namespace BackgroundProcessing{
using System.Threading;
using Caliburn.PresentationFramework.Actions;
using Caliburn.PresentationFramework.Filters;
using Framework;
public class Calculator
public bool CanDivide(double left, double right)
return right != 0;
[AsyncAction(Callback = "DivideComplete", BlockInteraction = true)]
//Note: The action is labeled with a title and registered into a collection of running actions during
// its entire execution.
// By default it is marked with IsIndeterminate flag, meaning that the action has an indeterminate
// duration and doesn't support progress notification; this way the RunningTaskView could display
// an appropriate indeterminate progress indicator.
[ActionInfo("Executing division...")]
public double Divide(double left, double right)
Thread.Sleep(10000);//Don't ever call's just for demo purposes.
return left / right;
public double DivideComplete(double result)
return result * 100;
public bool CanCalculateFactorial(int number)
return number > 0 && number <= 16;
[AsyncAction(BlockInteraction = false)]
//Note: The action is labeled with a title and registered into a collection of running actions during
// its entire execution.
// In addiction it is marked as supporting progress notification (IsIndeterminate = false), meaning
// that the action can provide information about its work progress; this allows the RunningTaskView
// to display the correct progress indicator based on the notifications.
// Setting IsCancellable=true allows RunningActionsView to enable an appropriate control to
// cancel operation
[ActionInfo("Calculating factorial...", IsIndeterminate = false, IsCancellable=true)]
public int Factorial(int number)
double stepPercentage = 1.0 / number;
int result = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= number; ++i)
if (RunningAction.Current.CancellationPending)
RunningAction.Current.Title = "Cancelling...";
return 0;
result = result * i;
//notifies the completed percentage of the work
RunningAction.Current.CurrentPercentage = stepPercentage * i;
//changing title...
if (number > 6 && i >= number - 2)
RunningAction.Current.Title = "Almost done...";
return result;
[AsyncAction(BlockInteraction = true )]
[ActionInfo("Executing very long action", IsIndeterminate = false, IsCancellable = true)]
public void VeryLongAction()
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; ++i)
if (RunningAction.Current.CancellationPending)
RunningAction.Current.CurrentPercentage = i/1000.0;