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using System;
using System.Collections;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Abc;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC{
  /// <remarks>Base class for an elliptic curve.</remarks>
  public abstract class ECCurve
    internal ECFieldElement a, b;

    public abstract int FieldSize { get; }
    public abstract ECFieldElement FromBigInteger(BigInteger x);
    public abstract ECPoint CreatePoint(BigInteger x, BigInteger y, bool withCompression);
    public abstract ECPoint DecodePoint(byte[] encoded);
    public abstract ECPoint Infinity { get; }

    public ECFieldElement A
      get { return a; }

    public ECFieldElement B
      get { return b; }

    public override bool Equals(
      object obj)
      if (obj == this)
        return true;

      ECCurve other = obj as ECCurve;

      if (other == null)
        return false;

      return Equals(other);

    protected bool Equals(
      ECCurve other)
      return a.Equals(other.a) && b.Equals(other.b);

    public override int GetHashCode()
      return a.GetHashCode() ^ b.GetHashCode();

  public abstract class ECCurveBase : ECCurve
    protected internal ECCurveBase()

    protected internal abstract ECPoint DecompressPoint(int yTilde, BigInteger X1);

     * Decode a point on this curve from its ASN.1 encoding. The different
     * encodings are taken account of, including point compression for
     * <code>F<sub>p</sub></code> (X9.62 s 4.2.1 pg 17).
     * @return The decoded point.
    public override ECPoint DecodePoint(
      byte[] encoded)
      ECPoint p = null;
      int expectedLength = (FieldSize + 7) / 8;

      switch (encoded[0])
        case 0x00: // infinity
          if (encoded.Length != 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect length for infinity encoding", "encoded");

          p = Infinity;

        case 0x02: // compressed
        case 0x03: // compressed
          if (encoded.Length != (expectedLength + 1))
            throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect length for compressed encoding", "encoded");

          int yTilde = encoded[0] & 1;
          BigInteger X1 = new BigInteger(1, encoded, 1, encoded.Length - 1);

          p = DecompressPoint(yTilde, X1);

        case 0x04: // uncompressed
        case 0x06: // hybrid
        case 0x07: // hybrid
          if (encoded.Length != (2 * expectedLength + 1))
            throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect length for uncompressed/hybrid encoding", "encoded");

          BigInteger X1 = new BigInteger(1, encoded, 1, expectedLength);
          BigInteger Y1 = new BigInteger(1, encoded, 1 + expectedLength, expectedLength);

          p = CreatePoint(X1, Y1, false);

          throw new FormatException("Invalid point encoding " + encoded[0]);

      return p;

     * Elliptic curve over Fp
    public class FpCurve : ECCurveBase
        private readonly BigInteger q;
    private readonly FpPoint infinity;

    public FpCurve(BigInteger q, BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
            this.q = q;
            this.a = FromBigInteger(a);
            this.b = FromBigInteger(b);
      this.infinity = new FpPoint(this, null, null);

    public BigInteger Q
      get { return q; }

    public override ECPoint Infinity
      get { return infinity; }

    public override int FieldSize
      get { return q.BitLength; }

    public override ECFieldElement FromBigInteger(BigInteger x)
            return new FpFieldElement(this.q, x);

    public override ECPoint CreatePoint(
      BigInteger  X1,
      BigInteger  Y1,
      bool    withCompression)
      // TODO Validation of X1, Y1?
      return new FpPoint(

    protected internal override ECPoint DecompressPoint(
      int      yTilde,
      BigInteger  X1)
      ECFieldElement x = FromBigInteger(X1);
      ECFieldElement alpha = x.Multiply(x.Square().Add(a)).Add(b);
      ECFieldElement beta = alpha.Sqrt();

      // if we can't find a sqrt we haven't got a point on the
      // curve - run!
      if (beta == null)
        throw new ArithmeticException("Invalid point compression");

      BigInteger betaValue = beta.ToBigInteger();
      int bit0 = betaValue.TestBit(0) ? 1 : 0;

      if (bit0 != yTilde)
        // Use the other root
        beta = FromBigInteger(q.Subtract(betaValue));

      return new FpPoint(this, x, beta, true);

    public override bool Equals(
            object obj)
            if (obj == this)
                return true;

      FpCurve other = obj as FpCurve;

      if (other == null)
                return false;

      return Equals(other);

    protected bool Equals(
      FpCurve other)
      return base.Equals(other) && q.Equals(other.q);

    public override int GetHashCode()
            return base.GetHashCode() ^ q.GetHashCode();

     * Elliptic curves over F2m. The Weierstrass equation is given by
     * <code>y<sup>2</sup> + xy = x<sup>3</sup> + ax<sup>2</sup> + b</code>.
    public class F2mCurve : ECCurveBase
         * The exponent <code>m</code> of <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
        private readonly int m;

         * TPB: The integer <code>k</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
         * x<sup>k</sup> + 1</code> represents the reduction polynomial
         * <code>f(z)</code>.<br/>
         * PPB: The integer <code>k1</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
         * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
         * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.<br/>
        private readonly int k1;

         * TPB: Always set to <code>0</code><br/>
         * PPB: The integer <code>k2</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
         * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
         * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.<br/>
        private readonly int k2;

         * TPB: Always set to <code>0</code><br/>
         * PPB: The integer <code>k3</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
         * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
         * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.<br/>
        private readonly int k3;

     * The order of the base point of the curve.
    private readonly BigInteger n;

     * The cofactor of the curve.
    private readonly BigInteger h;

     * The point at infinity on this curve.
    private readonly F2mPoint infinity;

     * The parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve if this is
     * a Koblitz curve.
    private sbyte mu = 0;

     * The auxiliary values <code>s<sub>0</sub></code> and
     * <code>s<sub>1</sub></code> used for partial modular reduction for
     * Koblitz curves.
    private BigInteger[] si = null;

     * Constructor for Trinomial Polynomial Basis (TPB).
     * @param m  The exponent <code>m</code> of
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param k The integer <code>k</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k</sup> + 1</code> represents the reduction
     * polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param a The coefficient <code>a</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param b The coefficient <code>b</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
    public F2mCurve(
      int      m,
      int      k,
      BigInteger  a,
      BigInteger  b)
      : this(m, k, 0, 0, a, b, null, null)

     * Constructor for Trinomial Polynomial Basis (TPB).
     * @param m  The exponent <code>m</code> of
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param k The integer <code>k</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k</sup> + 1</code> represents the reduction
     * polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param a The coefficient <code>a</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param b The coefficient <code>b</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param n The order of the main subgroup of the elliptic curve.
     * @param h The cofactor of the elliptic curve, i.e.
     * <code>#E<sub>a</sub>(F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub>) = h * n</code>.
    public F2mCurve(
      int      m, 
      int      k, 
      BigInteger  a, 
      BigInteger  b,
      BigInteger  n,
      BigInteger  h)
      : this(m, k, 0, 0, a, b, n, h)

     * Constructor for Pentanomial Polynomial Basis (PPB).
     * @param m  The exponent <code>m</code> of
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param k1 The integer <code>k1</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
     * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param k2 The integer <code>k2</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
     * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param k3 The integer <code>k3</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
     * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param a The coefficient <code>a</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param b The coefficient <code>b</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
    public F2mCurve(
      int      m,
      int      k1,
      int      k2,
      int      k3,
      BigInteger  a,
      BigInteger  b)
      : this(m, k1, k2, k3, a, b, null, null)

     * Constructor for Pentanomial Polynomial Basis (PPB).
     * @param m  The exponent <code>m</code> of
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param k1 The integer <code>k1</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
     * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param k2 The integer <code>k2</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
     * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param k3 The integer <code>k3</code> where <code>x<sup>m</sup> +
     * x<sup>k3</sup> + x<sup>k2</sup> + x<sup>k1</sup> + 1</code>
     * represents the reduction polynomial <code>f(z)</code>.
     * @param a The coefficient <code>a</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param b The coefficient <code>b</code> in the Weierstrass equation
     * for non-supersingular elliptic curves over
     * <code>F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub></code>.
     * @param n The order of the main subgroup of the elliptic curve.
     * @param h The cofactor of the elliptic curve, i.e.
     * <code>#E<sub>a</sub>(F<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub>) = h * n</code>.
    public F2mCurve(
      int      m, 
      int      k1, 
      int      k2, 
      int      k3,
      BigInteger  a, 
      BigInteger  b,
      BigInteger  n,
      BigInteger  h)
      this.m = m;
      this.k1 = k1;
      this.k2 = k2;
      this.k3 = k3;
      this.n = n;
      this.h = h;
      this.infinity = new F2mPoint(this, null, null);

      if (k1 == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("k1 must be > 0");

      if (k2 == 0)
                if (k3 != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("k3 must be 0 if k2 == 0");
                if (k2 <= k1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("k2 must be > k1");

        if (k3 <= k2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("k3 must be > k2");

      this.a = FromBigInteger(a);
            this.b = FromBigInteger(b);

    public override ECPoint Infinity
      get { return infinity; }

    public override int FieldSize
      get { return m; }

    public override ECFieldElement FromBigInteger(BigInteger x)
            return new F2mFieldElement(this.m, this.k1, this.k2, this.k3, x);

     * Returns true if this is a Koblitz curve (ABC curve).
     * @return true if this is a Koblitz curve (ABC curve), false otherwise
    public bool IsKoblitz
        return n != null && h != null
          && (a.ToBigInteger().Equals(BigInteger.Zero)
            || a.ToBigInteger().Equals(BigInteger.One))
          && b.ToBigInteger().Equals(BigInteger.One);

     * Returns the parameter <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
     * @return <code>&#956;</code> of the elliptic curve.
     * @throws ArgumentException if the given ECCurve is not a
     * Koblitz curve.
    internal sbyte GetMu()
      if (mu == 0)
        lock (this)
          if (mu == 0)
            mu = Tnaf.GetMu(this);

      return mu;

     * @return the auxiliary values <code>s<sub>0</sub></code> and
     * <code>s<sub>1</sub></code> used for partial modular reduction for
     * Koblitz curves.
    internal BigInteger[] GetSi()
      if (si == null)
        lock (this)
          if (si == null)
            si = Tnaf.GetSi(this);
      return si;

    public override ECPoint CreatePoint(
      BigInteger  X1,
      BigInteger  Y1,
      bool    withCompression)
      // TODO Validation of X1, Y1?
      return new F2mPoint(

    protected internal override ECPoint DecompressPoint(
      int      yTilde,
      BigInteger  X1)
      ECFieldElement xp = FromBigInteger(X1);
      ECFieldElement yp = null;
      if (xp.ToBigInteger().SignValue == 0)
        yp = (F2mFieldElement)b;
        for (int i = 0; i < m - 1; i++)
          yp = yp.Square();
        ECFieldElement beta = xp.Add(a).Add(
        ECFieldElement z = solveQuadradicEquation(beta);

        if (z == null)
          throw new ArithmeticException("Invalid point compression");

        int zBit = z.ToBigInteger().TestBit(0) ? 1 : 0;
        if (zBit != yTilde)
          z = z.Add(FromBigInteger(BigInteger.One));

        yp = xp.Multiply(z);

      return new F2mPoint(this, xp, yp, true);

         * Solves a quadratic equation <code>z<sup>2</sup> + z = beta</code>(X9.62
         * D.1.6) The other solution is <code>z + 1</code>.
         * @param beta
         *            The value to solve the qradratic equation for.
         * @return the solution for <code>z<sup>2</sup> + z = beta</code> or
         *         <code>null</code> if no solution exists.
        private ECFieldElement solveQuadradicEquation(ECFieldElement beta)
            if (beta.ToBigInteger().SignValue == 0)
                return FromBigInteger(BigInteger.Zero);

      ECFieldElement z = null;
            ECFieldElement gamma = FromBigInteger(BigInteger.Zero);

      while (gamma.ToBigInteger().SignValue == 0)
                ECFieldElement t = FromBigInteger(new BigInteger(m, new Random()));
        z = FromBigInteger(BigInteger.Zero);

        ECFieldElement w = beta;
                for (int i = 1; i <= m - 1; i++)
          ECFieldElement w2 = w.Square();
                    z = z.Square().Add(w2.Multiply(t));
                    w = w2.Add(beta);
                if (w.ToBigInteger().SignValue != 0)
                    return null;
                gamma = z.Square().Add(z);
            return z;

    public override bool Equals(
            object obj)
            if (obj == this)
                return true;

      F2mCurve other = obj as F2mCurve;

      if (other == null)
                return false;

      return Equals(other);

    protected bool Equals(
      F2mCurve other)
      return m == other.m
        && k1 == other.k1
        && k2 == other.k2
        && k3 == other.k3
        && base.Equals(other);

    public override int GetHashCode()
            return base.GetHashCode() ^ m ^ k1 ^ k2 ^ k3;

    public int M
      get { return m; }

         * Return true if curve uses a Trinomial basis.
         * @return true if curve Trinomial, false otherwise.
        public bool IsTrinomial()
            return k2 == 0 && k3 == 0;

    public int K1
      get { return k1; }

    public int K2
      get { return k2; }

    public int K3
      get { return k3; }

    public BigInteger N
      get { return n; }

    public BigInteger H
      get { return h; }
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