4 + width : 34 + width;

      // The array holding the TNAF
      sbyte[] u = new sbyte[maxLength];

      // 2^(width - 1)
      BigInteger pow2wMin1 = pow2w.ShiftRight(1);

      // Split lambda into two BigIntegers to simplify calculations
      BigInteger r0 = lambda.u;
      BigInteger r1 = lambda.v;
      int i = 0;

      // while lambda <> (0, 0)
      while (!((r0.Equals(BigInteger.Zero))&&(r1.Equals(BigInteger.Zero))))
        // if r0 is odd
        if (r0.TestBit(0)) 
          // uUnMod = r0 + r1*tw Mod 2^width
          BigInteger uUnMod
            = r0.Add(r1.Multiply(tw)).Mod(pow2w);
          sbyte uLocal;
          // if uUnMod >= 2^(width - 1)
          if (uUnMod.CompareTo(pow2wMin1) >= 0)
            uLocal = (sbyte) uUnMod.Subtract(pow2w).IntValue;
            uLocal = (sbyte) uUnMod.IntValue;
          // uLocal is now in [-2^(width-1), 2^(width-1)-1]

          u[i] = uLocal;
          bool s = true;
          if (uLocal < 0) 
            s = false;
            uLocal = (sbyte)-uLocal;
          // uLocal is now >= 0

          if (s) 
            r0 = r0.Subtract(alpha[uLocal].u);
            r1 = r1.Subtract(alpha[uLocal].v);
            r0 = r0.Add(alpha[uLocal].u);
            r1 = r1.Add(alpha[uLocal].v);
          u[i] = 0;

        BigInteger t = r0;

        if (mu == 1)
          r0 = r1.Add(r0.ShiftRight(1));
          // mu == -1
          r0 = r1.Subtract(r0.ShiftRight(1));
        r1 = t.ShiftRight(1).Negate();
      return u;

    * Does the precomputation for WTNAF multiplication.
    * @param p The <code>ECPoint</code> for which to do the precomputation.
    * @param a The parameter <code>a</code> of the elliptic curve.
    * @return The precomputation array for <code>p</code>. 
    public static F2mPoint[] GetPreComp(F2mPoint p, sbyte a)
      F2mPoint[] pu;
      pu = new F2mPoint[16];
      pu[1] = p;
      sbyte[][] alphaTnaf;
      if (a == 0)
        alphaTnaf = Tnaf.Alpha0Tnaf;
        // a == 1
        alphaTnaf = Tnaf.Alpha1Tnaf;

      int precompLen = alphaTnaf.Length;
      for (int i = 3; i < precompLen; i = i + 2)
        pu[i] = Tnaf.MultiplyFromTnaf(p, alphaTnaf[i]);
      return pu;
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