XmlParser.cs :  » Web-Frameworks » Ingenious-MVC » Ingenious » Mvc » Configuration » Configurators » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Ingenious MVC » Ingenious » Mvc » Configuration » Configurators » XmlParser.cs
#region License

 * Ingenious MVC : An MVC framework for .NET 2.0
 * Copyright (C) 2006, JDP Group
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Authors: - Kent Boogaart (kentcb@internode.on.net)
 *          - James Inge


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using Ingenious.Mvc.Factories;
using Ingenious.Mvc.Util;

namespace Ingenious.Mvc.Configuration.Configurators{
  /// <include file='XmlParser.doc.xml' path='/doc/member[@name="T:XmlParser"]/*'/>
  internal static class XmlParser
    private const string IdAttribute = "id";
    private const string TypeAttribute = "type";
    private const string EnumerationAttribute = "enumeration";
    private const string StartingViewAttribute = "startingView";
    private const string ViewManagerAttribute = "viewManager";
    private const string ControllerAttribute = "controller";
    private static readonly Log _log = Log.CreateForNamespace(typeof(XmlParser));

    /// <include file='XmlParser.doc.xml' path='/doc/member[@name="M:Parse(System.Xml.XmlNode)"]/*'/>
    public static ConfigurationInfo Parse(XmlNode xml)
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);

      _log.Information("Loading XSD schemas.");
      //first, load the main schema
      XmlSchema mainSchema = XmlSchema.Read(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(XmlParser), "MVC.xsd"), null);
      _log.Verbose("Loaded main configuration schema.");
      //get all elements with a type attribute
      XmlNodeList typeNodes = xml.SelectNodes("//*[@type]");
      //create a schema set for all schemas
      XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
      //track the IDs of all schemas added to the schema set
      IList<string> schemaIds = new List<string>();

      //load all sub-schemas
      foreach (XmlNode typeNode in typeNodes)
        XmlAttribute typeAttribute = typeNode.Attributes[TypeAttribute];
        _log.Verbose("Attempting to find type '{0}'.", typeAttribute.Value);
        Type type = Type.GetType(typeAttribute.Value);

        if (type == null)
          //try and get as much useful information into the exception message as possible. The ID would be most useful if present
          XmlAttribute idAttribute = typeNode.Attributes["id"];

          if (idAttribute == null)
            _log.Verbose("Type '{0}' could not be loaded.", typeAttribute.Value);
            ExceptionHelper.Throw("Parse.typeNotFound", typeAttribute.Value, typeNode.Name);
            _log.Verbose("Type '{0}' could not be loaded for element with ID '{1}'.", typeAttribute.Value, idAttribute.Value);
            ExceptionHelper.Throw("Parse.typeNotFoundWithId", typeAttribute.Value, typeNode.Name, idAttribute.Value);

        object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlCustomParserAttribute), true);

        if (attributes.Length > 0)
          IXmlCustomParser parser = ((XmlCustomParserAttribute) attributes[0]).GetXmlCustomParser();
          _log.Verbose("Type '{0}' has a custom parser of type '{1}'.", type.FullName, parser.GetType().FullName);
          XmlSchema subSchema = parser.Schema;
          Debug.Assert(subSchema != null, "Parser returned null from Schema property.");
          //schemas must be assigned an ID
          ExceptionHelper.ThrowIf(subSchema.Id == null, "FindSubSchemas.schemaIdNotSupplied", type.FullName);

          //note we only add the schema once
          if (!schemaIds.Contains(subSchema.Id))
            _log.Verbose("Schema with ID '{0}' is not yet in the schema set - adding it.", subSchema.Id);
            _log.Verbose("Schema with ID '{0}' is already in the schema set - ignoring it.", subSchema.Id);

          //need to associate any type name with the node
          if (parser.TypeName != null)
            XmlAttribute xsiTypeAttribute = typeNode.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("type", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
            xsiTypeAttribute.Value = parser.TypeName;

      //we have all schemas so compile them
      _log.Verbose("Compiling set of {0} schemas.", schemas.Count);
      schemas.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(CompileErrorHandler);

      _log.Information("Validating configuration.");
      //create the validator
      XmlReader xmlReader = null;
      ValidateHelper validateHelper = new ValidateHelper();

        XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
        readerSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
        //add schemas to the validator
        //listen for validation problems
        readerSettings.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(validateHelper.ValidationHandler);

        //create the reader
        xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(xml.OuterXml)), readerSettings);
        //this validates the XML document
        while (xmlReader.Read()) ;
      catch (Exception ex)
        ExceptionHelper.Throw("Parse.problemValidating", ex);
        if (xmlReader != null)

      //we don't use ThrowIf here to make things a bit more efficient for the common case (no errors)
      if (validateHelper.HasErrors)
        _log.Error("Validation errors were detected: {0}", validateHelper.ErrorMessage);
        ExceptionHelper.Throw("Parse.errorsDetected", Environment.NewLine, validateHelper.ErrorMessage);

      _log.Information("Parsing configuration.");
      //now we have validated the document, time to parse it for the info we need
      ConfigurationInfo retVal = new ConfigurationInfo();

      //parse any factories
      Type factoryType;
      object customConfiguration;

      //controller factory
      if (ParseFactoryType(retVal, xml, "factories/controllerFactory", typeof(IControllerFactory), out factoryType, out customConfiguration))
        retVal.ControllerFactory = (IControllerFactory) FactoryFactory.Instance.Create(factoryType, customConfiguration, typeof(IControllerFactory));

      //view factory
      if (ParseFactoryType(retVal, xml, "factories/viewFactory", typeof(IViewFactory), out factoryType, out customConfiguration))
        retVal.ViewFactory = (IViewFactory) FactoryFactory.Instance.Create(factoryType, customConfiguration, typeof(IViewFactory));

      //view manager factory
      if (ParseFactoryType(retVal, xml, "factories/viewManagerFactory", typeof(IViewManagerFactory), out factoryType, out customConfiguration))
        retVal.ViewManagerFactory = (IViewManagerFactory) FactoryFactory.Instance.Create(factoryType, customConfiguration, typeof(IViewManagerFactory));

      //navigator factory
      if (ParseFactoryType(retVal, xml, "factories/navigatorFactory", typeof(INavigatorFactory), out factoryType, out customConfiguration))
        retVal.NavigatorFactory = (INavigatorFactory) FactoryFactory.Instance.Create(factoryType, customConfiguration, typeof(INavigatorFactory));

      //task factory
      if (ParseFactoryType(retVal, xml, "factories/taskFactory", typeof(ITaskFactory), out factoryType, out customConfiguration))
        retVal.TaskFactory = (ITaskFactory) FactoryFactory.Instance.Create(factoryType, customConfiguration, typeof(ITaskFactory));

      //parse the controller infos
      InfoCollection<Id<IController>, ControllerInfo> controllerInfos = new InfoCollection<Id<IController>, ControllerInfo>();
      ParseControllers(retVal, controllerInfos, xml);

      //parse the view manager infos
      InfoCollection<Id<IViewManager>, ViewManagerInfo> viewManagerInfos = new InfoCollection<Id<IViewManager>, ViewManagerInfo>();
      ParseViewManagers(retVal, viewManagerInfos, xml);

      //parse the view infos
      ParseViews(retVal, retVal.ViewInfos, xml, controllerInfos);

      //parse the navigator infos
      ParseNavigators(retVal, retVal.NavigatorInfos, xml, retVal.ViewInfos, viewManagerInfos);

      return retVal;

    private static void CompileErrorHandler(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
      _log.Error("Compile error: {0}", e.Message);
      ExceptionHelper.Throw("CompileErrorHandler.compileError", e.Exception, e.Message);

    private static bool ParseFactoryType(ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo, XmlNode xml, string xpath, Type factoryInterfaceType, out Type factoryType, out object customConfiguration)
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);
      Debug.Assert(xpath != null);
      Debug.Assert(factoryInterfaceType != null);
      _log.Verbose("Parsing factory of type '{0}' for XPath '{1}'.", factoryInterfaceType.FullName, xpath);

      XmlNode node = xml.SelectSingleNode(xpath);

      if (node != null)
        XmlAttribute typeAttribute = node.Attributes[TypeAttribute];
        _log.Verbose("Type '{0}' is configured as a factory of type '{1}'.", typeAttribute.Value, factoryInterfaceType.FullName);
        factoryType = Type.GetType(typeAttribute.Value);
        Debug.Assert(factoryType != null, "All types have already been loaded in an earlier phase - was expecting type to load.");
        ExceptionHelper.ThrowIf(!factoryInterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(factoryType), "ParseFactory.typeDoesNotImplementInterface", factoryType.FullName, factoryInterfaceType.FullName);
        ExceptionHelper.ThrowIf(factoryType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) == null, "ParseFactory.typeDoesNotHaveDefaultConstructor", factoryType.FullName);
        //parse any custom config for the factory
        customConfiguration = ParseCustomConfiguration(factoryType, configurationInfo, null, node);
        _log.Verbose("Type '{0}' successfully configured as a factory of type '{1}'.", factoryType.FullName, factoryInterfaceType.FullName);
        return true;
        _log.Verbose("No configuration was found for factory of type '{0}' - using the default factory.", factoryInterfaceType.FullName);
        factoryType = null;
        customConfiguration = null;
        return false;

    private static void ParseControllers(ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo, InfoCollection<Id<IController>, ControllerInfo> controllerInfos, XmlNode xml)
      Debug.Assert(configurationInfo != null);
      Debug.Assert(controllerInfos != null);
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);
      _log.Information("Parsing controller configuration.");

      XmlNode controllersNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("controllers");

      //controllers are optional
      if (controllersNode != null)
        XmlAttribute enumerationAttribute = controllersNode.Attributes[EnumerationAttribute];
        XmlNodeList nodeList = controllersNode.SelectNodes("controller");
        Type enumerationType = null;

        if (enumerationAttribute != null)
          enumerationType = XmlHelper.GetEnumeration(enumerationAttribute.Value);

        foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
          XmlAttribute idAttribute = node.Attributes[IdAttribute];
          XmlAttribute typeAttribute = node.Attributes[TypeAttribute];

          //if an enumeration is specified to identify controllers then make sure the ID is a valid enumeration member
          if (enumerationType != null)
            XmlHelper.ValidateEnumerationMember(enumerationType, idAttribute.Value);

          //create the controller info
          ControllerInfo controllerInfo = new ControllerInfo(idAttribute.Value);
          controllerInfo.Type = Type.GetType(typeAttribute.Value);
          Debug.Assert(controllerInfo.Type != null);

          _log.Verbose("Adding ControllerInfo with ID '{0}', type '{1}'.", controllerInfo.Id, controllerInfo.Type.FullName);

          //parse any custom configuration for the controller
          controllerInfo.CustomConfiguration = ParseCustomConfiguration(controllerInfo.Type, configurationInfo, controllerInfo, node);
        _log.Verbose("No controller configuration found.");

    private static void ParseNavigators(ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo, InfoCollection<Id<INavigator>, NavigatorInfo> navigatorInfos, XmlNode xml, InfoCollection<Id<IView>, ViewInfo> viewInfos, InfoCollection<Id<IViewManager>, ViewManagerInfo> viewManagerInfos)
      Debug.Assert(configurationInfo != null);
      Debug.Assert(navigatorInfos != null);
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);
      Debug.Assert(viewInfos != null);
      Debug.Assert(viewManagerInfos != null);
      _log.Information("Parsing navigator configuration.");

      XmlNode navigatorsNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("navigators");
      XmlAttribute enumerationAttribute = navigatorsNode.Attributes[EnumerationAttribute];
      XmlNodeList nodeList = navigatorsNode.SelectNodes("navigator");
      Type enumerationType = null;

      if (enumerationAttribute != null)
        enumerationType = XmlHelper.GetEnumeration(enumerationAttribute.Value);

      foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
        XmlAttribute idAttribute = node.Attributes[IdAttribute];
        XmlAttribute typeAttribute = node.Attributes[TypeAttribute];
        XmlAttribute startingViewAttribute = node.Attributes[StartingViewAttribute];
        XmlAttribute viewManagerAttribute = node.Attributes[ViewManagerAttribute];

        //if an enumeration is specified to identify navigators then make sure the ID is a valid enumeration member
        if (enumerationType != null)
          XmlHelper.ValidateEnumerationMember(enumerationType, idAttribute.Value);

        //create the navigator info
        NavigatorInfo navigatorInfo = new NavigatorInfo(idAttribute.Value);
        navigatorInfo.Type = Type.GetType(typeAttribute.Value);
        navigatorInfo.ViewManagerInfo = viewManagerInfos[viewManagerAttribute.Value];

        //the starting view is optional
        if (startingViewAttribute != null)
          _log.Verbose("Assigning starting view with ID '{0}' to navigator info.", startingViewAttribute.Value);
          navigatorInfo.StartViewInfo = viewInfos[startingViewAttribute.Value];

          if (navigatorInfo.StartViewInfo == null)
            _log.Error("Starting view with ID '{0}' was not found for navigator with ID '{1}'.", startingViewAttribute.Value, navigatorInfo.Id);
            ExceptionHelper.Throw("ParseNavigators.startingViewNotFound", startingViewAttribute.Value, navigatorInfo.Id);

        Debug.Assert(navigatorInfo.Type != null);

        if (navigatorInfo.ViewManagerInfo == null)
          _log.Error("View manager with ID '{0}' not found for navigator with ID '{1}'.", viewManagerAttribute.Value, navigatorInfo.Id);
          ExceptionHelper.Throw("ParseNavigators.viewManagerNotFound", viewManagerAttribute.Value, navigatorInfo.Id);

        _log.Verbose("Adding NavigatorInfo with ID '{0}', type '{1}'.", navigatorInfo.Id, navigatorInfo.Type.FullName);

        //parse any custom configuration for the navigator
        navigatorInfo.CustomConfiguration = ParseCustomConfiguration(navigatorInfo.Type, configurationInfo, navigatorInfo, node);

    private static void ParseViews(ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo, InfoCollection<Id<IView>, ViewInfo> viewInfos, XmlNode xml, InfoCollection<Id<IController>, ControllerInfo> controllerInfos)
      Debug.Assert(configurationInfo != null);
      Debug.Assert(viewInfos != null);
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);
      Debug.Assert(controllerInfos != null);
      _log.Information("Parsing view configuration.");

      XmlNode viewsNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("views");
      XmlAttribute enumerationAttribute = viewsNode.Attributes[EnumerationAttribute];
      XmlNodeList nodeList = viewsNode.SelectNodes("view");
      Type enumerationType = null;

      if (enumerationAttribute != null)
        enumerationType = XmlHelper.GetEnumeration(enumerationAttribute.Value);

      foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
        XmlAttribute idAttribute = node.Attributes[IdAttribute];
        XmlAttribute typeAttribute = node.Attributes[TypeAttribute];
        XmlAttribute controllerAttribute = node.Attributes[ControllerAttribute];

        //if an enumeration is specified to identify views then make sure the ID is a valid enumeration member
        if (enumerationType != null)
          XmlHelper.ValidateEnumerationMember(enumerationType, idAttribute.Value);

        //create the view info
        ViewInfo viewInfo = new ViewInfo(idAttribute.Value);
        viewInfo.Type = Type.GetType(typeAttribute.Value);

        //the controller is optional
        if (controllerAttribute != null)
          viewInfo.ControllerInfo = controllerInfos[controllerAttribute.Value];

          if (viewInfo.ControllerInfo == null)
            _log.Error("Controller with ID '{0}' was not found for view with ID '{1}'.", controllerAttribute.Value, viewInfo.Id);
            ExceptionHelper.Throw("ParseViews.controllerNotFound", controllerAttribute.Value, viewInfo.Id);

        Debug.Assert(viewInfo.Type != null);
        _log.Verbose("Adding ViewInfo with ID '{0}', type '{1}'.", viewInfo.Id, viewInfo.Type.FullName);

        //parse any custom configuration for the view
        viewInfo.CustomConfiguration = ParseCustomConfiguration(viewInfo.Type, configurationInfo, viewInfo, node);

    private static void ParseViewManagers(ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo, InfoCollection<Id<IViewManager>, ViewManagerInfo> viewManagerInfos, XmlNode xml)
      Debug.Assert(configurationInfo != null);
      Debug.Assert(viewManagerInfos != null);
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);
      _log.Information("Parsing view manager configuration.");

      XmlNode viewsNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("viewManagers");
      XmlAttribute enumerationAttribute = viewsNode.Attributes[EnumerationAttribute];
      XmlNodeList nodeList = viewsNode.SelectNodes("viewManager");
      Type enumerationType = null;

      if (enumerationAttribute != null)
        enumerationType = XmlHelper.GetEnumeration(enumerationAttribute.Value);

      foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
        XmlAttribute idAttribute = node.Attributes[IdAttribute];
        XmlAttribute typeAttribute = node.Attributes[TypeAttribute];

        //if an enumeration is specified to identify view managers then make sure the ID is a valid enumeration member
        if (enumerationType != null)
          XmlHelper.ValidateEnumerationMember(enumerationType, idAttribute.Value);

        //create the view manager info
        ViewManagerInfo viewManagerInfo = new ViewManagerInfo(idAttribute.Value);
        viewManagerInfo.Type = Type.GetType(typeAttribute.Value);
        Debug.Assert(viewManagerInfo.Type != null);
        _log.Verbose("Adding ViewManagerInfo with ID '{0}', type '{1}'.", viewManagerInfo.Id, viewManagerInfo.Type.FullName);

        //parse any custom configuration for the view manager
        viewManagerInfo.CustomConfiguration = ParseCustomConfiguration(viewManagerInfo.Type, configurationInfo, viewManagerInfo, node);

    private static object ParseCustomConfiguration(Type type, ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo, object parent, XmlNode xml)
      Debug.Assert(configurationInfo != null);
      Debug.Assert(type != null);
      Debug.Assert(xml != null);
      _log.Verbose("Parsing custom configuration for type '{0}'.", type.FullName);

      object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlCustomParserAttribute), true);

      if (attributes.Length == 0)
        _log.Error("No '{0}' attribute found on type '{1}' - custom configuration can not be parsed.", typeof(XmlCustomParserAttribute).FullName, type.FullName);
        ExceptionHelper.ThrowIf(xml.HasChildNodes, "ParseCustomConfiguration.customParserNotFound", type.FullName, typeof(XmlCustomParserAttribute).FullName);
        return null;
        Debug.Assert(attributes.Length == 1);
        //get the attribute
        XmlCustomParserAttribute parserAttribute = (XmlCustomParserAttribute) attributes[0];
        //create the parser
        IXmlCustomParser customConfigurationParser = parserAttribute.GetXmlCustomParser();
        _log.Verbose("Custom parser of type '{0}' found and created - parsing custom configuration.", customConfigurationParser.GetType().FullName);
        //use the parser to parse the XML
        return customConfigurationParser.Parse(configurationInfo, parent, xml);

    private sealed class ValidateHelper
      private StringBuilder _errorMessage;

      public string ErrorMessage
          return _errorMessage.ToString();

      public bool HasErrors
          return (_errorMessage != null);

      public void ValidationHandler(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
        //we cater for the common case (no errors) by only creating the StringBuilder if necessary. Once XML errors are fixed they are
        //fixed and we reduce penalties by not creating the StringBuilder unless necessary
        if (_errorMessage == null)
          _errorMessage = new StringBuilder();

        _errorMessage.Append(" - ").Append(e.Message).Append(Environment.NewLine);
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