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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Core » Collections Jar Zip Logging regex » java.util 
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public class EnumMap extends AbstractMap implements,Cloneable(Code)
A specialized Map implementation for use with enum type keys. All of the keys in an enum map must come from a single enum type that is specified, explicitly or implicitly, when the map is created. Enum maps are represented internally as arrays. This representation is extremely compact and efficient.

Enum maps are maintained in the natural order of their keys (the order in which the enum constants are declared). This is reflected in the iterators returned by the collections views ( EnumMap.keySet() , EnumMap.entrySet() , and EnumMap.values() ).

Iterators returned by the collection views are weakly consistent: they will never throw ConcurrentModificationException and they may or may not show the effects of any modifications to the map that occur while the iteration is in progress.

Null keys are not permitted. Attempts to insert a null key will throw NullPointerException . Attempts to test for the presence of a null key or to remove one will, however, function properly. Null values are permitted.

Like most collection implementations EnumMap is not synchronized. If multiple threads access an enum map concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the map, it should be synchronized externally. This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the enum map. If no such object exists, the map should be "wrapped" using the Collections.synchronizedMap method. This is best done at creation time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access:

 Map<EnumKey, V> m
 = Collections.synchronizedMap(new EnumMap<EnumKey, V>(...));

Implementation note: All basic operations execute in constant time. They are likely (though not guaranteed) to be faster than their HashMap counterparts.

This class is a member of the Java Collections Framework.
   Josh Bloch
   1.22, 05/05/07
See Also:   EnumSet

Constructor Summary
public  EnumMap(Class<K> keyType)
     Creates an empty enum map with the specified key type.
public  EnumMap(EnumMap<K, ? extends V> m)
     Creates an enum map with the same key type as the specified enum map, initially containing the same mappings (if any).
public  EnumMap(Map<K, ? extends V> m)
     Creates an enum map initialized from the specified map.

Method Summary
public  voidclear()
     Removes all mappings from this map.
public  EnumMap<K, V>clone()
     Returns a shallow copy of this enum map.
public  booleancontainsKey(Object key)
     Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
public  booleancontainsValue(Object value)
     Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
public  Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>entrySet()
     Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map. The returned set obeys the general contract outlined in Map.keySet .
public  booleanequals(Object o)
     Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
public  Vget(Object key)
     Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.

More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key k to a value v such that (key == k) , then this method returns v ; otherwise it returns null .

public  Set<K>keySet()
     Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map. The returned set obeys the general contract outlined in Map.keySet .
public  Vput(K key, V value)
     Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old value is replaced.
  key - the key with which the specified value is to be associated
  value - the value to be associated with the specified key the previous value associated with specified key, ornull if there was no mapping for key.
public  voidputAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)
     Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
public  Vremove(Object key)
     Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
  key - the key whose mapping is to be removed from the map the previous value associated with specified key, ornull if there was no entry for key.
public  intsize()
     Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
public  Collection<V>values()
     Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map. The returned collection obeys the general contract outlined in Map.values .

Constructor Detail
public EnumMap(Class<K> keyType)(Code)
Creates an empty enum map with the specified key type.
  keyType - the class object of the key type for this enum map
  NullPointerException - if keyType is null

public EnumMap(EnumMap<K, ? extends V> m)(Code)
Creates an enum map with the same key type as the specified enum map, initially containing the same mappings (if any).
  m - the enum map from which to initialize this enum map
  NullPointerException - if m is null

public EnumMap(Map<K, ? extends V> m)(Code)
Creates an enum map initialized from the specified map. If the specified map is an EnumMap instance, this constructor behaves identically to EnumMap.EnumMap(EnumMap) . Otherwise, the specified map must contain at least one mapping (in order to determine the new enum map's key type).
  m - the map from which to initialize this enum map
  IllegalArgumentException - if m is not anEnumMap instance and contains no mappings
  NullPointerException - if m is null

Method Detail
public void clear()(Code)
Removes all mappings from this map.

public EnumMap<K, V> clone()(Code)
Returns a shallow copy of this enum map. (The values themselves are not cloned. a shallow copy of this enum map

public boolean containsKey(Object key)(Code)
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
  key - the key whose presence in this map is to be tested true if this map contains a mapping for the specifiedkey

public boolean containsValue(Object value)(Code)
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
  value - the value whose presence in this map is to be tested true if this map maps one or more keys to this value

public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet()(Code)
Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map. The returned set obeys the general contract outlined in Map.keySet . The set's iterator will return the mappings in the order their keys appear in map, which is their natural order (the order in which the enum constants are declared). a set view of the mappings contained in this enum map

public boolean equals(Object o)(Code)
Compares the specified object with this map for equality. Returns true if the given object is also a map and the two maps represent the same mappings, as specified in the Map.equals(Object) contract.
  o - the object to be compared for equality with this map true if the specified object is equal to this map

public V get(Object key)(Code)
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.

More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key k to a value v such that (key == k) , then this method returns v ; otherwise it returns null . (There can be at most one such mapping.)

A return value of null does not necessarily indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map explicitly maps the key to null . The EnumMap.containsKey containsKey operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.

public Set<K> keySet()(Code)
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map. The returned set obeys the general contract outlined in Map.keySet . The set's iterator will return the keys in their natural order (the order in which the enum constants are declared). a set view of the keys contained in this enum map

public V put(K key, V value)(Code)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old value is replaced.
  key - the key with which the specified value is to be associated
  value - the value to be associated with the specified key the previous value associated with specified key, ornull if there was no mapping for key. (A nullreturn can also indicate that the map previously associatednull with the specified key.)
  NullPointerException - if the specified key is null

public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)(Code)
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map. These mappings will replace any mappings that this map had for any of the keys currently in the specified map.
  m - the mappings to be stored in this map
  NullPointerException - the specified map is null, or ifone or more keys in the specified map are null

public V remove(Object key)(Code)
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
  key - the key whose mapping is to be removed from the map the previous value associated with specified key, ornull if there was no entry for key. (A nullreturn can also indicate that the map previously associatednull with the specified key.)

public int size()(Code)
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. the number of key-value mappings in this map

public Collection<V> values()(Code)
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map. The returned collection obeys the general contract outlined in Map.values . The collection's iterator will return the values in the order their corresponding keys appear in map, which is their natural order (the order in which the enum constants are declared). a collection view of the values contained in this map | Contact Us
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