| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.ws.resources.ProviderApiMessages
ProviderApiMessages | final public class ProviderApiMessages (Code) | | Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
NOTFOUND_PORT_IN_WSDL | public static String NOTFOUND_PORT_IN_WSDL(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)(Code) | | Port: {0} not a valid port in Service: {1} in WSDL: {2}
NOTFOUND_SERVICE_IN_WSDL | public static String NOTFOUND_SERVICE_IN_WSDL(Object arg0, Object arg1)(Code) | | Service: {0} not found in WSDL: {1}
NULL_ADDRESS | public static String NULL_ADDRESS()(Code) | | Address in an EPR cannot be null
NULL_ADDRESS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT | public static String NULL_ADDRESS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT()(Code) | | Address in an EPR cannot be null, when serviceName or portName is null
NULL_EPR | public static String NULL_EPR()(Code) | | EndpointReference is null
NULL_PORTNAME | public static String NULL_PORTNAME()(Code) | | EPR does n't have EndpointName in the Metadata
NULL_SERVICE | public static String NULL_SERVICE()(Code) | | serviceName can't be null when portName is specified
NULL_WSDL | public static String NULL_WSDL()(Code) | | EPR does n't have WSDL Metadata which is needed for the current operation
localizableNULL_ADDRESS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT | public static Localizable localizableNULL_ADDRESS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT()(Code) | | |