| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.ws.api.streaming.XMLStreamReaderFactory
All known Subclasses: com.sun.xml.ws.encoding.fastinfoset.FastInfosetStreamReaderRecyclable, com.sun.xml.ws.encoding.fastinfoset.FastInfosetStreamReaderFactory, com.sun.xml.ws.util.xml.XMLStreamReaderFilter,
Inner Class :public interface RecycleAware | |
Inner Class :final public static class Default extends NoLock | |
Inner Class :final public static class Woodstox extends NoLock | |
Method Summary | |
public static XMLStreamReader | create(InputSource source, boolean rejectDTDs) | public static XMLStreamReader | create(String systemId, InputStream in, boolean rejectDTDs) | public static XMLStreamReader | create(String systemId, InputStream in, String encoding, boolean rejectDTDs) | public static XMLStreamReader | create(String systemId, Reader reader, boolean rejectDTDs) | abstract public XMLStreamReader | doCreate(String systemId, InputStream in, boolean rejectDTDs) | abstract public XMLStreamReader | doCreate(String systemId, Reader reader, boolean rejectDTDs) | abstract public void | doRecycle(XMLStreamReader r) | public static XMLStreamReaderFactory | get() | public static void | recycle(XMLStreamReader r) Should be invoked when the code finished using an
XMLStreamReader .
If the recycled instance implements
RecycleAware ,
RecycleAware.onRecycled will be invoked to let the instance
know that it's being recycled.
It is not a hard requirement to call this method on every
XMLStreamReader instance. | public static void | set(XMLStreamReaderFactory f) Overrides the singleton
XMLStreamReaderFactory instance that
the JAX-WS RI uses. |
recycle | public static void recycle(XMLStreamReader r)(Code) | | Should be invoked when the code finished using an
XMLStreamReader .
If the recycled instance implements
RecycleAware ,
RecycleAware.onRecycled will be invoked to let the instance
know that it's being recycled.
It is not a hard requirement to call this method on every
XMLStreamReader instance. Not doing so just reduces the performance by throwing away
possibly reusable instances. So the caller should always consider the effort
it takes to recycle vs the possible performance gain by doing so.
This method may be invked by multiple threads concurrently.
Parameters: r - The XMLStreamReader instance that the caller finished using.This could be any XMLStreamReader implementation, not justthe ones that were created from this factory. So the implementationof this class needs to be aware of that. |