/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
* you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
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* ***************************************************************************/
using System;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;
namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell{
public class ConsoleOptions {
private string _command;
private string _filename;
private bool _printVersion;
private bool _exit;
private int _autoIndentSize = 4;
private string[] _remainingArgs;
private bool _introspection;
private bool _autoIndent;
private bool _handleExceptions = true;
private bool _tabCompletion;
private bool _colorfulConsole;
private bool _printUsage;
private bool _isMta;
#if !SILVERLIGHT // Remote console
private string _remoteRuntimeChannel;
public bool AutoIndent {
get { return _autoIndent; }
set { _autoIndent = value; }
public bool HandleExceptions {
get { return _handleExceptions; }
set { _handleExceptions = value; }
public bool TabCompletion {
get { return _tabCompletion; }
set { _tabCompletion = value; }
public bool ColorfulConsole {
get { return _colorfulConsole; }
set { _colorfulConsole = value; }
public bool PrintUsage {
get { return _printUsage; }
set { _printUsage = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Literal script command given using -c option
/// </summary>
public string Command {
get { return _command; }
set { _command = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Filename to execute passed on the command line options.
/// </summary>
public string FileName {
get { return _filename; }
set { _filename = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Only print the version of the script interpreter and exit
/// </summary>
public bool PrintVersion {
get { return _printVersion; }
set { _printVersion= value; }
public bool Exit{
get { return _exit; }
set { _exit = value; }
public int AutoIndentSize {
get { return _autoIndentSize; }
set { _autoIndentSize = value; }
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1819:PropertiesShouldNotReturnArrays")] // TODO: fix
public string[] RemainingArgs {
get { return _remainingArgs; }
set { _remainingArgs = value; }
public bool Introspection {
get { return _introspection; }
set { _introspection = value; }
public bool IsMta {
get { return _isMta; }
set { _isMta = value; }
#if !SILVERLIGHT // Remote console
public string RemoteRuntimeChannel {
get { return _remoteRuntimeChannel; }
set { _remoteRuntimeChannel = value; }
public ConsoleOptions() {
protected ConsoleOptions(ConsoleOptions options) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(options, "options");
_command = options._command;
_filename = options._filename;
_printVersion = options._printVersion;
_exit = options._exit;
_autoIndentSize = options._autoIndentSize;
_remainingArgs = ArrayUtils.Copy(options._remainingArgs);
_introspection = options._introspection;
_autoIndent = options._autoIndent;
_handleExceptions = options._handleExceptions;
_tabCompletion = options._tabCompletion;
_colorfulConsole = options._colorfulConsole;
_printUsage = options._printUsage;
_isMta = options._isMta;
#if !SILVERLIGHT // Remote console
_remoteRuntimeChannel = options._remoteRuntimeChannel;