TestStringTemplate.cs :  » Template-Engines » StringTemplate.NET » Antlr » StringTemplate » Tests » C# / CSharp Open Source

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StringTemplate.NET » Antlr » StringTemplate » Tests » TestStringTemplate.cs
[The "BSD licence"]
Copyright (c) 2005 Kunle Odutola
Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Terence Parr
All rights reserved.

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namespace Antlr.StringTemplate.Tests{
  using System;
  using ArrayList = System.Collections.ArrayList;
  using IList = System.Collections.IList;
  using IDictionary = System.Collections.IDictionary;
  using Hashtable = System.Collections.Hashtable;
  using HybridDictionary = System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary;
  using StringBuilder = System.Text.StringBuilder;
  using StringReader = System.IO.StringReader;
  using StreamReader = System.IO.StreamReader;
  using StreamWriter = System.IO.StreamWriter;
  using Path = System.IO.Path;
  using File = System.IO.File;
  using Directory = System.IO.Directory;
  using DirectoryInfo = System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  using StringTemplate = Antlr.StringTemplate.StringTemplate;
  using CommonGroupLoader = Antlr.StringTemplate.CommonGroupLoader;
  using StringTemplateGroup = Antlr.StringTemplate.StringTemplateGroup;
  using StringTemplateGroupInterface = Antlr.StringTemplate.StringTemplateGroupInterface;
  using AngleBracketTemplateLexer = Antlr.StringTemplate.Language.AngleBracketTemplateLexer;
  using DefaultTemplateLexer = Antlr.StringTemplate.Language.DefaultTemplateLexer;
  using NUnit.Framework;

  /// <summary>
  /// Test the various functionality of StringTemplate. Seems to run only
  /// on unix due to \r\n vs \n issue.  David Scurrah says:
  /// "I don't think you were necessarily sloppy with your newlines, but Java 
  /// make it very difficult to be consistent.
  /// The stringtemplate library used unix end of lines for writing toString 
  /// methods and the like, while the testing was using the system local end of 
  /// line. 
  /// The other problem with end of lines was any template file used in  the 
  /// testing will also have a specific end of line ( this case unix) and when 
  /// read into a string that can the unique problem of having end of line unix 
  /// and local system end of line in the one line.
  /// My solution was not very elegant but I think it required the least changes 
  /// and only to the testing. I simply converted all strings to use unix end of 
  /// line characters inside the assertTrue and then compared them.
  /// The only other problem I found was writing a file out to the /tmp directory 
  /// won't work on windows so I used the system property  java.io.tmpdir to get 
  /// a temp directory."
  /// I'll fix later.
  /// </summary>
  public class TestStringTemplate
    #region Nested Helper Classes

    private class AlternativeWriter : IStringTemplateWriter
      private StringBuilder buf;

      public AlternativeWriter(StringBuilder buf)
        this.buf = buf;
      public virtual void PushIndentation(string indent)
      public virtual string PopIndentation()
        return null;
      public virtual void PushAnchorPoint()
      public virtual void PopAnchorPoint()
      public virtual int LineWidth
        set { ; }
      public virtual int Write(string str, string wrap)
        return 0;
      public virtual int Write(string str)
        buf.Append(str); // just pass thru
        return str.Length;
      public virtual int WriteWrapSeparator(string wrap)
        return 0;
      public virtual int WriteSeparator(string str)
        return Write(str);

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper class that contains various types of non-public attributes - property, accessor, field.
    /// </summary>
    private class NonPublicPropertyAccessHelper
      virtual protected int Age
        get { return 21; }
      protected internal bool IsAdmin
        get { return false; }
      private string GetNickname()
        return "Floating Lotus";
      protected bool IsCool()
        return true;
      internal int get_Bar()
        return 34;
      private string get_Email()
        return "some.label@somedomain.com";
      int foo = 9;

    private class ErrorBuffer : IStringTemplateErrorListener
      private StringBuilder errorOutput = new StringBuilder(500);
      int n = 0;

      public virtual void Error(string msg, Exception e)
        if (n > 1)
        if (e != null)
          //errorOutput.Append(msg + ": " + e.StackTrace);
          errorOutput.Append(msg + ": " + e + e.StackTrace);
      public virtual void Warning(string msg)
        if (n > 1)
      public override bool Equals(object o)
        return ToString().Equals(o.ToString());
      public override string ToString()
        return errorOutput.ToString();
      public override int GetHashCode()
        return base.GetHashCode();

    public class Connector
      virtual public int ID { get { return 1; } }
      virtual public string FirstName { get { return "Terence"; } }
      virtual public string LastName { get { return "Parr"; } }
      virtual public string Email { get { return "parrt@jguru.com"; } }
      virtual public string Bio { get { return "Superhero by night..."; } }

      /// <summary>As of 2.0, booleans work as you expect.  In 1.x,
      /// a missing value simulated a boolean.
      /// </summary>
      virtual public bool CanEdit { get { return false; } }

    public class Connector2
      virtual public int ID { get { return 2; } }
      virtual public string FirstName { get { return "Tom"; } }
      virtual public string LastName { get { return "Burns"; } }
      virtual public string Email { get { return "tombu@jguru.com"; } }
      virtual public string Bio { get { return "Superhero by day..."; } }
      virtual public bool CanEdit { get { return true; } }

    public class Tree
      virtual public string Text { get { return text; } }
      virtual public Tree FirstChild
          if (children.Count == 0)
            return null;
          return (Tree)children[0];
      virtual public IList Children { get { return children; } }

      public Tree(string t)
        text = t;
      public virtual void addChild(Tree c)

      protected IList children = new ArrayList();
      protected string text;

    public class Connector3
      virtual public int[] Values { get { return new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; } }
      virtual public IDictionary Stuff
          IDictionary m = new Hashtable();
          m["a"] = "1";
          m["b"] = "2";
          return m;

    public class Decl
      public Decl(string name, string type)
        this.name = name;
        this.type = type;

      virtual public string Name { get { return name; } }
      virtual public string Type { get { return type; } }

      string name;
      string type;

    internal class Duh
      public IList users = new ArrayList();

    public class DateRenderer : IAttributeRenderer
      public virtual string ToString(object o)
        return ((DateTime)o).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd");

    public class DateRenderer2 : IAttributeRenderer
      public virtual string ToString(object o)
        return ((DateTime)o).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");


    private static readonly object lockObject = new object();

    //static readonly string NL = System.Environment.NewLine;
    static readonly string NL = "\n";
    static readonly string TEMPDIR = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
    static readonly string TRUE = bool.TrueString;
    static readonly string FALSE = bool.FalseString;

    private StreamReader file1;
    private StreamReader file2;

    public virtual void SetUp()
      file1 = null;
      file2 = null;

    public virtual void TearDown()
        if (file1 != null)
          file1 = null;
        if (file2 != null)
          file2 = null;
        // ignore

    public virtual void testInterfaceFileFormat()
      string groupIStr = ""
        + "interface test;" + NL
        + "t();" + NL
        + "bold(item);" + NL
        + "optional duh(a,b,c);" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroupInterface groupI =
        new StringTemplateGroupInterface(new StringReader(groupIStr));

      string expecting = ""
        + "interface test;\n"
        + "t();\n"
        + "bold(item);\n"
        + "optional duh(a, b, c);\n";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, groupI.ToString());

    public virtual void testNoGroupLoader()
      // Next line needed to avoid test failure in NUnit due to an
      // earlier test (all tests are run in the same AppDomain) having
      // already set a default GroupLoader.

      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG implements blort;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "duh(a,b,c) ::= <<foo>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, errors);

      string expecting = "no group loader registered";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testCannotFindInterfaceFile()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader(new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR));

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG implements blort;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "duh(a,b,c) ::= <<foo>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, errors);

      string expecting = "no such interface file 'blort.sti'";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testMultiDirGroupLoading()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      string subdir = Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "sub");
      if (!(Directory.Exists(subdir)))
          DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(subdir);
          Console.Error.WriteLine("Couldn't create sub-dir in test");
        new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR, subdir)

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG2;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "duh(a,b,c) ::= <<foo>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(subdir, "testG2.stg", templates);

      StringTemplateGroup group =
      string expecting = ""
        + "group testG2;\n"
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>\n"
        + "duh(a,b,c) ::= <<foo>>\n"
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>\n";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, group.ToString());
      DeleteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG2.stg");

    public virtual void testGroupSatisfiesSingleInterface()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader(new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR));
      string groupIStr = ""
        + "interface testI;" + NL
        + "t();" + NL
        + "bold(item);" + NL
        + "optional duh(a,b,c);" + NL;
      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testI.sti", groupIStr);

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG implements testI;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "duh(a,b,c) ::= <<foo>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, errors);

      string expecting = ""; // should be no errors
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testGroupExtendsSuperGroup()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
        new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR)
      string superGroup = ""
        + "group superG;" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<*<item>*>>;\n" + NL;
      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "superG.stg", superGroup);

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG : superG;" + NL
        + "main(x) ::= <<$bold(x)$>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("main");
      st.SetAttribute("x", "foo");

      string expecting = "*foo*";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testMissingInterfaceTemplate()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader(new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR));
      string groupIStr = ""
        + "interface testI;" + NL
        + "t();" + NL
        + "bold(item);" + NL
        + "optional duh(a,b,c);" + NL;
      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testI.sti", groupIStr);

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG implements testI;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "duh(a,b,c) ::= <<foo>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, errors);

      string expecting = "group 'testG' does not satisfy interface 'testI': missing templates [bold]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testMissingOptionalInterfaceTemplate()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader(new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR));
      string groupIStr = ""
        + "interface testI;" + NL
        + "t();" + NL
        + "bold(item);" + NL
        + "optional duh(a,b,c);" + NL;
      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testI.sti", groupIStr);

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG implements testI;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>";

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, errors);

      string expecting = ""; // should be NO errors
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testMismatchedInterfaceTemplate()
      // this also tests the group loader
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader(new CommonGroupLoader(errors, TEMPDIR));
      string groupIStr = ""
        + "interface testI;" + NL
        + "t();" + NL
        + "bold(item);" + NL
        + "optional duh(a,b,c);" + NL;
      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testI.sti", groupIStr);

      string templates = ""
        + "group testG implements testI;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<foo>>" + NL
        + "duh(a,c) ::= <<foo>>" + NL;

      WriteFile(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg", templates);

      file1 = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "testG.stg"));
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(file1, errors);

      string expecting = "group 'testG' does not satisfy interface 'testI': mismatched arguments on these templates [optional duh(a, b, c)]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testGroupFileFormat()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + @"t() ::= ""literal template""" + NL
        + @"bold(item) ::= ""<b>$item$</b>""" + NL
        + "duh() ::= <<" + NL
        + "xx" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));

      string expecting = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<<b>$item$</b>>>" + NL
        + "duh() ::= <<xx>>" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<literal template>>" + NL;

      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, group.ToString());

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("t");
      expecting = "literal template";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString());

      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("bold");
      b.SetAttribute("item", "dork");
      expecting = "<b>dork</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

    public void testEscapedTemplateDelimiters()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<$\"literal\":{a|$a$\\}}$ template\n>>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<<b>$item$</b\\>>>" + NL
        + "duh() ::= <<" + NL
        + "xx" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));

      string expecting = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<<b>$item$</b>>>" + NL
        + "duh() ::= <<xx>>" + NL
        + "t() ::= <<$\"literal\":{a|$a$\\}}$ template>>" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, group.ToString());

      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("bold");
      b.SetAttribute("item", "dork");
      expecting = "<b>dork</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("t");
      expecting = "literal} template";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString());

    /// <summary>Check syntax and setAttribute-time errors </summary>
    public virtual void testTemplateParameterDecls()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + @"t() ::= ""no args but ref $foo$""" + NL
        + @"t2(item) ::= ""decl but not used is ok""" + NL
        + "t3(a,b,c,d) ::= <<$a$ $d$>>" + NL
        + "t4(a,b,c,d) ::= <<$a$ $b$ $c$ $d$>>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      // check setting unknown arg in empty formal list
      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("t");
      string error = null;
        a.SetAttribute("foo", "x"); // want NoSuchElementException
      catch (InvalidOperationException e)
        error = e.Message;
      string expecting = "no such attribute: foo in template context [t]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, error);

      // check setting known arg
      a = group.GetInstanceOf("t2");
      a.SetAttribute("item", "x"); // shouldn't get exception

      // check setting unknown arg in nonempty list of formal args
      a = group.GetInstanceOf("t3");
      a.SetAttribute("b", "x");

    public virtual void testTemplateRedef()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + @"a() ::= ""x""" + NL
        + @"b() ::= ""y""" + NL
        + @"a() ::= ""z""" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), errors);
      string expecting = "redefinition of template: a";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testMissingInheritedAttribute()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page(title,font) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<html>" + NL
        + "<body>" + NL
        + "$title$<br>" + NL
        + "$body()$" + NL
        + "</body>" + NL
        + "</html>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + @"body() ::= ""<font face=$font$>my body</font>""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      t.SetAttribute("title", "my title");
      t.SetAttribute("font", "Helvetica"); // body() will see it
      t.ToString(); // should be no problem

    public virtual void testFormalArgumentAssignment()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + @"page() ::= <<$body(font=""Times"")$>>" + NL
        + @"body(font) ::= ""<font face=$font$>my body</font>""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      string expecting = "<font face=Times>my body</font>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testUndefinedArgumentAssignment()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page(x) ::= <<$body(font=x)$>>" + NL
        + @"body() ::= ""<font face=$font$>my body</font>""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      t.SetAttribute("x", "Times");
      string error = "";
      catch (InvalidOperationException iae)
        error = iae.Message;
      string expecting = "template body has no such attribute: font in template context [page <invoke body arg context>]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, error);

    public virtual void testFormalArgumentAssignmentInApply()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + @"page(name) ::= <<$name:bold(font=""Times"")$>>" + NL
        + @"bold(font) ::= ""<font face=$font$><b>$it$</b></font>""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string expecting = "<font face=Times><b>Ter</b></font>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testUndefinedArgumentAssignmentInApply()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page(name,x) ::= <<$name:bold(font=x)$>>" + NL
        + @"bold() ::= ""<font face=$font$><b>$it$</b></font>""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      t.SetAttribute("x", "Times");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string error = "";
      catch (InvalidOperationException iae)
        error = iae.Message;
      string expecting = "template bold has no such attribute: font in template context [page <invoke bold arg context>]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, error);

    public virtual void testUndefinedAttributeReference()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page() ::= <<$bold()$>>" + NL
        + @"bold() ::= ""$name$""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      string error = "";
      catch (InvalidOperationException iae)
        error = iae.Message;
      string expecting = "no such attribute: name in template context [page bold]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, error);

    public virtual void testUndefinedDefaultAttributeReference()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page() ::= <<$bold()$>>" + NL
        + @"bold() ::= ""$it$""" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      string error = "";
      catch (InvalidOperationException nse)
        error = nse.Message;
      string expecting = "no such attribute: it in template context [page bold]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, error);

    public virtual void testAngleBracketsWithGroupFile()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + @"a(s) ::= ""<s:{case <i> : <it> break;}>""" + NL
        + @"b(t) ::= ""<t; separator=\"",\"">""" + NL
        + @"c(t) ::= << <t; separator="",""> >>" + NL;
      // mainly testing to ensure we don't get parse errors of above
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      t.SetAttribute("s", "Test");
      string expecting = "case 1 : Test break;";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testAngleBracketsNoGroup()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate(@"Tokens : <rules; separator=""|""> ;", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      st.SetAttribute("rules", "A");
      st.SetAttribute("rules", "B");
      string expecting = "Tokens : A|B ;";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public void testRegionRef()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X$@r()$Y\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmbeddedRegionRef()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X$@r$blort$@end$Y\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XblortY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionRefAngleBrackets()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmbeddedRegionRefAngleBrackets()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r>blort<@end>Y\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XblortY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmbeddedRegionRefWithNewlinesAngleBrackets()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r>" + NL
        + "blort" + NL
        + "<@end>" + NL
        + "Y\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XblortY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionRefWithDefAngleBrackets()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\"" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XfooY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionRefWithDefInConditional()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a(v) ::= \"X<if(v)>A<@r()>B<endif>Y\"" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      st.SetAttribute("v", "true");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XAfooBY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionRefWithImplicitDefInConditional()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a(v) ::= \"X<if(v)>A<@r>yo<@end>B<endif>Y\"" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), errors);
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      st.SetAttribute("v", "true");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XAyoBY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      string err_result = errors.ToString();
      string err_expecting = "group test line 3: redefinition of template region: @a.r";
      Assert.AreEqual(err_expecting, err_result);

    public void testRegionOverride()
      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\""
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates1));

      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2),

      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XfooY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionOverrideRefSuperRegion()
      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\""
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates1));

      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"A<@super.r()>B\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2),

      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XAfooBY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionOverrideRefSuperRegion3Levels()
      // Bug: This was causing infinite recursion:
      // getInstanceOf(super::a)
      // getInstanceOf(sub::a)
      // getInstanceOf(subsub::a)
      // getInstanceOf(subsub::region__a__r)
      // getInstanceOf(subsub::super.region__a__r)
      // getInstanceOf(subsub::super.region__a__r)
      // getInstanceOf(subsub::super.region__a__r)
      // ...
      // Somehow, the ref to super in subsub is not moving up the chain
      // to the @super.r(); oh, i introduced a bug when i put setGroup
      // into STG.getInstanceOf()!

      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\""
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates1));

      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"<@super.r()>2\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2),

      string templates3 = ""
        + "group subsub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"<@super.r()>3\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subSubGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates3),

      StringTemplate st = subSubGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "Xfoo23Y";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testRegionOverrideRefSuperImplicitRegion()
      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r>foo<@end>Y\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates1));

      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"A<@super.r()>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2),
        null,    // should default to typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer),

      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "XAfooY";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmbeddedRegionRedefError()
      // cannot define an embedded template within group
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r>dork<@end>Y\""
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), errors);
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "group test line 2: redefinition of template region: @a.r";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testImplicitRegionRedefError()
      // cannot define an implicitly-defined template more than once
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\"" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"bar\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), errors);
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "group test line 4: redefinition of template region: @a.r";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testImplicitOverriddenRegionRedefError()
      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\""
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates1));

      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"bar\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2), errors, group);

      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "group sub line 3: redefinition of template region: @a.r";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testUnknownRegionDefError()
      // cannot define an implicitly-defined template more than once
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\"" + NL
        + "@a.q() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "group test line 3: template a has no region called q";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testSuperRegionRefError()
      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\""
        + "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates1),

      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "@a.r() ::= \"A<@super.q()>B\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2),

      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "template a has no region called q";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMissingEndRegionError()
      // cannot define an implicitly-defined template more than once
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X$@r$foo\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "missing region r $@end$ tag";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMissingEndRegionErrorAngleBrackets()
      // cannot define an implicitly-defined template more than once
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "a() ::= \"X<@r>foo\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
      string result = errors.ToString();
      string expecting = "missing region r <@end> tag";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSimpleInheritance()
      // make a bold template in the super group that you can inherit from sub
      StringTemplateGroup supergroup = new StringTemplateGroup("super");
      StringTemplateGroup subgroup = new StringTemplateGroup("sub");
      StringTemplate bold = supergroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      subgroup.SuperGroup = supergroup;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      subgroup.ErrorListener = errors;
      supergroup.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate duh = new StringTemplate(subgroup, "$name:bold()$");
      duh.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<b>Terence</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, duh.ToString());

    public virtual void testOverrideInheritance()
      // make a bold template in the super group and one in sub group
      StringTemplateGroup supergroup = new StringTemplateGroup("super");
      StringTemplateGroup subgroup = new StringTemplateGroup("sub");
      supergroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      subgroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<strong>$it$</strong>");
      subgroup.SuperGroup = supergroup;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      subgroup.ErrorListener = errors;
      supergroup.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate duh = new StringTemplate(subgroup, "$name:bold()$");
      duh.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<strong>Terence</strong>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, duh.ToString());

    public virtual void testMultiLevelInheritance()
      // must loop up two levels to find bold()
      StringTemplateGroup rootgroup = new StringTemplateGroup("root");
      StringTemplateGroup level1 = new StringTemplateGroup("level1");
      StringTemplateGroup level2 = new StringTemplateGroup("level2");
      rootgroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      level1.SuperGroup = rootgroup;
      level2.SuperGroup = level1;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      rootgroup.ErrorListener = errors;
      level1.ErrorListener = errors;
      level2.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate duh = new StringTemplate(level2, "$name:bold()$");
      duh.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<b>Terence</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, duh.ToString());

    public void testComplicatedInheritance()
      // in super: decls invokes labels
      // in sub:   overridden decls which calls super.decls
      //           overridden labels
      // Bug: didn't see the overridden labels.  In other words,
      // the overridden decls called super which called labels, but
      // didn't get the subgroup overridden labels--it calls the
      // one in the superclass.  Ouput was "DL" not "DSL"; didn't
      // invoke sub's labels().
      string basetemplates = ""
        + "group base;" + NL
        + "decls() ::= \"D<labels()>\"" + NL
        + "labels() ::= \"L\"" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup @base = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(basetemplates),
      string subtemplates = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "decls() ::= \"<super.decls()>\"" + NL
        + "labels() ::= \"SL\"" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup sub = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(subtemplates),
      sub.SuperGroup = @base;
      StringTemplate st = sub.GetInstanceOf("decls");
      string expecting = "DSL";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void test3LevelSuperRef()
      string templates1 = ""
        + "group super;" + NL
        + "r() ::= \"foo\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates1),

      string templates2 =
        "group sub;" + NL +
        "r() ::= \"<super.r()>2\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup =
        new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates2),

      string templates3 = ""
        + "group subsub;" + NL
        + "r() ::= \"<super.r()>3\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup subSubGroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates3),

      StringTemplate st = subSubGroup.GetInstanceOf("r");
      string result = st.ToString();
      string expecting = "foo23";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testExprInParens()
      // specify a template to apply to an attribute
      // Use a template group so we can specify the start/stop chars
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate duh = new StringTemplate(group, @"$(""blort: ""+(list)):bold()$");
      duh.SetAttribute("list", "a");
      duh.SetAttribute("list", "b");
      duh.SetAttribute("list", "c");
      // System.out.println(duh);
      string expecting = "<b>blort: abc</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, duh.ToString());

    public virtual void testMultipleAdditions()
      // specify a template to apply to an attribute
      // Use a template group so we can specify the start/stop chars
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      group.DefineTemplate("link", @"<a href=""$url$""><b>$title$</b></a>");
      StringTemplate duh = new StringTemplate(
        group, @"$link(url=""/member/view?ID=""+ID+""&x=y""+foo, title=""the title"")$"
      duh.SetAttribute("ID", "3321");
      duh.SetAttribute("foo", "fubar");
      string expecting = @"<a href=""/member/view?ID=3321&x=yfubar""><b>the title</b></a>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, duh.ToString());

    public virtual void testCollectionAttributes()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, "$data$, $data:bold()$, " + "$list:bold():bold()$, $array$, $a2$, $a3$, $a4$"
      ArrayList v = new ArrayList(10);
      IList list = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", v);
      t.SetAttribute("list", list);
      t.SetAttribute("array", ((object)new string[] { "x", "y" }));
      t.SetAttribute("a2", ((object)new int[] { 10, 20 }));
      t.SetAttribute("a3", ((object)new float[] { 1.2f, 1.3f }));
      t.SetAttribute("a4", ((object)new double[] { 8.7, 9.2 }));

      string expecting = "123, <b>1</b><b>2</b><b>3</b>, "
        + "<b><b>a</b></b><b><b>b</b></b><b><b>c</b></b>, xy, 1020, 1.21.3, 8.79.2";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testParenthesizedExpression()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$(f+l):bold()$");
      t.SetAttribute("f", "Joe");
      t.SetAttribute("l", "Schmoe");

      string expecting = "<b>JoeSchmoe</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testApplyTemplateNameExpression()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("foobar", "foo$attr$bar");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, @"$data:(name+""bar"")()$");
      t.SetAttribute("data", "Ter");
      t.SetAttribute("data", "Tom");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "foo");

      string expecting = "fooTerbarfooTombar";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testApplyTemplateNameTemplateEval()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate foobar = group.DefineTemplate("foobar", "foo$it$bar");
      StringTemplate a = group.DefineTemplate("a", "$it$bar");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$data:(\"foo\":a())()$");
      t.SetAttribute("data", "Ter");
      t.SetAttribute("data", "Tom");
      string expecting = "fooTerbarfooTombar";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testTemplateNameExpression()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate foo = group.DefineTemplate("foo", "hi there!");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$(name)()$");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "hi there!";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testMissingEndDelimiter()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "stuff $a then more junk etc...");
      //string expectingError = "problem parsing template 'anonymous': line 1:31: expecting '$', found '<EOF>'";
      // different error output from C# Antlr?
      string expectingError = "problem parsing template 'anonymous'";
      //System.out.println("error: '"+errors+"'");
      //System.out.println("expecting: '"+expectingError+"'");

    public virtual void testSetButNotRefd()
      StringTemplate.LintMode = true;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$a$ then $b$ and $c$ refs.");
      t.SetAttribute("a", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("b", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("cc", "Terence"); // oops...should be 'c'
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      string expectingError = "anonymous: set but not used: cc";
      string result = t.ToString(); // result is irrelevant
      //System.out.println("result error: '"+errors+"'");
      //System.out.println("expecting: '"+expectingError+"'");
      StringTemplate.LintMode = false;
      Assert.AreEqual(expectingError, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testNullTemplateApplication()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$names:bold(x=it)$");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      string result = null;
      string error = null;
        result = t.ToString();
      catch (TemplateLoadException iae)
        error = iae.Message;
      Assert.AreEqual("Can't load template 'bold.st'; context is [anonymous]", error);

    public virtual void testNullTemplateToMultiValuedApplication()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$names:bold(x=it)$");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string result = null;
      string error = null;
        result = t.ToString();
      catch (TemplateLoadException iae)
        error = iae.Message;
      Assert.AreEqual("Can't load template 'bold.st'; context is [anonymous]", error);

    public virtual void testChangingAttrValueTemplateApplicationToVector()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$x$</b>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$names:bold(x=it)$");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "<b>Terence</b><b>Tom</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testChangingAttrValueRepeatedTemplateApplicationToVector()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$item$</b>");
      StringTemplate italics = group.DefineTemplate("italics", "<i>$it$</i>");
      StringTemplate members = new StringTemplate(group, "$members:bold(item=it):italics(it=it)$");
      members.SetAttribute("members", "Jim");
      members.SetAttribute("members", "Mike");
      members.SetAttribute("members", "Ashar");
      string expecting = "<i><b>Jim</b></i><i><b>Mike</b></i><i><b>Ashar</b></i>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, members.ToString());

    public virtual void testAlternatingTemplateApplication()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate listItem = group.DefineTemplate("listItem", "<li>$it$</li>");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate italics = group.DefineTemplate("italics", "<i>$it$</i>");
      StringTemplate item = new StringTemplate(group, "$item:bold(),italics():listItem()$");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Jim");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Mike");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Ashar");
      string expecting = "<li><b>Jim</b></li><li><i>Mike</i></li><li><b>Ashar</b></li>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, item.ToString());

    public virtual void testExpressionAsRHSOfAssignment()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate hostname = group.DefineTemplate("hostname", "$machine$.jguru.com");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$x$</b>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, @"$bold(x=hostname(machine=""www""))$");
      string expecting = "<b>www.jguru.com</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testTemplateApplicationAsRHSOfAssignment()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate hostname = group.DefineTemplate("hostname", "$machine$.jguru.com");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$x$</b>");
      StringTemplate italics = group.DefineTemplate("italics", "<i>$it$</i>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, @"$bold(x=hostname(machine=""www""):italics())$");
      string expecting = "<b><i>www.jguru.com</i></b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testParameterAndAttributeScoping()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate italics = group.DefineTemplate("italics", "<i>$x$</i>");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$x$</b>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$bold(x=italics(x=name))$");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<b><i>Terence</i></b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testComplicatedSeparatorExpr()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bulletSeparator", "</li>$foo$<li>");
      // make separator a complicated expression with args passed to included template
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, @"<ul>$name; separator=bulletSeparator(foo="" "")+""&nbsp;""$</ul>"
      t.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "Tom");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "Mel");
      string expecting = "<ul>Ter</li> <li>&nbsp;Tom</li> <li>&nbsp;Mel</ul>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testAttributeRefButtedUpAgainstEndifAndWhitespace()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate a = new StringTemplate(group, "$if (!firstName)$$email$$endif$");
      a.SetAttribute("email", "parrt@jguru.com");
      string expecting = "parrt@jguru.com";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString());

    public virtual void testStringCatenationOnSingleValuedAttributeViaTemplateLiteral()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate b = new StringTemplate(group, "$bold(it={$name$ Parr})$");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<b>Terence Parr</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

    public void testStringCatenationOpOnArg()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate b = new StringTemplate(group, "$bold(it=name+\" Parr\")$");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<b>Terence Parr</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

    public void testStringCatenationOpOnArgWithEqualsInString()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate b = new StringTemplate(group, "$bold(it=name+\" Parr=\")$");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "<b>Terence Parr=</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

    public void testStringCatenationOpOnArgWithEqualsInStringAngleBrackets()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "#b#<it>#/b#");
      StringTemplate b = new StringTemplate(group, "<bold(it=name+\" Parr=\")>");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      string expecting = "#b#Terence Parr=#/b#";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

    public virtual void testApplyingTemplateFromDiskWithPrecompiledIF()
      // First write the template files to the TEMPDIR
      string pageTemplateFileName = Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "page.st");
      StreamWriter fw = new StreamWriter(pageTemplateFileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
      fw.Write("<html><head>" + NL);
      //fw.Write("  <title>PeerScope: $title$</title>" + NL);
      fw.Write("</head>" + NL);
      fw.Write("<body>" + NL);
      fw.Write("$if(member)$User: $member:terse()$$endif$" + NL);
      fw.Write("</body>" + NL);

      string terseTemplateFileName = Path.Combine(TEMPDIR, "terse.st");
      fw = new StreamWriter(terseTemplateFileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
      fw.Write("$it.firstName$ $it.lastName$ (<tt>$it.email$</tt>)");

      // specify a template to apply to an attribute
      // Use a template group so we can specify the start/stop chars
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", TEMPDIR);

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      a.SetAttribute("member", new Connector());
      string expecting = ""
        + "<html><head>" + NL
        + "</head>" + NL
        + "<body>" + NL
        + "User: Terence Parr (<tt>parrt@jguru.com</tt>)" + NL
        + "</body>" + NL
        + "</head>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString());

    public virtual void testMultiValuedAttributeWithAnonymousTemplateUsingIndexVariableI()
      StringTemplateGroup tgroup = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        tgroup, " List:" + NL
        + "  " + NL
        + "foo" + NL
        + NL
        + "$names:{<br>$i$. $it$" + NL
        + "}$"
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Jim");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = " List:" + NL
        + "  " + NL
        + "foo" + NL
        + NL
        + "<br>1. Terence" + NL + "<br>2. Jim" + NL + "<br>3. Sriram" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testFindTemplateInCLASSPATH_Nope_JustRelativeToAssemblyLocation()
      // Look for templates in CLASSPATH as resources
      StringTemplateGroup mgroup = new StringTemplateGroup("method stuff", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate m = mgroup.GetInstanceOf("tests/method");
      // "method.st" references body() so "body.st" will be loaded too
      m.SetAttribute("visibility", "public");
      m.SetAttribute("name", "foobar");
      m.SetAttribute("returnType", "void");
      m.SetAttribute("statements", "i=1;"); // body inherits these from method
      m.SetAttribute("statements", "x=i;");
      string expecting = "public void foobar() {" + NL
        + "\t// start of a body" + NL
        + "\ti=1;" + NL + "\tx=i;" + NL
        + "\t// end of a body" + NL
        + "}";
      //.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n") below mitigates against failure due to line-ending differences
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, m.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n"));

    public virtual void testApplyTemplateToSingleValuedAttribute()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$x$</b>");
      StringTemplate name = new StringTemplate(group, "$name:bold(x=name)$");
      name.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      Assert.AreEqual(name.ToString(), "<b>Terence</b>");

    public virtual void testStringLiteralAsAttribute()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate name = new StringTemplate(group, "$\"Terence\":bold()$");
      Assert.AreEqual(name.ToString(), "<b>Terence</b>");

    public virtual void testApplyTemplateToSingleValuedAttributeWithDefaultAttribute()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate bold = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate name = new StringTemplate(group, "$name:bold()$");
      name.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      Assert.AreEqual(name.ToString(), "<b>Terence</b>");

    public virtual void testApplyAnonymousTemplateToSingleValuedAttribute()
      // specify a template to apply to an attribute
      // Use a template group so we can specify the start/stop chars
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate item = new StringTemplate(group, "$item:{<li>$it$</li>}$");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Terence");
      Assert.AreEqual(item.ToString(), "<li>Terence</li>");

    public virtual void testApplyAnonymousTemplateToMultiValuedAttribute()
      // specify a template to apply to an attribute
      // Use a template group so we can specify the start/stop chars
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate list = new StringTemplate(group, "<ul>$items$</ul>");
      // demonstrate setting arg to anonymous subtemplate
      StringTemplate item = new StringTemplate(group, "$item:{<li>$it$</li>}; separator=\",\"$");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Terence");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Jim");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "John");
      list.SetAttribute("items", item); // nested template
      Assert.AreEqual(list.ToString(), "<ul><li>Terence</li>,<li>Jim</li>,<li>John</li></ul>");

    public virtual void testApplyAnonymousTemplateToAggregateAttribute()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("$items:{$it.lastName$, $it.firstName$\n}$");
      // also testing wacky spaces and tabs in aggregate spec
      st.SetAttribute("items.{ firstName,lastName }", "Ter", "Parr");
      st.SetAttribute("items.{firstName  , lastName}", "Tom", "Burns");
      string expecting = "Parr, Ter" + NL + "Burns, Tom" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testRepeatedApplicationOfTemplateToSingleValuedAttribute()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate search = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate item = new StringTemplate(group, "$item:bold():bold()$");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Jim");
      Assert.AreEqual(item.ToString(), "<b><b>Jim</b></b>");

    public virtual void testRepeatedApplicationOfTemplateToMultiValuedAttributeWithSeparator()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate search = group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate item = new StringTemplate(group, "$item:bold():bold(); separator=\",\"$");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Jim");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Mike");
      item.SetAttribute("item", "Ashar");
      // first application of template must yield another vector!
      Assert.AreEqual(item.ToString(), "<b><b>Jim</b></b>,<b><b>Mike</b></b>,<b><b>Ashar</b></b>");


    public virtual void testMultiValuedAttributeWithSeparator()
      StringTemplate query;

      // if column can be multi-valued, specify a separator
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      query = new StringTemplate(group, "SELECT <distinct> <column; separator=\", \"> FROM <table>;");
      query.SetAttribute("column", "name");
      query.SetAttribute("column", "email");
      query.SetAttribute("table", "User");
      // uncomment next line to make "DISTINCT" appear in output
      // query.SetAttribute("distince", "DISTINCT");
      // System.out.println(query);
      Assert.AreEqual(query.ToString(), "SELECT  name, email FROM User;");

    public virtual void testSingleValuedAttributes()
      // all attributes are single-valued:
      StringTemplate query = new StringTemplate("SELECT $column$ FROM $table$;");
      query.SetAttribute("column", "name");
      query.SetAttribute("table", "User");
      // System.out.println(query);
      Assert.AreEqual(query.ToString(), "SELECT name FROM User;");

    public virtual void testIFTemplate()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "SELECT <column> FROM PERSON " + "<if(cond)>WHERE ID=<id><endif>;");
      t.SetAttribute("column", "name");
      t.SetAttribute("cond", "true");
      t.SetAttribute("id", "231");
      Assert.AreEqual(t.ToString(), "SELECT name FROM PERSON WHERE ID=231;");

    public virtual void testIFCondWithParensTemplate()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "<if(map.(type))><type> <prop>=<map.(type)>;<endif>");
      Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
      map["int"] = "0";
      t.SetAttribute("map", map);
      t.SetAttribute("prop", "x");
      t.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      Assert.AreEqual("int x=0;", t.ToString());

    public virtual void testIFCondWithParensDollarDelimsTemplate()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$if(map.(type))$$type$ $prop$=$map.(type)$;$endif$");
      Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
      map["int"] = "0";
      t.SetAttribute("map", map);
      t.SetAttribute("prop", "x");
      t.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      Assert.AreEqual("int x=0;", t.ToString());

    /// <summary>As of 2.0, you can test a boolean value </summary>
    public virtual void testIFBoolean()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$if(b)$x$endif$ $if(!b)$y$endif$");
      t.SetAttribute("b", (object)true);
      Assert.AreEqual(t.ToString(), "x ");

      t = t.GetInstanceOf();
      t.SetAttribute("b", (object)false);
      Assert.AreEqual(t.ToString(), " y");

    public virtual void testNestedIFTemplate()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, "ack<if(a)>" + NL
        + "foo" + NL
        + "<if(!b)>stuff<endif>" + NL
        + "<if(b)>no<endif>" + NL
        + "junk" + NL
        + "<endif>"
      t.SetAttribute("a", "blort");
      // leave b as null
      string expecting = "ackfoo" + NL + "stuff" + NL + "junk";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testObjectPropertyReference()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, "<b>Name: $p.firstName$ $p.lastName$</b><br>" + NL
        + "<b>Email: $p.email$</b><br>" + NL
        + "$p.bio$"
      t.SetAttribute("p", new Connector());
      string expecting = "<b>Name: Terence Parr</b><br>" + NL
        + "<b>Email: parrt@jguru.com</b><br>" + NL
        + "Superhero by night...";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testApplyRepeatedAnonymousTemplateWithForeignTemplateRefToMultiValuedAttribute()
      // specify a template to apply to an attribute
      // Use a template group so we can specify the start/stop chars
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      group.DefineTemplate("link", @"<a href=""$url$""><b>$title$</b></a>");
      StringTemplate duh = new StringTemplate(
        group, @"start|$p:{$link(url=""/member/view?ID=""+it.ID, title=it.firstName)$ $if(it.canEdit)$canEdit$endif$}:"
        + "{$it$<br>\n}$|end"
      duh.SetAttribute("p", new Connector());
      duh.SetAttribute("p", new Connector2());
      string expecting = @"start|<a href=""/member/view?ID=1""><b>Terence</b></a> <br>" + NL
        + @"<a href=""/member/view?ID=2""><b>Tom</b></a> canEdit<br>" + NL + "|end";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, duh.ToString());

    public virtual void testRecursion()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      group.DefineTemplate("tree", ""
        + "<if(it.firstChild)>"
        + "( <it.text> <it.children:tree(); separator=\" \"> )"
        + "<else>"
        + "<it.text>"
        + "<endif>"
      StringTemplate tree = group.GetInstanceOf("tree");
      // build ( a b (c d) e )
      Tree root = new Tree("a");
      root.addChild(new Tree("b"));
      Tree subtree = new Tree("c");
      subtree.addChild(new Tree("d"));
      root.addChild(new Tree("e"));
      tree.SetAttribute("it", root);
      string expecting = "( a b ( c d ) e )";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, tree.ToString());

    public virtual void testNestedAnonymousTemplates()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, "$A:{" + NL + "<i>$it:{" + NL + "<b>$it$</b>" + NL + "}$</i>" + NL + "}$"
      t.SetAttribute("A", "parrt");
      string expecting = NL + "<i>" + NL + "<b>parrt</b>" + NL + "</i>" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testAnonymousTemplateAccessToEnclosingAttributes()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, ""
        + "$A:{" + NL
        + "<i>$it:{" + NL
        + "<b>$it$, $B$</b>" + NL
        + "}$</i>" + NL
        + "}$"
      t.SetAttribute("A", "parrt");
      t.SetAttribute("B", "tombu");
      string expecting = NL
        + "<i>" + NL
        + "<b>parrt, tombu</b>" + NL
        + "</i>" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testNestedAnonymousTemplatesAgain()

      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        group, "<table>" + NL
        + "$names:{<tr>$it:{<td>$it:{<b>$it$</b>}$</td>}$</tr>}$" + NL
        + "</table>" + NL
      t.SetAttribute("names", "parrt");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "tombu");
      string expecting = "<table>" + NL
        + "<tr><td><b>parrt</b></td></tr><tr><td><b>tombu</b></td></tr>" + NL
        + "</table>" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testEscapes()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      group.DefineTemplate("foo", "$x$ && $it$");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$A:foo(x=\"dog\\\"\\\"\")$");
      StringTemplate u = new StringTemplate(group, "$A:foo(x=\"dog\\\"g\")$");
      StringTemplate v = new StringTemplate(group, "$A:{$it:foo(x=\"\\{dog\\}\\\"\")$ is cool}$");
      t.SetAttribute("A", "ick");
      u.SetAttribute("A", "ick");
      v.SetAttribute("A", "ick");

      string expecting = "dog\"\" && ick";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());
      expecting = "dog\"g && ick";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, u.ToString());
      expecting = "{dog}\" && ick is cool";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, v.ToString());

    public virtual void testEscapesOutsideExpressions()
      StringTemplate b = new StringTemplate("It\\'s ok...\\$; $a:{\\'hi\\', $it$}$");
      b.SetAttribute("a", "Ter");
      string expecting = "It\\'s ok...$; \\'hi\\', Ter";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testLiteralStringEscapes()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      group.DefineTemplate("foo", "$x$ && $it$");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, @"$A:foo(x=""dog\""\"""")$");
      StringTemplate u = new StringTemplate(group, @"$A:foo(x=""dog\""g"")$");
      StringTemplate v = new StringTemplate(group, @"$A:{$it:foo(x=""\{dog\}\"""")$ is cool}$");
      t.SetAttribute("A", "ick");
      u.SetAttribute("A", "ick");
      v.SetAttribute("A", "ick");
      string expecting = @"dog"""" && ick";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());
      expecting = @"dog""g && ick";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, u.ToString());
      expecting = @"{dog}"" && ick is cool";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, v.ToString());

    public virtual void testLiteralStringEscapesOutsideExpressions()
      StringTemplate b = new StringTemplate(@"It\'s ok...\$; $a:{\'hi\', $it$}$");
      b.SetAttribute("a", "Ter");
      string expecting = @"It\'s ok...$; \'hi\', Ter";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testElseClause()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$if(title)$" + NL
        + "foo" + NL
        + "$else$" + NL
        + "bar" + NL
        + "$endif$"
      e.SetAttribute("title", "sample");
      string expecting = "foo";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      expecting = "bar";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testNestedIF()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$if(title)$" + NL
        + "foo" + NL
        + "$else$" + NL
        + "$if(header)$" + NL
        + "bar" + NL
        + "$else$" + NL
        + "blort" + NL
        + "$endif$" + NL
        + "$endif$");
      e.SetAttribute("title", "sample");
      string expecting = "foo";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("header", "more");
      expecting = "bar";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      expecting = "blort";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testEmbeddedMultiLineIF()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate main = new StringTemplate(group, "$sub$");
      StringTemplate sub = new StringTemplate(
        group, ""
        + "begin" + NL
        + "$if(foo)$" + NL
        + "$foo$" + NL
        + "$else$" + NL
        + "blort" + NL
        + "$endif$" + NL
      sub.SetAttribute("foo", "stuff");
      main.SetAttribute("sub", sub);
      string expecting = "begin" + NL
        + "stuff";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, main.ToString());

      main = new StringTemplate(group, "$sub$");
      sub = sub.GetInstanceOf();
      main.SetAttribute("sub", sub);
      expecting = "begin" + NL
        + "blort";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, main.ToString());

    public virtual void testSimpleIndentOfAttributeList()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "list(names) ::= <<" + @"  $names; separator=""\n""$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("list");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Jim");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = ""
        + "  Terence" + NL
        + "  Jim" + NL
        + "  Sriram";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testIndentOfMultilineAttributes()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "list(names) ::= <<" + @"  $names; separator=""\n""$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("list");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence\nis\na\nmaniac");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Jim");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram\nis\ncool");
      string expecting = ""
        + "  Terence" + NL
        + "  is" + NL
        + "  a" + NL
        + "  maniac" + NL
        + "  Jim" + NL
        + "  Sriram" + NL
        + "  is" + NL
        + "  cool";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testIndentOfMultipleBlankLines()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "list(names) ::= <<" + "  $names$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("list");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence\n\nis a maniac");
      string expecting = ""
        + "  Terence\n\n"
        + "  is a maniac";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testIndentBetweenLeftJustifiedLiterals()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "list(names) ::= <<" + "Before:" + NL
        + @"  $names; separator=""\n""$" + NL
        + "after" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("list");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Jim");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = ""
        + "Before:" + NL
        + "  Terence" + NL
        + "  Jim" + NL
        + "  Sriram" + NL
        + "after";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testNestedIndent()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name,stats) ::= <<" + "void $name$() {" + NL
        + "\t$stats; separator=\"\\n\"$" + NL
        + "}" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "ifstat(expr,stats) ::= <<" + NL
        + "if ($expr$) {" + NL
        + "  $stats; separator=\"\\n\"$" + NL
        + "}" + ">>" + NL
        + "assign(lhs,expr) ::= <<$lhs$=$expr$;>>" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      t.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      StringTemplate s1 = group.GetInstanceOf("assign");
      s1.SetAttribute("lhs", "x");
      s1.SetAttribute("expr", "0");
      StringTemplate s2 = group.GetInstanceOf("ifstat");
      s2.SetAttribute("expr", "x>0");
      StringTemplate s2a = group.GetInstanceOf("assign");
      s2a.SetAttribute("lhs", "y");
      s2a.SetAttribute("expr", "x+y");
      StringTemplate s2b = group.GetInstanceOf("assign");
      s2b.SetAttribute("lhs", "z");
      s2b.SetAttribute("expr", "4");
      s2.SetAttribute("stats", s2a);
      s2.SetAttribute("stats", s2b);
      t.SetAttribute("stats", s1);
      t.SetAttribute("stats", s2);
      string expecting = ""
        + "void foo() {" + NL
        + "\tx=0;" + NL
        + "\tif (x>0) {" + NL
        + "\t  y=x+y;" + NL
        + "\t  z=4;" + NL
        + "\t}" + NL
        + "}";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public virtual void testAlternativeWriter()
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      IStringTemplateWriter w = new AlternativeWriter(buf);
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$x$</b>");
      StringTemplate name = new StringTemplate(group, "$name:bold(x=name)$");
      name.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      Assert.AreEqual(buf.ToString(), "<b>Terence</b>");

    // WAS: public virtual void  testApplyAnonymousTemplateToMapAndSet()
    public virtual void testApplyAnonymousTemplateToHashtableAndHybridDictionary()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("$items:{<li>$it$</li>}$");
      IDictionary m = new Hashtable();
      m["a"] = "1";
      m["b"] = "2";
      m["c"] = "3";
      st.SetAttribute("items", m);
      string expecting = "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

      st = st.GetInstanceOf();
      IDictionary s = new HybridDictionary();
      s.Add("1", "1");
      s.Add("2", "2");
      s.Add("3", "3");
      st.SetAttribute("items", s);
      expecting = "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    //WAS: public virtual void  testDumpMapAndSet()
    public virtual void testDumpHashtableAndHybridDictionary()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("$items; separator=\",\"$");
      IDictionary m = new Hashtable();
      m["a"] = "1";
      m["b"] = "2";
      m["c"] = "3";
      st.SetAttribute("items", m);
      string expecting = "1,2,3";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

      st = st.GetInstanceOf();
      IDictionary s = new HybridDictionary();
      s.Add("1", "1");
      s.Add("2", "2");
      s.Add("3", "3");
      st.SetAttribute("items", s);
      expecting = "1,2,3";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testApplyAnonymousTemplateToArrayAndMapProperty()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("$x.values:{<li>$it$</li>}$");
      st.SetAttribute("x", new Connector3());
      string expecting = "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

      st = new StringTemplate("$x.stuff:{<li>$it$</li>}$");
      st.SetAttribute("x", new Connector3());
      expecting = "<li>1</li><li>2</li>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testSuperTemplateRef()
      // you can refer to a template defined in a super group via super.t()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("super");
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("sub");
      subGroup.SuperGroup = group;
      group.DefineTemplate("page", "$font()$:text");
      group.DefineTemplate("font", "Helvetica");
      subGroup.DefineTemplate("font", "$super.font()$ and Times");
      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("page");
      string expecting = "Helvetica and Times:text";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testApplySuperTemplateRef()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("super");
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("sub");
      subGroup.SuperGroup = group;
      group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      subGroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<strong>$it$</strong>");
      subGroup.DefineTemplate("page", "$name:super.bold()$");
      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("page");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string expecting = "<b>Ter</b>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testLazyEvalOfSuperInApplySuperTemplateRef()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("base");
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("sub");
      subGroup.SuperGroup = group;
      group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      subGroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<strong>$it$</strong>");
      // this is the same as testApplySuperTemplateRef() test
      // 'cept notice that here the supergroup defines page
      // As long as you create the instance via the subgroup,
      // "super." will evaluate lazily (i.e., not statically
      // during template compilation) to the templates
      // getGroup().superGroup value.  If I create instance
      // of page in group not subGroup, however, I will get
      // an error as superGroup is null for group "group".
      group.DefineTemplate("page", "$name:super.bold()$");
      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("page");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string error = null;
      catch (StringTemplateException iae)
        error = iae.Message;
      string expectingError = "base has no super group; invalid template: super.bold";
      Assert.AreEqual(expectingError, error);

    public virtual void testTemplatePolymorphism()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("super");
      StringTemplateGroup subGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("sub");
      subGroup.SuperGroup = group;
      // bold is defined in both super and sub
      // if you create an instance of page via the subgroup,
      // then bold() should evaluate to the subgroup not the super
      // even though page is defined in the super.  Just like polymorphism.
      group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      group.DefineTemplate("page", "$name:bold()$");
      subGroup.DefineTemplate("bold", "<strong>$it$</strong>");
      StringTemplate st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("page");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string expecting = "<strong>Ter</strong>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public virtual void testListOfEmbeddedTemplateSeesEnclosingAttributes()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "output(cond,items) ::= <<page: $items$>>" + NL
        + "mybody() ::= <<$font()$stuff>>" + NL
        + "font() ::= <<$if(cond)$this$else$that$endif$>>";
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate outputST = group.GetInstanceOf("output");
      StringTemplate bodyST1 = group.GetInstanceOf("mybody");
      StringTemplate bodyST2 = group.GetInstanceOf("mybody");
      StringTemplate bodyST3 = group.GetInstanceOf("mybody");
      outputST.SetAttribute("items", bodyST1);
      outputST.SetAttribute("items", bodyST2);
      outputST.SetAttribute("items", bodyST3);
      string expecting = "page: thatstuffthatstuffthatstuff";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, outputST.ToString());

    public virtual void testInheritArgumentFromRecursiveTemplateApplication()
      // do not inherit attributes through formal args
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "block(stats) ::= \"<stats>\"" + "ifstat(stats) ::= \"IF true then <stats>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("block");
      b.SetAttribute("stats", group.GetInstanceOf("ifstat"));
      b.SetAttribute("stats", group.GetInstanceOf("ifstat"));
      string expecting = "IF true then IF true then ";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDeliberateRecursiveTemplateApplication()
      // This test will cause infinite loop.  block contains a stat which
      // contains the same block.  Must be in lintMode to detect
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "block(stats) ::= \"<stats>\""
        + "ifstat(stats) ::= \"IF true then <stats>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplate.LintMode = true;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("block");
      StringTemplate ifstat = group.GetInstanceOf("ifstat");
      b.SetAttribute("stats", ifstat); // block has if stat
      ifstat.SetAttribute("stats", b); // but make "if" contain block
      string expectingError = ""
        + "infinite recursion to <ifstat([stats])@4> referenced in <block([stats])@3>; stack trace:" + NL
        + "<ifstat([stats])@4>, attributes=[stats=<block()@3>]>" + NL
        + "<block([stats])@3>, attributes=[stats=<ifstat()@4>], references=[stats]>" + NL
        + "<ifstat([stats])@4> (start of recursive cycle)" + NL
        + "...";
      // note that attributes attribute doesn't show up in ifstat() because
      // recursion detection traps the problem before it writes out the
      // infinitely-recursive template; I set the attributes attribute right
      // before I render.
      string errors = "";
        string result = b.ToString();
      catch (SystemException ise)
        errors = ise.Message;
      StringTemplate.LintMode = false;
      Assert.AreEqual(expectingError, errors);

    public virtual void testImmediateTemplateAsAttributeLoop()
      // even though block has a stats value that refers to itself,
      // there is no recursion because each instance of block hides
      // the stats value from above since it's a formal arg.
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "block(stats) ::= \"{<stats>}\"";
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("block");
      b.SetAttribute("stats", group.GetInstanceOf("block"));
      string expecting = "{{}}";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testTemplateAlias()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page(name) ::= \"name is <name>\"" + "other ::= page" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("other"); // alias for page
      b.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string expecting = "name is Ter";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testTemplateGetPropertyGetsAttribute()
      // This test will cause infinite loop if missing attribute no
      // properly caught in getAttribute
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "Cfile(funcs) ::= <<" + NL
        + "#include \\<stdio.h>" + NL
        + "<funcs:{public void <it.name>(<it.args>);}; separator=\"\\n\">" + NL
        + "<funcs; separator=\"\\n\">" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "func(name,args,body) ::= <<" + NL
        + "public void <name>(<args>) {<body>}" + NL
        + ">>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("Cfile");
      StringTemplate f1 = group.GetInstanceOf("func");
      StringTemplate f2 = group.GetInstanceOf("func");
      f1.SetAttribute("name", "f");
      f1.SetAttribute("args", "");
      f1.SetAttribute("body", "i=1;");
      f2.SetAttribute("name", "g");
      f2.SetAttribute("args", "int arg");
      f2.SetAttribute("body", "y=1;");
      b.SetAttribute("funcs", f1);
      b.SetAttribute("funcs", f2);
      string expecting = ""
        + "#include <stdio.h>" + NL
        + "public void f();" + NL
        + "public void g(int arg);" + NL
        + "public void f() {i=1;}" + NL
        + "public void g(int arg) {y=1;}";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, b.ToString());

    public virtual void testComplicatedIndirectTemplateApplication()
      string templates = ""
        + "group Java;" + NL
        + "" + NL
        + "file(variables) ::= <<" + "<variables:{ v | <v.decl:(v.format)()>}; separator=\"\\n\">" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "intdecl(decl) ::= \"int <decl.name> = 0;\"" + NL
        + "intarray(decl) ::= \"int[] <decl.name> = null;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate f = group.GetInstanceOf("file");
      f.SetAttribute("variables.{decl,format}", new Decl("i", "int"), "intdecl");
      f.SetAttribute("variables.{decl,format}", new Decl("a", "int-array"), "intarray");
      string expecting = ""
        + "int i = 0;" + NL
        + "int[] a = null;";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, f.ToString());

    public virtual void testIndirectTemplateApplication()
      string templates = ""
        + "group dork;" + NL
        + "" + NL
        + "test(name) ::= <<" + "<(name)()>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "first() ::= \"the first\"" + NL
        + "second() ::= \"the second\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate f = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      f.SetAttribute("name", "first");
      string expecting = "the first";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, f.ToString());

    public virtual void testIndirectTemplateWithArgsApplication()
      string templates = ""
        + "group dork;" + NL
        + "" + NL
        + "test(name) ::= <<" + "<(name)(a=\"foo\")>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "first(a) ::= \"the first: <a>\"" + NL
        + "second(a) ::= \"the second <a>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate f = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      f.SetAttribute("name", "first");
      string expecting = "the first: foo";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, f.ToString());

    public virtual void testNullIndirectTemplateApplication()
      string templates = ""
        + "group dork;" + NL
        + "" + NL
        + "test(names) ::= <<" + "<names:(ind)()>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "ind() ::= \"[<it>]\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate f = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      f.SetAttribute("names", "me");
      f.SetAttribute("names", "you");
      string expecting = "";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, f.ToString());

    public virtual void testNullIndirectTemplate()
      string templates = ""
        + "group dork;" + NL
        + "" + NL
        + "test(name) ::= <<" + "<(name)()>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "first() ::= \"the first\"" + NL
        + "second() ::= \"the second\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate f = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      string expecting = "";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, f.ToString());

    public virtual void testHashMapPropertyFetch()
      StringTemplate a = new StringTemplate("$stuff.prop$");
      Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
      a.SetAttribute("stuff", map);
      map["prop"] = "Terence";
      string results = a.ToString();
      string expecting = "Terence";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, results);

    public virtual void testHashMapPropertyFetchEmbeddedStringTemplate()
      StringTemplate a = new StringTemplate("$stuff.prop$");
      Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
      a.SetAttribute("stuff", map);
      a.SetAttribute("title", "ST rocks");
      map["prop"] = new StringTemplate("embedded refers to $title$");
      string results = a.ToString();
      string expecting = "embedded refers to ST rocks";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, results);

    public virtual void testEmbeddedComments()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("Foo $! ignore !$bar" + NL);
      string expecting = "Foo bar" + NL;
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate(""
        + "Foo $! ignore" + NL
        + " and a line break!$" + NL
        + "bar" + NL);
      expecting = ""
        + "Foo " + NL
        + "bar" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate(""
        + "$! start of line $ and $! ick" + NL
        + "!$boo" + NL);
      expecting = "boo" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate(""
        + "$! start of line !$" + NL
        + "$! another to ignore !$" + NL
        + "$! ick" + NL
        + "!$boo" + NL);
      expecting = "boo" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate(""
        + "$! back !$$! to back !$" + NL
        + "$! ick" + NL
        + "!$boo" + NL);
      expecting = NL
        + "boo" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmbeddedCommentsAngleBracketed()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("Foo <! ignore !>bar" + NL, typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      string expecting = "Foo bar" + NL;
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate(""
        + "Foo <! ignore" + NL
        + " and a line break!>" + NL
        + "bar" + NL,
      expecting = ""
        + "Foo " + NL
        + "bar" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate("<! start of line $ and <! ick" + NL + "!>boo" + NL, typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      expecting = "boo" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate("<! start of line !>" + "<! another to ignore !>" + "<! ick" + NL + "!>boo" + NL, typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      expecting = "boo" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate("<! back !><! to back !>" + NL + "<! ick" + NL + "!>boo" + NL, typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      expecting = NL + "boo" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testCharLiterals()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("Foo <\\n><\\t> bar" + NL, typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      string expecting = "Foo " + NL
        + "\t bar" + NL;
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate("Foo $\\n$$\\t$ bar" + NL);
      expecting = "Foo " + NL
        + "\t bar" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

      st = new StringTemplate("Foo$\\ $bar$\\n$");
      expecting = "Foo bar" + NL;
      result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyIteratedValueGetsSeparator()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$names; separator=\",\"$");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Terence");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "Frank");
      t.SetAttribute("names", "");
      // empty values get separator still
      string expecting = "Terence,,,Tom,Frank,";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyIteratedConditionalValueGetsSeparator()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$users:{$if(it.ok)$$it.name$$endif$}; separator=\",\"$");
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Terence", (object)true);
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Tom", (object)false);
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Frank", (object)true);
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Johnny", (object)false);
      // empty conditional values do get separator
      string expecting = "Terence,,Frank,";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyIteratedConditionalWithElseValueGetsSeparator()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$users:{$if(it.ok)$$it.name$$else$$endif$}; separator=\",\"$");
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Terence", (object)true);
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Tom", (object)false);
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Frank", (object)true);
      t.SetAttribute("users.{name,ok}", "Johnny", (object)false);
      // empty conditional values go get separator
      string expecting = "Terence,,Frank,";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testWhiteSpaceAtEndOfTemplate()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("group");
      StringTemplate pageST = group.GetInstanceOf("tests/page");
      StringTemplate listST = group.GetInstanceOf("tests/users_list");
      // users.list references row.st which has a single blank line at the end.
      // I.e., there are 2 \n in a row at the end
      // ST should eat all whitespace at end
      listST.SetAttribute("users", new Connector());
      listST.SetAttribute("users", new Connector2());
      pageST.SetAttribute("title", "some title");
      pageST.SetAttribute("body", listST);
      string expecting = "some title" + NL + "Terence parrt@jguru.comTom tombu@jguru.com";
      string result = pageST.ToString();
      //.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n") below mitigates against failure due to line-ending differences
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n"));

    public virtual void testSizeZeroButNonNullListGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group,
        + "$duh.users:{name: $it$}; separator=\", \"$\n"
        + "end\n");
      t.SetAttribute("duh", new Duh());
      string expecting = "begin\nend\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testNullListGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group,
        "begin\n" +
        "$users:{name: $it$}; separator=\", \"$\n" +
      //t.setAttribute("users", new Duh());
      string expecting = "begin\nend\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyListGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group,
        "begin\n" +
        "$users:{name: $it$}; separator=\", \"$\n" +
      t.SetAttribute("users", new ArrayList());
      string expecting = "begin\nend\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyListNoIteratorGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group,
        "begin\n" +
        "$users; separator=\", \"$\n" +
      t.SetAttribute("users", new ArrayList());
      string expecting = "begin\nend\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyExprAsFirstLineGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group =
        new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      group.DefineTemplate("bold", "<b>$it$</b>");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group,
        "$users$\n" +
      string expecting = "end\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSizeZeroOnLineByItselfGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "begin\n" + "$name$\n" + "$users:{name: $it$}$\n" + "$users:{name: $it$}; separator=\", \"$\n" + "end\n");
      string expecting = "begin\nend\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSizeZeroOnLineWithIndentGetsNoOutput()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "begin\n" + "  $name$\n" + "  $users:{name: $it$}$\n" + "  $users:{name: $it$$\\n$}$\n" + "end\n");
      string expecting = "begin\nend\n";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSimpleAutoIndent()
      StringTemplate a = new StringTemplate("$title$: {\n" + "  $name; separator=\"\n\"$\n" + "}");
      a.SetAttribute("title", "foo");
      a.SetAttribute("name", "Terence");
      a.SetAttribute("name", "Frank");
      string results = a.ToString();
      string expecting = "foo: {\n" + "  Terence\n" + "  Frank\n" + "}";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, results);

    public virtual void testComputedPropertyName()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      group.ErrorListener = errors;
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "variable property $propName$=$v.(propName)$");
      t.SetAttribute("v", new Decl("i", "int"));
      t.SetAttribute("propName", "type");
      string expecting = "variable property type=int";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(errors.ToString(), "");
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testNonNullButEmptyIteratorTestsFalse()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$if(users)$\n" + "Users: $users:{$it.name$ }$\n" + "$endif$");
      t.SetAttribute("users", new ArrayList());
      string expecting = "";
      string result = t.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDoNotInheritAttributesThroughFormalArgs()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name) ::= \"<stat()>\"" + NL
        + "stat(name) ::= \"x=y; // <name>\"" + NL;
      // name is not visible in stat because of the formal arg called name.
      // somehow, it must be set.
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=y; // ";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testArgEvaluationContext()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name) ::= \"<stat(name=name)>\"" + NL
        + "stat(name) ::= \"x=y; // <name>\"" + NL;
      // attribute name is not visible in stat because of the formal
      // arg called name in template stat.  However, we can set it's value
      // with an explicit name=name.  This looks weird, but makes total
      // sense as the rhs is evaluated in the context of method and the lhs
      // is evaluated in the context of stat's arg list.
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=y; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testPassThroughAttributes()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name) ::= \"<stat(...)>\"" + NL
        + "stat(name) ::= \"x=y; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=y; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testPassThroughAttributes2()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<stat(value=\"34\",...)>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(name,value) ::= \"x=<value>; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=34; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDefaultArgument()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<stat(...)>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(name,value=\"99\") ::= \"x=<value>; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=99; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDefaultArgument2()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "stat(name,value=\"99\") ::= \"x=<value>; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("stat");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=99; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDefaultArgumentAsTemplate()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name,size) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<stat(...)>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(name,value={<name>}) ::= \"x=<value>; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      b.SetAttribute("size", "2");
      string expecting = "x=foo; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDefaultArgumentAsTemplate2()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name,size) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<stat(...)>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(name,value={ [<name>] }) ::= \"x=<value>; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      b.SetAttribute("size", "2");
      string expecting = "x= [foo] ; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDoNotUseDefaultArgument()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<stat(value=\"34\",...)>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(name,value=\"99\") ::= \"x=<value>; // <name>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      string expecting = "x=34; // foo";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testArgumentsAsTemplates()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name,size) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<stat(value={<size>})>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(value) ::= \"x=<value>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      b.SetAttribute("size", "34");
      string expecting = "x=34;";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testArgumentsAsTemplatesDefaultDelimiters()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "method(name,size) ::= <<" + NL
        + "$stat(value={$size$})$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "stat(value) ::= \"x=$value$;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("method");
      b.SetAttribute("name", "foo");
      b.SetAttribute("size", "34");
      string expecting = "x=34;";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testDefaultArgsWhenNotInvoked()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "b(name=\"foo\") ::= \".<name>.\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate b = group.GetInstanceOf("b");
      string expecting = ".foo.";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testRendererForST()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("date: <created>", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      st.SetAttribute("created", new DateTime(2005, 7, 5));
      st.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer());
      string expecting = "date: 2005.07.05";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmbeddedRendererSeesEnclosing()
      // st is embedded in outer; set renderer on outer, st should
      // still see it.
      StringTemplate outer = new StringTemplate("X: <x>", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("date: <created>", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      st.SetAttribute("created", new DateTime(2005, 07, 05));
      outer.SetAttribute("x", st);
      outer.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer());
      string expecting = "X: date: 2005.07.05";
      string result = outer.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmbeddedRendererSeesEnclosing_UsingGroupFile()
      string templates = ""
        + "group Messages;" + NL
        + "PrintMessage(date) ::= <<" + NL
        + "Remember this date: $PrintDate(date=date)$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "PrintDate(date) ::= <<$date$>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer)
      StringTemplate printMessageTemplate = group.GetInstanceOf("PrintMessage");
      printMessageTemplate.SetAttribute("date", new DateTime(2005, 7, 5));
      group.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer2());
      printMessageTemplate.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer());
      string expecting = "Remember this date: 2005.07.05";
      string result = printMessageTemplate.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testRendererForGroup()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "dateThing(created) ::= \"date: <created>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("dateThing");
      st.SetAttribute("created", new DateTime(2005, 7, 5));
      group.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer());
      string expecting = "date: 2005.07.05";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testOverriddenRenderer()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "dateThing(created) ::= \"date: <created>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("dateThing");
      st.SetAttribute("created", new DateTime(2005, 7, 5));
      group.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer());
      st.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), new DateRenderer2());
      string expecting = "date: 07/05/2005";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testMap()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"float\":\"0.0\"] " + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "int x = 0;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMapValuesAreTemplates()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0<w>\", \"float\":\"0.0<w>\"] " + NL
        + "var(type,w,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("w", "L");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "int x = 0L;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMapMissingDefaultValueIsEmpty()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"float\":\"0.0\"] " + NL
        + "var(type,w,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("w", "L");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "double"); // double not in typeInit map
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "double x = ;"; // weird, but tests default value is key
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testMapHiddenByFormalArg()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"float\":\"0.0\"] " + NL
        + "var(typeInit,type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "int x = ;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMapEmptyValueAndAngleBracketStrings()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"float\":, \"double\":<<0.0L>>] " + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "float");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "float x = ;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testMapDefaultValue()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"default\":\"null\"] " + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "UserRecord");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "UserRecord x = null;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMapEmptyDefaultValue()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"default\":] " + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "UserRecord");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      String expecting = "UserRecord x = ;";
      String result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testMapEmptyDefaultValueIsKey()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"default\":key] " + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "UserRecord");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "UserRecord x = UserRecord;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testMapViaEnclosingTemplates()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"float\":\"0.0\"] " + NL
        + "intermediate(type,name) ::= \"<var(...)>\"" + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate st = group.GetInstanceOf("intermediate");
      st.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      st.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      string expecting = "int x = 0;";
      string result = st.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testMapViaEnclosingTemplates2()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", \"float\":\"0.0\"] " + NL
        + "intermediate(stuff) ::= \"<stuff>\"" + NL
        + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate interm = group.GetInstanceOf("intermediate");
      StringTemplate var = group.GetInstanceOf("var");
      var.SetAttribute("type", "int");
      var.SetAttribute("name", "x");
      interm.SetAttribute("stuff", var);
      string expecting = "int x = 0;";
      string result = interm.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testEmptyGroupTemplate()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "foo() ::= \"\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("foo");
      string expecting = "";
      string result = a.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmptyStringAndEmptyAnonTemplateAsParameterUsingAngleBracketLexer()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "top() ::= <<<x(a=\"\", b={})\\>>>" + NL
        + "x(a,b) ::= \"a=<a>, b=<b>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));
      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("top");
      string expecting = "a=, b=";
      string result = a.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void testEmptyStringAndEmptyAnonTemplateAsParameterUsingDollarLexer()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "top() ::= <<$x(a=\"\", b={})$>>" + NL
        + "x(a,b) ::= \"a=$a$, b=$b$\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("top");
      string expecting = "a=, b=";
      string result = a.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public void test8BitEuroChars()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("Danish:  char");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      string expecting = "Danish:  char";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testFirstOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$first(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "Ter";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testRestOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$rest(names); separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "Tom, Sriram";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testRestOpUsingIEnumerator()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$rest(names); separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      string[] names = { "Ter", "Tom", "Sriram" };
      e.SetAttribute("names", names.GetEnumerator());
      string expecting = "Tom, Sriram";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testLastOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$last(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "Sriram";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testCombinedOp()
      // replace first of yours with first of mine
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[first(mine),rest(yours)]; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "3");
      e.SetAttribute("yours", "a");
      e.SetAttribute("yours", "b");
      string expecting = "1, b";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testCatListAndSingleAttribute()
      // replace first of yours with first of mine
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[mine,yours]; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "3");
      e.SetAttribute("yours", "a");
      string expecting = "1, 2, 3, a";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testCatListAndEmptyAttributes()
      // + is overloaded to be cat strings and cat lists so the
      // two operands (from left to right) determine which way it
      // goes.  In this case, x+mine is a list so everything from their
      // to the right becomes list cat.
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[x,mine,y,yours,z]; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("mine", "3");
      e.SetAttribute("yours", "a");
      string expecting = "1, 2, 3, a";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testNestedOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$first(rest(names))$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "Tom";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testFirstWithOneAttributeOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$first(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      string expecting = "Ter";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testLastWithOneAttributeOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$last(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      string expecting = "Ter";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testLastWithLengthOneListAttributeOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$last(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", new ArrayList(new object[] { "Ter" }));
      string expecting = "Ter";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testRestWithOneAttributeOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$rest(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      string expecting = "";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testRestWithLengthOneListAttributeOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$rest(names)$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", new ArrayList(new object[] { "Ter" }));
      string expecting = "";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testRepeatedRestOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$rest(names)$, $rest(names)$" // gets 2nd element
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "Tom, Tom";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    /** If an IEnumerator is sent into ST, it must be cannot be reset after 
     * each use so multiple references to an that resolves to an IEnumerator 
     * will yield empty values for all but the first reference.
     * This would work if we passed in an IList rather than an IEnumerator.
     * MORAL: Avoid sending in IEnumerator if you intend to reference an 
     *        attribute more than one.
    public void testRepeatedIteratedAttrFromArg()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "root(names) ::= \"$other(names)$\"" + NL
      + "other(x) ::= \"$x$, $x$\"" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("root");
      IList names = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("names", names.GetEnumerator());
      string expecting = "TerTom, ";  // This does not give TerTom twice!!
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    /** BUG!  Fix this.  Iterator is not reset from first to second $x$
     *  Either reset the iterator or pass an attribute that knows to get
     *  the iterator each time.  Seems like first, tail do not
     *  have same problem as they yield objects.
     *  Maybe make a RestIterator like I have CatIterator.
    public void testRepeatedRestOpAsArg()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "root(names) ::= \"$other(rest(names))$\"" + NL
        + "other(x) ::= \"$x$, $x$\"" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("root");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "Tom, Tom";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testIncomingLists()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$rest(names)$, $rest(names)$" // gets 2nd element
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "Tom, Tom";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testIncomingListsAreNotModified()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$names; separator=\", \"$" // gets 2nd element
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      IList names = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("names", names);
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "Ter, Tom, Sriram";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

      Assert.AreEqual(names.Count, 2);
      Assert.AreEqual(names[0], "Ter");
      Assert.AreEqual(names[1], "Tom");

    public void testIncomingListsAreNotModified2()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$names; separator=\", \"$" // gets 2nd element
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      IList names = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram"); // single element first now
      e.SetAttribute("names", names);
      string expecting = "Sriram, Ter, Tom";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

      Assert.AreEqual(names.Count, 2);
      Assert.AreEqual(names[0], "Ter");
      Assert.AreEqual(names[1], "Tom");

    public void testIncomingArraysAreOk()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$names; separator=\", \"$" // gets 2nd element
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", new String[] { "Ter", "Tom" });
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "Ter, Tom, Sriram";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testApplyTemplateWithSingleFormalArgs()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(names) ::= <<<names:bold(item=it); separator=\", \"> >>" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= <<*<item>*>>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "*Ter*, *Tom* ";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testApplyTemplateWithNoFormalArgs()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(names) ::= <<<names:bold(); separator=\", \"> >>" + NL
        + "bold() ::= <<*<it>*>>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "*Ter*, *Tom* ";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testAnonTemplateArgs()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names:{n| $n$}; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "Ter, Tom";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testAnonTemplateArgs2()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names:{n| .$n$.}:{ n | _$n$_}; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "_.Ter._, _.Tom._";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

       "no such attribute: it in template context [anonymous anonymous]")
    public void testAnonTemplateWithArgHasNoITArg()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$names:{n| $n$:$it$}; separator=\", \"$"
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string s = e.ToString();

    public virtual void testFirstWithCatAttribute()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$first([names,phones])$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      string expecting = "Ter";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testJustCat()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[names,phones]$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      string expecting = "TerTom12";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testCat2Attributes()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[names,phones]; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      string expecting = "Ter, Tom, 1, 2";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testCat2AttributesWithApply()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[names,phones]:{a|$a$.}$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      string expecting = "Ter.Tom.1.2.";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testCat3Attributes()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$[names,phones,salaries]; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "huge");
      string expecting = "Ter, Tom, 1, 2, big, huge";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testListAsTemplateArgument()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(names,phones) ::= \"<foo([names,phones])>\"" + NL
        + "foo(items) ::= \"<items:{a | *<a>*}>\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      string expecting = "*Ter**Tom**1**2*";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSingleExprTemplateArgument()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(name) ::= \"<bold(name)>\"" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= \"*<item>*\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string expecting = "*Ter*";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSingleExprTemplateArgumentInApply()
      // when you specify a single arg on a template application
      // it overrides the setting of the iterated value "it" to that
      // same single formal arg.  Your arg hides the implicitly set "it".
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(names,x) ::= \"<names:bold(x)>\"" + NL
        + "bold(item) ::= \"*<item>*\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("x", "ick");
      string expecting = "*ick**ick*";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSoleFormalTemplateArgumentInMultiApply()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(names) ::= \"<names:bold(),italics()>\"" + NL
        + "bold(x) ::= \"*<x>*\"" + NL
        + "italics(y) ::= \"_<y>_\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      string expecting = "*Ter*_Tom_";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testSingleExprTemplateArgumentError()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(name) ::= \"<bold(name)>\"" + NL
        + "bold(item,ick) ::= \"*<item>*\"" + NL;
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer), errors);
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("name", "Ter");
      string result = e.ToString();
      string expecting = "template bold must have exactly one formal arg in template context [test <invoke bold arg context>]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testInvokeIndirectTemplateWithSingleFormalArgs()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "test(templateName,arg) ::= \"<(templateName)(arg)>\"" + NL
        + "bold(x) ::= <<*<x>*>>" + NL
        + "italics(y) ::= <<_<y>_>>" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate e = group.GetInstanceOf("test");
      e.SetAttribute("templateName", "italics");
      e.SetAttribute("arg", "Ter");
      string expecting = "_Ter_";
      string result = e.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testParallelAttributeIteration()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names,phones,salaries:{n,p,s | $n$@$p$: $s$\n}$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "huge");
      string expecting = "Ter@1: big" + NL + "Tom@2: huge" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testParallelAttributeIterationHasI()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
        "$names,phones,salaries:{n,p,s | $i0$. $n$@$p$: $s$\n}$"
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "huge");
      string expecting = "0. Ter@1: big" + NL + "1. Tom@2: huge" + NL;
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testParallelAttributeIterationWithDifferentSizes()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names,phones,salaries:{n,p,s | $n$@$p$: $s$}; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      string expecting = "Ter@1: big, Tom@2: , Sriram@: ";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testParallelAttributeIterationWithSingletons()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names,phones,salaries:{n,p,s | $n$@$p$: $s$}; separator=\", \"$");
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      string expecting = "Ter@1: big";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public virtual void testParallelAttributeIterationWithMismatchArgListSizes()
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names,phones,salaries:{n,p | $n$@$p$}; separator=\", \"$");
      e.ErrorListener = errors;
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      string expecting = "Ter@1, Tom@2";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());
      string errorExpecting = "number of arguments [n, p] mismatch between attribute list and anonymous template in context [anonymous]";
      Assert.AreEqual(errorExpecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testParallelAttributeIterationWithMissingArgs()
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("$names,phones,salaries:{$n$@$p$}; separator=\", \"$");
      e.ErrorListener = errors;
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      e.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      e.ToString(); // generate the error
      string errorExpecting = "missing arguments in anonymous template in context [anonymous]";
      Assert.AreEqual(errorExpecting, errors.ToString());

    public virtual void testParallelAttributeIterationWithDifferentSizesTemplateRefInsideToo()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "page(names,phones,salaries) ::= " + NL
        + "  <<$names,phones,salaries:{n,p,s | $value(n)$@$value(p)$: $value(s)$}; separator=\", \"$>>" + NL
        + "value(x=\"n/a\") ::= \"$x$\"" + NL;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate p = group.GetInstanceOf("page");
      p.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      p.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      p.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      p.SetAttribute("phones", "1");
      p.SetAttribute("phones", "2");
      p.SetAttribute("salaries", "big");
      string expecting = "Ter@1: big, Tom@2: n/a, Sriram@n/a: n/a";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, p.ToString());

    public virtual void testAnonTemplateOnLeftOfApply()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate("${foo}:{($it$)}$");
      string expecting = "(foo)";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testOverrideThroughConditional()
      string templates = ""
        + "group base;" + NL
        + "body(ick) ::= \"<if(ick)>ick<f()><else><f()><endif>\""
        + "f() ::= \"foo\"" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      string templates2 = ""
        + "group sub;" + NL
        + "f() ::= \"bar\"" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup subgroup = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates2),

      StringTemplate b = subgroup.GetInstanceOf("body");
      string expecting = "bar";
      string result = b.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void testNonPublicPropertyAccess()
      StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate("$x.age$:$x.IsAdmin$:$x.nickName$:$x.Cool$:$x.bar$:$x.eMail$:$x.FOO$");
      NonPublicPropertyAccessHelper helper = new NonPublicPropertyAccessHelper();

      st.SetAttribute("x", helper);
      string expecting = "21:" + FALSE + ":Floating Lotus:" + TRUE + ":34:some.label@somedomain.com:9";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, st.ToString());

    public void testIndexVar()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        "$A:{$i$. $it$}; separator=\"\\n\"$"
      t.SetAttribute("A", "parrt");
      t.SetAttribute("A", "tombu");
      string expecting =
        "1. parrt" + NL +
        "2. tombu";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testIndex0Var()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        "$A:{$i0$. $it$}; separator=\"\\n\"$"
      t.SetAttribute("A", "parrt");
      t.SetAttribute("A", "tombu");
      string expecting =
        "0. parrt" + NL +
        "1. tombu";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testIndexVarWithMultipleExprs()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        "$A,B:{a,b|$i$. $a$@$b$}; separator=\"\\n\"$"
      t.SetAttribute("A", "parrt");
      t.SetAttribute("A", "tombu");
      t.SetAttribute("B", "x5707");
      t.SetAttribute("B", "x5000");
      string expecting =
        "1. parrt@x5707" + NL +
        "2. tombu@x5000";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testIndex0VarWithMultipleExprs()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(
        "$A,B:{a,b|$i0$. $a$@$b$}; separator=\"\\n\"$"
      t.SetAttribute("A", "parrt");
      t.SetAttribute("A", "tombu");
      t.SetAttribute("B", "x5707");
      t.SetAttribute("B", "x5000");
      string expecting =
        "0. parrt@x5707" + NL +
        "1. tombu@x5000";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testArgumentContext()
      // t is referenced within foo and so will be evaluated in that
      // context.  it can therefore see name.
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate main = group.DefineTemplate("main", "$foo(t={Hi, $name$}, name=\"parrt\")$");
      StringTemplate foo = group.DefineTemplate("foo", "$t$");
      string expecting = "Hi, parrt";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, main.ToString());

    public void testNoDotsInAttributeNames()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$user.Name$");
      string error = null;
        t.SetAttribute("user.Name", "Kunle");
      catch (ArgumentException e)
        error = e.Message;
      string expecting = "cannot have '.' in attribute names";
      Assert.IsTrue((error != null) && error.StartsWith(expecting));

    public void testNoDotsInTemplateNames()
      IStringTemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "a.b() ::= <<foo>>" + NL
      //string error = null;
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
          new StringReader(templates),
      string expecting = "template group parse error: line 2:1: unexpected token:";
      Console.Error.WriteLine("errors.ToString() = '{0}'", errors.ToString());
      Console.Error.WriteLine("expecting         = '{0}'", expecting);

    public void testLineWrap()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "array(values) ::= <<int[] a = { <values; anchor, wrap=\"\\n\", separator=\",\"> };>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("array");
               new int[] {3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,2,1,6,32,5,6,77,
      string expecting =
        "int[] a = { 3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,\n" +
        "            2,1,6,32,5,6,77,4,9,20,2,1,4,\n" +
        "            63,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,6,\n" +
        "            32,5,6,77,3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,\n" +
        "            5,6,77,888,1,6,32,5 };";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(40));

    public void testLineWrapAnchored()
      string templates = ""
        + "group test;" + NL
        + "array(values) ::= <<int[] a = { <values; anchor, wrap=\"\\n\", separator=\",\"> };>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("array");
               new int[] {3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,2,1,6,32,5,6,77,
      string expecting =
        "int[] a = { 3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,\n" +
        "            2,1,6,32,5,6,77,4,9,20,2,1,4,\n" +
        "            63,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,6,\n" +
        "            32,5,6,77,3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,\n" +
        "            5,6,77,888,1,6,32,5 };";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(40));

    public void testFortranLineWrap()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "func(args) ::= <<       FUNCTION line( <args; wrap=\"\\n      c\", separator=\",\"> )\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("func");
      a.SetAttribute("args", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" });
      string expecting = ""
        + "       FUNCTION line( a,b,c,d,\n"
        + "      ce,f )>";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(30));

    public void testLineWrapWithDiffAnchor()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "array(values) ::= <<int[] a = { <{1,9,2,<values; wrap, separator=\",\">}; anchor> };>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("array");
               new int[] {3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,2,1,6,32,5,6,77,
      string expecting = ""
      + "int[] a = { 1,9,2,3,9,20,2,1,4,\n"
      + "            6,32,5,6,77,888,2,\n"
      + "            1,6,32,5,6,77,4,9,\n"
      + "            20,2,1,4,63,9,20,2,\n"
      + "            1,4,6 };";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(30));

    public void testLineWrapEdgeCase()
      String templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<<chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" });
      // lineWidth==3 implies that we can have 3 characters at most
      string expecting = ""
      + "abc\n"
      + "de";
      Assert.AreEqual(a.ToString(3), expecting);

    public void testLineWrapLastCharIsNewline()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<<chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "\n", "d", "e" });
      // don't do \n if it's last element anyway
      string expecting = ""
      + "ab\n"
      + "de";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(3));

    public void testLineWrapCharAfterWrapIsNewline()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<<chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "\n", "d", "e" });
      // Once we wrap, we must dump chars as we see them.  A newline right
      // after a wrap is just an "unfortunate" event.  People will expect
      // a newline if it's in the data.
      string expecting = ""
      + "abc\n"
      + "\n"
      + "de";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(3));

    public void testLineWrapForAnonTemplate()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(data) ::= <<!<data:{v|[<v>]}; wrap>!>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("data", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });
      string expecting = ""
      + "![1][2][3]\n" // width=9 is the 3 char; don't break til after ]
      + "[4][5][6]\n"
      + "[7][8][9]!";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(9));

    public void testLineWrapForAnonTemplateAnchored()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(data) ::= <<!<data:{v|[<v>]}; anchor, wrap>!>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("data", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });
      string expecting = ""
      + "![1][2][3]\n"
      + " [4][5][6]\n"
      + " [7][8][9]!";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(9));

    public void testLineWrapForAnonTemplateComplicatedWrap()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "top(s) ::= <<  <s>.>>" + "str(data) ::= <<!<data:{v|[<v>]}; wrap=\"!+\\n!\">!>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate t = group.GetInstanceOf("top");
      StringTemplate s = group.GetInstanceOf("str");
      s.SetAttribute("data", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });
      t.SetAttribute("s", s);
      string expecting = ""
      + "  ![1][2]!+\n"
      + "  ![3][4]!+\n"
      + "  ![5][6]!+\n"
      + "  ![7][8]!+\n"
      + "  ![9]!.";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString(9));

    public void testIndentBeyondLineWidth()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<    <chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" });
      string expecting = ""
      + "    a\n"
      + "    b\n"
      + "    c\n"
      + "    d\n"
      + "    e";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(2));

    public void testIndentedExpr()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<    <chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      a.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" });
      string expecting = ""
      + "    ab\n"
      + "    cd\n"
      + "    e";
      // width=4 spaces + 2 char.
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(6));

    public void testNestedIndentedExpr()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "top(d) ::= <<  <d>!>>" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<  <chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate top = group.GetInstanceOf("top");
      StringTemplate duh = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      duh.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" });
      top.SetAttribute("d", duh);
      string expecting = ""
      + "    ab\n"
      + "    cd\n"
      + "    e!";
      // width=4 spaces + 2 char.
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, top.ToString(6));

    public void testNestedWithIndentAndTrackStartOfExpr()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "top(d) ::= <<  <d>!>>" + NL
      + "duh(chars) ::= <<x: <chars; anchor, wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate top = group.GetInstanceOf("top");
      StringTemplate duh = group.GetInstanceOf("duh");
      duh.SetAttribute("chars", new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" });
      top.SetAttribute("d", duh);
      string expecting = ""
      + "  x: ab\n"
      + "     cd\n"
      + "     e!";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, top.ToString(7));

    public void testLineDoesNotWrapDueToLiteral()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "m(args,body) ::= <<public void foo(<args; wrap=\"\\n\",separator=\", \">) throws Ick { <body> }>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("m");
      a.SetAttribute("args", new String[] { "a", "b", "c" });
      a.SetAttribute("body", "i=3;");
      // make it wrap because of ") throws Ick { " literal
      int n = "public void foo(a, b, c".Length;
      string expecting = "public void foo(a, b, c) throws Ick { i=3; }";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.ToString(n));

    public void testSingleValueWrap()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "m(args,body) ::= <<{ <body; anchor, wrap=\"\\n\"> }>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate m = group.GetInstanceOf("m");
      m.SetAttribute("body", "i=3;");
      // make it wrap because of ") throws Ick { " literal
      string expecting = ""
      + "{ \n"
      + "  i=3; }";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, m.ToString(2));

    public void testLineWrapInNestedExpr()
      string templates = ""
      + "group test;" + NL
      + "top(arrays) ::= <<Arrays: <arrays>done>>" + NL
      + "array(values) ::= <<int[] a = { <values; anchor, wrap=\"\\n\", separator=\",\"> };<\\n\\>>>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(templates));

      StringTemplate top = group.GetInstanceOf("top");
      StringTemplate a = group.GetInstanceOf("array");
               new int[] {3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,2,1,6,32,5,6,77,
      top.SetAttribute("arrays", a);
      top.SetAttribute("arrays", a); // add twice
      string expecting = ""
      + "Arrays: int[] a = { 3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,\n"
      + "                    6,77,888,2,1,6,32,5,\n"
      + "                    6,77,4,9,20,2,1,4,63,\n"
      + "                    9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,\n"
      + "                    77,6,32,5,6,77,3,9,20,\n"
      + "                    2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,\n"
      + "                    1,6,32,5 };\n"
      + "int[] a = { 3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,888,\n"
      + "            2,1,6,32,5,6,77,4,9,20,2,1,4,\n"
      + "            63,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,5,6,77,6,\n"
      + "            32,5,6,77,3,9,20,2,1,4,6,32,\n"
      + "            5,6,77,888,1,6,32,5 };\n"
      + "done";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, top.ToString(40));

    public void testEscapeEscape()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "\\\\$v$");
      t.SetAttribute("v", "Joe");
      string expecting = "\\Joe";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testEscapeEscapeNestedAngle()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<v:{a|\\\\<a>}>");
      t.SetAttribute("v", "Joe");
      string expecting = "\\Joe";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testListOfIntArrays()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data:array()>");
      group.DefineTemplate("array", "[<it:element(); separator=\",\">]");
      group.DefineTemplate("element", "<it>");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      data.Add(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
      data.Add(new int[] { 10, 20, 30 });
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "[1,2,3][10,20,30]";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    // Test null option

    public void testNullOptionSingleNullValue()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data; null=\"0\">");
      string expecting = "0";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullOptionHasEmptyNullValue()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data; null=\"\", separator=\", \">");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = ", 1";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullOptionSingleNullValueInList()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data; null=\"0\">");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "0";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullValueInList()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data; null=\"-1\", separator=\", \">");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "-1, 1, -1, 3, 4, -1";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullValueInListNoNullOption()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data; separator=\", \">");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "1, 3, 4";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullValueInListWithTemplateApply()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data:array(); null=\"-1\", separator=\", \">");
      group.DefineTemplate("array", "<it>");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "0, -1, 2, -1";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullValueInListWithTemplateApplyNullFirstValue()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data:array(); null=\"-1\", separator=\", \">");
      group.DefineTemplate("array", "<it>");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "-1, 0, -1, 2";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullSingleValueInListWithTemplateApply()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data:array(); null=\"-1\", separator=\", \">");
      group.DefineTemplate("array", "<it>");
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      t.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "-1";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testNullSingleValueWithTemplateApply()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("t", "<data:array(); null=\"-1\", separator=\", \">");
      group.DefineTemplate("array", "<it>");
      string expecting = "-1";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, t.ToString());

    public void testLengthOp()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Tom");
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Sriram");
      string expecting = "3";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testLengthOpNull()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", null);
      string expecting = "0";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testLengthOpSingleValue()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("names", "Ter");
      string expecting = "1";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testLengthOpPrimitive()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("ints", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
      string expecting = "4";
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testLengthOpOfListWithNulls()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "4"; // nulls are counted
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testStripOpOfListWithNulls()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "Himom"; // nulls are skipped
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testStripOpOfSingleAlt()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      e.SetAttribute("data", "hi");
      string expecting = "hi"; // nulls are skipped
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testStripOpOfNull()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      string expecting = ""; // nulls are skipped
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testLengthOpOfStrippedListWithNulls()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "2"; // nulls are counted
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testLengthOpOfStrippedListWithNullsFrontAndBack()
      StringTemplate e = new StringTemplate(
      e = e.GetInstanceOf();
      IList data = new ArrayList();
      e.SetAttribute("data", data);
      string expecting = "2"; // nulls are counted
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.ToString());

    public void testMapKeys()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "<aMap.keys:{k|<k>:<aMap.(k)>}; separator=\", \">");
      HybridDictionary map = new HybridDictionary();
      map.Add("int", "0");
      map.Add("float", "0.0");
      t.SetAttribute("aMap", map);
      Assert.AreEqual("int:0, float:0.0", t.ToString());

    public void testMapValues()
    StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("test", typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
    StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "<aMap.values; separator=\", \">");
    Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
    map["int"] = "0";
    t.SetAttribute("aMap", map);
    Assert.AreEqual("0.0, 0", t.ToString());

    /** Use when super.attr name is implemented
    public void testArgumentContext2() throws Exception {
      // t is referenced within foo and so will be evaluated in that
      // context.  it can therefore see name.
      StringTemplateGroup group =
          new StringTemplateGroup("test");
      StringTemplate main = group.defineTemplate("main", "$foo(t={Hi, $super.name$}, name=\"parrt\")$");
      main.setAttribute("name", "tombu");
      StringTemplate foo = group.defineTemplate("foo", "$t$");
      String expecting="Hi, parrt";
      assertEqual(main.toString(), expecting);

    public void TestAttributeNameCannotHaveDots()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = new StringTemplate(group, "$user.Name$");
      t.SetAttribute("user.Name", "Kunle");

    public void TestTemplateNameCannotHaveDots2()
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy", ".");
      StringTemplate t = group.DefineTemplate("user.name", "$person.email$");

    #region Tests for Issues reported by Users

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to give error message: "action parse error in group General line 3"
    /// Reported by: Vlad Chistiakov (20060313_04.28.34)
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void testSubTemplateWithTwoParameters()
      string templates = ""
        + "group General;" + NL
        + "CreateTable(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "$Tset(a=name, b=name)$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "Tset(a , b) ::= <<" + NL
        + "  $a$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate createTableTemplate = group.GetInstanceOf("CreateTable");
      createTableTemplate.SetAttribute("name", "A");
      string expecting = "  A";
      string result = createTableTemplate.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to give error message: "action parse error in group General line 3"
    /// Reported by: Vlad Chistiakov (20060313_04.28.34)
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void testSubTemplateWithTwoParametersAngleBrackets()
      string templates = ""
        + "group General;" + NL
        + "CreateTable(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<Tset(a=name, b=name)>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "Tset(a , b) ::= <<" + NL
        + "  <a>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate createTableTemplate = group.GetInstanceOf("CreateTable");
      createTableTemplate.SetAttribute("name", "A");
      string expecting = "  A";
      string result = createTableTemplate.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to throw a System.ArgumentException("invalid aggregate attribute format:")
    /// in ParseAggregateAttributeSpec(string, Ilist).
    /// Reported by: Ulf Dreyer (2006-05-16_14.59)
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void TestAttributeIsArrayOfDataClass()
      string templates = ""
        + "group General;" + NL
        + "DisplayData(userList) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<userList:{user|<user.Name>, <user.Email>}; separator=\"\\n\">" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate displayDataST = group.GetInstanceOf("DisplayData");
      UlfUserData[] data = { new UlfUserData("Kunle", "kunle@email.com"),
                   new UlfUserData("Micheal", "micheal@email.com"),
                   new UlfUserData("Ulf", "ulf@email.com")
      displayDataST.SetAttribute("userList", data);
      string expecting = ""
        + "Kunle, kunle@email.com\n"
        + "Micheal, micheal@email.com\n"
        + "Ulf, ulf@email.com"
      string result = displayDataST.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    class UlfUserData
      string name;
      string email;
      public UlfUserData(string name, string email)
        this.name = name;
        this.email = email;
      public string GetName() { return name; }
      public string GetEmail() { return email; }

    public virtual void TestEmptyStringAndEmptyAnonTemplateAsParameterUsingAngleBracketLexer()
      string templates = ""
        + "group Html;" + NL
        + "CreateButton(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<Button(name=name, id={}, value=\"\")>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "Button(name, id, value) ::= <<" + NL
        + "\\<input type=\"button\" name=\"<name>\" id=\"<id>\" value=\"<value>\"/>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate createTableTemplate = group.GetInstanceOf("CreateButton");
      createTableTemplate.SetAttribute("name", "btn");
      string expecting = "<input type=\"button\" name=\"btn\" id=\"\" value=\"\"/>";
      string result = createTableTemplate.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    public virtual void TestEmptyStringAndEmptyAnonTemplateAsParameterUsingDollarLexer()
      string templates = ""
        + "group Html;" + NL
        + "CreateButton(name) ::= <<" + NL
        + "$Button(name=name, id={}, value=\"\")$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "Button(name, id, value) ::= <<" + NL
        + "<input type=\"button\" name=\"$name$\" id=\"$id$\" value=\"$value$\"/>" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates), typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer));
      StringTemplate createTableTemplate = group.GetInstanceOf("CreateButton");
      createTableTemplate.SetAttribute("name", "btn");
      string expecting = "<input type=\"button\" name=\"btn\" id=\"\" value=\"\"/>";
      string result = createTableTemplate.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

    /// <summary>
    /// [stringtemplate-interest] Problem with IEnumerator collections (c#2.3b7 )
    /// $if(..)$ testing incorrectly advances IEnumerator position
    /// Reported by: Kenny CockBurn (2006-06-02_17.21)
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void TestIfTestingDoesNotAdvanceIEnumeratorPosition()
      string templates = ""
        + "group TestIEnum ;" + NL
        + "Action(Arg) ::=<<" + NL
        + "$if( Arg )$" + NL
        + "$Arg:{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "$endif$" + NL
        + ">>"

      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate actionST = group.GetInstanceOf("Action");
      int[] myIntArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
      actionST.SetAttribute("Arg", myIntArray.GetEnumerator());

      string expected = "X=1 # X=2 # X=3 # X=4 # X=5 # ";
      string actual = actionST.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
    public virtual void TestIfTestingDoesNotAdvanceIEnumeratorPosition2()
      string templates = ""
        + "group TestIEnum ;" + NL
        + "ActionWithIfTest(Arg) ::=<<" + NL
        + "$if( Arg )$" + NL
        + "$Arg:{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "$endif$" + NL
        + ">>" + NL
        + "ActionWithoutIfTest(Arg) ::=<<" + NL
        + "$Arg:{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + ">>"

      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate actionWithIfTestST = group.GetInstanceOf("ActionWithIfTest");
      StringTemplate actionWithoutIfTestST = group.GetInstanceOf("ActionWithoutIfTest");
      int[] myIntArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
      actionWithIfTestST.SetAttribute("Arg", myIntArray.GetEnumerator());
      actionWithoutIfTestST.SetAttribute("Arg", myIntArray.GetEnumerator());
      string resultWithIfTestST = actionWithIfTestST.ToString();
      string resultWithoutIfTestST = actionWithoutIfTestST.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(resultWithIfTestST, resultWithoutIfTestST);

    /// <summary>
    /// [stringtemplate-interest] Problem with IEnumerator collections (c#2.3b7 )
    /// Multiple references to IEnumerator attributes result in empty output for
    /// all but the first reference.
    /// Reported by: Kenny CockBurn (2006-06-02_17.21)
    /// This is a WONTFIX for the time being. Just document the fact that 
    /// using enumerators has side-effects.
    /// </summary>
    [Test, Ignore("Multiple references to an IEnumerator is NOT supported. They have side-effects in normal use.")]
    public virtual void TestMultipleRefsToIEnumeratorGivesEmptyOutput()
      string templates = ""
        + "group TestIEnum ;" + NL
        + "Action(Arg) ::=<<" + NL
        + "Ref 1: " + NL
        + "  $Arg:{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "Ref 2: " + NL
        + "  $Arg:{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + ">>"

      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate actionST = group.GetInstanceOf("Action");
      int[] myIntArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
      actionST.SetAttribute("Arg", myIntArray.GetEnumerator());
      string expected = ""
        + "Ref 1: " + NL
        + "  X=1 # X=2 # X=3 # X=4 # X=5 # " + NL
        + "Ref 2: " + NL
        + "  X=1 # X=2 # X=3 # X=4 # X=5 # " + NL
      string actual = actionST.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
        "IEnumerators have side-effects. Can't just Reset() and reuse because it may be \"deliberately positioned\".");

    /// <summary>
    /// [stringtemplate-interest] More Issues with Collections (c#2.3b7 )
    /// For IEnumerator, first() works but rest() misses a row in the collection
    /// Reported by: Kenny CockBurn (2006-06-03_17.46)
    /// This is a WONTFIX for the time being. Just document the fact that 
    /// using enumerators has side-effects.
    /// Incidentally, TestFirstThenRestOnIEnumeratorResultsInSkippedValue() is
    /// actually producing the _correct_ output once you take into account the
    /// fact that IEnumerators have side-effects:
    /// (i.e. the rest of what left after the first has been **removed**)
    /// </summary>
    [Test, Ignore("Multiple references to an IEnumerator is NOT supported. They have side-effects in normal use.")]
    public virtual void TestFirstThenRestOnIEnumeratorResultsInSkippedValue()
      string templates = ""
        + "group TestIEnum ;" + NL
        + "FirstThenRest(Arg) ::=<<" + NL
        + "Iteration 1: " + NL
        + "FIRST:  $first(Arg):{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "REST :  $rest(Arg):{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "------------->>" + NL

      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate actionST = group.GetInstanceOf("FirstThenRest");
      int[] myIntArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
      actionST.SetAttribute("Arg", myIntArray.GetEnumerator());
      string expected = ""
        + "Iteration 1: " + NL
        + "FIRST:  X=1 # " + NL
        + "REST :  X=2 # X=3 # X=4 # X=5 # " + NL
        + "-------------"
      string actual = actionST.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
        "IEnumerators have side-effects. Can't just Reset() and reuse because it may be \"deliberately positioned\".");
    [Test, Ignore("Multiple references to an IEnumerator is NOT supported. They have side-effects in normal use.")]
    public virtual void TestFirstThenRestTwiceOnIEnumeratorResultsInNoOutputFor2ndRef()
      string templates = ""
        + "group TestIEnum ;" + NL
        + "FirstThenRest(Arg) ::=<<" + NL
        + "Iteration 1: " + NL
        + "FIRST:  $first(Arg):{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "REST :  $rest(Arg):{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "-------------" + NL
        + "Iteration 2: " + NL
        + "FIRST:  $first(Arg):{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "REST :  $rest(Arg):{X=$it$ # }$" + NL
        + "-------------" + NL
        + ">>"

      StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup(
        new StringReader(templates),
      StringTemplate actionST = group.GetInstanceOf("FirstThenRest");
      int[] myIntArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
      actionST.SetAttribute("Arg", myIntArray.GetEnumerator());
      string expected = ""
        + "Iteration 1: " + NL
        + "FIRST:  X=1 # " + NL
        + "REST :  X=2 # X=3 # X=4 # X=5 # " + NL
        + "-------------" + NL
        + "Iteration 2: " + NL
        + "FIRST:  X=1 # " + NL
        + "REST :  X=2 # X=3 # X=4 # X=5 # " + NL
        + "-------------" + NL
      string actual = actionST.ToString();
      Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
        "IEnumerators have side-effects. Can't just Reset() and reuse because it may be \"deliberately positioned\".");


    private static void WriteFile(string dir, string fileName, string content)
        lock (lockObject)
            File.Delete(Path.Combine(dir, fileName));
            // ignore
          using (StreamWriter fw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(dir, fileName), false, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
      catch (Exception ex)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error creating or writing to file.");

    private static void DeleteFile(string dir, string fileName)
        lock (lockObject)

          File.Delete(Path.Combine(dir, fileName));
      catch (Exception ex)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error deleting file.");

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