AttributeCertificateHolder.cs :  » PDF » iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » X509 » C# / CSharp Open Source

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iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » X509 » AttributeCertificateHolder.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Math;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security.Certificates;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
using Org.BouncyCastle.X509.Store;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.X509{
  /// <remarks>
  /// The Holder object.
  /// <pre>
   /// Holder ::= SEQUENCE {
   ///    baseCertificateID   [0] IssuerSerial OPTIONAL,
   ///      -- the issuer and serial number of
   ///      -- the holder's Public Key Certificate
   ///    entityName          [1] GeneralNames OPTIONAL,
   ///      -- the name of the claimant or role
   ///    objectDigestInfo    [2] ObjectDigestInfo OPTIONAL
   ///      -- used to directly authenticate the holder,
   ///      -- for example, an executable
   /// }
  /// </pre>
  /// </remarks>
  public class AttributeCertificateHolder
    //: CertSelector, Selector
    : IX509Selector
    internal readonly Holder holder;

    internal AttributeCertificateHolder(
      Asn1Sequence seq)
      holder = Holder.GetInstance(seq);

    public AttributeCertificateHolder(
      X509Name  issuerName,
      BigInteger  serialNumber)
      holder = new Holder(
        new IssuerSerial(
          new DerInteger(serialNumber)));

    public AttributeCertificateHolder(
      X509Certificate  cert)
      X509Name name;
        name = PrincipalUtilities.GetIssuerX509Principal(cert);
      catch (Exception e)
        throw new CertificateParsingException(e.Message);

      holder = new Holder(new IssuerSerial(GenerateGeneralNames(name), new DerInteger(cert.SerialNumber)));

    public AttributeCertificateHolder(
      X509Name principal)
      holder = new Holder(GenerateGeneralNames(principal));

     * Constructs a holder for v2 attribute certificates with a hash value for
     * some type of object.
     * <p>
     * <code>digestedObjectType</code> can be one of the following:
     * <ul>
     * <li>0 - publicKey - A hash of the public key of the holder must be
     * passed.</li>
     * <li>1 - publicKeyCert - A hash of the public key certificate of the
     * holder must be passed.</li>
     * <li>2 - otherObjectDigest - A hash of some other object type must be
     * passed. <code>otherObjectTypeID</code> must not be empty.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>This cannot be used if a v1 attribute certificate is used.</p>
     * @param digestedObjectType The digest object type.
     * @param digestAlgorithm The algorithm identifier for the hash.
     * @param otherObjectTypeID The object type ID if
     *            <code>digestedObjectType</code> is
     *            <code>otherObjectDigest</code>.
     * @param objectDigest The hash value.
    public AttributeCertificateHolder(
      int    digestedObjectType,
      string  digestAlgorithm,
      string  otherObjectTypeID,
      byte[]  objectDigest)
      // TODO Allow 'objectDigest' to be null?

      holder = new Holder(new ObjectDigestInfo(digestedObjectType, otherObjectTypeID,
        new AlgorithmIdentifier(digestAlgorithm), Arrays.Clone(objectDigest)));

     * Returns the digest object type if an object digest info is used.
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>0 - publicKey - A hash of the public key of the holder must be
     * passed.</li>
     * <li>1 - publicKeyCert - A hash of the public key certificate of the
     * holder must be passed.</li>
     * <li>2 - otherObjectDigest - A hash of some other object type must be
     * passed. <code>otherObjectTypeID</code> must not be empty.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @return The digest object type or -1 if no object digest info is set.
    public int DigestedObjectType
        ObjectDigestInfo odi = holder.ObjectDigestInfo;

        return odi == null
          ?  -1
          :  odi.DigestedObjectType.Value.IntValue;

     * Returns the other object type ID if an object digest info is used.
     * @return The other object type ID or <code>null</code> if no object
     *         digest info is set.
    public string DigestAlgorithm
        ObjectDigestInfo odi = holder.ObjectDigestInfo;

        return odi == null
          ?  null
          :  odi.DigestAlgorithm.ObjectID.Id;

     * Returns the hash if an object digest info is used.
     * @return The hash or <code>null</code> if no object digest info is set.
    public byte[] GetObjectDigest()
      ObjectDigestInfo odi = holder.ObjectDigestInfo;

      return odi == null
        ?  null
        :  odi.ObjectDigest.GetBytes();

     * Returns the digest algorithm ID if an object digest info is used.
     * @return The digest algorithm ID or <code>null</code> if no object
     *         digest info is set.
    public string OtherObjectTypeID
        ObjectDigestInfo odi = holder.ObjectDigestInfo;

        return odi == null
          ?  null
          :  odi.OtherObjectTypeID.Id;

    private GeneralNames GenerateGeneralNames(
      X509Name principal)
//      return GeneralNames.GetInstance(new DerSequence(new GeneralName(principal)));
      return new GeneralNames(new GeneralName(principal));

    private bool MatchesDN(
      X509Name    subject,
      GeneralNames  targets)
      GeneralName[] names = targets.GetNames();

      for (int i = 0; i != names.Length; i++)
        GeneralName gn = names[i];

        if (gn.TagNo == GeneralName.DirectoryName)
            if (X509Name.GetInstance(gn.Name).Equivalent(subject))
              return true;
          catch (Exception)

      return false;

    private object[] GetNames(
      GeneralName[] names)
      ArrayList l = new ArrayList(names.Length);

      for (int i = 0; i != names.Length; i++)
        if (names[i].TagNo == GeneralName.DirectoryName)

      return l.ToArray();

    private X509Name[] GetPrincipals(
      GeneralNames names)
      object[] p = this.GetNames(names.GetNames());
      ArrayList l = new ArrayList(p.Length);

      for (int i = 0; i != p.Length; i++)
        if (p[i] is X509Name)

      return (X509Name[]) l.ToArray(typeof(X509Name));

     * Return any principal objects inside the attribute certificate holder entity names field.
     * @return an array of IPrincipal objects (usually X509Name), null if no entity names field is set.
    public X509Name[] GetEntityNames()
      if (holder.EntityName != null)
        return GetPrincipals(holder.EntityName);

      return null;

     * Return the principals associated with the issuer attached to this holder
     * @return an array of principals, null if no BaseCertificateID is set.
    public X509Name[] GetIssuer()
      if (holder.BaseCertificateID != null)
        return GetPrincipals(holder.BaseCertificateID.Issuer);

      return null;

     * Return the serial number associated with the issuer attached to this holder.
     * @return the certificate serial number, null if no BaseCertificateID is set.
    public BigInteger SerialNumber
        if (holder.BaseCertificateID != null)
          return holder.BaseCertificateID.Serial.Value;

        return null;

    public object Clone()
      return new AttributeCertificateHolder((Asn1Sequence)holder.ToAsn1Object());

    public bool Match(
//      Certificate cert)
      X509Certificate x509Cert)
//      if (!(cert is X509Certificate))
//      {
//        return false;
//      }
//      X509Certificate x509Cert = (X509Certificate)cert;

        if (holder.BaseCertificateID != null)
          return holder.BaseCertificateID.Serial.Value.Equals(x509Cert.SerialNumber)
            && MatchesDN(PrincipalUtilities.GetIssuerX509Principal(x509Cert), holder.BaseCertificateID.Issuer);

        if (holder.EntityName != null)
          if (MatchesDN(PrincipalUtilities.GetSubjectX509Principal(x509Cert), holder.EntityName))
            return true;

        if (holder.ObjectDigestInfo != null)
          IDigest md = null;
            md = DigestUtilities.GetDigest(DigestAlgorithm);
          catch (Exception)
            return false;

          switch (DigestedObjectType)
            case ObjectDigestInfo.PublicKey:
              // TODO: DSA Dss-parms

              //byte[] b = x509Cert.GetPublicKey().getEncoded();
              // TODO Is this the right way to encode?
              byte[] b = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(
              md.BlockUpdate(b, 0, b.Length);

            case ObjectDigestInfo.PublicKeyCert:
              byte[] b = x509Cert.GetEncoded();
              md.BlockUpdate(b, 0, b.Length);

            // TODO Default handler?

          // TODO Shouldn't this be the other way around?
          if (!Arrays.AreEqual(DigestUtilities.DoFinal(md), GetObjectDigest()))
            return false;
      catch (CertificateEncodingException)
        return false;

      return false;

    public override bool Equals(
      object obj)
      if (obj == this)
        return true;

      if (!(obj is AttributeCertificateHolder))
        return false;

      AttributeCertificateHolder other = (AttributeCertificateHolder)obj;

      return this.holder.Equals(other.holder);

    public override int GetHashCode()
      return this.holder.GetHashCode();

    public bool Match(
      object obj)
      if (!(obj is X509Certificate))
        return false;

//      return Match((Certificate)obj);
      return Match((X509Certificate)obj);
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