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final public class RadialGradientPaint extends MultipleGradientPaint (Code)
The RadialGradientPaint class provides a way to fill a shape with a circular radial color gradient pattern. The user may specify 2 or more gradient colors, and this paint will provide an interpolation between each color.

The user must specify the circle controlling the gradient pattern, which is described by a center point and a radius. The user can also specify a separate focus point within that circle, which controls the location of the first color of the gradient. By default the focus is set to be the center of the circle.

This paint will map the first color of the gradient to the focus point, and the last color to the perimeter of the circle, interpolating smoothly for any in-between colors specified by the user. Any line drawn from the focus point to the circumference will thus span all the gradient colors.

Specifying a focus point outside of the circle's radius will result in the focus being set to the intersection point of the focus-center line and the perimeter of the circle.

The user must provide an array of floats specifying how to distribute the colors along the gradient. These values should range from 0.0 to 1.0 and act like keyframes along the gradient (they mark where the gradient should be exactly a particular color).

In the event that the user does not set the first keyframe value equal to 0 and/or the last keyframe value equal to 1, keyframes will be created at these positions and the first and last colors will be replicated there. So, if a user specifies the following arrays to construct a gradient:

 {Color.BLUE, Color.RED}, {.3f, .7f}
this will be converted to a gradient with the following keyframes:
 {Color.BLUE, Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.RED}, {0f, .3f, .7f, 1f}

The user may also select what action the RadialGradientPaint should take when filling color outside the bounds of the circle's radius. If no cycle method is specified, NO_CYCLE will be chosen by default, which means the the last keyframe color will be used to fill the remaining area.

The colorSpace parameter allows the user to specify in which colorspace the interpolation should be performed, default sRGB or linearized RGB.

The following code demonstrates typical usage of RadialGradientPaint , where the center and focus points are the same:

 Point2D center = new Point2D.Float(50, 50);
 float radius = 25;
 float[] dist = {0.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f};
 Color[] colors = {Color.RED, Color.WHITE, Color.BLUE};
 RadialGradientPaint p =
 new RadialGradientPaint(center, radius, dist, colors);

This image demonstrates the example code above, with default (centered) focus for each of the three cycle methods:

It is also possible to specify a non-centered focus point, as in the following code:

 Point2D center = new Point2D.Float(50, 50);
 float radius = 25;
 Point2D focus = new Point2D.Float(40, 40);
 float[] dist = {0.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f};
 Color[] colors = {Color.RED, Color.WHITE, Color.BLUE};
 RadialGradientPaint p =
 new RadialGradientPaint(center, radius, focus,
 dist, colors,

This image demonstrates the previous example code, with non-centered focus for each of the three cycle methods:

See Also:   java.awt.Paint
See Also:   java.awt.Graphics2D.setPaint
   Nicholas Talian, Vincent Hardy, Jim Graham, Jerry Evans

Constructor Summary
public  RadialGradientPaint(float cx, float cy, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default NO_CYCLE repeating method and SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  cx - the X coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default NO_CYCLE repeating method and SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  center - the center point, in user space, of the circle defining the gradient
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(float cx, float cy, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  cx - the X coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  center - the center point, in user space, of the circle defining the gradient
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(float cx, float cy, float radius, float fx, float fy, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space.
  cx - the X coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, Point2D focus, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space.
  center - the center point, in user space, of the circle defining the gradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, Point2D focus, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod, ColorSpaceType colorSpace, AffineTransform gradientTransform)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint .
  center - the center point in user space of the circle defining thegradient.
public  RadialGradientPaint(Rectangle2D gradientBounds, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)
     Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space. The gradient circle of the RadialGradientPaint is defined by the given bounding box.

This constructor is a more convenient way to express the following (equivalent) code:

 double gw = gradientBounds.getWidth();
 double gh = gradientBounds.getHeight();
 double cx = gradientBounds.getCenterX();
 double cy = gradientBounds.getCenterY();
 Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(cx, cy);
 AffineTransform gradientTransform = new AffineTransform();
 gradientTransform.translate(cx, cy);
 gradientTransform.scale(gw / 2, gh / 2);
 gradientTransform.translate(-cx, -cy);
 RadialGradientPaint gp =
 new RadialGradientPaint(center, 1.0f, center,
 fractions, colors,

  gradientBounds - the bounding box, in user space, of the circledefining the outermost extent of the gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient.

Method Summary
public  PaintContextcreateContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle deviceBounds, Rectangle2D userBounds, AffineTransform transform, RenderingHints hints)
public  Point2DgetCenterPoint()
     Returns a copy of the center point of the radial gradient.
public  Point2DgetFocusPoint()
     Returns a copy of the end point of the gradient axis.
public  floatgetRadius()
     Returns the radius of the circle defining the radial gradient.

Constructor Detail
public RadialGradientPaint(float cx, float cy, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default NO_CYCLE repeating method and SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  cx - the X coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of thegradient is mapped to the perimeter of this circle.
  cy - the Y coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of thegradient is mapped to the perimeter of this circle.
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  NullPointerException - if fractions array is null,or colors array is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default NO_CYCLE repeating method and SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  center - the center point, in user space, of the circle defining the gradient
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  NullPointerException - if center point is null,or fractions array is null,or colors array is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(float cx, float cy, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  cx - the X coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of thegradient is mapped to the perimeter of this circle.
  cy - the Y coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of thegradient is mapped to the perimeter of this circle.
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  cycleMethod - either NO_CYCLE , REFLECT ,or REPEAT
  NullPointerException - if fractions array is null,or colors array is null,or cycleMethod is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space, using the center as the focus point.
  center - the center point, in user space, of the circle defining the gradient
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  cycleMethod - either NO_CYCLE , REFLECT ,or REPEAT
  NullPointerException - if center point is null,or fractions array is null,or colors array is null,or cycleMethod is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(float cx, float cy, float radius, float fx, float fy, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space.
  cx - the X coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of thegradient is mapped to the perimeter of this circle.
  cy - the Y coordinate in user space of the center point of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of thegradient is mapped to the perimeter of this circle.
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the color gradient
  fx - the X coordinate of the point in user space to which the first color is mapped
  fy - the Y coordinate of the point in user space to which the first color is mapped
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  cycleMethod - either NO_CYCLE , REFLECT ,or REPEAT
  NullPointerException - if fractions array is null,or colors array is null,or cycleMethod is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, Point2D focus, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space.
  center - the center point, in user space, of the circle defining the gradient. The last color of the gradient is mappedto the perimeter of this circle.
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of the colorgradient
  focus - the point in user space to which the first color is mapped
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  cycleMethod - either NO_CYCLE , REFLECT ,or REPEAT
  NullPointerException - if one of the points is null,or fractions array is null,or colors array is null,or cycleMethod is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(Point2D center, float radius, Point2D focus, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod, ColorSpaceType colorSpace, AffineTransform gradientTransform)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint .
  center - the center point in user space of the circle defining thegradient. The last color of the gradient is mapped tothe perimeter of this circle.
  radius - the radius of the circle defining the extents of thecolor gradient
  focus - the point in user space to which the first color is mapped
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first coloris used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  cycleMethod - either NO_CYCLE , REFLECT ,or REPEAT
  colorSpace - which color space to use for interpolation, either SRGB or LINEAR_RGB
  gradientTransform - transform to apply to the gradient
  NullPointerException - if one of the points is null,or fractions array is null,or colors array is null,or cycleMethod is null,or colorSpace is null,or gradientTransform is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if radius is non-positive,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

public RadialGradientPaint(Rectangle2D gradientBounds, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod)(Code)
Constructs a RadialGradientPaint with a default SRGB color space. The gradient circle of the RadialGradientPaint is defined by the given bounding box.

This constructor is a more convenient way to express the following (equivalent) code:

 double gw = gradientBounds.getWidth();
 double gh = gradientBounds.getHeight();
 double cx = gradientBounds.getCenterX();
 double cy = gradientBounds.getCenterY();
 Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(cx, cy);
 AffineTransform gradientTransform = new AffineTransform();
 gradientTransform.translate(cx, cy);
 gradientTransform.scale(gw / 2, gh / 2);
 gradientTransform.translate(-cx, -cy);
 RadialGradientPaint gp =
 new RadialGradientPaint(center, 1.0f, center,
 fractions, colors,

  gradientBounds - the bounding box, in user space, of the circledefining the outermost extent of the gradient
  fractions - numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient
  colors - array of colors to use in the gradient. The first color is used at the focus point, the last color around theperimeter of the circle.
  cycleMethod - either NO_CYCLE , REFLECT ,or REPEAT
  NullPointerException - if gradientBounds is null,or fractions array is null,or colors array is null,or cycleMethod is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if gradientBounds is empty,or fractions.length != colors.length ,or colors is less than 2 in size,or a fractions value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,or the fractions are not provided in strictly increasing order

Method Detail
public PaintContext createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle deviceBounds, Rectangle2D userBounds, AffineTransform transform, RenderingHints hints)(Code)

public Point2D getCenterPoint()(Code)
Returns a copy of the center point of the radial gradient. a Point2D object that is a copy of the center point

public Point2D getFocusPoint()(Code)
Returns a copy of the end point of the gradient axis. a Point2D object that is a copy of the focus point

public float getRadius()(Code)
Returns the radius of the circle defining the radial gradient. the radius of the circle defining the radial gradient

Fields inherited from java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint
final ColorSpaceType colorSpace(Code)(Java Doc)
final Color[] colors(Code)(Java Doc)
final CycleMethod cycleMethod(Code)(Java Doc)
int fastGradientArraySize(Code)(Java Doc)
final float[] fractions(Code)(Java Doc)
SoftReference<int[]> gradient(Code)(Java Doc)
final AffineTransform gradientTransform(Code)(Java Doc)
SoftReference<int[][]> gradients(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isSimpleLookup(Code)(Java Doc)
ColorModel model(Code)(Java Doc)
float[] normalizedIntervals(Code)(Java Doc)
final int transparency(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint
final public ColorSpaceType getColorSpace()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Color[] getColors()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public CycleMethod getCycleMethod()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public float[] getFractions()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public AffineTransform getTransform()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public int getTransparency()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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