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namespace IronPythonTest{
// The sole purpose of this class is to provide many different methods of the same name that
// differ only in their signature and/or their type parameters. Each returns a string that
// uniquely identifies it so that we can validate the correct binding from the python side.
// The instance and static methods have different names simply because C# doesn't allow two
// methods to differ only by their "static-ness".
public class GenMeth {
public string InstMeth() {
return "InstMeth()";
public string InstMeth<T>() {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">()";
public string InstMeth<T, U>() {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ">()";
public string InstMeth(int arg1) {
return "InstMeth(Int32)";
public string InstMeth(string arg1) {
return "InstMeth(String)";
public string InstMeth<T>(int arg1) {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">(Int32)";
public string InstMeth<T>(string arg1) {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">(String)";
public string InstMeth<T, U>(int arg1) {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ">(Int32)";
public string InstMeth<T>(T arg1) {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">(" + typeof(T).Name + ")";
public string InstMeth<T, U>(T arg1, U arg2) {
return "InstMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ">(" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ")";
public static string StaticMeth() {
return "StaticMeth()";
public static string StaticMeth<T>() {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">()";
public static string StaticMeth<T, U>() {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ">()";
public static string StaticMeth(int arg1) {
return "StaticMeth(Int32)";
public static string StaticMeth(string arg1) {
return "StaticMeth(String)";
public static string StaticMeth<T>(int arg1) {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">(Int32)";
public static string StaticMeth<T>(string arg1) {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">(String)";
public static string StaticMeth<T, U>(int arg1) {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ">(Int32)";
public static string StaticMeth<T>(T arg1) {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ">(" + typeof(T).Name + ")";
public static string StaticMeth<T, U>(T arg1, U arg2) {
return "StaticMeth<" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ">(" + typeof(T).Name + ", " + typeof(U).Name + ")";