Source Code Cross Referenced for in  » 6.0-JDK-Core » AWT » java » awt » Java Source Code / Java DocumentationJava Source Code and Java Documentation

Java Source Code / Java Documentation
1.6.0 JDK Core
2.6.0 JDK Modules
3.6.0 JDK Modules com.sun
4.6.0 JDK Modules
5.6.0 JDK Modules sun
6.6.0 JDK Platform
8.Apache Harmony Java SE
9.Aspect oriented
10.Authentication Authorization
11.Blogger System
13.Byte Code
17.Code Analyzer
19.Content Management System
20.Database Client
21.Database DBMS
22.Database JDBC Connection Pool
23.Database ORM
25.EJB Server
26.ERP CRM Financial
31.Graphic 3D
32.Graphic Library
34.HTML Parser
36.IDE Eclipse
37.IDE Netbeans
39.Internationalization Localization
40.Inversion of Control
41.Issue Tracking
48.Mail Clients
55.Project Management
58.Rule Engine
61.Search Engine
63.Sevlet Container
64.Source Control
65.Swing Library
66.Template Engine
67.Test Coverage
70.Web Crawler
71.Web Framework
72.Web Mail
73.Web Server
74.Web Services
75.Web Services apache cxf 2.2.6
76.Web Services AXIS2
77.Wiki Engine
78.Workflow Engines
Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Core » AWT » java.awt 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001        /*
002         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
004         *
005         * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
006         * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
007         * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
008         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
009         * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
010         *
011         * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
012         * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
013         * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
014         * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
015         * accompanied this code).
016         *
017         * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
018         * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
019         * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
020         *
021         * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
022         * CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
023         * have any questions.
024         */
026        package java.awt;
028        import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
029        import java.awt.image.Raster;
030        import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
031        import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
032        import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel;
033        import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
034        import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
035        import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
036        import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
037        import sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster;
038        import sun.awt.image.IntegerInterleavedRaster;
039        import sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster;
041        abstract class TexturePaintContext implements  PaintContext {
042            public static ColorModel xrgbmodel = new DirectColorModel(24,
043                    0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff);
044            public static ColorModel argbmodel = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
046            ColorModel colorModel;
047            int bWidth;
048            int bHeight;
049            int maxWidth;
051            WritableRaster outRas;
053            double xOrg;
054            double yOrg;
055            double incXAcross;
056            double incYAcross;
057            double incXDown;
058            double incYDown;
060            int colincx;
061            int colincy;
062            int colincxerr;
063            int colincyerr;
064            int rowincx;
065            int rowincy;
066            int rowincxerr;
067            int rowincyerr;
069            public static PaintContext getContext(BufferedImage bufImg,
070                    AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints,
071                    Rectangle devBounds) {
072                WritableRaster raster = bufImg.getRaster();
073                ColorModel cm = bufImg.getColorModel();
074                int maxw = devBounds.width;
075                Object val = hints.get(hints.KEY_INTERPOLATION);
076                boolean filter = (val == null ? (hints.get(hints.KEY_RENDERING) == hints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY)
077                        : (val != hints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR));
078                if (raster instanceof  IntegerInterleavedRaster
079                        && (!filter || isFilterableDCM(cm))) {
080                    IntegerInterleavedRaster iir = (IntegerInterleavedRaster) raster;
081                    if (iir.getNumDataElements() == 1
082                            && iir.getPixelStride() == 1) {
083                        return new Int(iir, cm, xform, maxw, filter);
084                    }
085                } else if (raster instanceof  ByteInterleavedRaster) {
086                    ByteInterleavedRaster bir = (ByteInterleavedRaster) raster;
087                    if (bir.getNumDataElements() == 1
088                            && bir.getPixelStride() == 1) {
089                        if (filter) {
090                            if (isFilterableICM(cm)) {
091                                return new ByteFilter(bir, cm, xform, maxw);
092                            }
093                        } else {
094                            return new Byte(bir, cm, xform, maxw);
095                        }
096                    }
097                }
098                return new Any(raster, cm, xform, maxw, filter);
099            }
101            public static boolean isFilterableICM(ColorModel cm) {
102                if (cm instanceof  IndexColorModel) {
103                    IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel) cm;
104                    if (icm.getMapSize() <= 256) {
105                        return true;
106                    }
107                }
108                return false;
109            }
111            public static boolean isFilterableDCM(ColorModel cm) {
112                if (cm instanceof  DirectColorModel) {
113                    DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel) cm;
114                    return (isMaskOK(dcm.getAlphaMask(), true)
115                            && isMaskOK(dcm.getRedMask(), false)
116                            && isMaskOK(dcm.getGreenMask(), false) && isMaskOK(
117                            dcm.getBlueMask(), false));
118                }
119                return false;
120            }
122            public static boolean isMaskOK(int mask, boolean canbezero) {
123                if (canbezero && mask == 0) {
124                    return true;
125                }
126                return (mask == 0xff || mask == 0xff00 || mask == 0xff0000 || mask == 0xff000000);
127            }
129            public static ColorModel getInternedColorModel(ColorModel cm) {
130                if (xrgbmodel == cm || xrgbmodel.equals(cm)) {
131                    return xrgbmodel;
132                }
133                if (argbmodel == cm || argbmodel.equals(cm)) {
134                    return argbmodel;
135                }
136                return cm;
137            }
139            TexturePaintContext(ColorModel cm, AffineTransform xform,
140                    int bWidth, int bHeight, int maxw) {
141                this .colorModel = getInternedColorModel(cm);
142                this .bWidth = bWidth;
143                this .bHeight = bHeight;
144                this .maxWidth = maxw;
146                try {
147                    xform = xform.createInverse();
148                } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
149                    xform.setToScale(0, 0);
150                }
151                this .incXAcross = mod(xform.getScaleX(), bWidth);
152                this .incYAcross = mod(xform.getShearY(), bHeight);
153                this .incXDown = mod(xform.getShearX(), bWidth);
154                this .incYDown = mod(xform.getScaleY(), bHeight);
155                this .xOrg = xform.getTranslateX();
156                this .yOrg = xform.getTranslateY();
157                this .colincx = (int) incXAcross;
158                this .colincy = (int) incYAcross;
159                this .colincxerr = fractAsInt(incXAcross);
160                this .colincyerr = fractAsInt(incYAcross);
161                this .rowincx = (int) incXDown;
162                this .rowincy = (int) incYDown;
163                this .rowincxerr = fractAsInt(incXDown);
164                this .rowincyerr = fractAsInt(incYDown);
166            }
168            static int fractAsInt(double d) {
169                return (int) ((d % 1.0) * Integer.MAX_VALUE);
170            }
172            static double mod(double num, double den) {
173                num = num % den;
174                if (num < 0) {
175                    num += den;
176                    if (num >= den) {
177                        // For very small negative numerators, the answer might
178                        // be such a tiny bit less than den that the difference
179                        // is smaller than the mantissa of a double allows and
180                        // the result would then be rounded to den.  If that is
181                        // the case then we map that number to 0 as the nearest
182                        // modulus representation.
183                        num = 0;
184                    }
185                }
186                return num;
187            }
189            /**
190             * Release the resources allocated for the operation.
191             */
192            public void dispose() {
193                dropRaster(colorModel, outRas);
194            }
196            /**
197             * Return the ColorModel of the output.
198             */
199            public ColorModel getColorModel() {
200                return colorModel;
201            }
203            /**
204             * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
205             * operation.
206             * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
207             * generated.
208             */
209            public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
210                if (outRas == null || outRas.getWidth() < w
211                        || outRas.getHeight() < h) {
212                    // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
213                    outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
214                }
215                double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
216                double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);
218                setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y), w, h,
219                        bWidth, bHeight, colincx, colincxerr, colincy,
220                        colincyerr, rowincx, rowincxerr, rowincy, rowincyerr);
222                SunWritableRaster.markDirty(outRas);
224                return outRas;
225            }
227            private static WeakReference xrgbRasRef;
228            private static WeakReference argbRasRef;
230            synchronized static WritableRaster makeRaster(ColorModel cm,
231                    Raster srcRas, int w, int h) {
232                if (xrgbmodel == cm) {
233                    if (xrgbRasRef != null) {
234                        WritableRaster wr = (WritableRaster) xrgbRasRef.get();
235                        if (wr != null && wr.getWidth() >= w
236                                && wr.getHeight() >= h) {
237                            xrgbRasRef = null;
238                            return wr;
239                        }
240                    }
241                    // If we are going to cache this Raster, make it non-tiny
242                    if (w <= 32 && h <= 32) {
243                        w = h = 32;
244                    }
245                } else if (argbmodel == cm) {
246                    if (argbRasRef != null) {
247                        WritableRaster wr = (WritableRaster) argbRasRef.get();
248                        if (wr != null && wr.getWidth() >= w
249                                && wr.getHeight() >= h) {
250                            argbRasRef = null;
251                            return wr;
252                        }
253                    }
254                    // If we are going to cache this Raster, make it non-tiny
255                    if (w <= 32 && h <= 32) {
256                        w = h = 32;
257                    }
258                }
259                if (srcRas != null) {
260                    return srcRas.createCompatibleWritableRaster(w, h);
261                } else {
262                    return cm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(w, h);
263                }
264            }
266            synchronized static void dropRaster(ColorModel cm, Raster outRas) {
267                if (outRas == null) {
268                    return;
269                }
270                if (xrgbmodel == cm) {
271                    xrgbRasRef = new WeakReference(outRas);
272                } else if (argbmodel == cm) {
273                    argbRasRef = new WeakReference(outRas);
274                }
275            }
277            private static WeakReference byteRasRef;
279            synchronized static WritableRaster makeByteRaster(Raster srcRas,
280                    int w, int h) {
281                if (byteRasRef != null) {
282                    WritableRaster wr = (WritableRaster) byteRasRef.get();
283                    if (wr != null && wr.getWidth() >= w && wr.getHeight() >= h) {
284                        byteRasRef = null;
285                        return wr;
286                    }
287                }
288                // If we are going to cache this Raster, make it non-tiny
289                if (w <= 32 && h <= 32) {
290                    w = h = 32;
291                }
292                return srcRas.createCompatibleWritableRaster(w, h);
293            }
295            synchronized static void dropByteRaster(Raster outRas) {
296                if (outRas == null) {
297                    return;
298                }
299                byteRasRef = new WeakReference(outRas);
300            }
302            public abstract WritableRaster makeRaster(int w, int h);
304            public abstract void setRaster(int x, int y, int xerr, int yerr,
305                    int w, int h, int bWidth, int bHeight, int colincx,
306                    int colincxerr, int colincy, int colincyerr, int rowincx,
307                    int rowincxerr, int rowincy, int rowincyerr);
309            /*
310             * Blends the four ARGB values in the rgbs array using the factors
311             * described by xmul and ymul in the following ratio:
312             *
313             *     rgbs[0] * (1-xmul) * (1-ymul) +
314             *     rgbs[1] * (  xmul) * (1-ymul) +
315             *     rgbs[2] * (1-xmul) * (  ymul) +
316             *     rgbs[3] * (  xmul) * (  ymul)
317             *
318             * xmul and ymul are integer values in the half-open range [0, 2^31)
319             * where 0 == 0.0 and 2^31 == 1.0.
320             *
321             * Note that since the range is half-open, the values are always
322             * logically less than 1.0.  This makes sense because while choosing
323             * pixels to blend, when the error values reach 1.0 we move to the
324             * next pixel and reset them to 0.0.
325             */
326            public static int blend(int rgbs[], int xmul, int ymul) {
327                // xmul/ymul are 31 bits wide, (0 => 2^31-1)
328                // shift them to 12 bits wide, (0 => 2^12-1)
329                xmul = (xmul >>> 19);
330                ymul = (ymul >>> 19);
331                int accumA, accumR, accumG, accumB;
332                accumA = accumR = accumG = accumB = 0;
333                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
334                    int rgb = rgbs[i];
335                    // The complement of the [xy]mul values (1-[xy]mul) can result
336                    // in new values in the range (1 => 2^12).  Thus for any given
337                    // loop iteration, the values could be anywhere in (0 => 2^12).
338                    xmul = (1 << 12) - xmul;
339                    if ((i & 1) == 0) {
340                        ymul = (1 << 12) - ymul;
341                    }
342                    // xmul and ymul are each 12 bits (0 => 2^12)
343                    // factor is thus 24 bits (0 => 2^24)
344                    int factor = xmul * ymul;
345                    if (factor != 0) {
346                        // accum variables will accumulate 32 bits
347                        // bytes extracted from rgb fit in 8 bits (0 => 255)
348                        // byte * factor thus fits in 32 bits (0 => 255 * 2^24)
349                        accumA += (((rgb >>> 24)) * factor);
350                        accumR += (((rgb >>> 16) & 0xff) * factor);
351                        accumG += (((rgb >>> 8) & 0xff) * factor);
352                        accumB += (((rgb) & 0xff) * factor);
353                    }
354                }
355                return ((((accumA + (1 << 23)) >>> 24) << 24)
356                        | (((accumR + (1 << 23)) >>> 24) << 16)
357                        | (((accumG + (1 << 23)) >>> 24) << 8) | (((accumB + (1 << 23)) >>> 24)));
358            }
360            static class Int extends TexturePaintContext {
361                IntegerInterleavedRaster srcRas;
362                int inData[];
363                int inOff;
364                int inSpan;
365                int outData[];
366                int outOff;
367                int outSpan;
368                boolean filter;
370                public Int(IntegerInterleavedRaster srcRas, ColorModel cm,
371                        AffineTransform xform, int maxw, boolean filter) {
372                    super (cm, xform, srcRas.getWidth(), srcRas.getHeight(),
373                            maxw);
374                    this .srcRas = srcRas;
375                    this .inData = srcRas.getDataStorage();
376                    this .inSpan = srcRas.getScanlineStride();
377                    this .inOff = srcRas.getDataOffset(0);
378                    this .filter = filter;
379                }
381                public WritableRaster makeRaster(int w, int h) {
382                    WritableRaster ras = makeRaster(colorModel, srcRas, w, h);
383                    IntegerInterleavedRaster iiRas = (IntegerInterleavedRaster) ras;
384                    outData = iiRas.getDataStorage();
385                    outSpan = iiRas.getScanlineStride();
386                    outOff = iiRas.getDataOffset(0);
387                    return ras;
388                }
390                public void setRaster(int x, int y, int xerr, int yerr, int w,
391                        int h, int bWidth, int bHeight, int colincx,
392                        int colincxerr, int colincy, int colincyerr,
393                        int rowincx, int rowincxerr, int rowincy, int rowincyerr) {
394                    int[] inData = this .inData;
395                    int[] outData = this .outData;
396                    int out = outOff;
397                    int inSpan = this .inSpan;
398                    int inOff = this .inOff;
399                    int outSpan = this .outSpan;
400                    boolean filter = this .filter;
401                    boolean normalx = (colincx == 1 && colincxerr == 0
402                            && colincy == 0 && colincyerr == 0)
403                            && !filter;
404                    int rowx = x;
405                    int rowy = y;
406                    int rowxerr = xerr;
407                    int rowyerr = yerr;
408                    if (normalx) {
409                        outSpan -= w;
410                    }
411                    int rgbs[] = filter ? new int[4] : null;
412                    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
413                        if (normalx) {
414                            int in = inOff + rowy * inSpan + bWidth;
415                            x = bWidth - rowx;
416                            out += w;
417                            if (bWidth >= 32) {
418                                int i = w;
419                                while (i > 0) {
420                                    int copyw = (i < x) ? i : x;
421                                    System.arraycopy(inData, in - x, outData,
422                                            out - i, copyw);
423                                    i -= copyw;
424                                    if ((x -= copyw) == 0) {
425                                        x = bWidth;
426                                    }
427                                }
428                            } else {
429                                for (int i = w; i > 0; i--) {
430                                    outData[out - i] = inData[in - x];
431                                    if (--x == 0) {
432                                        x = bWidth;
433                                    }
434                                }
435                            }
436                        } else {
437                            x = rowx;
438                            y = rowy;
439                            xerr = rowxerr;
440                            yerr = rowyerr;
441                            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
442                                if (filter) {
443                                    int nextx, nexty;
444                                    if ((nextx = x + 1) >= bWidth) {
445                                        nextx = 0;
446                                    }
447                                    if ((nexty = y + 1) >= bHeight) {
448                                        nexty = 0;
449                                    }
450                                    rgbs[0] = inData[inOff + y * inSpan + x];
451                                    rgbs[1] = inData[inOff + y * inSpan + nextx];
452                                    rgbs[2] = inData[inOff + nexty * inSpan + x];
453                                    rgbs[3] = inData[inOff + nexty * inSpan
454                                            + nextx];
455                                    outData[out + i] = TexturePaintContext
456                                            .blend(rgbs, xerr, yerr);
457                                } else {
458                                    outData[out + i] = inData[inOff + y
459                                            * inSpan + x];
460                                }
461                                if ((xerr += colincxerr) < 0) {
462                                    xerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
463                                    x++;
464                                }
465                                if ((x += colincx) >= bWidth) {
466                                    x -= bWidth;
467                                }
468                                if ((yerr += colincyerr) < 0) {
469                                    yerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
470                                    y++;
471                                }
472                                if ((y += colincy) >= bHeight) {
473                                    y -= bHeight;
474                                }
475                            }
476                        }
477                        if ((rowxerr += rowincxerr) < 0) {
478                            rowxerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
479                            rowx++;
480                        }
481                        if ((rowx += rowincx) >= bWidth) {
482                            rowx -= bWidth;
483                        }
484                        if ((rowyerr += rowincyerr) < 0) {
485                            rowyerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
486                            rowy++;
487                        }
488                        if ((rowy += rowincy) >= bHeight) {
489                            rowy -= bHeight;
490                        }
491                        out += outSpan;
492                    }
493                }
494            }
496            static class Byte extends TexturePaintContext {
497                ByteInterleavedRaster srcRas;
498                byte inData[];
499                int inOff;
500                int inSpan;
501                byte outData[];
502                int outOff;
503                int outSpan;
505                public Byte(ByteInterleavedRaster srcRas, ColorModel cm,
506                        AffineTransform xform, int maxw) {
507                    super (cm, xform, srcRas.getWidth(), srcRas.getHeight(),
508                            maxw);
509                    this .srcRas = srcRas;
510                    this .inData = srcRas.getDataStorage();
511                    this .inSpan = srcRas.getScanlineStride();
512                    this .inOff = srcRas.getDataOffset(0);
513                }
515                public WritableRaster makeRaster(int w, int h) {
516                    WritableRaster ras = makeByteRaster(srcRas, w, h);
517                    ByteInterleavedRaster biRas = (ByteInterleavedRaster) ras;
518                    outData = biRas.getDataStorage();
519                    outSpan = biRas.getScanlineStride();
520                    outOff = biRas.getDataOffset(0);
521                    return ras;
522                }
524                public void dispose() {
525                    dropByteRaster(outRas);
526                }
528                public void setRaster(int x, int y, int xerr, int yerr, int w,
529                        int h, int bWidth, int bHeight, int colincx,
530                        int colincxerr, int colincy, int colincyerr,
531                        int rowincx, int rowincxerr, int rowincy, int rowincyerr) {
532                    byte[] inData = this .inData;
533                    byte[] outData = this .outData;
534                    int out = outOff;
535                    int inSpan = this .inSpan;
536                    int inOff = this .inOff;
537                    int outSpan = this .outSpan;
538                    boolean normalx = (colincx == 1 && colincxerr == 0
539                            && colincy == 0 && colincyerr == 0);
540                    int rowx = x;
541                    int rowy = y;
542                    int rowxerr = xerr;
543                    int rowyerr = yerr;
544                    if (normalx) {
545                        outSpan -= w;
546                    }
547                    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
548                        if (normalx) {
549                            int in = inOff + rowy * inSpan + bWidth;
550                            x = bWidth - rowx;
551                            out += w;
552                            if (bWidth >= 32) {
553                                int i = w;
554                                while (i > 0) {
555                                    int copyw = (i < x) ? i : x;
556                                    System.arraycopy(inData, in - x, outData,
557                                            out - i, copyw);
558                                    i -= copyw;
559                                    if ((x -= copyw) == 0) {
560                                        x = bWidth;
561                                    }
562                                }
563                            } else {
564                                for (int i = w; i > 0; i--) {
565                                    outData[out - i] = inData[in - x];
566                                    if (--x == 0) {
567                                        x = bWidth;
568                                    }
569                                }
570                            }
571                        } else {
572                            x = rowx;
573                            y = rowy;
574                            xerr = rowxerr;
575                            yerr = rowyerr;
576                            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
577                                outData[out + i] = inData[inOff + y * inSpan
578                                        + x];
579                                if ((xerr += colincxerr) < 0) {
580                                    xerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
581                                    x++;
582                                }
583                                if ((x += colincx) >= bWidth) {
584                                    x -= bWidth;
585                                }
586                                if ((yerr += colincyerr) < 0) {
587                                    yerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
588                                    y++;
589                                }
590                                if ((y += colincy) >= bHeight) {
591                                    y -= bHeight;
592                                }
593                            }
594                        }
595                        if ((rowxerr += rowincxerr) < 0) {
596                            rowxerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
597                            rowx++;
598                        }
599                        if ((rowx += rowincx) >= bWidth) {
600                            rowx -= bWidth;
601                        }
602                        if ((rowyerr += rowincyerr) < 0) {
603                            rowyerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
604                            rowy++;
605                        }
606                        if ((rowy += rowincy) >= bHeight) {
607                            rowy -= bHeight;
608                        }
609                        out += outSpan;
610                    }
611                }
612            }
614            static class ByteFilter extends TexturePaintContext {
615                ByteInterleavedRaster srcRas;
616                int inPalette[];
617                byte inData[];
618                int inOff;
619                int inSpan;
620                int outData[];
621                int outOff;
622                int outSpan;
624                public ByteFilter(ByteInterleavedRaster srcRas, ColorModel cm,
625                        AffineTransform xform, int maxw) {
626                    super (
627                            (cm.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE ? xrgbmodel
628                                    : argbmodel), xform, srcRas.getWidth(),
629                            srcRas.getHeight(), maxw);
630                    this .inPalette = new int[256];
631                    ((IndexColorModel) cm).getRGBs(this .inPalette);
632                    this .srcRas = srcRas;
633                    this .inData = srcRas.getDataStorage();
634                    this .inSpan = srcRas.getScanlineStride();
635                    this .inOff = srcRas.getDataOffset(0);
636                }
638                public WritableRaster makeRaster(int w, int h) {
639                    // Note that we do not pass srcRas to makeRaster since it
640                    // is a Byte Raster and this colorModel needs an Int Raster
641                    WritableRaster ras = makeRaster(colorModel, null, w, h);
642                    IntegerInterleavedRaster iiRas = (IntegerInterleavedRaster) ras;
643                    outData = iiRas.getDataStorage();
644                    outSpan = iiRas.getScanlineStride();
645                    outOff = iiRas.getDataOffset(0);
646                    return ras;
647                }
649                public void setRaster(int x, int y, int xerr, int yerr, int w,
650                        int h, int bWidth, int bHeight, int colincx,
651                        int colincxerr, int colincy, int colincyerr,
652                        int rowincx, int rowincxerr, int rowincy, int rowincyerr) {
653                    byte[] inData = this .inData;
654                    int[] outData = this .outData;
655                    int out = outOff;
656                    int inSpan = this .inSpan;
657                    int inOff = this .inOff;
658                    int outSpan = this .outSpan;
659                    int rowx = x;
660                    int rowy = y;
661                    int rowxerr = xerr;
662                    int rowyerr = yerr;
663                    int rgbs[] = new int[4];
664                    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
665                        x = rowx;
666                        y = rowy;
667                        xerr = rowxerr;
668                        yerr = rowyerr;
669                        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
670                            int nextx, nexty;
671                            if ((nextx = x + 1) >= bWidth) {
672                                nextx = 0;
673                            }
674                            if ((nexty = y + 1) >= bHeight) {
675                                nexty = 0;
676                            }
677                            rgbs[0] = inPalette[0xff & inData[inOff + x
678                                    + inSpan * y]];
679                            rgbs[1] = inPalette[0xff & inData[inOff + nextx
680                                    + inSpan * y]];
681                            rgbs[2] = inPalette[0xff & inData[inOff + x
682                                    + inSpan * nexty]];
683                            rgbs[3] = inPalette[0xff & inData[inOff + nextx
684                                    + inSpan * nexty]];
685                            outData[out + i] = TexturePaintContext.blend(rgbs,
686                                    xerr, yerr);
687                            if ((xerr += colincxerr) < 0) {
688                                xerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
689                                x++;
690                            }
691                            if ((x += colincx) >= bWidth) {
692                                x -= bWidth;
693                            }
694                            if ((yerr += colincyerr) < 0) {
695                                yerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
696                                y++;
697                            }
698                            if ((y += colincy) >= bHeight) {
699                                y -= bHeight;
700                            }
701                        }
702                        if ((rowxerr += rowincxerr) < 0) {
703                            rowxerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
704                            rowx++;
705                        }
706                        if ((rowx += rowincx) >= bWidth) {
707                            rowx -= bWidth;
708                        }
709                        if ((rowyerr += rowincyerr) < 0) {
710                            rowyerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
711                            rowy++;
712                        }
713                        if ((rowy += rowincy) >= bHeight) {
714                            rowy -= bHeight;
715                        }
716                        out += outSpan;
717                    }
718                }
719            }
721            static class Any extends TexturePaintContext {
722                WritableRaster srcRas;
723                boolean filter;
725                public Any(WritableRaster srcRas, ColorModel cm,
726                        AffineTransform xform, int maxw, boolean filter) {
727                    super (cm, xform, srcRas.getWidth(), srcRas.getHeight(),
728                            maxw);
729                    this .srcRas = srcRas;
730                    this .filter = filter;
731                }
733                public WritableRaster makeRaster(int w, int h) {
734                    return makeRaster(colorModel, srcRas, w, h);
735                }
737                public void setRaster(int x, int y, int xerr, int yerr, int w,
738                        int h, int bWidth, int bHeight, int colincx,
739                        int colincxerr, int colincy, int colincyerr,
740                        int rowincx, int rowincxerr, int rowincy, int rowincyerr) {
741                    Object data = null;
742                    int rowx = x;
743                    int rowy = y;
744                    int rowxerr = xerr;
745                    int rowyerr = yerr;
746                    WritableRaster srcRas = this .srcRas;
747                    WritableRaster outRas = this .outRas;
748                    int rgbs[] = filter ? new int[4] : null;
749                    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
750                        x = rowx;
751                        y = rowy;
752                        xerr = rowxerr;
753                        yerr = rowyerr;
754                        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
755                            data = srcRas.getDataElements(x, y, data);
756                            if (filter) {
757                                int nextx, nexty;
758                                if ((nextx = x + 1) >= bWidth) {
759                                    nextx = 0;
760                                }
761                                if ((nexty = y + 1) >= bHeight) {
762                                    nexty = 0;
763                                }
764                                rgbs[0] = colorModel.getRGB(data);
765                                data = srcRas.getDataElements(nextx, y, data);
766                                rgbs[1] = colorModel.getRGB(data);
767                                data = srcRas.getDataElements(x, nexty, data);
768                                rgbs[2] = colorModel.getRGB(data);
769                                data = srcRas.getDataElements(nextx, nexty,
770                                        data);
771                                rgbs[3] = colorModel.getRGB(data);
772                                int rgb = TexturePaintContext.blend(rgbs, xerr,
773                                        yerr);
774                                data = colorModel.getDataElements(rgb, data);
775                            }
776                            outRas.setDataElements(i, j, data);
777                            if ((xerr += colincxerr) < 0) {
778                                xerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
779                                x++;
780                            }
781                            if ((x += colincx) >= bWidth) {
782                                x -= bWidth;
783                            }
784                            if ((yerr += colincyerr) < 0) {
785                                yerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
786                                y++;
787                            }
788                            if ((y += colincy) >= bHeight) {
789                                y -= bHeight;
790                            }
791                        }
792                        if ((rowxerr += rowincxerr) < 0) {
793                            rowxerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
794                            rowx++;
795                        }
796                        if ((rowx += rowincx) >= bWidth) {
797                            rowx -= bWidth;
798                        }
799                        if ((rowyerr += rowincyerr) < 0) {
800                            rowyerr &= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
801                            rowy++;
802                        }
803                        if ((rowy += rowincy) >= bHeight) {
804                            rowy -= bHeight;
805                        }
806                    }
807                }
808            }
809        } | Contact Us
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