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All known Subclasses:,,,,,,,
abstract public class JCTree implements Tree,Cloneable,DiagnosticPosition(Code)
Root class for abstract syntax tree nodes. It provides definitions for specific tree nodes as subclasses nested inside.

Each subclass is highly standardized. It generally contains only tree fields for the syntactic subcomponents of the node. Some classes that represent identifier uses or definitions also define a Symbol field that denotes the represented identifier. Classes for non-local jumps also carry the jump target as a field. The root class Tree itself defines fields for the tree's type and position. No other fields are kept in a tree node; instead parameters are passed to methods accessing the node.

Except for the methods defined by com.sun.source, the only method defined in subclasses is `visit' which applies a given visitor to the tree. The actual tree processing is done by visitor classes in other packages. The abstract class Visitor, as well as an Factory interface for trees, are defined as inner classes in Tree.

To avoid ambiguities with the Tree API in com.sun.source all sub classes should, by convention, start with JC (javac).

This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.
See Also:   TreeMaker
See Also:   TreeInfo
See Also:   TreeTranslator
See Also:   Pretty

Inner Class :public static class JCCompilationUnit extends JCTree implements CompilationUnitTree
Inner Class :public static class JCImport extends JCTree implements ImportTree
Inner Class :abstract public static class JCStatement extends JCTree implements StatementTree
Inner Class :abstract public static class JCExpression extends JCTree implements ExpressionTree
Inner Class :public static class JCClassDecl extends JCStatement implements ClassTree
Inner Class :public static class JCMethodDecl extends JCTree implements MethodTree
Inner Class :public static class JCVariableDecl extends JCStatement implements VariableTree
Inner Class :public static class JCSkip extends JCStatement implements EmptyStatementTree
Inner Class :public static class JCBlock extends JCStatement implements BlockTree
Inner Class :public static class JCDoWhileLoop extends JCStatement implements DoWhileLoopTree
Inner Class :public static class JCWhileLoop extends JCStatement implements WhileLoopTree
Inner Class :public static class JCForLoop extends JCStatement implements ForLoopTree
Inner Class :public static class JCEnhancedForLoop extends JCStatement implements EnhancedForLoopTree
Inner Class :public static class JCLabeledStatement extends JCStatement implements LabeledStatementTree
Inner Class :public static class JCSwitch extends JCStatement implements SwitchTree
Inner Class :public static class JCCase extends JCStatement implements CaseTree
Inner Class :public static class JCSynchronized extends JCStatement implements SynchronizedTree
Inner Class :public static class JCTry extends JCStatement implements TryTree
Inner Class :public static class JCCatch extends JCTree implements CatchTree
Inner Class :public static class JCConditional extends JCExpression implements ConditionalExpressionTree
Inner Class :public static class JCIf extends JCStatement implements IfTree
Inner Class :public static class JCExpressionStatement extends JCStatement implements ExpressionStatementTree
Inner Class :public static class JCBreak extends JCStatement implements BreakTree
Inner Class :public static class JCContinue extends JCStatement implements ContinueTree
Inner Class :public static class JCReturn extends JCStatement implements ReturnTree
Inner Class :public static class JCThrow extends JCStatement implements ThrowTree
Inner Class :public static class JCAssert extends JCStatement implements AssertTree
Inner Class :public static class JCMethodInvocation extends JCExpression implements MethodInvocationTree
Inner Class :public static class JCNewClass extends JCExpression implements NewClassTree
Inner Class :public static class JCNewArray extends JCExpression implements NewArrayTree
Inner Class :public static class JCParens extends JCExpression implements ParenthesizedTree
Inner Class :public static class JCAssign extends JCExpression implements AssignmentTree
Inner Class :public static class JCAssignOp extends JCExpression implements CompoundAssignmentTree
Inner Class :public static class JCUnary extends JCExpression implements UnaryTree
Inner Class :public static class JCBinary extends JCExpression implements BinaryTree
Inner Class :public static class JCTypeCast extends JCExpression implements TypeCastTree
Inner Class :public static class JCInstanceOf extends JCExpression implements InstanceOfTree
Inner Class :public static class JCArrayAccess extends JCExpression implements ArrayAccessTree
Inner Class :public static class JCFieldAccess extends JCExpression implements MemberSelectTree
Inner Class :public static class JCIdent extends JCExpression implements IdentifierTree
Inner Class :public static class JCLiteral extends JCExpression implements LiteralTree
Inner Class :public static class JCPrimitiveTypeTree extends JCExpression implements PrimitiveTypeTree
Inner Class :public static class JCArrayTypeTree extends JCExpression implements ArrayTypeTree
Inner Class :public static class JCTypeApply extends JCExpression implements ParameterizedTypeTree
Inner Class :public static class JCTypeParameter extends JCTree implements TypeParameterTree
Inner Class :public static class JCWildcard extends JCExpression implements WildcardTree
Inner Class :public static class TypeBoundKind extends JCTree
Inner Class :public static class JCAnnotation extends JCExpression implements AnnotationTree
Inner Class :public static class JCModifiers extends JCTree implements com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree
Inner Class :public static class JCErroneous extends JCExpression implements com.sun.source.tree.ErroneousTree
Inner Class :public static class LetExpr extends JCExpression
Inner Class :public interface Factory
Inner Class :abstract public static class Visitor

Field Summary
final public static  intAND
final public static  intANNOTATION
     metadata: Annotation.
final public static  intAPPLY
     Method invocation expressions, of type Apply.
final public static  intASGOffset
     The offset between assignment operators and normal operators.
final public static  intASSERT
     Assert statements, of type Assert.
final public static  intASSIGN
     Assignment expressions, of type Assign.
final public static  intBITAND
final public static  intBITAND_ASG
final public static  intBITOR
final public static  intBITOR_ASG
     Assignment operators, of type Assignop.
final public static  intBITXOR
final public static  intBITXOR_ASG
final public static  intBLOCK
     Blocks, of type Block.
final public static  intBREAK
     Break statements, of type Break.
final public static  intCASE
     Case parts in switch statements, of type Case.
final public static  intCATCH
     Catch clauses in try statements, of type Catch.
final public static  intCLASSDEF
     Class definitions, of type ClassDef.
final public static  intCOMPL
final public static  intCONDEXPR
     Conditional expressions, of type Conditional.
final public static  intCONTINUE
     Continue statements, of type Continue.
final public static  intDIV
final public static  intDIV_ASG
final public static  intDOLOOP
     Do-while loops, of type DoLoop.
final public static  intEQ
final public static  intERRONEOUS
     Error trees, of type Erroneous.
final public static  intEXEC
     Expression statements, of type Exec.
final public static  intFOREACHLOOP
     Foreach-loops, of type ForeachLoop.
final public static  intFORLOOP
     For-loops, of type ForLoop.
final public static  intGE
final public static  intGT
final public static  intIDENT
     Simple identifiers, of type Ident.
final public static  intIF
     Conditional statements, of type If.
final public static  intIMPORT
     Import clauses, of type Import.
final public static  intINDEXED
     Indexed array expressions, of type Indexed.
final public static  intLABELLED
     Labelled statements, of type Labelled.
final public static  intLE
final public static  intLETEXPR
     A synthetic let expression, of type LetExpr.
final public static  intLITERAL
     Literals, of type Literal.
final public static  intLT
final public static  intMETHODDEF
     Method definitions, of type MethodDef.
final public static  intMINUS
final public static  intMINUS_ASG
final public static  intMOD
final public static  intMODIFIERS
final public static  intMOD_ASG
final public static  intMUL
final public static  intMUL_ASG
final public static  intNE
final public static  intNEG
final public static  intNEWARRAY
     Array creation expressions, of type NewArray.
final public static  intNEWCLASS
     Class instance creation expressions, of type NewClass.
final public static  intNOT
final public static  intNULLCHK
     unary operator for null reference checks, only used internally.
final public static  intOR
     Binary operators, of type Binary.
final public static  intPARENS
     Parenthesized subexpressions, of type Parens.
final public static  intPLUS
final public static  intPLUS_ASG
final public static  intPOS
     Unary operators, of type Unary.
final public static  intPOSTDEC
final public static  intPOSTINC
final public static  intPREDEC
final public static  intPREINC
final public static  intRETURN
     Return statements, of type Return.
final public static  intSELECT
     Selections, of type Select.
final public static  intSKIP
final public static  intSL
final public static  intSL_ASG
final public static  intSR
final public static  intSR_ASG
final public static  intSWITCH
     Switch statements, of type Switch.
final public static  intSYNCHRONIZED
     Synchronized statements, of type Synchonized.
final public static  intTHROW
     Throw statements, of type Throw.
final public static  intTOPLEVEL
     Toplevel nodes, of type TopLevel, representing entire source files.
final public static  intTRY
     Try statements, of type Try.
final public static  intTYPEAPPLY
     Parameterized types, of type TypeApply.
final public static  intTYPEARRAY
     Array types, of type TypeArray.
final public static  intTYPEBOUNDKIND
final public static  intTYPECAST
     Type cast expressions, of type TypeCast.
final public static  intTYPEIDENT
     Basic type identifiers, of type TypeIdent.
final public static  intTYPEPARAMETER
     Formal type parameters, of type TypeParameter.
final public static  intTYPETEST
     Type test expressions, of type TypeTest.
final public static  intUSR
final public static  intUSR_ASG
final public static  intVARDEF
     Variable definitions, of type VarDef.
final public static  intWHILELOOP
     While-loops, of type WhileLoop.
final public static  intWILDCARD
     Type argument.
public  intpos
public  Typetype

Method Summary
abstract public  voidaccept(Visitor v)
     Visit this tree with a given visitor.
abstract public  Raccept(TreeVisitor<R, D> v, D d)
public  Objectclone()
     Return a shallow copy of this tree.
public  intgetEndPosition(Map<JCTree, Integer> endPosTable)
public  intgetPreferredPosition()
public  intgetStartPosition()
abstract public  intgetTag()
public  JCTreegetTree()
public  DiagnosticPositionpos()
     Get a default position for this tree node.
public  JCTreesetPos(int pos)
     Set position field and return this tree.
public  JCTreesetType(Type type)
     Set type field and return this tree.
public  StringtoString()
     Convert a tree to a pretty-printed string.

Field Detail
final public static int AND(Code)

final public static int ANNOTATION(Code)
metadata: Annotation.

final public static int APPLY(Code)
Method invocation expressions, of type Apply.

final public static int ASGOffset(Code)
The offset between assignment operators and normal operators.

final public static int ASSERT(Code)
Assert statements, of type Assert.

final public static int ASSIGN(Code)
Assignment expressions, of type Assign.

final public static int BITAND(Code)

final public static int BITAND_ASG(Code)

final public static int BITOR(Code)

final public static int BITOR_ASG(Code)
Assignment operators, of type Assignop.

final public static int BITXOR(Code)

final public static int BITXOR_ASG(Code)

final public static int BLOCK(Code)
Blocks, of type Block.

final public static int BREAK(Code)
Break statements, of type Break.

final public static int CASE(Code)
Case parts in switch statements, of type Case.

final public static int CATCH(Code)
Catch clauses in try statements, of type Catch.

final public static int CLASSDEF(Code)
Class definitions, of type ClassDef.

final public static int COMPL(Code)

final public static int CONDEXPR(Code)
Conditional expressions, of type Conditional.

final public static int CONTINUE(Code)
Continue statements, of type Continue.

final public static int DIV(Code)

final public static int DIV_ASG(Code)

final public static int DOLOOP(Code)
Do-while loops, of type DoLoop.

final public static int EQ(Code)

final public static int ERRONEOUS(Code)
Error trees, of type Erroneous.

final public static int EXEC(Code)
Expression statements, of type Exec.

final public static int FOREACHLOOP(Code)
Foreach-loops, of type ForeachLoop.

final public static int FORLOOP(Code)
For-loops, of type ForLoop.

final public static int GE(Code)

final public static int GT(Code)

final public static int IDENT(Code)
Simple identifiers, of type Ident.

final public static int IF(Code)
Conditional statements, of type If.

final public static int IMPORT(Code)
Import clauses, of type Import.

final public static int INDEXED(Code)
Indexed array expressions, of type Indexed.

final public static int LABELLED(Code)
Labelled statements, of type Labelled.

final public static int LE(Code)

final public static int LETEXPR(Code)
A synthetic let expression, of type LetExpr.

final public static int LITERAL(Code)
Literals, of type Literal.

final public static int LT(Code)

final public static int METHODDEF(Code)
Method definitions, of type MethodDef.

final public static int MINUS(Code)

final public static int MINUS_ASG(Code)

final public static int MOD(Code)

final public static int MODIFIERS(Code)
metadata: Modifiers

final public static int MOD_ASG(Code)

final public static int MUL(Code)

final public static int MUL_ASG(Code)

final public static int NE(Code)

final public static int NEG(Code)

final public static int NEWARRAY(Code)
Array creation expressions, of type NewArray.

final public static int NEWCLASS(Code)
Class instance creation expressions, of type NewClass.

final public static int NOT(Code)

final public static int NULLCHK(Code)
unary operator for null reference checks, only used internally.

final public static int OR(Code)
Binary operators, of type Binary.

final public static int PARENS(Code)
Parenthesized subexpressions, of type Parens.

final public static int PLUS(Code)

final public static int PLUS_ASG(Code)

final public static int POS(Code)
Unary operators, of type Unary.

final public static int POSTDEC(Code)

final public static int POSTINC(Code)

final public static int PREDEC(Code)

final public static int PREINC(Code)

final public static int RETURN(Code)
Return statements, of type Return.

final public static int SELECT(Code)
Selections, of type Select.

final public static int SKIP(Code)
The no-op statement ";", of type Skip

final public static int SL(Code)

final public static int SL_ASG(Code)

final public static int SR(Code)

final public static int SR_ASG(Code)

final public static int SWITCH(Code)
Switch statements, of type Switch.

final public static int SYNCHRONIZED(Code)
Synchronized statements, of type Synchonized.

final public static int THROW(Code)
Throw statements, of type Throw.

final public static int TOPLEVEL(Code)
Toplevel nodes, of type TopLevel, representing entire source files.

final public static int TRY(Code)
Try statements, of type Try.

final public static int TYPEAPPLY(Code)
Parameterized types, of type TypeApply.

final public static int TYPEARRAY(Code)
Array types, of type TypeArray.

final public static int TYPEBOUNDKIND(Code)
Bound kind: extends, super, exact, or unbound

final public static int TYPECAST(Code)
Type cast expressions, of type TypeCast.

final public static int TYPEIDENT(Code)
Basic type identifiers, of type TypeIdent.

final public static int TYPEPARAMETER(Code)
Formal type parameters, of type TypeParameter.

final public static int TYPETEST(Code)
Type test expressions, of type TypeTest.

final public static int USR(Code)

final public static int USR_ASG(Code)

final public static int VARDEF(Code)
Variable definitions, of type VarDef.

final public static int WHILELOOP(Code)
While-loops, of type WhileLoop.

final public static int WILDCARD(Code)
Type argument.

public int pos(Code)

public Type type(Code)

Method Detail
abstract public void accept(Visitor v)(Code)
Visit this tree with a given visitor.

abstract public R accept(TreeVisitor<R, D> v, D d)(Code)

public Object clone()(Code)
Return a shallow copy of this tree.

public int getEndPosition(Map<JCTree, Integer> endPosTable)(Code)

public int getPreferredPosition()(Code)

public int getStartPosition()(Code)

abstract public int getTag()(Code)

public JCTree getTree()(Code)

public DiagnosticPosition pos()(Code)
Get a default position for this tree node.

public JCTree setPos(int pos)(Code)
Set position field and return this tree.

public JCTree setType(Type type)(Code)
Set type field and return this tree.

public String toString()(Code)
Convert a tree to a pretty-printed string.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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