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/* ****************************************************************************
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Dynamic.Utils;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Globalization;

using System.Core;

#if CLR2
namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.Compiler{
namespace System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler {
    partial class LambdaCompiler {
        private void EmitBlockExpression(Expression expr, CompilationFlags flags) {
            // emit body
            Emit((BlockExpression)expr, UpdateEmitAsTypeFlag(flags, CompilationFlags.EmitAsDefaultType));

        private void Emit(BlockExpression node, CompilationFlags flags) {

            CompilationFlags emitAs = flags & CompilationFlags.EmitAsTypeMask;

            int count = node.ExpressionCount;
            CompilationFlags tailCall = flags & CompilationFlags.EmitAsTailCallMask;
            CompilationFlags middleTailCall = tailCall == CompilationFlags.EmitAsNoTail ? CompilationFlags.EmitAsNoTail : CompilationFlags.EmitAsMiddle;

            for (int index = 0; index < count - 1; index++) {
                var e = node.GetExpression(index);
                var next = node.GetExpression(index + 1);

                if (EmitDebugSymbols) {
                    // No need to emit a clearance if the next expression in the block is also a
                    // DebugInfoExprssion.
                    var debugInfo = e as DebugInfoExpression;
                    if (debugInfo != null && debugInfo.IsClear && next is DebugInfoExpression) {
                // In the middle of the block.
                // We may do better here by marking it as Tail if the following expressions are not going to emit any IL.
                var tailCallFlag = middleTailCall;

                var g = next as GotoExpression;
                if (g != null && (g.Value == null || !Significant(g.Value))) {
                    var labelInfo = ReferenceLabel(g.Target);
                    if (labelInfo.CanReturn) {
                        // Since tail call flags are not passed into EmitTryExpression, CanReturn means the goto will be emitted
                        // as Ret. Therefore we can emit the current expression with tail call.
                        tailCallFlag = CompilationFlags.EmitAsTail;
                flags = UpdateEmitAsTailCallFlag(flags, tailCallFlag);
                EmitExpressionAsVoid(e, flags);

            // if the type of Block it means this is not a Comma
            // so we will force the last expression to emit as void.
            // We don't need EmitAsType flag anymore, should only pass
            // the EmitTailCall field in flags to emitting the last expression.
            if (emitAs == CompilationFlags.EmitAsVoidType || node.Type == typeof(void)) {
                EmitExpressionAsVoid(node.GetExpression(count - 1), tailCall);
            } else {
                EmitExpressionAsType(node.GetExpression(count - 1), node.Type, tailCall);


        private void EnterScope(object node) {
            if (HasVariables(node) &&
                (_scope.MergedScopes == null || !_scope.MergedScopes.Contains(node))) {

                CompilerScope scope;
                if (!_tree.Scopes.TryGetValue(node, out scope)) {
                    // Very often, we want to compile nodes as reductions
                    // rather than as IL, but usually they need to allocate
                    // some IL locals. To support this, we allow emitting a
                    // BlockExpression that was not bound by VariableBinder.
                    // This works as long as the variables are only used
                    // locally -- i.e. not closed over.
                    // User-created blocks will never hit this case; only our
                    // internally reduced nodes will.
                    scope = new CompilerScope(node, false) { NeedsClosure = _scope.NeedsClosure };

                _scope = scope.Enter(this, _scope);
                Debug.Assert(_scope.Node == node);

        private static bool HasVariables(object node) {
            var block = node as BlockExpression;
            if (block != null) {
                return block.Variables.Count > 0;
            return ((CatchBlock)node).Variable != null;

        private void ExitScope(object node) {
            if (_scope.Node == node) {
                _scope = _scope.Exit();

        private void EmitDefaultExpression(Expression expr) {
            var node = (DefaultExpression)expr;
            if (node.Type != typeof(void)) {
                // emit default(T)

        private void EmitLoopExpression(Expression expr) {
            LoopExpression node = (LoopExpression)expr;

            LabelInfo breakTarget = DefineLabel(node.BreakLabel);
            LabelInfo continueTarget = DefineLabel(node.ContinueLabel);



            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Br, continueTarget.Label);



        #region SwitchExpression

        private void EmitSwitchExpression(Expression expr, CompilationFlags flags) {
            SwitchExpression node = (SwitchExpression)expr;

            // Try to emit it as an IL switch. Works for integer types.
            if (TryEmitSwitchInstruction(node, flags)) {

            // Try to emit as a hashtable lookup. Works for strings.
            if (TryEmitHashtableSwitch(node, flags)) {

            // Fall back to a series of tests. We need to IL gen instead of
            // transform the tree to avoid stack overflow on a big switch.

            var switchValue = Expression.Parameter(node.SwitchValue.Type, "switchValue");
            var testValue = Expression.Parameter(GetTestValueType(node), "testValue");
            _scope.AddLocal(this, switchValue);
            _scope.AddLocal(this, testValue);


            // Emit tests
            var labels = new Label[node.Cases.Count];
            var isGoto = new bool[node.Cases.Count];
            for (int i = 0, n = node.Cases.Count; i < n; i++) {
                DefineSwitchCaseLabel(node.Cases[i], out labels[i], out isGoto[i]);
                foreach (Expression test in node.Cases[i].TestValues) {
                    // Pull the test out into a temp so it runs on the same
                    // stack as the switch. This simplifies spilling.
                    Debug.Assert(TypeUtils.AreReferenceAssignable(testValue.Type, test.Type));
                    EmitExpressionAndBranch(true, Expression.Equal(switchValue, testValue, false, node.Comparison), labels[i]);

            // Define labels
            Label end = _ilg.DefineLabel();
            Label @default = (node.DefaultBody == null) ? end : _ilg.DefineLabel();

            // Emit the case and default bodies
            EmitSwitchCases(node, labels, isGoto, @default, end, flags);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the common test test value type of the SwitchExpression.
        /// </summary>
        private static Type GetTestValueType(SwitchExpression node) {
            if (node.Comparison == null) {
                // If we have no comparison, all right side types must be the
                // same.
                return node.Cases[0].TestValues[0].Type;

            // Otherwise, get the type from the method.
            Type result = node.Comparison.GetParametersCached()[1].ParameterType.GetNonRefType();
            if (node.IsLifted) {
                result = TypeUtils.GetNullableType(result);
            return result;

        private sealed class SwitchLabel {
            internal readonly decimal Key;
            internal readonly Label Label;

            // Boxed version of Key, preseving the original type.
            internal readonly object Constant;

            internal SwitchLabel(decimal key, object @constant, Label label) {
                Key = key;
                Constant = @constant;
                Label = label;

        private sealed class SwitchInfo {
            internal readonly SwitchExpression Node;
            internal readonly LocalBuilder Value;
            internal readonly Label Default;
            internal readonly Type Type;
            internal readonly bool IsUnsigned;
            internal readonly bool Is64BitSwitch;

            internal SwitchInfo(SwitchExpression node, LocalBuilder value, Label @default) {
                Node = node;
                Value = value;
                Default = @default;
                Type = Node.SwitchValue.Type;
                IsUnsigned = TypeUtils.IsUnsigned(Type);
                var code = Type.GetTypeCode(Type);
                Is64BitSwitch = code == TypeCode.UInt64 || code == TypeCode.Int64;

        private static bool FitsInBucket(List<SwitchLabel> buckets, decimal key, int count) {
            Debug.Assert(key > buckets[buckets.Count - 1].Key);
            decimal jumpTableSlots = key - buckets[0].Key + 1;
            if (jumpTableSlots > int.MaxValue) {
                return false;
            // density must be > 50%
            return (buckets.Count + count) * 2 > jumpTableSlots;

        private static void MergeBuckets(List<List<SwitchLabel>> buckets) {
            while (buckets.Count > 1) {
                List<SwitchLabel> first = buckets[buckets.Count - 2];
                List<SwitchLabel> second = buckets[buckets.Count - 1];

                if (!FitsInBucket(first, second[second.Count - 1].Key, second.Count)) {

                // Merge them
                buckets.RemoveAt(buckets.Count - 1);

        // Add key to a new or existing bucket
        private static void AddToBuckets(List<List<SwitchLabel>> buckets, SwitchLabel key) {
            if (buckets.Count > 0) {
                List<SwitchLabel> last = buckets[buckets.Count - 1];
                if (FitsInBucket(last, key.Key, 1)) {
                    // we might be able to merge now
            // else create a new bucket
            buckets.Add(new List<SwitchLabel> { key });

        // Determines if the type is an integer we can switch on.
        private static bool CanOptimizeSwitchType(Type valueType) {
            // enums & char are allowed
            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(valueType)) {
                case TypeCode.Byte:
                case TypeCode.SByte:
                case TypeCode.Char:
                case TypeCode.Int16:
                case TypeCode.Int32:
                case TypeCode.UInt16:
                case TypeCode.UInt32:
                case TypeCode.Int64:
                case TypeCode.UInt64:
                    return true;
                    return false;

        // Tries to emit switch as a jmp table
        private bool TryEmitSwitchInstruction(SwitchExpression node, CompilationFlags flags) {
            // If we have a comparison, bail
            if (node.Comparison != null) {
                return false;

            // Make sure the switch value type and the right side type
            // are types we can optimize
            Type type = node.SwitchValue.Type;
            if (!CanOptimizeSwitchType(type) ||
                !TypeUtils.AreEquivalent(type, node.Cases[0].TestValues[0].Type)) {
                return false;

            // Make sure all test values are constant, or we can't emit the
            // jump table.
            if (!node.Cases.All(c => c.TestValues.All(t => t is ConstantExpression))) {
                return false;

            // We can emit the optimized switch, let's do it.

            // Build target labels, collect keys.
            var labels = new Label[node.Cases.Count];
            var isGoto = new bool[node.Cases.Count];

            var uniqueKeys = new Set<decimal>();
            var keys = new List<SwitchLabel>();
            for (int i = 0; i < node.Cases.Count; i++) {

                DefineSwitchCaseLabel(node.Cases[i], out labels[i], out isGoto[i]);

                foreach (ConstantExpression test in node.Cases[i].TestValues) {
                    // Guarenteed to work thanks to CanOptimizeSwitchType.
                    // Use decimal because it can hold Int64 or UInt64 without
                    // precision loss or signed/unsigned conversions.
                    decimal key = ConvertSwitchValue(test.Value);

                    // Only add each key once. If it appears twice, it's
                    // allowed, but can't be reached.
                    if (!uniqueKeys.Contains(key)) {
                        keys.Add(new SwitchLabel(key, test.Value, labels[i]));

            // Sort the keys, and group them into buckets.
            keys.Sort((x, y) => Math.Sign(x.Key - y.Key));
            var buckets = new List<List<SwitchLabel>>();
            foreach (var key in keys) {
                AddToBuckets(buckets, key);

            // Emit the switchValue
            LocalBuilder value = GetLocal(node.SwitchValue.Type);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, value);

            // Create end label, and default label if needed
            Label end = _ilg.DefineLabel();
            Label @default = (node.DefaultBody == null) ? end : _ilg.DefineLabel();

            // Emit the switch
            var info = new SwitchInfo(node, value, @default);
            EmitSwitchBuckets(info, buckets, 0, buckets.Count - 1);

            // Emit the case bodies and default
            EmitSwitchCases(node, labels, isGoto, @default, end, flags);

            return true;

        private static decimal ConvertSwitchValue(object value) {
            if (value is char) {
                return (int)(char)value;
            return Convert.ToDecimal(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the label for this case.
        /// Optimization: if the body is just a goto, and we can branch
        /// to it, put the goto target directly in the jump table.
        /// </summary>
        private void DefineSwitchCaseLabel(SwitchCase @case, out Label label, out bool isGoto) {
            var jump = @case.Body as GotoExpression;
            // if it's a goto with no value
            if (jump != null && jump.Value == null) {
                // Reference the label from the switch. This will cause us to
                // analyze the jump target and determine if it is safe.
                LabelInfo jumpInfo = ReferenceLabel(jump.Target);

                // If we have are allowed to emit the "branch" opcode, then we
                // can jump directly there from the switch's jump table.
                // (Otherwise, we need to emit the goto later as a "leave".)
                if (jumpInfo.CanBranch) {
                    label = jumpInfo.Label;
                    isGoto = true;
            // otherwise, just define a new label
            label = _ilg.DefineLabel();
            isGoto = false;

        private void EmitSwitchCases(SwitchExpression node, Label[] labels, bool[] isGoto, Label @default, Label end, CompilationFlags flags) {
            // Jump to default (to handle the fallthrough case)
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Br, @default);

            // Emit the cases
            for (int i = 0, n = node.Cases.Count; i < n; i++) {
                // If the body is a goto, we already emitted an optimized
                // branch directly to it. No need to emit anything else.
                if (isGoto[i]) {

                EmitExpressionAsType(node.Cases[i].Body, node.Type, flags);

                // Last case doesn't need branch
                if (node.DefaultBody != null || i < n - 1) {
                    if ((flags & CompilationFlags.EmitAsTailCallMask) == CompilationFlags.EmitAsTail) {
                        //The switch case is at the tail of the lambda so
                        //it is safe to emit a Ret.
                    } else {
                        _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Br, end);

            // Default value
            if (node.DefaultBody != null) {
                EmitExpressionAsType(node.DefaultBody, node.Type, flags);


        private void EmitSwitchBuckets(SwitchInfo info, List<List<SwitchLabel>> buckets, int first, int last) {
            if (first == last) {
                EmitSwitchBucket(info, buckets[first]);

            // Split the buckets into two groups, and use an if test to find
            // the right bucket. This ensures we'll only need O(lg(B)) tests
            // where B is the number of buckets
            int mid = (int)(((long)first + last + 1) / 2);

            if (first == mid - 1) {
                EmitSwitchBucket(info, buckets[first]);
            } else {
                // If the first half contains more than one, we need to emit an
                // explicit guard
                Label secondHalf = _ilg.DefineLabel();
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, info.Value);
                _ilg.EmitConstant(buckets[mid - 1].Last().Constant);
                _ilg.Emit(info.IsUnsigned ? OpCodes.Bgt_Un : OpCodes.Bgt, secondHalf);
                EmitSwitchBuckets(info, buckets, first, mid - 1);

            EmitSwitchBuckets(info, buckets, mid, last);

        private void EmitSwitchBucket(SwitchInfo info, List<SwitchLabel> bucket) {
            // No need for switch if we only have one value
            if (bucket.Count == 1) {
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, info.Value);
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Beq, bucket[0].Label);

            // If we're switching off of Int64/UInt64, we need more guards here
            // because we'll have to narrow the switch value to an Int32, and
            // we can't do that unless the value is in the right range.
            Label? after = null;
            if (info.Is64BitSwitch) {
                after = _ilg.DefineLabel();
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, info.Value);
                _ilg.Emit(info.IsUnsigned ? OpCodes.Bgt_Un : OpCodes.Bgt, after.Value);
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, info.Value);
                _ilg.Emit(info.IsUnsigned ? OpCodes.Blt_Un : OpCodes.Blt, after.Value);

            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, info.Value);

            // Normalize key
            decimal key = bucket[0].Key;
            if (key != 0) {

            if (info.Is64BitSwitch) {

            // Collect labels
            int len = (int)(bucket[bucket.Count - 1].Key - bucket[0].Key + 1);
            Label[] jmpLabels = new Label[len];

            // Initialize all labels to the default
            int slot = 0;
            foreach (SwitchLabel label in bucket) {
                while (key++ != label.Key) {
                    jmpLabels[slot++] = info.Default;
                jmpLabels[slot++] = label.Label;

            // check we used all keys and filled all slots
            Debug.Assert(key == bucket[bucket.Count - 1].Key + 1);
            Debug.Assert(slot == jmpLabels.Length);

            // Finally, emit the switch instruction
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Switch, jmpLabels);

            if (info.Is64BitSwitch) {

        private bool TryEmitHashtableSwitch(SwitchExpression node, CompilationFlags flags) {
            // If we have a comparison other than string equality, bail
            if (node.Comparison != typeof(string).GetMethod("op_Equality", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }, null)) {
                return false;

            // All test values must be constant.
            int tests = 0;
            foreach (SwitchCase c in node.Cases) {
                foreach (Expression t in c.TestValues) {
                    if (!(t is ConstantExpression)) {
                        return false;

            // Must have >= 7 labels for it to be worth it.
            if (tests < 7) {
                return false;

            // If we're in a DynamicMethod, we could just build the dictionary
            // immediately. But that would cause the two code paths to be more
            // different than they really need to be.
            var initializers = new List<ElementInit>(tests);
            var cases = new List<SwitchCase>(node.Cases.Count);

            int nullCase = -1;
            MethodInfo add = typeof(Dictionary<string, int>).GetMethod("Add", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) });
            for (int i = 0, n = node.Cases.Count; i < n; i++) {
                foreach (ConstantExpression t in node.Cases[i].TestValues) {
                    if (t.Value != null) {
                        initializers.Add(Expression.ElementInit(add, t, Expression.Constant(i)));
                    } else {
                        nullCase = i;
                cases.Add(Expression.SwitchCase(node.Cases[i].Body, Expression.Constant(i)));

            // Create the field to hold the lazily initialized dictionary
            MemberExpression dictField = CreateLazyInitializedField<Dictionary<string, int>>("dictionarySwitch");

            // If we happen to initialize it twice (multithreaded case), it's
            // not the end of the world. The C# compiler does better here by
            // emitting a volatile access to the field.
            Expression dictInit = Expression.Condition(
                Expression.Equal(dictField, Expression.Constant(null, dictField.Type)),
                            typeof(Dictionary<string, int>).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(int) }),

            // Create a tree like:
            // switchValue = switchValueExpression;
            // if (switchValue == null) {
            //     switchIndex = nullCase;
            // } else {
            //     if (_dictField == null) {
            //         _dictField = new Dictionary<string, int>(count) { { ... }, ... };
            //     }
            //     if (!_dictField.TryGetValue(switchValue, out switchIndex)) {
            //         switchIndex = -1;
            //     }
            // }
            // switch (switchIndex) {
            //     case 0: ...
            //     case 1: ...
            //     ...
            //     default:
            // }
            var switchValue = Expression.Variable(typeof(string), "switchValue");
            var switchIndex = Expression.Variable(typeof(int), "switchIndex");
            var reduced = Expression.Block(
                new[] { switchIndex, switchValue },
                Expression.Assign(switchValue, node.SwitchValue),
                    Expression.Equal(switchValue, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(string))),
                    Expression.Assign(switchIndex, Expression.Constant(nullCase)),
                        Expression.Call(dictInit, "TryGetValue", null, switchValue, switchIndex),
                        Expression.Assign(switchIndex, Expression.Constant(-1))
                Expression.Switch(node.Type, switchIndex, node.DefaultBody, null, cases)

            EmitExpression(reduced, flags);
            return true;


        private void CheckRethrow() {
            // Rethrow is only valid inside a catch.
            for (LabelScopeInfo j = _labelBlock; j != null; j = j.Parent) {
                if (j.Kind == LabelScopeKind.Catch) {
                } else if (j.Kind == LabelScopeKind.Finally) {
                    // Rethrow from inside finally is not verifiable
            throw Error.RethrowRequiresCatch();

        #region TryStatement

        private void CheckTry() {
            // Try inside a filter is not verifiable
            for (LabelScopeInfo j = _labelBlock; j != null; j = j.Parent) {
                if (j.Kind == LabelScopeKind.Filter) {
                    throw Error.TryNotAllowedInFilter();

        private void EmitSaveExceptionOrPop(CatchBlock cb) {
            if (cb.Variable != null) {
                // If the variable is present, store the exception
                // in the variable.
            } else {
                // Otherwise, pop it off the stack.

        private void EmitTryExpression(Expression expr) {
            var node = (TryExpression)expr;


            // 1. ENTERING TRY


            // 2. Emit the try statement body


            Type tryType = expr.Type;
            LocalBuilder value = null;
            if (tryType != typeof(void)) {
                //store the value of the try body
                value = GetLocal(tryType);
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, value);
            // 3. Emit the catch blocks

            foreach (CatchBlock cb in node.Handlers) {

                // Begin the strongly typed exception block
                if (cb.Filter == null) {
                } else {



                // Emit the catch block body
                if (tryType != typeof(void)) {
                    //store the value of the catch block body
                    _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, value);



            // 4. Emit the finally block

            if (node.Finally != null || node.Fault != null) {

                if (node.Finally != null) {
                } else {

                // Emit the body
                EmitExpressionAsVoid(node.Finally ?? node.Fault);

            } else {

            if (tryType != typeof(void)) {
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Emits the start of a catch block.  The exception value that is provided by the
        /// CLR is stored in the variable specified by the catch block or popped if no
        /// variable is provided.
        /// </summary>
        private void EmitCatchStart(CatchBlock cb) {
            if (cb.Filter == null) {

            // emit filter block. Filter blocks are untyped so we need to do
            // the type check ourselves.  
            Label endFilter = _ilg.DefineLabel();
            Label rightType = _ilg.DefineLabel();

            // skip if it's not our exception type, but save
            // the exception if it is so it's available to the
            // filter
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, cb.Test);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, rightType);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endFilter);

            // it's our type, save it and emit the filter.

            // begin the catch, clear the exception, we've 
            // already saved it

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