| Returns a list of the installed locales.
Parameters: key - A resource tag. Currently, this parameter is ignored. The obviousintent, however, is for getAvailableLocales() to return a list of only thoselocales that contain a resource with the specified resource tag.Before we implement this function this way, however, some thought should begiven to whether this is really the right thing to do. Because of the lookupalgorithm, a NumberFormat, for example, is "installed" for all locales. But ifwe're trying to put up a list of NumberFormats to choose from, we may want to seeonly a list of those locales that uniquely define a NumberFormat rather thaninheriting one from another locale. Thus, if fr and fr_CA uniquely defineNumberFormat data, but fr_BE doesn't, the user wouldn't see "French (Belgium)" inthe list and would go for "French (default)" instead. Of course, this means"English (United States)" would not be in the list, since it is the default locale.This might be okay, but might be confusing to some users. In addition, the other functions that call getAvailableLocales() don't currentlyall pass the right thing for "key," meaning that all of these functions should belooked at before anything is done to this function. We recommend that someone take some careful consideration of these issues beforemodifying this function to pay attention to the "key" parameter. --rtg 1/26/98 |