/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Ast;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter{
/// <summary>
/// Implements dynamic call site with many arguments. Wraps the arguments into <see cref="ArgumentArray"/>.
/// </summary>
internal sealed partial class DynamicSplatInstruction : Instruction {
private readonly CallSite<Func<CallSite, ArgumentArray, object>> _site;
private readonly int _argumentCount;
internal DynamicSplatInstruction(int argumentCount, CallSite<Func<CallSite, ArgumentArray, object>> site) {
_site = site;
_argumentCount = argumentCount;
public override int ProducedStack { get { return 1; } }
public override int ConsumedStack { get { return _argumentCount; } }
public override int Run(InterpretedFrame frame) {
int first = frame.StackIndex - _argumentCount;
object ret = _site.Target(_site, new ArgumentArray(frame.Data, first, _argumentCount));
frame.Data[first] = ret;
frame.StackIndex = first + 1;
return 1;
public override string ToString() {
return "DynamicSplatInstruction(" + _site + ")";