| java.lang.Object java.nio.Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$
Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$ | class Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$ (Code) | | #if[rw]
A read/write Heap$Type$Buffer.
A read-only Heap$Type$Buffer. This class extends the corresponding
read/write class, overriding the mutation methods to throw a
ReadOnlyBufferException and overriding the view-buffer methods to return an
instance of this class rather than of the superclass.
Method Summary | |
byte | _get(int i) | void | _put(int i, byte b) | public CharBuffer | asCharBuffer() | public DoubleBuffer | asDoubleBuffer() | public FloatBuffer | asFloatBuffer() | public IntBuffer | asIntBuffer() | public LongBuffer | asLongBuffer() | public $Type$Buffer | asReadOnlyBuffer() | public ShortBuffer | asShortBuffer() | public $Type$Buffer | compact() | public $Type$Buffer | duplicate() | public $type$ | get() | public $type$ | get(int i) | public $Type$Buffer | get($type$[] dst, int offset, int length) | public char | getChar() | public char | getChar(int i) | public double | getDouble() | public double | getDouble(int i) | public float | getFloat() | public float | getFloat(int i) | public int | getInt() | public int | getInt(int i) | public long | getLong() | public long | getLong(int i) | public short | getShort() | public short | getShort(int i) | public boolean | isDirect() | public boolean | isReadOnly() | protected int | ix(int i) | public ByteOrder | order() | public $Type$Buffer | put($type$ x) | public $Type$Buffer | put(int i, $type$ x) | public $Type$Buffer | put($type$[] src, int offset, int length) | public $Type$Buffer | put($Type$Buffer src) | public $Type$Buffer | putChar(char x) | public $Type$Buffer | putChar(int i, char x) | public $Type$Buffer | putDouble(double x) | public $Type$Buffer | putDouble(int i, double x) | public $Type$Buffer | putFloat(float x) | public $Type$Buffer | putFloat(int i, float x) | public $Type$Buffer | putInt(int x) | public $Type$Buffer | putInt(int i, int x) | public $Type$Buffer | putLong(long x) | public $Type$Buffer | putLong(int i, long x) | public $Type$Buffer | putShort(short x) | public $Type$Buffer | putShort(int i, short x) | public $Type$Buffer | slice() | public CharSequence | subSequence(int start, int end) | String | toString(int start, int end) |
Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$ | Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$(int cap, int lim)(Code) | | |
Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$ | Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$($type$[] buf, int off, int len)(Code) | | |
Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$ | protected Heap$Type$Buffer$RW$($type$[] buf, int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap, int off)(Code) | | |
_put | void _put(int i, byte b)(Code) | | |
asCharBuffer | public CharBuffer asCharBuffer()(Code) | | |
asDoubleBuffer | public DoubleBuffer asDoubleBuffer()(Code) | | |
asFloatBuffer | public FloatBuffer asFloatBuffer()(Code) | | |
asIntBuffer | public IntBuffer asIntBuffer()(Code) | | |
asLongBuffer | public LongBuffer asLongBuffer()(Code) | | |
asReadOnlyBuffer | public $Type$Buffer asReadOnlyBuffer()(Code) | | |
asShortBuffer | public ShortBuffer asShortBuffer()(Code) | | |
compact | public $Type$Buffer compact()(Code) | | |
duplicate | public $Type$Buffer duplicate()(Code) | | |
get | public $type$ get(int i)(Code) | | |
get | public $Type$Buffer get($type$[] dst, int offset, int length)(Code) | | |
getChar | public char getChar()(Code) | | |
getChar | public char getChar(int i)(Code) | | |
getDouble | public double getDouble()(Code) | | |
getDouble | public double getDouble(int i)(Code) | | |
getFloat | public float getFloat()(Code) | | |
getFloat | public float getFloat(int i)(Code) | | |
getInt | public int getInt()(Code) | | |
getInt | public int getInt(int i)(Code) | | |
getLong | public long getLong()(Code) | | |
getLong | public long getLong(int i)(Code) | | |
getShort | public short getShort()(Code) | | |
getShort | public short getShort(int i)(Code) | | |
isDirect | public boolean isDirect()(Code) | | |
isReadOnly | public boolean isReadOnly()(Code) | | |
ix | protected int ix(int i)(Code) | | |
put | public $Type$Buffer put($type$ x)(Code) | | |
put | public $Type$Buffer put(int i, $type$ x)(Code) | | |
put | public $Type$Buffer put($type$[] src, int offset, int length)(Code) | | |
put | public $Type$Buffer put($Type$Buffer src)(Code) | | |
putChar | public $Type$Buffer putChar(char x)(Code) | | |
putChar | public $Type$Buffer putChar(int i, char x)(Code) | | |
putDouble | public $Type$Buffer putDouble(double x)(Code) | | |
putDouble | public $Type$Buffer putDouble(int i, double x)(Code) | | |
putFloat | public $Type$Buffer putFloat(float x)(Code) | | |
putFloat | public $Type$Buffer putFloat(int i, float x)(Code) | | |
putInt | public $Type$Buffer putInt(int x)(Code) | | |
putInt | public $Type$Buffer putInt(int i, int x)(Code) | | |
putLong | public $Type$Buffer putLong(long x)(Code) | | |
putLong | public $Type$Buffer putLong(int i, long x)(Code) | | |
putShort | public $Type$Buffer putShort(short x)(Code) | | |
putShort | public $Type$Buffer putShort(int i, short x)(Code) | | |
slice | public $Type$Buffer slice()(Code) | | |