Returns true if this TelURL is global i.e. if the TelURI
has a global phone user.
true if this TelURL represents a global phone user,and false otherwise.
Sets phone user of this TelURL to be either global or local. The default
value is false, hence the TelURL is defaulted to local.
Parameters: global - - the boolean value indicating if the TelURL has a globalphone user.
public void setIsdnSubAddress(String isdnSubAddress)(Code)
Sets ISDN subaddress of this TelURL. If a subaddress is present, it is
appended to the phone number after ";isub=".
Parameters: isdnSubAddress - - new value of the isdnSubAddressparameter
public void setPhoneNumber(String telephoneNumber)(Code)
Set the telephone number.
Parameters: telephoneNumber - -- long phone number to set.
Sets post dial of this TelURL. The post-dial sequence describes what and
when the local entity should send to the phone line.
Parameters: postDial - - new value of the postDial parameter