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Aggie » Bitworking » WebDownload.cs
// WebDownload.cs
// Provides wrappers around WebRequest to handle commonly-used tasks:
// - Offline mode
// - ETag stamps
// - Content-encoding issues
// - Timeout setting
// Code written for use by Aggie.

namespace Bitworking{
  using System;
  using System.Net;
  using System.IO;
  using System.Text;
  /// <summary>
  /// Holds configuration information for the web download component.
  /// </summary>
  public struct WebConnectionConfigInfo {
    /// <summary>
    /// If true, the web download component works in offline mode --
    /// all web requests are ignored, and pretended as if successful.
    /// </summary>
    public bool   offline;

    /// <summary>
    /// Default timeout value for downloads.
    /// </summary>
    public int    timeout_ms;
  } // struct WebConnectionConfigInfo

  public class WebDownloadConfig {
    public int timeout_ms;
    public string userAgent;
    public string referer;
  } // class WebDownloadConfig

  public class WebDownload {
    static public void DumpWebHeaders( WebHeaderCollection headers ) {
      bool dumpHeaders = false;
      if ( dumpHeaders ) {
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "--- Dumping headers --- " );
        foreach ( string key in headers ) {
          System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Header[" + key + "]=" + headers[key] );
    } // DumpWebHeaders

  #region Static download functions
    static public WebResponse MakeRequestGetResponse( System.Uri uri, int timeout, string userAgent, string etag ) {
      WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create( uri );
      req.Timeout = timeout;

      HttpWebRequest wreq = req as HttpWebRequest;
      if ( wreq != null ) {
        // If this is an HTTP request, we can also set userAgent and etag
        wreq.UserAgent = userAgent;
        if ( etag != null && etag != "" )
          wreq.Headers.Add( "If-None-Match", etag );
      WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
      DumpWebHeaders( resp.Headers );
      return resp;
    } // MakeRequestGetResponse

    static public WebResponse MakeRequestGetResponse( System.Uri uri, WebDownloadConfig context, string etag ) {
      WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create( uri );
      req.Timeout = context.timeout_ms;

      HttpWebRequest wreq = req as HttpWebRequest;
      if ( wreq != null ) {
        // If this is an HTTP request, we can also set HTTP-specific attributes
        wreq.UserAgent = context.userAgent;
        wreq.Referer   = context.referer;
        if ( etag != null && etag != "" )
          wreq.Headers.Add( "If-None-Match", etag );
      WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
      DumpWebHeaders( resp.Headers );
      return resp;
    } // MakeRequestGetResponse

    static public System.IO.Stream OpenForDownload( Uri what, int timeout ) {
      WebResponse resp = MakeRequestGetResponse( what, timeout, "", "" );
      return resp.GetResponseStream();
      // Note: We return a Stream, which must be Close()-ed. When our
      //       caller closes the stream, resp is automatically closed as well.
    } // OpenForDownload

    static public string DownloadToString( string url, int timeout ) {
      string etag = "";
      return DownloadToString( url, timeout, "", ref etag );
    } // DownloadToString( string, int )

    static public string DownloadToString( string url, int timeout, string userAgent, ref string etag ) {
      string resource;
      WebResponse resp = null;

      try {
        // Make the request and hold on to the response that it brings back
        resp = MakeRequestGetResponse( new System.Uri( url ), timeout, userAgent, etag );

        // If we got back an ETAG, we hold on to it
        string respEtag = resp.Headers.Get( "ETag" );
        if ( respEtag != null ) {
          etag = respEtag;

        // TODO: If resp tells us what is the content encoding,
        //       we use that. If not, we're in a bit of a problem, because
        //       different streams may have different encoding methods,
        //       and one needs to make a large matrix of possible cases and
        //       responses. Instead, what we do here is to ASSUME ISO-8859-1.
        //       In the future, we may want to revisit this decision (for example,
        //       we might want to add an explicit test for MIME type text/html and
        //       check the content encoding type.
        Encoding defaultEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" );
        resource = GetResponseString( resp, defaultEncoding, true );
      finally {
        if ( resp != null )

      return resource;
    } // DownloadToString

    static public string DownloadToString( string url, WebDownloadConfig context ) {
      string etag = "";
      return DownloadToString( url, context, ref etag );

    static public string DownloadToString( string url, WebDownloadConfig context, ref string etag ) {
      if ( context == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "context", "Download context cannot be null" );

      string resource;
      WebResponse resp = null;

      try {
        // Make the request and hold on to the response that it brings back
        resp = MakeRequestGetResponse( new System.Uri( url ), context, etag );

        // If we got back an ETAG, we hold on to it
        string respEtag = resp.Headers.Get( "ETag" );
        if ( respEtag != null ) {
          etag = respEtag;

        resource = GetResponseString( resp, Encoding.GetEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" ), true );
      finally {
        if ( resp != null )

      return resource;
    } // DownloadToString

    static public string GetResponseString( WebResponse resp, System.Text.Encoding defaultEncoding, bool closeWhenDone ) {
      // Determine the encoding
      System.Text.Encoding encoding = defaultEncoding;
      string contentEncoding = resp.Headers.Get( "Content-Encoding" );
      if ( contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding != "" ) {
        try {
          encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding( contentEncoding );
        catch ( NotSupportedException ) {
          System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Encoding " + contentEncoding + " unrecognized." );

      // Convert the stream we got back into a string
      Stream stream = resp.GetResponseStream();
      StreamReader reader = null;
      string str;

      try {
        reader = new StreamReader( stream, encoding );
        // We need this because the stream might have been already
        // read by a debugging routine. Because debugging routines
        // might be all over the place, it's best we are prepared to
        // roll-back the stream instead of requiring them to do that.
        if ( stream.CanSeek )
          stream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
        str = reader.ReadToEnd();
      finally {
        if ( closeWhenDone && reader != null )

      // Roll-back the stream if required
      if ( stream.CanSeek )
        stream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );

      return str;
    } // GetResponseString

  #region Static proxy functions
    static public void EstablishProxy( WebConnectionConfigInfo config, string[] proxyServers ) {
      if ( config.offline )

      // This is currently a hack. Instead of finding-out what
      // connection is currently used and derive the proxy we
      // need from that, we simply try each proxy in our list
      // until we have a success.
      foreach ( string proxy in proxyServers ) {
        bool success = false;

        // Set global proxy
        if ( proxy != "##default##" ) {
          if ( proxy == "" ) {
            // Explicitly disable default proxy
            System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.Select = System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();
          else {
            // Use whatever the config file says
            System.Net.WebProxy proxyObject = new System.Net.WebProxy( proxy );
            System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.Select = proxyObject;

        // Now attempt to use that proxy
        StreamReader reader = null;
        try {
          // We detect connectivity to the one site that is built to handle load
          WebRequest  req  = WebRequest.Create( "http://www.google.com/" );
          WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
          reader = new StreamReader( resp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII );
          string resource = reader.ReadToEnd();
          success = true;
        catch ( WebException webEx ) {
          HttpWebResponse webResp = webEx.Response as HttpWebResponse;
          if ( webResp != null ) {
            HttpStatusCode code = webResp.StatusCode;
        finally {
          if ( reader != null )

        if ( success )
      } // foreach proxy

    } // EstablishProxy

  #region Private instance data
    private WebConnectionConfigInfo config_;
    private string url_;

  #region Construction
    public WebDownload( WebConnectionConfigInfo config, string url ) {
      /* TODO: Would it be better if WebConnectionConfigInfo be a class?
      if ( config == null )
        config = new WebConnectionConfigInfo();
        config.offline = false;
        config.timeout_ms = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
      config_ = config;

      if ( url == null || url == "" )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "url", "URL to download cannot be null or empty" );
      url_ = url;

  #region Download (instance) routines
    public bool DownloadToFile(
      ref string filename,  // Old filename (may be null!)
      ref string etag,
      ref string comments,
      string newFilename
      ) {
      StreamWriter writer = null;
      bool success = true;

      try {
        if ( config_.offline ) {
          // In offline, we behave as if everything is successfully cached,
          // even if it's not so
          filename = newFilename;
          return true;

        // If we have both an etag and a valid old file to go with it,
        // we can send the etag. Otherwise, insist on getting back a file.
        if ( etag != null && etag != "" )
          if ( !File.Exists( filename ) )
            etag = "";

        string resource = DownloadToString( url_, config_.timeout_ms, VersionInfo.UserAgent, ref etag );

        filename = newFilename;
        File.Delete( filename );
        writer = new StreamWriter( File.OpenWrite( filename ) ); // By default, UTF-8
        writer.Write( resource );
      catch ( WebException webEx ) {
        HttpWebResponse webResp = webEx.Response as HttpWebResponse;
        if ( webResp != null && webResp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotModified ) {
          comments = "Channel has not changed since last read.";
        else {
          success = false;
          comments = webEx.Message;
      catch ( Exception ex ) {
        success = false;
        comments = ex.Message;
      finally {
        if ( writer != null )

      // TODO: throw in case of an error?
      return success;
    } // DownloadToFile

  } // class WebDownload

} // namespace Bitworking
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