Provides a Javatm API and a
command line interface (ME Key Tool)
to manage the public keys in the mobile equipment keystore.
The key tool imports keys from Javatm Standard Edition keystores
A J2SEtm keystore "jse_test_keystore.bin" is provided, it has the
public key of the most popular Internet certificate authority for test
purposes. Its password is "password". For example to see what is in the
keystore, use the J2SEtm
keytool as follows:
keytool -list -keystore j2se_test_keystore.bin -storepass password
For usage information on the MEKeyTool see:
HTTPS and Certificates
If you are using the HTTPS prototype API, you may have to install the public
key of a certificate authority (CA) into the mobile equipment public
keystore. MIDP includes the public key needed to verify VeriSign E-Commerce
certificates. However, to verify other certificates from VeriSign (such as
their trial certificates) and certificates from other CA's, their public keys
must be manually installed into the public keystore. To do so, follow these
Import the certificate of the CA that issued the certificate you want verify
into a Javatm 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) keystore using
the J2SEtm keytool command. Assign the certificate an appropriate
alias. (For testing without a CA, using a self signed server certificate,
just use the server's certificate as a CA certificate.) For example:
keytool -import -keystore keystore -storepass password
-file ca_cert.txt -alias httpsca
Import the public key of the CA from the J2SEtm keystore into the
MIDP public keystore by using the MEKeyTool. For example:
java -jar bin/MEKeyTool.jar -import -keystore keystore
-alias httpsca -storepass password
For usage information on the MEKeyTool, use the -help option.
(optional) Check the result by listing the keys in the public
keystore. For example:
java -jar bin/MEKeyTool.jar -list