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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Modules » java 3d » com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp 
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public class OrbitBehavior extends ViewPlatformAWTBehavior (Code)
Moves the View around a point of interest when the mouse is dragged with a mouse button pressed. Includes rotation, zoom, and translation actions. Zooming can also be obtained by using mouse wheel.

This behavior must be added to the ViewingPlatform using the ViewingPlatform.setViewPlatformBehavior method.

The rotate action rotates the ViewPlatform around the point of interest when the mouse is moved with the main mouse button pressed. The rotation is in the direction of the mouse movement, with a default rotation of 0.01 radians for each pixel of mouse movement.

The zoom action moves the ViewPlatform closer to or further from the point of interest when the mouse is moved with the middle mouse button pressed (or Alt-main mouse button on systems without a middle mouse button). The default zoom action is to translate the ViewPlatform 0.01 units for each pixel of mouse movement. Moving the mouse up moves the ViewPlatform closer, moving the mouse down moves the ViewPlatform further away.

By default, the zoom action allows the ViewPlatform to move through the center of rotation to orbit at a negative radius. The STOP_ZOOM constructor flag will stop the ViewPlatform at a minimum radius from the center. The default minimum radius is 0.0 and can be set using the setMinRadius method.

The PROPORTIONAL_ZOOM constructor flag changes the zoom action to move the ViewPlatform proportional to its distance from the center of rotation. For this mode, the default action is to move the ViewPlatform by 1% of its distance from the center of rotation for each pixel of mouse movement.

The translate action translates the ViewPlatform when the mouse is moved with the right mouse button pressed (Shift-main mouse button on systems without a right mouse button). The translation is in the direction of the mouse movement, with a default translation of 0.01 units for each pixel of mouse movement.

The sensitivity of the actions can be scaled using the setActionFactor() methods which scale the default movement by the factor. The rotate and translate actions have separate factors for x and y.

The actions can be reversed using the REVERSE_ACTION constructor flags. The default action moves the ViewPlatform around the objects in the scene. The REVERSE_ACTION flags can make the objects in the scene appear to be moving in the direction of the mouse movement.

The actions can be disabled by either using the DISABLE_ACTION constructor flags or the setActionEnable methods.

The default center of rotation is (0, 0, 0) and can be set using the setRotationCenter() method.
   Java 3D 1.2.1

Field Summary
final public static  intDISABLE_ROTATE
final public static  intDISABLE_TRANSLATE
final public static  intDISABLE_ZOOM
final public static  intPROPORTIONAL_ZOOM
     Constructor flag to use proportional zoom, which determines how much you zoom based on view's distance from the center of rotation.
final public static  intREVERSE_ALL
final public static  intREVERSE_ROTATE
final public static  intREVERSE_TRANSLATE
final public static  intREVERSE_ZOOM
final public static  intSTOP_ZOOM
     Constructor flag that indicates zoom should stop when it reaches the minimum orbit radius set by setMinRadius().

Constructor Summary
public  OrbitBehavior()
     Parameterless constructor for this behavior.
public  OrbitBehavior(Canvas3D c)
public  OrbitBehavior(Canvas3D c, int flags)

Method Summary
public  voidMinRadius(Object[] r)
     Property which sets the minimum radius for the OrbitBehavior.
public  voidProportionalZoom(Object[] state)
     Property which sets proportional zoom behavior.
public  voidReverseRotate(Object[] state)
     Property which sets reverse rotate behavior.
public  voidReverseTranslate(Object[] state)
     Property which sets reverse translate behavior.
public  voidReverseZoom(Object[] state)
     Property which sets reverse zoom behavior.
public  voidRotFactors(Object[] factors)
     Property which sets the rotation x and y factors.
public  voidRotXFactor(Object[] xFactor)
     Property which sets the rotation x factor.
public  voidRotYFactor(Object[] yFactor)
     Property which sets the rotation y factor.
public  voidRotateEnable(Object[] enabled)
     Property which enables or disables rotation.
public  voidRotationCenter(Object[] center)
     Property which sets the center around which the View rotates.
public  voidTransFactors(Object[] factors)
     Property which sets the translation x and y factors.
public  voidTransXFactor(Object[] xFactor)
     Property which sets the translation x factor.
public  voidTransYFactor(Object[] yFactor)
     Property which sets the translation y factor.
public  voidTranslateEnable(Object[] enabled)
     Property which enables or disables translate.
public  voidZoomEnable(Object[] enabled)
     Property which enables or disables zoom.
public  voidZoomFactor(Object[] zFactor)
     Property which sets the zoom factor.
public  doublegetMinRadius()
     Returns the minimum orbit radius.
public  doublegetRotXFactor()
public  doublegetRotYFactor()
public  booleangetRotateEnable()
public  voidgetRotationCenter(Point3d center)
     Places the value of the center around which the View rotates into the Point3d.
public  doublegetTransXFactor()
public  doublegetTransYFactor()
public  booleangetTranslateEnable()
public  booleangetZoomEnable()
public  doublegetZoomFactor()
protected synchronized  voidintegrateTransforms()
protected synchronized  voidprocessAWTEvents(AWTEvent[] events)
protected  voidprocessMouseEvent(MouseEvent evt)
 booleanrotate(MouseEvent evt)
public synchronized  voidsetMinRadius(double r)
     Sets the minimum radius for the OrbitBehavior.
public synchronized  voidsetProportionalZoom(boolean state)
     Set proportional zoom behavior.
public  voidsetReverseRotate(boolean state)
     Set reverse rotate behavior.
public  voidsetReverseTranslate(boolean state)
     Set reverse translate behavior.
public  voidsetReverseZoom(boolean state)
     Set reverse zoom behavior.
public synchronized  voidsetRotFactors(double xfactor, double yfactor)
     Sets the rotation x and y factors.
public synchronized  voidsetRotXFactor(double xfactor)
     Sets the rotation x factor.
public synchronized  voidsetRotYFactor(double yfactor)
     Sets the rotation y factor.
public synchronized  voidsetRotateEnable(boolean enabled)
     Enables or disables rotation.
public synchronized  voidsetRotationCenter(Point3d center)
     Sets the center around which the View rotates.
public synchronized  voidsetTransFactors(double xfactor, double yfactor)
     Sets the translation x and y factors.
public synchronized  voidsetTransXFactor(double xfactor)
     Sets the translation x factor.
public synchronized  voidsetTransYFactor(double yfactor)
     Sets the translation y factor.
public synchronized  voidsetTranslateEnable(boolean enabled)
     Enables or disables translate.
public  voidsetViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)
     Sets the ViewingPlatform for this behavior.
public synchronized  voidsetZoomEnable(boolean enabled)
     Enables or disables zoom.
public synchronized  voidsetZoomFactor(double zfactor)
     Sets the zoom factor.
 booleantranslate(MouseEvent evt)
 booleanzoom(MouseEvent evt)

Field Detail
final public static int DISABLE_ROTATE(Code)
Constructor flag to disable rotate

final public static int DISABLE_TRANSLATE(Code)
Constructor flag to disable translate

final public static int DISABLE_ZOOM(Code)
Constructor flag to disable zoom

final public static int PROPORTIONAL_ZOOM(Code)
Constructor flag to use proportional zoom, which determines how much you zoom based on view's distance from the center of rotation. The percentage of distance that the viewer zooms is determined by the zoom factor.

final public static int REVERSE_ALL(Code)
Constructor flag to reverse all the behaviors

final public static int REVERSE_ROTATE(Code)
Constructor flag to reverse the rotate behavior

final public static int REVERSE_TRANSLATE(Code)
Constructor flag to reverse the translate behavior

final public static int REVERSE_ZOOM(Code)
Constructor flag to reverse the zoom behavior

final public static int STOP_ZOOM(Code)
Constructor flag that indicates zoom should stop when it reaches the minimum orbit radius set by setMinRadius(). The minimus radius default is 0.0.

Constructor Detail
public OrbitBehavior()(Code)
Parameterless constructor for this behavior. This is intended for use by ConfiguredUniverse, which requires such a constructor for configurable behaviors. The Canvas3D used to listen for mouse and mouse motion events is obtained from the superclass setViewingPlatform() method.
   Java 3D 1.3

public OrbitBehavior(Canvas3D c)(Code)
Creates a new OrbitBehavior
  c - The Canvas3D to add the behavior to

public OrbitBehavior(Canvas3D c, int flags)(Code)
Creates a new OrbitBehavior
  c - The Canvas3D to add the behavior to
  flags - The option flags

Method Detail
public void MinRadius(Object[] r)(Code)
Property which sets the minimum radius for the OrbitBehavior. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  r - array of length 1 containing instance of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void ProportionalZoom(Object[] state)(Code)
Property which sets proportional zoom behavior. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  state - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void ReverseRotate(Object[] state)(Code)
Property which sets reverse rotate behavior. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  state - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void ReverseTranslate(Object[] state)(Code)
Property which sets reverse translate behavior. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  state - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void ReverseZoom(Object[] state)(Code)
Property which sets reverse zoom behavior. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  state - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void RotFactors(Object[] factors)(Code)
Property which sets the rotation x and y factors. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  factors - array of length 2 containing instances of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void RotXFactor(Object[] xFactor)(Code)
Property which sets the rotation x factor. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  xFactor - array of length 1 containing instance of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void RotYFactor(Object[] yFactor)(Code)
Property which sets the rotation y factor. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  yFactor - array of length 1 containing instance of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void RotateEnable(Object[] enabled)(Code)
Property which enables or disables rotation. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  enabled - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void RotationCenter(Object[] center)(Code)
Property which sets the center around which the View rotates. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  center - array of length 1 containing an instance of Point3d
   Java 3D 1.3

public void TransFactors(Object[] factors)(Code)
Property which sets the translation x and y factors. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  factors - array of length 2 containing instances of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void TransXFactor(Object[] xFactor)(Code)
Property which sets the translation x factor. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  xFactor - array of length 1 containing instance of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void TransYFactor(Object[] yFactor)(Code)
Property which sets the translation y factor. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  yFactor - array of length 1 containing instance of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public void TranslateEnable(Object[] enabled)(Code)
Property which enables or disables translate. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  enabled - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void ZoomEnable(Object[] enabled)(Code)
Property which enables or disables zoom. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  enabled - array of length 1 containing instance of Boolean
   Java 3D 1.3

public void ZoomFactor(Object[] zFactor)(Code)
Property which sets the zoom factor. Used by ConfiguredUniverse.
  zFactor - array of length 1 containing instance of Double
   Java 3D 1.3

public double getMinRadius()(Code)
Returns the minimum orbit radius. The zoom will stop at this distance from the center of rotation if the STOP_ZOOM constructor flag is set. the minimum radius

public double getRotXFactor()(Code)
Returns the x rotation movement multiplier The movement multiplier for x rotation

public double getRotYFactor()(Code)
Returns the y rotation movement multiplier The movement multiplier for y rotation

public boolean getRotateEnable()(Code)
Retrieves the state of rotate enabled the rotate enable state

public void getRotationCenter(Point3d center)(Code)
Places the value of the center around which the View rotates into the Point3d.
  center - The Point3d

public double getTransXFactor()(Code)
Returns the x translation movement multiplier The movement multiplier for x translation

public double getTransYFactor()(Code)
Returns the y translation movement multiplier The movement multiplier for y translation

public boolean getTranslateEnable()(Code)
Retrieves the state of translate enabled the translate enable state

public boolean getZoomEnable()(Code)
Retrieves the state of zoom enabled the zoom enable state

public double getZoomFactor()(Code)
Returns the zoom movement multiplier The movement multiplier for zoom

protected synchronized void integrateTransforms()(Code)

protected synchronized void processAWTEvents(AWTEvent[] events)(Code)

protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent evt)(Code)

boolean rotate(MouseEvent evt)(Code)

public synchronized void setMinRadius(double r)(Code)
Sets the minimum radius for the OrbitBehavior. The zoom will stop at this distance from the center of rotation. The default is 0.0. The minimum will have no affect if the STOP_ZOOM constructor flag is not set.
  r - the minimum radius
  IllegalArgumentException - if the radius is less than 0.0

public synchronized void setProportionalZoom(boolean state)(Code)
Set proportional zoom behavior. The default is false.
  state - if true, use proportional zoom behavior
   Java 3D 1.3

public void setReverseRotate(boolean state)(Code)
Set reverse rotate behavior. The default is false.
  state - if true, reverse rotate behavior
   Java 3D 1.3

public void setReverseTranslate(boolean state)(Code)
Set reverse translate behavior. The default is false.
  state - if true, reverse translate behavior
   Java 3D 1.3

public void setReverseZoom(boolean state)(Code)
Set reverse zoom behavior. The default is false.
  state - if true, reverse zoom behavior
   Java 3D 1.3

public synchronized void setRotFactors(double xfactor, double yfactor)(Code)
Sets the rotation x and y factors. The factors are used to determine how many radians to rotate the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is rotated factor * 0.01 radians for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  xfactor - The x movement multiplier
  yfactor - The y movement multiplier

public synchronized void setRotXFactor(double xfactor)(Code)
Sets the rotation x factor. The factors are used to determine how many radians to rotate the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is rotated factor * 0.01 radians for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  xfactor - The x movement multiplier

public synchronized void setRotYFactor(double yfactor)(Code)
Sets the rotation y factor. The factors are used to determine how many radians to rotate the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is rotated factor * 0.01 radians for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  yfactor - The y movement multiplier

public synchronized void setRotateEnable(boolean enabled)(Code)
Enables or disables rotation. The default is true.
  enabled - true or false to enable or disable rotate

public synchronized void setRotationCenter(Point3d center)(Code)
Sets the center around which the View rotates. The default is (0,0,0).
  center - The Point3d to set the center of rotation to

public synchronized void setTransFactors(double xfactor, double yfactor)(Code)
Sets the translation x and y factors. The factors are used to determine how many units to translate the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is translated factor * 0.01 units for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  xfactor - The x movement multiplier
  yfactor - The y movement multiplier

public synchronized void setTransXFactor(double xfactor)(Code)
Sets the translation x factor. The factors are used to determine how many units to translate the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is translated factor * 0.01 units for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  xfactor - The x movement multiplier

public synchronized void setTransYFactor(double yfactor)(Code)
Sets the translation y factor. The factors are used to determine how many units to translate the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is translated factor * 0.01 units for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  yfactor - The y movement multiplier

public synchronized void setTranslateEnable(boolean enabled)(Code)
Enables or disables translate. The default is true.
  enabled - true or false to enable or disable translate

public void setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)(Code)
Sets the ViewingPlatform for this behavior. This method is called by the ViewingPlatform. If a sub-calls overrides this method, it must call super.setViewingPlatform(vp). NOTE: Applications should not call this method.

public synchronized void setZoomEnable(boolean enabled)(Code)
Enables or disables zoom. The default is true.
  enabled - true or false to enable or disable zoom

public synchronized void setZoomFactor(double zfactor)(Code)
Sets the zoom factor. The factor is used to determine how many units to zoom the view for each pixel of mouse movement. The view is zoomed factor * 0.01 units for each pixel of mouse movement. For proportional zoom, the view is zoomed factor * 1% of the distance from the center of rotation for each pixel of mouse movement. The default factor is 1.0.
  zfactor - The movement multiplier

boolean translate(MouseEvent evt)(Code)

boolean zoom(MouseEvent evt)(Code)

Fields inherited from com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.ViewPlatformAWTBehavior
final public static int KEY_LISTENER(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int MOUSE_LISTENER(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int MOUSE_MOTION_LISTENER(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int MOUSE_WHEEL_LISTENER(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static int POST_ID(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Canvas3D canvases(Code)(Java Doc)
protected WakeupOnElapsedFrames frameWakeup(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean motion(Code)(Java Doc)
protected WakeupOnBehaviorPost postWakeup(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Transform3D targetTransform(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.ViewPlatformAWTBehavior
public void initialize()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void integrateTransforms()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void keyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void mouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void processAWTEvents(java.awt.AWTEvent[] events)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void processStimulus(java.util.Enumeration behEnum)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void queueAWTEvent(AWTEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setEnable(boolean state)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setListenerFlags(int listenerFlags)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.ViewPlatformBehavior
protected Transform3D homeTransform(Code)(Java Doc)
protected TransformGroup targetTG(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ViewingPlatform vp(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.ViewPlatformBehavior
public void getHomeTransform(Transform3D home)(Code)(Java Doc)
public ViewingPlatform getViewingPlatform()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void goHome()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setHomeTransform(Transform3D home)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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