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abstract public class WSEndpoint (Code)
Root object that hosts the Packet processing code at the server.

One instance of WSEndpoint is created for each deployed service endpoint. A hosted service usually handles multiple concurrent requests. To do this efficiently, an endpoint handles incoming Packet through PipeHead s, where many copies can be created for each endpoint.

Each PipeHead is thread-unsafe, and request needs to be serialized. A PipeHead represents a sizable resource (in particular a whole pipeline), so the caller is expected to reuse them and avoid excessive allocations as much as possible. Making PipeHead s thread-unsafe allow the JAX-WS RI internal to tie thread-local resources to PipeHead , and reduce the total resource management overhead.

To abbreviate this resource management (and for a few other reasons), JAX-WS RI provides Adapter class. If you are hosting a JAX-WS service, you'll most likely want to send requests to WSEndpoint through Adapter .

WSEndpoint is ready to handle Packet s as soon as it's created. No separate post-initialization step is necessary. However, to comply with the JAX-WS spec requirement, the caller is expected to call the WSEndpoint.dispose() method to allow an orderly shut-down of a hosted service.

Objects Exposed From Endpoint

WSEndpoint exposes a series of information that represents how an endpoint is configured to host a service. See the getXXX methods for more details.

Implementation Notes

WSEndpoint owns a WSWebServiceContext implementation. But a bulk of the work is delegated to WebServiceContextDelegate , which is passed in as a parameter to PipeHead.process(PacketWebServiceContextDelegateTransportBackChannel) .
   Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Inner Class :public interface CompletionCallback
Inner Class :public interface PipeHead

Method Summary
public static  WSEndpoint<T>create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, Invoker invoker, QName serviceName, QName portName, Container container, WSBinding binding, SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous)
     Creates an endpoint from deployment or programmatic configuration

This method works like the following:

  1. ServiceDefinition is modeleed from the given SEI type.
  2. Invoker that always serves implementationObject will be used.

  implType - Endpoint class(not SEI).
public static  WSEndpoint<T>create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, Invoker invoker, QName serviceName, QName portName, Container container, WSBinding binding, SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, EntityResolver resolver)
public static  WSEndpoint<T>create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, Invoker invoker, QName serviceName, QName portName, Container container, WSBinding binding, SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, URL catalogUrl)
     The same as WSEndpoint.create(Class,boolean,Invoker,QName,QName,Container,WSBinding,SDDocumentSource,Collection,EntityResolver) except that this version takes an url of the jax-ws-catalog.xml.
abstract public  CodeccreateCodec()
     Gets the Endpoint's codec that is used to encode/decode Message s.
abstract public  PipeHeadcreatePipeHead()
     Creates a new PipeHead to process incoming requests.

This is not a cheap operation.

abstract public  voiddispose()
     Indicates that the WSEndpoint is about to be turned off, and will no longer serve any packet anymore.
abstract public  WSBindinggetBinding()
     Represents the binding for which this WSEndpoint is created for.
abstract public  Set<EndpointComponent>getComponentRegistry()
     Gets the list of EndpointComponent that are associated with this endpoint.
abstract public  ContainergetContainer()
     Gets the Container object.

The components inside WSEndpoint uses this reference to communicate with the hosting environment. always same object.

public static  QNamegetDefaultPortName(QName serviceName, Class endpointClass)
public static  QNamegetDefaultServiceName(Class endpointClass)
abstract public  Class<T>getImplementationClass()
     Gets the application endpoint Class that eventually serves the request.
abstract public  WSDLPortgetPort()
     Gets the port that this endpoint is serving.

A service is not required to have a WSDL, and when it doesn't, this method returns null.

abstract public  QNamegetPortName()
     Gets the application endpoint's portName.
abstract public  SEIModelgetSEIModel()
     Gets the that represents the relationship between WSDL and Java SEI.

This method returns a non-null value if and only if this endpoint is ultimately serving an application through an SEI. maybe null.

abstract public  ServiceDefinitiongetServiceDefinition()
     Gets the description of the service.
abstract public  QNamegetServiceName()
     Gets the application endpoint's serviceName.
final public  voidschedule(Packet request, CompletionCallback callback)
     This method takes a Packet that represents a request, run it through a Tube line, eventually pass it to the user implementation code, which produces a reply, then run that through the tubeline again, and eventually return it as a return value through CompletionCallback .

This takes care of pooling of Tube lines and reuses tubeline for requests.

abstract public  voidschedule(Packet request, CompletionCallback callback, FiberContextSwitchInterceptor interceptor)
     Schedule invocation of web service asynchronously.
abstract public  voidsetExecutor(Executor exec)
     Set this Executor to run asynchronous requests using this executor.

Method Detail
public static WSEndpoint<T> create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, Invoker invoker, QName serviceName, QName portName, Container container, WSBinding binding, SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous)(Code)
Creates an endpoint from deployment or programmatic configuration

This method works like the following:

  1. ServiceDefinition is modeleed from the given SEI type.
  2. Invoker that always serves implementationObject will be used.

  implType - Endpoint class(not SEI). Enpoint class must have @WebService or @WebServiceProviderannotation.
  processHandlerAnnotation - Flag to control processing of @HandlerChain on Impl classif true, processes @HandlerChain on Implif false, DD might have set HandlerChain no need to parse.
  invoker - Pass an object to invoke the actual endpoint object. If it is null, a defaultinvoker is created using InstanceResolver.createDefault. Appserverscould create its own invoker to do additional functions like transactions,invoking the endpoint through proxy etc.
  serviceName - Optional service name(may be from DD) to override the one given by theimplementation class. If it is null, it will be derived from annotations.
  portName - Optional port name(may be from DD) to override the one given by theimplementation class. If it is null, it will be derived from annotations.
  container - Allows technologies that are built on top of JAX-WS(such as WSIT) needs tonegotiate private contracts between them and the container
  binding - JAX-WS implementation of Binding. This object can be created byBindingID.createBinding. Usually the binding can be got fromDD, DD has a configuration for MTOM threshold.Maybe we need something more generic so that other technologieslike Tango can get information from DD.TODO: does it really make sense for this to take EntityResolver?Given that all metadata has to be given as a list anyway.
  primaryWsdl - The ServiceDefinition.getPrimary primary WSDL.If null, it'll be generated based on the SEI (if this is an SEI)or no WSDL is associated (if it's a provider.)TODO: shouldn't the implementation find this from the metadata list?
  metadata - Other documents that become SDDocuments. Can be null.
  resolver - Optional resolver used to de-reference resources referenced fromWSDL. Must be null if the url is null.
  isTransportSynchronous - If the caller knows that the returned WSEndpoint is going to beused by a synchronous-only transport, then it may pass in trueto allow the callee to perform an optimization based on that knowledge(since often synchronous version is cheaper than an asynchronous version.)This value is visible from ServerTubeAssemblerContext.isSynchronous. newly constructed WSEndpoint.
  WebServiceException - if the endpoint set up fails.

public static WSEndpoint<T> create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, Invoker invoker, QName serviceName, QName portName, Container container, WSBinding binding, SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, EntityResolver resolver)(Code)
Deprecated version that assumes isTransportSynchronous==false

public static WSEndpoint<T> create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, Invoker invoker, QName serviceName, QName portName, Container container, WSBinding binding, SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, URL catalogUrl)(Code)
The same as WSEndpoint.create(Class,boolean,Invoker,QName,QName,Container,WSBinding,SDDocumentSource,Collection,EntityResolver) except that this version takes an url of the jax-ws-catalog.xml.
  catalogUrl - if not null, an EntityResolver is created from it and used.otherwise no resolution will be performed.

abstract public Codec createCodec()(Code)
Gets the Endpoint's codec that is used to encode/decode Message s. This is a copy of the master codec and it shouldn't be shared across two requests running concurrently(unless it is stateless). codec to encode/decode

abstract public PipeHead createPipeHead()(Code)
Creates a new PipeHead to process incoming requests.

This is not a cheap operation. The caller is expected to reuse the returned PipeHead . See WSEndpoint class javadoc for details. A newly created PipeHead that's ready to serve.

abstract public void dispose()(Code)
Indicates that the WSEndpoint is about to be turned off, and will no longer serve any packet anymore.

This method needs to be invoked for the JAX-WS RI to correctly implement some of the spec semantics (TODO: pointer.) It's the responsibility of the code that hosts a WSEndpoint to invoke this method.

Once this method is called, the behavior is undefed for all in-progress PipeHead.process methods (by other threads) and future PipeHead.process method invocations.

abstract public WSBinding getBinding()(Code)
Represents the binding for which this WSEndpoint is created for. always same object.

abstract public Set<EndpointComponent> getComponentRegistry()(Code)
Gets the list of EndpointComponent that are associated with this endpoint.

Components (such as codec, tube, handler, etc) who wish to provide some service to other components in the endpoint can iterate the registry and call its EndpointComponent.getSPI(Class) to establish a private contract between components.

Components who wish to subscribe to such a service can add itself to this set. always return the same set.

abstract public Container getContainer()(Code)
Gets the Container object.

The components inside WSEndpoint uses this reference to communicate with the hosting environment. always same object. If no "real" Container instanceis given, Container.NONE will be returned.

public static QName getDefaultPortName(QName serviceName, Class endpointClass)(Code)
Gives the wsdl:service/wsdl:port default name computed from the endpoint implementaiton class

public static QName getDefaultServiceName(Class endpointClass)(Code)
Gives the wsdl:service default name computed from the endpoint implementaiton class

abstract public Class<T> getImplementationClass()(Code)
Gets the application endpoint Class that eventually serves the request.

This is the same value given to the WSEndpoint.create method.

abstract public WSDLPort getPort()(Code)
Gets the port that this endpoint is serving.

A service is not required to have a WSDL, and when it doesn't, this method returns null. Otherwise it returns an object that describes the port that this WSEndpoint is serving. Possibly null, but always the same value.

abstract public QName getPortName()(Code)
Gets the application endpoint's portName. It could be got from DD or annotations same as wsdl:port QName if WSDL exists or generated

abstract public SEIModel getSEIModel()(Code)
Gets the that represents the relationship between WSDL and Java SEI.

This method returns a non-null value if and only if this endpoint is ultimately serving an application through an SEI. maybe null. See above for more discussion.Always the same value.

abstract public ServiceDefinition getServiceDefinition()(Code)
Gets the description of the service.

A description is a set of WSDL/schema and other documents that together describes a service. A service is not required to have a description, and when it doesn't, this method returns null. Possibly null, but always the same value.

abstract public QName getServiceName()(Code)
Gets the application endpoint's serviceName. It could be got from DD or annotations same as wsdl:service QName if WSDL exists or generated

final public void schedule(Packet request, CompletionCallback callback)(Code)
This method takes a Packet that represents a request, run it through a Tube line, eventually pass it to the user implementation code, which produces a reply, then run that through the tubeline again, and eventually return it as a return value through CompletionCallback .

This takes care of pooling of Tube lines and reuses tubeline for requests. Same instance of tubeline is not used concurrently for two requests.

If the transport is capable of asynchronous execution, use this instead of using PipeHead.process .

Before calling this method, set the executor using WSEndpoint.setExecutor . The executor may used multiple times to run this request in a asynchronous fashion. The calling thread will be returned immediately, and the callback will be called in a different a thread.

Packet.transportBackChannel should have the correct value, so that one-way message processing happens correctly. Packet.webServiceContextDelegate should have the correct value, so that some WebServiceContext methods correctly.
See Also:    Packet.transportBackChannel
See Also:    Packet.webServiceContextDelegate
  request - web service request
  callback - callback to get response packet

abstract public void schedule(Packet request, CompletionCallback callback, FiberContextSwitchInterceptor interceptor)(Code)
Schedule invocation of web service asynchronously.
See Also:    WSEndpoint.schedule(Packet,CompletionCallback)
  request - web service request
  callback - callback to get response packet(exception if there is one)
  interceptor - caller's interceptor to impose a context of execution

abstract public void setExecutor(Executor exec)(Code)
Set this Executor to run asynchronous requests using this executor. This executor is set on Engine and must be set before calling WSEndpoint.schedule(Packet,CompletionCallback) and WSEndpoint.schedule(Packet,CompletionCallback,FiberContextSwitchInterceptor) methods.
  exec - Executor to run async requests

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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