Channel.cs :  » RSS-RDF » RSS-Feeder » RSSCommon » C# / CSharp Open Source

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RSS Feeder » RSSCommon » Channel.cs
// Copyright  2005 by Omar Al Zabir. All rights are reserved.
// If you like this code then feel free to go ahead and use it.
// The only thing I ask is that you don't remove or alter my copyright notice.
// Your use of this software is entirely at your own risk. I make no claims or
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// If you make changes or additions to this code please mark your code as being yours.
// website, email, msn
using System;

using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Design;

namespace RSSCommon{
  using PropertyEditor;
  /// <summary>
  /// Holds configuration informatino of a subscribed channel 
  /// </summary>
  public class Channel
    #region Events

    ///<summary>A PropertyChanged event is raised when a property is changed on a component. A PropertyChangedEventArgs object specifies the name of the property that changed.</summary>
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


    #region Private Fields

    private int _Id;
    private string _Title;
    private Uri _FeedUrl;
    private TimeSpan _Frequency;
    private DateTime _LastUpdated;
    private DateTime _NextUpdate;
    private DateTime _LastUpdatedInOutlook;
    private string _FolderPath;
    private string _XSLPath;
    private bool _ShowInNewspaper;
    private int _ItemCount;
    private int _UnreadCount;
    private string _UserName;
    private string _UserPassword;
    //private bool _StoreInOutlook;


    #region Public Properties

    #region Store in outlook
    /// <summary>If true, this channel is stored in outlook</summary>
    Description(@"If true, this channel is stored in outlook")]
    public bool StoreInOutlook
        return this._StoreInOutlook;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._StoreInOutlook, value);
        this._StoreInOutlook = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.StoreInOutlook));

    #region Outlook Folder Type
    public enum FolderCreationTypeEnum
      Automatic_under_Base_Folder = 0,
    private FolderCreationTypeEnum _FolderType;

    /// <summary>
    /// How folder will be created for this channel
    /// </summary>
    Description(@"How folder will be created for this channel")]
    public FolderCreationTypeEnum FolderType
        return this._FolderType;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._FolderType, value);
        this._FolderType = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.FolderType));

        // Set back to default folder name if automatic selected
        if( FolderCreationTypeEnum.Automatic_under_Base_Folder == this._FolderType )
          this.FolderPath = Configuration.Instance.OutlookBaseFolder + "\\" + this.GetFolderName();


    #region Unread Count

    /// <summary>
    /// Number of unread messages
    /// </summary>
    [Category("Misc"), ReadOnly(true),
    Description(@"Number of unread messages")]
    public int UnreadCount
        return this._UnreadCount;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._UnreadCount, value);
        this._UnreadCount = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.UnreadCount));

    #region Database ID

    /// <summary>
    /// Internal database Id
    /// </summary>
    [Category("Misc"), ReadOnly(true),
    Description(@"Internal ID of the channel")]
    public int Id
        return this._Id;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._Id, value);
        this._Id = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.Id));


    #region Item Count
    /// <summary>
    /// Number of items in this channel
    /// </summary>
    [Category("Misc"), ReadOnly(true),
    Description(@"Number of items in this channel")]
    public int ItemCount
        return this._ItemCount;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._ItemCount, value);
        this._ItemCount = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.ItemCount));

    #region Outlook View XML Path

    private string _OutlookViewXmlPath;

    /// <summary>Path to an Outlook View XML file which is applied to this folder</summary>
    Description(@"Path to an Outlook View XML file which is applied to this folder")]
    [Editor(typeof(UIFileDialogEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
    CommonDialogFilterAttribute("XML File (*.xml)|*.xml")]
    public string OutlookViewXmlPath
        return this._OutlookViewXmlPath;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._OutlookViewXmlPath, value);
        this._OutlookViewXmlPath = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.OutlookViewXmlPath));

    #region Outlook XSL

    private string _OutlookXSL;

    /// <summary>Path to an XSL file which is used to transform feeds to HTML format for Outlook posts</summary>
    Description(@"Path to an XSL file which is used to transform feeds to HTML format for Outlook posts")]
    [Editor(typeof(UIFileDialogEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
    CommonDialogFilterAttribute("XSLT File (*.xslt)|*.xslt|XSL File (*.xsl)|*.xsl")]    
    public string OutlookXSL
        return this._OutlookXSL;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._OutlookXSL, value);
        this._OutlookXSL = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.OutlookXSL));

    #region Channel Title

    /// <summary>The name of the channel. It's how people refer to your service. 
    /// If you have an HTML website that contains the same information as your RSS file, 
    /// the title of your channel should be the same as the title of your website.</summary>
    Description(@"The name of the channel. It's how people refer to your service. If you have an HTML website that contains the same information as your RSS file, the title of your channel should be the same as the title of your website.")]
    public string Title
        return this._Title;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._Title, value);
        this._Title = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.Title));

    #region Feed URL

    /// <summary>URL of the RSS Feed from where the feed is downloaded</summary>
    Description(@"RSS feed URL from where the feed is downloaded. It can be a local file, or a remote server.
    Please use http:// for web URL.")]
    public Uri FeedURL
        return this._FeedUrl;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._FeedUrl, value);
        this._FeedUrl = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.FeedURL));

    #region Download Frequency

    /// <summary>Frequency of downloading this feed</summary>
    Description(@"Frequency of feed synchronization. For example, if it is 30 mins, then it will be snchronized every 30 mins")]
    public TimeSpan Frequency
        return this._Frequency;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._Frequency, value);
        this._Frequency = value;
          OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.Frequency));
          this.NextUpdate = this.LastUpdated + value;


    #region Last Updated

    /// <summary>Last update date when the feed was downloaded</summary>  
    [Category("Download"), ReadOnly(true),
    Description(@"Last update date when the feed was downloaded from the server")]
    public DateTime LastUpdated
        return this._LastUpdated;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._LastUpdated, value);
        this._LastUpdated = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.LastUpdated));

        // Update next update time
        this.NextUpdate = this.LastUpdated.Add( ( this.Frequency == TimeSpan.Zero ? 
          TimeSpan.FromMinutes( Configuration.Instance.DefaultDownloadFrequency ) : this.Frequency ) );

    #region Next Update Date Time

    /// <summary>Next update date when the feed will be downloaded</summary>
    [Category("Download"), ReadOnly(true),
    Description(@"Next update date when the feed will be downloaded from the server")]
    public DateTime NextUpdate
        return this._NextUpdate;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._NextUpdate, value);
        this._NextUpdate = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.NextUpdate));

    #region Last Updated In Outlook

    /// <summary>Last time when outlook received the RSS feeds</summary>
    [Category("Outlook"), ReadOnly(true),
    Description(@"Last time when outlook received the RSS feeds")]
    public DateTime LastUpdatedInOutlook
        return this._LastUpdatedInOutlook;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._LastUpdatedInOutlook, value);
        this._LastUpdatedInOutlook = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.LastUpdatedInOutlook));

    #region Folder path

    /// <summary>Outlook folder path where RSS Feeds are stored</summary>
    Description(@"Outlook folder path where RSS Feeds are stored")]
    [Editor(typeof(UIOutlookFolderPickerEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    public string FolderPath
        return this._FolderPath;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._FolderPath, value);
        this._FolderPath = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.FolderPath));

    #region XSL Path
    /// <summary>XSL used to convert RSS XML to HTML</summary>
    Description(@"XSL used to convert RSS XML to HTML")]
    [Editor(typeof(UIFileDialogEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
    CommonDialogFilterAttribute("XSLT File (*.xslt)|*.xslt|XSL File (*.xsl)|*.xsl")]
    public string XSLPath
        return this._XSLPath;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._XSLPath, value);
        this._XSLPath = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.XSLPath));

    #region Show In Newspaper
    /// <summary>Whether this channel appears in newspaper</summary>
    Description(@"Whether this channel appears in newspaper")]
    public bool ShowInNewspaper
        return this._ShowInNewspaper;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._ShowInNewspaper, value);
        this._ShowInNewspaper = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.ShowInNewspaper));

    #region No of items in newspaper

    private int _NumberOfItemsInNewspaper = 5;
    /// <summary>Number of items to show in newspaper</summary>
    Description(@"Number of items to show in newspaper")]
    public int NumberOfItemsInNewspaper
        return this._NumberOfItemsInNewspaper;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._NumberOfItemsInNewspaper, value);
        this._NumberOfItemsInNewspaper = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.NumberOfItemsInNewspaper));

    #region UserName

    /// <summary>User Name to authentication connection to the RSS Feed source</summary>
    Description(@"User Name to authentication connection to the RSS Feed source")]
    public string UserName
        return this._UserName;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._UserName, value);
        this._UserName = value;
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.UserName));

    #region UserPassword

    /// <summary>Password for the user account used to authenticate to the RSS Feed Source</summary>
    Description(@"DO NOT TYPE, CLICK THE '...' BUTTON")]    
    [Editor(typeof(PasswordEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    public string UserPassword
        return this._UserPassword;
        bool changed = !object.Equals(this._UserPassword, value);
        if( this.ValidPassword( value ) )
          this._UserPassword = value;          
          this._UserPassword = "Don't Type. Click '...'";
        if(changed) OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Properties.UserPassword));


    #region Constructor

    public Channel()
      this._Title = string.Empty;
      this._FeedUrl = null;
      this._Frequency = TimeSpan.Zero;
      this._LastUpdated = DateTime.MinValue;
      this._NextUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;

      this._LastUpdatedInOutlook = DateTime.MinValue;
      this._ShowInNewspaper = false;
      this._FolderPath = string.Empty;
      this._XSLPath = string.Empty;

      this._FolderType = FolderCreationTypeEnum.Specific_Folder;

    public Channel( int id, string title, Uri feedUrl, TimeSpan frequency, DateTime lastUpdated, 
      DateTime nextUpdate, DateTime lastUpdateInOutlook, string folderPath, string xslPath,
      bool showInNewspaper, int itemCount, int unreadCount, FolderCreationTypeEnum folderType,
      string outlookViewXmlPath, string outlookXSL, string userName, string userPassword )
      this._Id = id;
      this._Title = title;
      this._FeedUrl = feedUrl;
      this._Frequency = frequency;
      this._LastUpdated = lastUpdated;
      this._NextUpdate = nextUpdate;

      this._LastUpdatedInOutlook = LastUpdatedInOutlook;
      this._ShowInNewspaper = showInNewspaper;
      this._FolderPath = folderPath;
      this._XSLPath = xslPath;

      this._ItemCount = itemCount;
      this._UnreadCount = unreadCount;

      this.FolderType = folderType;
      this._OutlookViewXmlPath = outlookViewXmlPath;
      this._OutlookXSL = outlookXSL;

      this._UserName = userName;
      this._UserPassword = userPassword;


    #region Private Methods

    private bool ValidPassword( string password )
      // No password
      if( null == password || 0 == password.Length ) return true;

      // Password decryption provider is still not available
      if( null == RSSCommon.PropertyEditor.PasswordEditor.PasswordProvider ) return true;
        // If password decryption fails, surely user has manually typed the password
        // inside the property dialog.
        string decryptedPassword = 
          RSSCommon.PropertyEditor.PasswordEditor.PasswordProvider.Decrypt( password );
        return ( null != decryptedPassword && decryptedPassword.Length > 0);
        return false;

    private string GetFolderName()
      char [] name = this.Title.ToCharArray();
      for( int i = 0; i < name.Length; i ++ )
        if( name[i] < ' ' && name[i] > 'z' )
          name[i] = ' ';

      return new string(name);

    ///<summary>A PropertyChanged event is raised when a property is 
    ///changed on a component. A PropertyChangedEventArgs object 
    ///specifies the name of the property that changed.</summary>
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
      if( null != PropertyChanged )
        PropertyChanged(this, e);      


    #region Property Definition

    public class Properties
      public const string NumberOfItemsInNewspaper = "NumberOfItemsInNewspaper";
      public const string OutlookXSL = "OutlookXSL";
      public const string OutlookViewXmlPath = "OutlookViewXmlPath";
      public const string StoreInOutlook = "StoreInOutlook";
      public const string FolderType = "FolderType";
      public const string Id = "Id";
      public const string Title = "Title";
      public const string FeedURL = "FeedURL";
      public const string Frequency = "Frequency";
      public const string LastUpdated = "LastUpdated";
      public const string NextUpdate = "NextUpdate";
      public const string LastUpdatedInOutlook = "LastUpdatedInOutlook";
      public const string FolderPath = "FolderPath";
      public const string XSLPath = "XSLPath";
      public const string ShowInNewspaper = "ShowInNewspaper";
      public const string ItemCount = "ItemCount";
      public const string UnreadCount = "UnreadCount";
      public const string UserName = "UserName";
      public const string UserPassword = "UserPassword";


    #region Overrides
    public override string ToString()
      return this._Title + " (" + this.UnreadCount.ToString() + ")";


  /// <summary>
  /// <see cref="Channel"/> Collection of Channels
  /// </summary>
  public class ChannelCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase
    /// <summary>Adds an item to the IChannelCollection.</summary>
    public int Add(Channel value)
      return base.List.Add(value as object);
    /// <summary>Removes an item to the ChannelCollection.</summary>
    public void Remove(Channel  value)
      base.List.Remove(value as object);
    /// <summary>Inserts an IChannel to the ChannelCollection at the specified position.</summary>
    public void Insert(int index, Channel  value)
      base.List.Insert(index, value as object);
    /// <summary>Determines whether the ChannelCollection contains a specific value.</summary>
    public bool Contains(Channel  value)
      return base.List.Contains(value as object);
    /// <summary>Gets the IChannel at the specified index.</summary>
    public Channel  this[int index]
      get { return (base.List[index] as Channel ); }
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