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/* ****************************************************************************
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#if !CLR2
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Ast;

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

using Microsoft.Scripting.Generation;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;

using AstUtilsMicrosoft.Scripting.Ast.Utils;
using System.Threading;

namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter{

    public sealed class LightLambdaCompileEventArgs : EventArgs {
        public Delegate Compiled { get; private set; }

        internal LightLambdaCompileEventArgs(Delegate compiled) {
            Compiled = compiled;

    public partial class LightLambda {
        private readonly StrongBox<object>[] _closure;
        private readonly Interpreter _interpreter;
        private static readonly CacheDict<Type, Func<LightLambda, Delegate>> _runCache = new CacheDict<Type, Func<LightLambda, Delegate>>(100);

        // Adaptive compilation support
        private readonly LightDelegateCreator _delegateCreator;
        private Delegate _compiled;
        private int _compilationThreshold;

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides notification that the LightLambda has been compiled.
        /// </summary>
        public event EventHandler<LightLambdaCompileEventArgs> Compile;

        internal LightLambda(LightDelegateCreator delegateCreator, StrongBox<object>[] closure, int compilationThreshold) {
            _delegateCreator = delegateCreator;
            _closure = closure;
            _interpreter = delegateCreator.Interpreter;
            _compilationThreshold = compilationThreshold;

        private static MethodInfo GetRunMethodOrFastCtor(Type delegateType, out Func<LightLambda, Delegate> fastCtor) {
            lock (_runCache) {
                if (_runCache.TryGetValue(delegateType, out fastCtor)) {
                    return null;
                return MakeRunMethodOrFastCtor(delegateType, out fastCtor);

        private static MethodInfo MakeRunMethodOrFastCtor(Type delegateType, out Func<LightLambda, Delegate> fastCtor) {
            var method = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke");
            var paramInfos = method.GetParameters();
            Type[] paramTypes;
            string name = "Run";
            fastCtor = null;

            if (paramInfos.Length >= MaxParameters) {
                return null;

            if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
                name += "Void";
                paramTypes = new Type[paramInfos.Length];
            } else {
                paramTypes = new Type[paramInfos.Length + 1];
                paramTypes[paramTypes.Length - 1] = method.ReturnType;

            MethodInfo runMethod;

            if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void) && paramTypes.Length == 2 &&
                paramInfos[0].ParameterType.IsByRef && paramInfos[1].ParameterType.IsByRef) {
                runMethod = typeof(LightLambda).GetMethod("RunVoidRef2", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                paramTypes[0] = paramInfos[0].ParameterType.GetElementType();
                paramTypes[1] = paramInfos[1].ParameterType.GetElementType();
            } else if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void) && paramTypes.Length == 0) {
                return typeof(LightLambda).GetMethod("RunVoid0", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < paramInfos.Length; i++) {
                    paramTypes[i] = paramInfos[i].ParameterType;
                    if (paramTypes[i].IsByRef) {
                        return null;

                if (DelegateHelpers.MakeDelegate(paramTypes) == delegateType) {
                    name = "Make" + name + paramInfos.Length;
                    MethodInfo ctorMethod = typeof(LightLambda).GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).MakeGenericMethod(paramTypes);
                    _runCache[delegateType] = fastCtor = (Func<LightLambda, Delegate>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<LightLambda, Delegate>), ctorMethod);
                    return null;

                runMethod = typeof(LightLambda).GetMethod(name + paramInfos.Length, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            return runMethod.MakeGenericMethod(paramTypes);

        //TODO enable sharing of these custom delegates
        private Delegate CreateCustomDelegate(Type delegateType) {
            PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.Compiler, "Synchronously compiling a custom delegate");

            var method = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke");
            var paramInfos = method.GetParameters();
            var parameters = new ParameterExpression[paramInfos.Length];
            var parametersAsObject = new Expression[paramInfos.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < paramInfos.Length; i++) {
                ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(paramInfos[i].ParameterType, paramInfos[i].Name);
                parameters[i] = parameter;
                parametersAsObject[i] = Expression.Convert(parameter, typeof(object));

            var data = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), parametersAsObject);
            var self = AstUtils.Constant(this);
            var runMethod = typeof(LightLambda).GetMethod("Run");
            var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(self, runMethod, data), method.ReturnType);
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, parameters);
            return lambda.Compile();

        internal Delegate MakeDelegate(Type delegateType) {            
            Func<LightLambda, Delegate> fastCtor;
            var method = GetRunMethodOrFastCtor(delegateType, out fastCtor);
            if (fastCtor != null) {
                return fastCtor(this);
            } else if (method == null) {
                return CreateCustomDelegate(delegateType);
            return Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, this, method);

        private bool TryGetCompiled() {
            // Use the compiled delegate if available.
            if (_delegateCreator.HasCompiled) {
                _compiled = _delegateCreator.CreateCompiledDelegate(_closure);

                // Send it to anyone who's interested.
                var compileEvent = Compile;
                if (compileEvent != null && _delegateCreator.SameDelegateType) {
                    compileEvent(this, new LightLambdaCompileEventArgs(_compiled));

                return true;

            // Don't lock here, it's a frequently hit path.
            // There could be multiple threads racing, but that is okay.
            // Two bad things can happen:
            //   * We miss decrements (some thread sets the counter forward)
            //   * We might enter the "if" branch more than once.
            // The first is okay, it just means we take longer to compile.
            // The second we explicitly guard against inside of Compile().
            // We can't miss 0. The first thread that writes -1 must have read 0 and hence start compilation.
            if (unchecked(_compilationThreshold--) == 0) {
                if (_interpreter.CompileSynchronously) {
                    return TryGetCompiled();
                } else {
                    // Kick off the compile on another thread so this one can keep going
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_delegateCreator.Compile, null);

            return false;

        private InterpretedFrame MakeFrame() {
            return new InterpretedFrame(_interpreter, _closure);

        internal void RunVoidRef2<T0, T1>(ref T0 arg0, ref T1 arg1) {
            if (_compiled != null || TryGetCompiled()) {
                ((ActionRef<T0, T1>)_compiled)(ref arg0, ref arg1);

            // copy in and copy out for today...
            var frame = MakeFrame();
            frame.Data[0] = arg0;
            frame.Data[1] = arg1;
            var currentFrame = frame.Enter();
            try {
            } finally {
                arg0 = (T0)frame.Data[0];
                arg1 = (T1)frame.Data[1];

        public object Run(params object[] arguments) {
            if (_compiled != null || TryGetCompiled()) {
                return _compiled.DynamicInvoke(arguments);

            var frame = MakeFrame();
            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) {
                frame.Data[i] = arguments[i];
            var currentFrame = frame.Enter();
            try {
            } finally {
            return frame.Pop();
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