IntArray.cs :  » PDF » iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Math » EC » C# / CSharp Open Source

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using System;
using System.Text;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC{
  internal class IntArray
    : ICloneable
    // TODO make m fixed for the IntArray, and hence compute T once and for all

    // TODO Use uint's internally?
    private int[] m_ints;

    public IntArray(int intLen)
      m_ints = new int[intLen];

    private IntArray(int[] ints)
      m_ints = ints;

    public IntArray(BigInteger bigInt)
      : this(bigInt, 0)

    public IntArray(BigInteger bigInt, int minIntLen)
      if (bigInt.SignValue == -1)
        throw new ArgumentException("Only positive Integers allowed", "bigint");

      if (bigInt.SignValue == 0)
        m_ints = new int[] { 0 };

      byte[] barr = bigInt.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
      int barrLen = barr.Length;

      int intLen = (barrLen + 3) / 4;
      m_ints = new int[System.Math.Max(intLen, minIntLen)];

      int rem = barrLen % 4;
      int barrI = 0;

      if (0 < rem)
        int temp = (int) barr[barrI++];
        while (barrI < rem)
          temp = temp << 8 | (int) barr[barrI++];
        m_ints[--intLen] = temp;

      while (intLen > 0)
        int temp = (int) barr[barrI++];
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
          temp = temp << 8 | (int) barr[barrI++];
        m_ints[--intLen] = temp;

    public int GetUsedLength()
      int highestIntPos = m_ints.Length;

      if (highestIntPos < 1)
        return 0;

      // Check if first element will act as sentinel
      if (m_ints[0] != 0)
        while (m_ints[--highestIntPos] == 0)
        return highestIntPos + 1;

        if (m_ints[--highestIntPos] != 0)
          return highestIntPos + 1;
      while (highestIntPos > 0);

      return 0;

    public int BitLength
        // JDK 1.5: see Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros()
        int intLen = GetUsedLength();
        if (intLen == 0)
          return 0;

        int last = intLen - 1;
        uint highest = (uint) m_ints[last];
        int bits = (last << 5) + 1;

        // A couple of binary search steps
        if (highest > 0x0000ffff)
          if (highest > 0x00ffffff)
            bits += 24;
            highest >>= 24;
            bits += 16;
            highest >>= 16;
        else if (highest > 0x000000ff)
          bits += 8;
          highest >>= 8;

        while (highest > 1)
          highest >>= 1;

        return bits;

    private int[] resizedInts(int newLen)
      int[] newInts = new int[newLen];
      int oldLen = m_ints.Length;
      int copyLen = oldLen < newLen ? oldLen : newLen;
      Array.Copy(m_ints, 0, newInts, 0, copyLen);
      return newInts;

    public BigInteger ToBigInteger()
      int usedLen = GetUsedLength();
      if (usedLen == 0)
        return BigInteger.Zero;

      int highestInt = m_ints[usedLen - 1];
      byte[] temp = new byte[4];
      int barrI = 0;
      bool trailingZeroBytesDone = false;
      for (int j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
        byte thisByte = (byte)((int)((uint) highestInt >> (8 * j)));
        if (trailingZeroBytesDone || (thisByte != 0))
          trailingZeroBytesDone = true;
          temp[barrI++] = thisByte;

      int barrLen = 4 * (usedLen - 1) + barrI;
      byte[] barr = new byte[barrLen];
      for (int j = 0; j < barrI; j++)
        barr[j] = temp[j];
      // Highest value int is done now

      for (int iarrJ = usedLen - 2; iarrJ >= 0; iarrJ--)
        for (int j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
          barr[barrI++] = (byte)((int)((uint)m_ints[iarrJ] >> (8 * j)));
      return new BigInteger(1, barr);

    public void ShiftLeft()
      int usedLen = GetUsedLength();
      if (usedLen == 0)
      if (m_ints[usedLen - 1] < 0)
        // highest bit of highest used byte is set, so shifting left will
        // make the IntArray one byte longer
        if (usedLen > m_ints.Length)
          // make the m_ints one byte longer, because we need one more
          // byte which is not available in m_ints
          m_ints = resizedInts(m_ints.Length + 1);

      bool carry = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < usedLen; i++)
        // nextCarry is true if highest bit is set
        bool nextCarry = m_ints[i] < 0;
        m_ints[i] <<= 1;
        if (carry)
          // set lowest bit
          m_ints[i] |= 1;
        carry = nextCarry;

    public IntArray ShiftLeft(int n)
      int usedLen = GetUsedLength();
      if (usedLen == 0)
        return this;

      if (n == 0)
        return this;

      if (n > 31)
        throw new ArgumentException("shiftLeft() for max 31 bits "
          + ", " + n + "bit shift is not possible", "n");

      int[] newInts = new int[usedLen + 1];

      int nm32 = 32 - n;
      newInts[0] = m_ints[0] << n;
      for (int i = 1; i < usedLen; i++)
        newInts[i] = (m_ints[i] << n) | (int)((uint)m_ints[i - 1] >> nm32);
      newInts[usedLen] = (int)((uint)m_ints[usedLen - 1] >> nm32);

      return new IntArray(newInts);

    public void AddShifted(IntArray other, int shift)
      int usedLenOther = other.GetUsedLength();
      int newMinUsedLen = usedLenOther + shift;
      if (newMinUsedLen > m_ints.Length)
        m_ints = resizedInts(newMinUsedLen);
        //Console.WriteLine("Resize required");

      for (int i = 0; i < usedLenOther; i++)
        m_ints[i + shift] ^= other.m_ints[i];

    public int Length
      get { return m_ints.Length; }

    public bool TestBit(int n)
      // theInt = n / 32
      int theInt = n >> 5;
      // theBit = n % 32
      int theBit = n & 0x1F;
      int tester = 1 << theBit;
      return ((m_ints[theInt] & tester) != 0);

    public void FlipBit(int n)
      // theInt = n / 32
      int theInt = n >> 5;
      // theBit = n % 32
      int theBit = n & 0x1F;
      int flipper = 1 << theBit;
      m_ints[theInt] ^= flipper;

    public void SetBit(int n)
      // theInt = n / 32
      int theInt = n >> 5;
      // theBit = n % 32
      int theBit = n & 0x1F;
      int setter = 1 << theBit;
      m_ints[theInt] |= setter;

    public IntArray Multiply(IntArray other, int m)
      // Lenght of c is 2m bits rounded up to the next int (32 bit)
      int t = (m + 31) >> 5;
      if (m_ints.Length < t)
        m_ints = resizedInts(t);

      IntArray b = new IntArray(other.resizedInts(other.Length + 1));
      IntArray c = new IntArray((m + m + 31) >> 5);
      // IntArray c = new IntArray(t + t);
      int testBit = 1;
      for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++)
        for (int j = 0; j < t; j++)
          if ((m_ints[j] & testBit) != 0)
            // The kth bit of m_ints[j] is set
            c.AddShifted(b, j);
        testBit <<= 1;
      return c;

    // public IntArray multiplyLeftToRight(IntArray other, int m) {
    // // Lenght of c is 2m bits rounded up to the next int (32 bit)
    // int t = (m + 31) / 32;
    // if (m_ints.Length < t) {
    // m_ints = resizedInts(t);
    // }
    // IntArray b = new IntArray(other.resizedInts(other.getLength() + 1));
    // IntArray c = new IntArray((m + m + 31) / 32);
    // // IntArray c = new IntArray(t + t);
    // int testBit = 1 << 31;
    // for (int k = 31; k >= 0; k--) {
    // for (int j = 0; j < t; j++) {
    // if ((m_ints[j] & testBit) != 0) {
    // // The kth bit of m_ints[j] is set
    // c.addShifted(b, j);
    // }
    // }
    // testBit >>>= 1;
    // if (k > 0) {
    // c.shiftLeft();
    // }
    // }
    // return c;
    // }

    // TODO note, redPol.Length must be 3 for TPB and 5 for PPB
    public void Reduce(int m, int[] redPol)
      for (int i = m + m - 2; i >= m; i--)
        if (TestBit(i))
          int bit = i - m;
          int l = redPol.Length;
          while (--l >= 0)
            FlipBit(redPol[l] + bit);
      m_ints = resizedInts((m + 31) >> 5);

    public IntArray Square(int m)
      // TODO make the table static readonly
      int[] table = { 0x0, 0x1, 0x4, 0x5, 0x10, 0x11, 0x14, 0x15, 0x40,
                  0x41, 0x44, 0x45, 0x50, 0x51, 0x54, 0x55 };

      int t = (m + 31) >> 5;
      if (m_ints.Length < t)
        m_ints = resizedInts(t);

      IntArray c = new IntArray(t + t);

      // TODO twice the same code, put in separate private method
      for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
        int v0 = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
          v0 = (int)((uint) v0 >> 8);
          int u = (int)((uint)m_ints[i] >> (j * 4)) & 0xF;
          int w = table[u] << 24;
          v0 |= w;
        c.m_ints[i + i] = v0;

        v0 = 0;
        int upper = (int)((uint) m_ints[i] >> 16);
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
          v0 = (int)((uint) v0 >> 8);
          int u = (int)((uint)upper >> (j * 4)) & 0xF;
          int w = table[u] << 24;
          v0 |= w;
        c.m_ints[i + i + 1] = v0;
      return c;

    public override bool Equals(object o)
      if (!(o is IntArray))
        return false;
      IntArray other = (IntArray) o;
      int usedLen = GetUsedLength();
      if (other.GetUsedLength() != usedLen)
        return false;
      for (int i = 0; i < usedLen; i++)
        if (m_ints[i] != other.m_ints[i])
          return false;
      return true;

    public override int GetHashCode()
      int i = GetUsedLength();
      int hc = i;
      while (--i >= 0)
        hc *= 17;
        hc ^= m_ints[i];
      return hc;

    public object Clone()
      return new IntArray((int[]) m_ints.Clone());

    public override string ToString()
      int usedLen = GetUsedLength();
      if (usedLen == 0)
        return "0";

      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Convert.ToString(m_ints[usedLen - 1], 2));
      for (int iarrJ = usedLen - 2; iarrJ >= 0; iarrJ--)
        string hexString = Convert.ToString(m_ints[iarrJ], 2);

        // Add leading zeroes, except for highest significant int
        for (int i = hexString.Length; i < 8; i++)
          hexString = "0" + hexString;
      return sb.ToString();
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