| |
| java.lang.Object org.kohsuke.rngom.digested.DPattern org.kohsuke.rngom.digested.DDataPattern
DDataPattern | public class DDataPattern extends DPattern (Code) | | author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kk@kohsuke.org) |
Inner Class :final public class Param | |
getDatatypeLibrary | public String getDatatypeLibrary()(Code) | | Gets the datatype library URI.
Can be empty (which represents the built-in datatypes), but never null. |
getExcept | public DPattern getExcept()(Code) | | Gets the pattern that reprsents the <except> child of this data pattern.
null if not exist. |
getParams | public List<Param> getParams()(Code) | | Gets the parameters of this <data pattern.
can be empty but never null. |
getType | public String getType()(Code) | | Gets the datatype name, such as "int" or "token".
never null. |
isNullable | public boolean isNullable()(Code) | | |