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public class MediaTracker implements
The MediaTracker class is a utility class to track the status of a number of media objects. Media objects could include audio clips as well as images, though currently only images are supported.

To use a media tracker, create an instance of MediaTracker and call its addImage method for each image to be tracked. In addition, each image can be assigned a unique identifier. This identifier controls the priority order in which the images are fetched. It can also be used to identify unique subsets of the images that can be waited on independently. Images with a lower ID are loaded in preference to those with a higher ID number.

Tracking an animated image might not always be useful due to the multi-part nature of animated image loading and painting, but it is supported. MediaTracker treats an animated image as completely loaded when the first frame is completely loaded. At that point, the MediaTracker signals any waiters that the image is completely loaded. If no ImageObservers are observing the image when the first frame has finished loading, the image might flush itself to conserve resources (see Image.flush ).

Here is an example of using MediaTracker:

 import java.applet.Applet;
 import java.awt.Color;
 import java.awt.Image;
 import java.awt.Graphics;
 import java.awt.MediaTracker;
 public class ImageBlaster extends Applet implements Runnable {
 MediaTracker tracker;
 Image bg;
 Image anim[] = new Image[5];
 int index;
 Thread animator;
 // Get the images for the background (id == 0) 
 // and the animation frames (id == 1) 
 // and add them to the MediaTracker
 public void init() {
 tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
 bg = getImage(getDocumentBase(), 
 tracker.addImage(bg, 0);
 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 anim[i] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), 
 tracker.addImage(anim[i], 1);
 // Start the animation thread.
 public void start() {
 animator = new Thread(this);
 // Stop the animation thread.
 public void stop() {
 animator = null;
 // Run the animation thread.
 // First wait for the background image to fully load 
 // and paint.  Then wait for all of the animation 
 // frames to finish loading. Finally, loop and 
 // increment the animation frame index.
 public void run() {
 try {
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 Thread me = Thread.currentThread();
 while (animator == me) {
 try {
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 synchronized (this) {
 if (index >= anim.length) {
 index = 0;
 // The background image fills the frame so we 
 // don't need to clear the applet on repaints. 
 // Just call the paint method.
 public void update(Graphics g) {
 // Paint a large red rectangle if there are any errors 
 // loading the images.  Otherwise always paint the 
 // background so that it appears incrementally as it 
 // is loading.  Finally, only paint the current animation 
 // frame if all of the frames (id == 1) are done loading,
 // so that we don't get partial animations.
 public void paint(Graphics g) {
 if ((tracker.statusAll(false) & MediaTracker.ERRORED) != 0) {
 g.fillRect(0, 0, size().width, size().height);
 g.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, this);
 if (tracker.statusID(1, false) == MediaTracker.COMPLETE) {
 g.drawImage(anim[index], 10, 10, this);

   1.52, 06/05/07
   Jim Graham

Field Summary
final public static  intABORTED
     Flag indicating that the downloading of media was aborted.
final public static  intCOMPLETE
     Flag indicating that the downloading of media was completed successfully.
final static  intDONE
final public static  intERRORED
     Flag indicating that the downloading of media encountered an error.
final public static  intLOADING
     Flag indicating that media is currently being loaded.
     The head of the list of Images that is being tracked by the MediaTracker.
     A given Component that will be tracked by a media tracker where the image will eventually be drawn.

Constructor Summary
public  MediaTracker(Component comp)
     Creates a media tracker to track images for a given component.

Method Summary
public  voidaddImage(Image image, int id)
     Adds an image to the list of images being tracked by this media tracker.
public synchronized  voidaddImage(Image image, int id, int w, int h)
     Adds a scaled image to the list of images being tracked by this media tracker.
public  booleancheckAll()
     Checks to see if all images being tracked by this media tracker have finished loading.
public  booleancheckAll(boolean load)
     Checks to see if all images being tracked by this media tracker have finished loading.
public  booleancheckID(int id)
     Checks to see if all images tracked by this media tracker that are tagged with the specified identifier have finished loading.
public  booleancheckID(int id, boolean load)
     Checks to see if all images tracked by this media tracker that are tagged with the specified identifier have finished loading.
public synchronized  Object[]getErrorsAny()
     Returns a list of all media that have encountered an error.
public synchronized  Object[]getErrorsID(int id)
     Returns a list of media with the specified ID that have encountered an error.
public synchronized  booleanisErrorAny()
     Checks the error status of all of the images.
public synchronized  booleanisErrorID(int id)
     Checks the error status of all of the images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier.
public synchronized  voidremoveImage(Image image)
     Removes the specified image from this media tracker.
public synchronized  voidremoveImage(Image image, int id)
     Removes the specified image from the specified tracking ID of this media tracker.
public synchronized  voidremoveImage(Image image, int id, int width, int height)
     Removes the specified image with the specified width, height, and ID from this media tracker.
synchronized  voidsetDone()
public  intstatusAll(boolean load)
     Calculates and returns the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all media that are tracked by this media tracker.
public  intstatusID(int id, boolean load)
     Calculates and returns the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all media with the specified identifier that are tracked by this media tracker.
public  voidwaitForAll()
     Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker.
public synchronized  booleanwaitForAll(long ms)
     Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker.
public  voidwaitForID(int id)
     Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier.
public synchronized  booleanwaitForID(int id, long ms)
     Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier.

Field Detail
final public static int ABORTED(Code)
Flag indicating that the downloading of media was aborted.
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusID

final public static int COMPLETE(Code)
Flag indicating that the downloading of media was completed successfully.
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusID

final static int DONE(Code)

final public static int ERRORED(Code)
Flag indicating that the downloading of media encountered an error.
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusID

final public static int LOADING(Code)
Flag indicating that media is currently being loaded.
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusID

MediaEntry head(Code)
The head of the list of Images that is being tracked by the MediaTracker.
See Also:   MediaTracker.addImage(Image,int)
See Also:   MediaTracker.removeImage(Image)

Component target(Code)
A given Component that will be tracked by a media tracker where the image will eventually be drawn.
See Also:   MediaTracker.MediaTracker(Component)

Constructor Detail
public MediaTracker(Component comp)(Code)
Creates a media tracker to track images for a given component.
  comp - the component on which the images will eventually be drawn

Method Detail
public void addImage(Image image, int id)(Code)
Adds an image to the list of images being tracked by this media tracker. The image will eventually be rendered at its default (unscaled) size.
  image - the image to be tracked
  id - an identifier used to track this image

public synchronized void addImage(Image image, int id, int w, int h)(Code)
Adds a scaled image to the list of images being tracked by this media tracker. The image will eventually be rendered at the indicated width and height.
  image - the image to be tracked
  id - an identifier that can be used to track this image
  w - the width at which the image is rendered
  h - the height at which the image is rendered

public boolean checkAll()(Code)
Checks to see if all images being tracked by this media tracker have finished loading.

This method does not start loading the images if they are not already loading.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny or isErrorID methods to check for errors. true if all images have finished loading, have been aborted, or have encountered an error; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkAll(boolean)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkID
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID

public boolean checkAll(boolean load)(Code)
Checks to see if all images being tracked by this media tracker have finished loading.

If the value of the load flag is true, then this method starts loading any images that are not yet being loaded.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny and isErrorID methods to check for errors.
  load - if true, start loading any images that are not yet being loaded true if all images have finished loading, have been aborted, or have encountered an error; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkID
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID(int)

public boolean checkID(int id)(Code)
Checks to see if all images tracked by this media tracker that are tagged with the specified identifier have finished loading.

This method does not start loading the images if they are not already loading.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny or isErrorID methods to check for errors.
  id - the identifier of the images to check true if all images have finished loading, have been aborted, or have encountered an error; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkID(intboolean)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID(int)

public boolean checkID(int id, boolean load)(Code)
Checks to see if all images tracked by this media tracker that are tagged with the specified identifier have finished loading.

If the value of the load flag is true, then this method starts loading any images that are not yet being loaded.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny or isErrorID methods to check for errors.
  id - the identifier of the images to check
  load - if true, start loading any images that are not yet being loaded true if all images have finished loading, have been aborted, or have encountered an error; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkID(intboolean)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.checkAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID(int)

public synchronized Object[] getErrorsAny()(Code)
Returns a list of all media that have encountered an error. an array of media objects tracked by this media tracker that have encountered an error, or null if there are none with errors
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.getErrorsID

public synchronized Object[] getErrorsID(int id)(Code)
Returns a list of media with the specified ID that have encountered an error.
  id - the identifier of the images to check an array of media objects tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier that have encountered an error, or null if there are none with errors
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.getErrorsAny

public synchronized boolean isErrorAny()(Code)
Checks the error status of all of the images. true if any of the images trackedby this media tracker had an error during loading; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.getErrorsAny

public synchronized boolean isErrorID(int id)(Code)
Checks the error status of all of the images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier.
  id - the identifier of the images to check true if any of the images with the specified identifier had an error during loading; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.getErrorsID

public synchronized void removeImage(Image image)(Code)
Removes the specified image from this media tracker. All instances of the specified image are removed, regardless of scale or ID.
  image - the image to be removed
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.removeImage(java.awt.Imageint)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.removeImage(java.awt.Imageintintint)

public synchronized void removeImage(Image image, int id)(Code)
Removes the specified image from the specified tracking ID of this media tracker. All instances of Image being tracked under the specified ID are removed regardless of scale.
  image - the image to be removed
  id - the tracking ID frrom which to remove the image
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.removeImage(java.awt.Image)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.removeImage(java.awt.Imageintintint)

public synchronized void removeImage(Image image, int id, int width, int height)(Code)
Removes the specified image with the specified width, height, and ID from this media tracker. Only the specified instance (with any duplicates) is removed.
  image - the image to be removed
  id - the tracking ID from which to remove the image
  width - the width to remove (-1 for unscaled)
  height - the height to remove (-1 for unscaled)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.removeImage(java.awt.Image)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.removeImage(java.awt.Imageint)

synchronized void setDone()(Code)

public int statusAll(boolean load)(Code)
Calculates and returns the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all media that are tracked by this media tracker.

Possible flags defined by the MediaTracker class are LOADING, ABORTED, ERRORED, and COMPLETE. An image that hasn't started loading has zero as its status.

If the value of load is true, then this method starts loading any images that are not yet being loaded.
  load - if true, start loading any images that are not yet being loaded the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all of the media being tracked
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusID(intboolean)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.LOADING
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.ABORTED
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.ERRORED
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.COMPLETE

public int statusID(int id, boolean load)(Code)
Calculates and returns the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all media with the specified identifier that are tracked by this media tracker.

Possible flags defined by the MediaTracker class are LOADING, ABORTED, ERRORED, and COMPLETE. An image that hasn't started loading has zero as its status.

If the value of load is true, then this method starts loading any images that are not yet being loaded.
  id - the identifier of the images to check
  load - if true, start loading any images that are not yet being loaded the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all of the media with the specifiedidentifier that are being tracked
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusAll(boolean)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.LOADING
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.ABORTED
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.ERRORED
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.COMPLETE

public void waitForAll() throws InterruptedException(Code)
Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker. This method waits until all the images being tracked have finished loading.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny or isErrorID methods to check for errors.
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForID(int)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForAll(long)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID
  InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted this thread

public synchronized boolean waitForAll(long ms) throws InterruptedException(Code)
Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker. This method waits until all the images being tracked have finished loading, or until the length of time specified in milliseconds by the ms argument has passed.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny or isErrorID methods to check for errors.
  ms - the number of milliseconds to wait for the loading to complete true if all images were successfully loaded; false otherwise
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForID(int)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForAll(long)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID
  InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted this thread.

public void waitForID(int id) throws InterruptedException(Code)
Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier. This method waits until all the images with the specified identifier have finished loading.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny and isErrorID methods to check for errors.
  id - the identifier of the images to check
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID(int)
  InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted this thread.

public synchronized boolean waitForID(int id, long ms) throws InterruptedException(Code)
Starts loading all images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier. This method waits until all the images with the specified identifier have finished loading, or until the length of time specified in milliseconds by the ms argument has passed.

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image is considered to have finished loading. Use the statusID, isErrorID, and isErrorAny methods to check for errors.
  id - the identifier of the images to check
  ms - the length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the loading to complete
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForAll
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.waitForID(int)
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.statusID
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorAny
See Also:   java.awt.MediaTracker.isErrorID(int)
  InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted this thread.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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