| java.lang.Object sun.net.NetworkClient sun.net.www.http.HttpClient
HttpClient | public class HttpClient extends NetworkClient (Code) | | version: 1.115, 08/30/01 author: Herb Jellinek author: Dave Brown |
cachedHttpClient | protected boolean cachedHttpClient(Code) | | |
failedOnce | boolean failedOnce(Code) | | |
httpPortNumber | final static int httpPortNumber(Code) | | Default port number for http daemons. TODO: make these private
keepAliveConnections | int keepAliveConnections(Code) | | |
keepAliveTimeout | int keepAliveTimeout(Code) | | Idle timeout value, in milliseconds. Zero means infinity,
iff keepingAlive=true.
Unfortunately, we can't always believe this one. If I'm connected
through a Netscape proxy to a server that sent me a keep-alive
time of 15 sec, the proxy unilaterally terminates my connection
after 5 sec. So we have to hard code our effective timeout to
4 sec for the case where we're using a proxy. *SIGH*
keepingAlive | volatile boolean keepingAlive(Code) | | |
proxyDisabled | protected boolean proxyDisabled(Code) | | |
proxyPort | public static int proxyPort(Code) | | |
reuse | public boolean reuse(Code) | | |
url | protected URL url(Code) | | Url being fetched.
usingProxy | public boolean usingProxy(Code) | | |
HttpClient | protected HttpClient()(Code) | | |
closeIdleConnection | public void closeIdleConnection()(Code) | | |
closeServer | public void closeServer()(Code) | | |
finished | public void finished()(Code) | | |
getDefaultPort | protected int getDefaultPort()(Code) | | return default port number (subclasses may override)
getHttpKeepAliveSet | public boolean getHttpKeepAliveSet()(Code) | | true iff http keep alive is set (i.e. enabled). Defaultsto true if the system property http.keepAlive isn't set. |
getKeepAliveTimeout | int getKeepAliveTimeout()(Code) | | |
getProxyHostUsed | public String getProxyHostUsed()(Code) | | the proxy host being used for this client, or nullif we're not going through a proxy |
getProxyPortUsed | public int getProxyPortUsed()(Code) | | the proxy port being used for this client. Meaninglessif getProxyHostUsed() gives null. |
isCachedConnection | public boolean isCachedConnection()(Code) | | |
isKeepingAlive | final public boolean isKeepingAlive()(Code) | | |
needsTunneling | public boolean needsTunneling()(Code) | | |
putInKeepAliveCache | protected synchronized void putInKeepAliveCache()(Code) | | |
resetProperties | public static synchronized void resetProperties()(Code) | | A NOP method kept for backwards binary compatibility