Debug.cs :  » Persistence-Frameworks » csopf » Debugger » C# / CSharp Open Source

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csopf » Debugger » Debug.cs
    C# Object Persistent Framework.
    Copyright (C) 2004  Yoon-Kit Yong

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Yoon Kit: (

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Debugger{

    /// <summary>
    /// 040106  yky  Created
    ///                 Gosh, static on all items. Im not sure its the right 
    ///                 way to do it. All I want is just a global function
    ///                 visible to all... 
    /// </summary>
    public class Debugger
        // 041008  yky  Created - Gets the Working Directory.
        public delegate string DelegateGetWorkingPath();
        static public DelegateGetWorkingPath GetWorkingPath;
        static public string DefaultGetWorkingPath() 
            return "";  // 041015  yky  The Default Working Path. here!

        // 040429  yky  Created - Delegate for different UI to show debug info.
        public delegate void DelegateShowDebug( DebugObj pDebugObj );
        static public DelegateShowDebug ShowDebug = null;

        //public const int WM_DEBUGMSG = 0x401; //WM_USER + 1;
        static private DebugList mList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Static constructor for the Debugger
        /// 040106  yky  Created
        ///                mList must be created here
        /// 040502  yky  Delegate
        ///                the Default ShowDebug delegate is linked here
        /// 041014  yky  Added Delegate for DoAdd               
        /// 041015  yky  Default Delegate for WorkingPath.               
        /// </summary>
        static Debugger()
            mList = new DebugList();
            ShowDebug += new DelegateShowDebug( DefaultShowDebug );
            DoAdd += new DelegateDoAdd( DefaultDoAdd );
            GetWorkingPath += new DelegateGetWorkingPath( DefaultGetWorkingPath );
            Add( "===================  Starting Debug  ==================== " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0, "Debugger");

        /// <summary>
        /// The default event handler when a new Debug is added
        /// 040502  yky Created
        ///                 Report() removed now.
        ///                 Just appends a line to the debug file.
        /// 041008  yky Trying to make use of GetWorkingPath so that ASP.Net apps can write to a good dir.                
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pDebugObj"></param>
        static public void DefaultShowDebug( DebugObj pDebugObj )
            string vFName = "";
            vFName = GetWorkingPath();
            vFName += "debug.txt";
            //Report(); // 040111 yky  this is for debugging.. writes to file all the time.
                StreamWriter vFile = File.AppendText( vFName );
                vFile.WriteLine( String.Format("{0:00000}:{1}", mList.Count, pDebugObj.ToString() ));
                vFile.Flush();  // 040502  yky  not sure if this is necessary. Close might do it already.
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)

        /// <summary>
        /// Add( a, b, c) is the crux of this static object
        /// 040106  yky  Created
        /// 040429  yky  Created 
        ///                the DelegateShowDebug and assigned it here.
        ///                 Calling function also from here.
        ///                 Calling Check just before return.
        /// 041014  yky  Now Calls the delegate DoAdd.                
        /// </summary>
        static public DebugObj Add( string pMsg, int pLevel, string pSrc )
            if ((pLevel > 30) && (pLevel !=100 )) return null; // 041027  yky filtering out rubbish.
            DebugObj vDeb = DoAdd( pMsg, pLevel, pSrc );
            //DebugObj vDeb = mList.Add( pMsg, pLevel, pSrc );  // 041014  this is now called in the DefaultDoAdd
            ShowDebug( vDeb );  // 040429  yky  Calling the delegate here (thanks wei min)
            return vDeb;

        // 041014  yky  Delegates defined which can change the way Debug records the objs.
        public delegate DebugObj DelegateDoAdd( string pMsg, int pLevel, string pSrc );
        static public DelegateDoAdd DoAdd;
        static public DebugObj DefaultDoAdd( string pMsg, int pLevel, string pSrc )
        {   // 041014  yky  DefaultDoAdd will just add it to the list.
            DebugObj vDeb = mList.Add( pMsg, pLevel, pSrc );
            return vDeb;

        static public DebugObj Add( string pMsg, int pLevel )
            return Add( pMsg, pLevel, "");
        static public void Report()
        static public DebugObj GetLast()
            return mList.GetLast();
        static public DebugObj GetCurrent()
            return mList.CurrentObj;
    /// <summary>
    /// 040106  yky  Created
    ///               This is the debug object which contains the message,
    ///               level of severity and Source of problems.
    /// </summary>
    public class DebugObj
        private int fLevel;
        private DateTime fTime;
        private string fMsg, fSrc;

        public DebugObj( string pMsg, int pLevel, string pSrc )
            fLevel = pLevel;
            fTime = DateTime.Now;
            fMsg = pMsg;
            fSrc = pSrc;

        public DebugObj(): this( "", 0, "") {}

        public int Level  
          { get { return fLevel; }
            set { fLevel = value; } }
        public DateTime Time 
          { get { return fTime; }
            set { fTime = value; } }
        public string Msg 
          { get { return fMsg; } 
            set { fMsg = value; } }
        public string Src 
          { get { return fSrc; } 
            set { fSrc = value; } }

        public Color DebugColor
            {   // 041119  yky  Returns the appropriate urgency colour.
                if (Level > 5) return Color.SkyBlue;
                else if (Level > -1) return Color.White;
                else if (Level > -3) return Color.Beige;
                else if (Level > -5) return Color.Yellow;
                else if (Level > -7) return Color.Orange;
                else if (Level > -11) return Color.OrangeRed;
                else if (Level > -16) return Color.Red;
                else return Color.Crimson;

        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the Debug info as a string
        /// 040502  yky  Created
        ///                Hacked from DebugList.SaveToFile. removed 'i'
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ToString()
            return  String.Format( "{0,3}: {2} .{1}",
                                   //{0:00000}: i, 
                                   Level.ToString(), // 040215  yky  PadLeft(3,'0') doesnt work for -neg numbers. -2 becomes "0-2"
                                   Path.GetExtension( "."+Src ), // 040215  yky Getting the important part of the object.



    /// <summary>
    /// 040106  yky  Created
    ///                 This is the List of all the DebugObjs
    ///                 Add, SaveToFile
    ///                   -todo Current bug, etc.
    /// </summary>
    public class DebugList

        //  040426  yky  Need this PInvoke stuff to send messages to the form.
        //  040429  yky  This is not necessary anymore. Using delegates to do the same thing.
        private static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd,
            int Msg,
            int wParam,
            int lParam);

        private ArrayList mList;
        public DebugList()
            mList = new ArrayList();

            //mList.Free();  // 040106  yky  What is the method to free the object?
      mList = null; //  040315  nick   Here's to hopping the GC will pick this up the next pass.

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the Message to the Debug List
        /// 040100  yky  Created
        /// 040426  yky  Added MessageBox if abs(pLev) >= 100
        ///              Also SendMessage to the forms if there is an active form.
        ///                 dont know why Message.Create doesnt work.
        /// 040429  yky  Removed Messages. Now using delegate to call the UI to update itself.
        ///                 neater solution. thanks weimin (marauderz)
        ///                 This in turn is called from the static Debugger object from now on.
        /// </summary>
        public DebugObj Add( string pMsg, int pLev, string pSrc )
            DebugObj vDeb = new DebugObj(pMsg, pLev, pSrc);
            mList.Add( vDeb );
            _CurrentObj = vDeb;
            return vDeb;
        /// <summary>
        /// 040106  yky  Created
        ///                 To save out the debug info into a text file.
        /// 040215  yky  Modified
        ///                 PadLeft doesnt work for negative numbers. -2 becomes 0-2. Changed to " "
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pFile">The Filename of the debug output</param>
        public void SaveToFile( string pFile )
            int i = 1;
            StreamWriter vSW = new StreamWriter(pFile);
            foreach( DebugObj vDebug in mList )
                     String.Format("{0:00000}:{1}", i, vDebug.ToString() )
                    String.Format( "{0:00000}:{1,3}: {3} .{2}",
                                   vDebug.Level.ToString(), // 040215  yky  PadLeft(3,'0') doesnt work for -neg numbers. -2 becomes "0-2"
                                   Path.GetExtension( vDebug.Src ), // 040215  yky Getting the important part of the object.

        public DebugObj GetLast()
            return (DebugObj)(mList[ mList.Count-1 ]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the cached most current Debug Object
        /// 040426  yky  created
        /// </summary>
        private DebugObj _CurrentObj = null;
        public DebugObj CurrentObj
                if (_CurrentObj==null) _CurrentObj = GetLast();
                return _CurrentObj;
                  _CurrentObj = value; 

        public int Count { get { return mList.Count; } }

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