Field.cs :  » Search-Engines » dotLucene » Lucene » Net » Documents » C# / CSharp Open Source

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 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

using System;
using IndexReaderLucene.Net.Index.IndexReader;
using HitsLucene.Net.Search.Hits;
using SimilarityLucene.Net.Search.Similarity;
using ParameterLucene.Net.Util.Parameter;

namespace Lucene.Net.Documents{
  /// <summary>A field is a section of a Document.  Each field has two parts, a name and a
  /// value.  Values may be free text, provided as a String or as a Reader, or they
  /// may be atomic keywords, which are not further processed.  Such keywords may
  /// be used to represent dates, urls, etc.  Fields are optionally stored in the
  /// index, so that they may be returned with hits on the document.
  /// </summary>
  public sealed class Field
    private System.String name = "body";
    // the one and only data object for all different kind of field values
    private System.Object fieldsData = null;
    private bool storeTermVector = false;
    private bool storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
    private bool storePositionWithTermVector = false;
    private bool omitNorms = false;
    private bool isStored = false;
    private bool isIndexed = true;
    private bool isTokenized = true;
    private bool isBinary = false;
    private bool isCompressed = false;
    private float boost = 1.0f;
    public sealed class Store : Parameter
      internal Store(System.String name) : base(name)
      /// <summary>Store the original field value in the index in a compressed form. This is
      /// useful for long documents and for binary valued fields.
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly Store COMPRESS = new Store("COMPRESS");
      /// <summary>Store the original field value in the index. This is useful for short texts
      /// like a document's title which should be displayed with the results. The
      /// value is stored in its original form, i.e. no analyzer is used before it is
      /// stored. 
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly Store YES = new Store("YES");
      /// <summary>Do not store the field value in the index. </summary>
      public static readonly Store NO = new Store("NO");
    public sealed class Index : Parameter
      internal Index(System.String name) : base(name)
      /// <summary>Do not index the field value. This field can thus not be searched,
      /// but one can still access its contents provided it is 
      /// {@link Field.Store stored}. 
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly Index NO = new Index("NO");
      /// <summary>Index the field's value so it can be searched. An Analyzer will be used
      /// to tokenize and possibly further normalize the text before its
      /// terms will be stored in the index. This is useful for common text.
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly Index TOKENIZED = new Index("TOKENIZED");
      /// <summary>Index the field's value without using an Analyzer, so it can be searched.
      /// As no analyzer is used the value will be stored as a single term. This is
      /// useful for unique Ids like product numbers.
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly Index UN_TOKENIZED = new Index("UN_TOKENIZED");
      /// <summary>Index the field's value without an Analyzer, and disable
      /// the storing of norms.  No norms means that index-time boosting
      /// and field length normalization will be disabled.  The benefit is
      /// less memory usage as norms take up one byte per indexed field
      /// for every document in the index.
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly Index NO_NORMS = new Index("NO_NORMS");
    public sealed class TermVector : Parameter
      internal TermVector(System.String name) : base(name)
      /// <summary>Do not store term vectors. </summary>
      public static readonly TermVector NO = new TermVector("NO");
      /// <summary>Store the term vectors of each document. A term vector is a list
      /// of the document's terms and their number of occurences in that document. 
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly TermVector YES = new TermVector("YES");
      /// <summary> Store the term vector + token position information
      /// </summary>
      /// <seealso cref="YES">
      /// </seealso>
      public static readonly TermVector WITH_POSITIONS = new TermVector("WITH_POSITIONS");
      /// <summary> Store the term vector + Token offset information
      /// </summary>
      /// <seealso cref="YES">
      /// </seealso>
      public static readonly TermVector WITH_OFFSETS = new TermVector("WITH_OFFSETS");
      /// <summary> Store the term vector + Token position and offset information
      /// </summary>
      /// <seealso cref="YES">
      /// </seealso>
      /// <seealso cref="WITH_POSITIONS">
      /// </seealso>
      /// <seealso cref="WITH_OFFSETS">
      /// </seealso>
      public static readonly TermVector WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS = new TermVector("WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS");
    /// <summary>Sets the boost factor hits on this field.  This value will be
    /// multiplied into the score of all hits on this this field of this
    /// document.
    /// <p>The boost is multiplied by {@link Document#GetBoost()} of the document
    /// containing this field.  If a document has multiple fields with the same
    /// name, all such values are multiplied together.  This product is then
    /// multipled by the value {@link Similarity#LengthNorm(String,int)}, and
    /// rounded by {@link Similarity#EncodeNorm(float)} before it is stored in the
    /// index.  One should attempt to ensure that this product does not overflow
    /// the range of that encoding.
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="Document.SetBoost(float)">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Similarity.LengthNorm(String, int)">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Similarity.EncodeNorm(float)">
    /// </seealso>
    public void  SetBoost(float boost)
      this.boost = boost;
    /// <summary>Returns the boost factor for hits for this field.
    /// <p>The default value is 1.0.
    /// <p>Note: this value is not stored directly with the document in the index.
    /// Documents returned from {@link IndexReader#Document(int)} and
    /// {@link Hits#Doc(int)} may thus not have the same value present as when
    /// this field was indexed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="SetBoost(float)">
    /// </seealso>
    public float GetBoost()
      return boost;
    /// <summary>Constructs a String-valued Field that is not tokenized, but is indexed
    /// and stored.  Useful for non-text fields, e.g. date or url.  
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field Keyword(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed)
      return new Field(name, value_Renamed, true, true, false);
    /// <summary>Constructs a String-valued Field that is not tokenized nor indexed,
    /// but is stored in the index, for return with hits.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NO)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field UnIndexed(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed)
      return new Field(name, value_Renamed, true, false, false);
    /// <summary>Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed,
    /// and is stored in the index, for return with hits.  Useful for short text
    /// fields, like "title" or "subject". Term vector will not be stored for this field.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field Text(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed)
      return Text(name, value_Renamed, false);
    /// <summary>Constructs a Date-valued Field that is not tokenized and is indexed,
    /// and stored in the index, for return with hits.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field Keyword(System.String name, System.DateTime value_Renamed)
      return new Field(name, DateField.DateToString(value_Renamed), true, true, false);
    /// <summary>Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed,
    /// and is stored in the index, for return with hits.  Useful for short text
    /// fields, like "title" or "subject".
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index, Field.TermVector)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED, storeTermVector)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field Text(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed, bool storeTermVector)
      return new Field(name, value_Renamed, true, true, true, storeTermVector);
    /// <summary>Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed,
    /// but that is not stored in the index.  Term vector will not be stored for this field.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field UnStored(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed)
      return UnStored(name, value_Renamed, false);
    /// <summary>Constructs a String-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed,
    /// but that is not stored in the index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index, Field.TermVector)
    /// Field(name, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.TOKENIZED, storeTermVector)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field UnStored(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed, bool storeTermVector)
      return new Field(name, value_Renamed, false, true, true, storeTermVector);
    /// <summary>Constructs a Reader-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, but is
    /// not stored in the index verbatim.  Useful for longer text fields, like
    /// "body". Term vector will not be stored for this field.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, Reader) Field(name, value)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field Text(System.String name, System.IO.TextReader value_Renamed)
      return Text(name, value_Renamed, false);
    /// <summary>Constructs a Reader-valued Field that is tokenized and indexed, but is
    /// not stored in the index verbatim.  Useful for longer text fields, like
    /// "body".
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, Reader, Field.TermVector)
    /// Field(name, value, storeTermVector)} instead 
    /// </deprecated>
    public static Field Text(System.String name, System.IO.TextReader value_Renamed, bool storeTermVector)
      Field f = new Field(name, value_Renamed);
      f.storeTermVector = storeTermVector;
      return f;
    /// <summary>Returns the name of the field as an interned string.
    /// For example "date", "title", "body", ...
    /// </summary>
    public System.String Name()
      return name;
    /// <summary>The value of the field as a String, or null.  If null, the Reader value
    /// or binary value is used.  Exactly one of stringValue(), readerValue(), and
    /// binaryValue() must be set. 
    /// </summary>
    public System.String StringValue()
      return fieldsData is System.String ? (System.String) fieldsData : null;
    /// <summary>The value of the field as a Reader, or null.  If null, the String value
    /// or binary value is  used.  Exactly one of stringValue(), readerValue(),
    /// and binaryValue() must be set. 
    /// </summary>
    public System.IO.TextReader ReaderValue()
      return fieldsData is System.IO.TextReader ? (System.IO.TextReader) fieldsData : null;
    /// <summary>The value of the field in Binary, or null.  If null, the Reader or
    /// String value is used.  Exactly one of stringValue(), readerValue() and
    /// binaryValue() must be set. 
    /// </summary>
    public byte[] BinaryValue()
      return fieldsData is byte[] ? (byte[]) fieldsData : null;
    /// <summary> Create a field by specifying its name, value and how it will
    /// be saved in the index. Term vectors will not be stored in the index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the field
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="value">The string to process
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="store">Whether <code>value</code> should be stored in the index
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="index">Whether the field should be indexed, and if so, if it should
    /// be tokenized before indexing 
    /// </param>
    /// <throws>  NullPointerException if name or value is <code>null</code> </throws>
    /// <throws>  IllegalArgumentException if the field is neither stored nor indexed  </throws>
    public Field(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed, Store store, Index index) : this(name, value_Renamed, store, index, TermVector.NO)
    /// <summary> Create a field by specifying its name, value and how it will
    /// be saved in the index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the field
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="value">The string to process
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="store">Whether <code>value</code> should be stored in the index
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="index">Whether the field should be indexed, and if so, if it should
    /// be tokenized before indexing 
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="termVector">Whether term vector should be stored
    /// </param>
    /// <throws>  NullPointerException if name or value is <code>null</code> </throws>
    /// <throws>  IllegalArgumentException in any of the following situations: </throws>
    /// <summary> <ul> 
    /// <li>the field is neither stored nor indexed</li> 
    /// <li>the field is not indexed but termVector is <code>TermVector.YES</code></li>
    /// </ul> 
    /// </summary>
    public Field(System.String name, System.String value_Renamed, Store store, Index index, TermVector termVector)
      if (name == null)
        throw new System.NullReferenceException("name cannot be null");
      if (value_Renamed == null)
        throw new System.NullReferenceException("value cannot be null");
      if (index == Index.NO && store == Store.NO)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("it doesn't make sense to have a field that " + "is neither indexed nor stored");
      if (index == Index.NO && termVector != TermVector.NO)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store term vector information " + "for a field that is not indexed");
    = String.Intern(name); // field names are interned
      this.fieldsData = value_Renamed;
      if (store == Store.YES)
        this.isStored = true;
        this.isCompressed = false;
      else if (store == Store.COMPRESS)
        this.isStored = true;
        this.isCompressed = true;
      else if (store == Store.NO)
        this.isStored = false;
        this.isCompressed = false;
        throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown store parameter " + store);
      if (index == Index.NO)
        this.isIndexed = false;
        this.isTokenized = false;
      else if (index == Index.TOKENIZED)
        this.isIndexed = true;
        this.isTokenized = true;
      else if (index == Index.UN_TOKENIZED)
        this.isIndexed = true;
        this.isTokenized = false;
      else if (index == Index.NO_NORMS)
        this.isIndexed = true;
        this.isTokenized = false;
        this.omitNorms = true;
        throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown index parameter " + index);
      this.isBinary = false;
    /// <summary> Create a tokenized and indexed field that is not stored. Term vectors will
    /// not be stored.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the field
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="reader">The reader with the content
    /// </param>
    /// <throws>  NullPointerException if name or reader is <code>null</code> </throws>
    public Field(System.String name, System.IO.TextReader reader) : this(name, reader, TermVector.NO)
    /// <summary> Create a tokenized and indexed field that is not stored, optionally with 
    /// storing term vectors.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the field
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="reader">The reader with the content
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="termVector">Whether term vector should be stored
    /// </param>
    /// <throws>  NullPointerException if name or reader is <code>null</code> </throws>
    public Field(System.String name, System.IO.TextReader reader, TermVector termVector)
      if (name == null)
        throw new System.NullReferenceException("name cannot be null");
      if (reader == null)
        throw new System.NullReferenceException("reader cannot be null");
    = String.Intern(name); // field names are interned
      this.fieldsData = reader;
      this.isStored = false;
      this.isCompressed = false;
      this.isIndexed = true;
      this.isTokenized = true;
      this.isBinary = false;
    /// <summary>Create a field by specifying all parameters except for <code>storeTermVector</code>,
    /// which is set to <code>false</code>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index)} instead
    /// </deprecated>
    public Field(System.String name, System.String string_Renamed, bool store, bool index, bool token) : this(name, string_Renamed, store, index, token, false)
    /// <summary> Create a stored field with binary value. Optionally the value may be compressed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the field
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="value">The binary value
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="store">How <code>value</code> should be stored (compressed or not.)
    /// </param>
    public Field(System.String name, byte[] value_Renamed, Store store)
      if (name == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("name cannot be null");
      if (value_Renamed == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("value cannot be null");
    = String.Intern(name);
      this.fieldsData = value_Renamed;
      if (store == Store.YES)
        this.isStored = true;
        this.isCompressed = false;
      else if (store == Store.COMPRESS)
        this.isStored = true;
        this.isCompressed = true;
      else if (store == Store.NO)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("binary values can't be unstored");
        throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown store parameter " + store);
      this.isIndexed = false;
      this.isTokenized = false;
      this.isBinary = true;
    /// <summary> </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the field
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="string">The string to process
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="store">true if the field should store the string
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="index">true if the field should be indexed
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="token">true if the field should be tokenized
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="storeTermVector">true if we should store the Term Vector info
    /// </param>
    /// <deprecated> use {@link #Field(String, String, Field.Store, Field.Index, Field.TermVector)} instead
    /// </deprecated>
    public Field(System.String name, System.String string_Renamed, bool store, bool index, bool token, bool storeTermVector)
      if (name == null)
        throw new System.NullReferenceException("name cannot be null");
      if (string_Renamed == null)
        throw new System.NullReferenceException("value cannot be null");
      if (!index && storeTermVector)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store a term vector for fields that are not indexed");
    = String.Intern(name); // field names are interned
      this.fieldsData = string_Renamed;
      this.isStored = store;
      this.isIndexed = index;
      this.isTokenized = token;
      this.storeTermVector = storeTermVector;
    private void  SetStoreTermVector(TermVector termVector)
      if (termVector == TermVector.NO)
        this.storeTermVector = false;
        this.storePositionWithTermVector = false;
        this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
      else if (termVector == TermVector.YES)
        this.storeTermVector = true;
        this.storePositionWithTermVector = false;
        this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
      else if (termVector == TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS)
        this.storeTermVector = true;
        this.storePositionWithTermVector = true;
        this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
      else if (termVector == TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS)
        this.storeTermVector = true;
        this.storePositionWithTermVector = false;
        this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = true;
      else if (termVector == TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS)
        this.storeTermVector = true;
        this.storePositionWithTermVector = true;
        this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = true;
        throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown termVector parameter " + termVector);
    /// <summary>True iff the value of the field is to be stored in the index for return
    /// with search hits.  It is an error for this to be true if a field is
    /// Reader-valued. 
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsStored()
      return isStored;
    /// <summary>True iff the value of the field is to be indexed, so that it may be
    /// searched on. 
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsIndexed()
      return isIndexed;
    /// <summary>True iff the value of the field should be tokenized as text prior to
    /// indexing.  Un-tokenized fields are indexed as a single word and may not be
    /// Reader-valued. 
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsTokenized()
      return isTokenized;
    /// <summary>True if the value of the field is stored and compressed within the index </summary>
    public bool IsCompressed()
      return isCompressed;
    /// <summary>True iff the term or terms used to index this field are stored as a term
    /// vector, available from {@link IndexReader#GetTermFreqVector(int,String)}.
    /// These methods do not provide access to the original content of the field,
    /// only to terms used to index it. If the original content must be
    /// preserved, use the <code>stored</code> attribute instead.
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="IndexReader.GetTermFreqVector(int, String)">
    /// </seealso>
    public bool IsTermVectorStored()
      return storeTermVector;
    /// <summary> True iff terms are stored as term vector together with their offsets 
    /// (start and end positon in source text).
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsStoreOffsetWithTermVector()
      return storeOffsetWithTermVector;
    /// <summary> True iff terms are stored as term vector together with their token positions.</summary>
    public bool IsStorePositionWithTermVector()
      return storePositionWithTermVector;
    /// <summary>True iff the value of the filed is stored as binary </summary>
    public bool IsBinary()
      return isBinary;
    /// <summary>True if norms are omitted for this indexed field </summary>
    public bool GetOmitNorms()
      return omitNorms;
    /// <summary>Expert:
    /// If set, omit normalization factors associated with this indexed field.
    /// This effectively disables indexing boosts and length normalization for this field.
    /// </summary>
    public void  SetOmitNorms(bool omitNorms)
      this.omitNorms = omitNorms;
    /// <summary>Prints a Field for human consumption. </summary>
    public override System.String ToString()
      System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
      if (isStored)
        if (isCompressed)
      if (isIndexed)
        if (result.Length > 0)
      if (isTokenized)
        if (result.Length > 0)
      if (storeTermVector)
        if (result.Length > 0)
      if (storeOffsetWithTermVector)
        if (result.Length > 0)
      if (storePositionWithTermVector)
        if (result.Length > 0)
      if (isBinary)
        if (result.Length > 0)
      if (omitNorms)
      if (fieldsData != null)
      return result.ToString();
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