| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.ClientTubeAssemblerContext
All known Subclasses: com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.ClientPipeAssemblerContext,
ClientTubeAssemblerContext | public class ClientTubeAssemblerContext (Code) | | Factory for well-known
Tube implementations
that the
TubelineAssembler needs to use
to satisfy JAX-WS requirements.
author: Jitendra Kotamraju |
Constructor Summary | |
public | ClientTubeAssemblerContext(EndpointAddress address, WSDLPort wsdlModel, WSService rootOwner, WSBinding binding) | public | ClientTubeAssemblerContext(EndpointAddress address, WSDLPort wsdlModel, WSService rootOwner, WSBinding binding, Container container) | public | ClientTubeAssemblerContext(EndpointAddress address, WSDLPort wsdlModel, WSService rootOwner, WSBinding binding, Container container, Codec codec) | public | ClientTubeAssemblerContext(EndpointAddress address, WSDLPort wsdlModel, WSService rootOwner, WSBinding binding, Container container, Codec codec, SEIModel seiModel) |
createClientMUTube | public Tube createClientMUTube(Tube next)(Code) | | Creates a
Tube that performs SOAP mustUnderstand processing.
This pipe should be before HandlerPipes.
createHandlerTube | public Tube createHandlerTube(Tube next)(Code) | | Creates a
Tube that invokes protocol and logical handlers.
createSecurityTube | public Tube createSecurityTube(Tube next)(Code) | | Creates a
Tube that adds container specific security
createTransportTube | public Tube createTransportTube()(Code) | | Creates a transport pipe (for client), which becomes the terminal pipe.
createWsaTube | public Tube createWsaTube(Tube next)(Code) | | Creates a
Tube that invokes protocol and logical handlers.
getBinding | public WSBinding getBinding()(Code) | | The binding of the new pipeline to be created.
getContainer | public Container getContainer()(Code) | | Returns the Container in which the client is running
Container in which client is running |
getSEIModel | public SEIModel getSEIModel()(Code) | | The created pipeline will use seiModel to get java concepts for the endpoint
Null if the service doesn't have SEI model e.g. Dispatch,and otherwise non-null. |
getWsdlModel | public WSDLPort getWsdlModel()(Code) | | The created pipeline will be used to serve this port.
Null if the service isn't associated with any port definition in WSDL,
and otherwise non-null.
setCodec | public void setCodec(Codec codec)(Code) | | Interception point to change
Codec during
Tube line assembly. The
new codec will be used by jax-ws client runtime for encoding/decoding web service
request/response messages. The new codec should be used by the transport tubes.
the codec should correctly implement
Codec.copy since it is used while
serving requests concurrently.
Parameters: codec - codec to be used for web service requests |