| com.sun.xml.bind.v2.schemagen.Form
Form | enum Form (Code) | | Represents the form default value.
author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi |
Constructor Summary | |
| Form(XmlNsForm xnf, boolean effectivelyQualified) |
QUALIFIED | Enum Constant QUALIFIED(Code) | | |
UNQUALIFIED | Enum Constant UNQUALIFIED(Code) | | |
UNSET | Enum Constant UNSET(Code) | | |
isEffectivelyQualified | final public boolean isEffectivelyQualified(Code) | | What's the effective value? UNSET means unqualified per XSD spec.)
declare | abstract void declare(String attName, Schema schema)(Code) | | Writes the attribute on the generated <schema> element.
writeForm | public void writeForm(LocalElement e, QName tagName)(Code) | | Given the effective 'form' value, write (or suppress) the @form attribute
on the generated XML.